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Natural history collections are an invaluable resource housing a wealth of knowledge with a long tradition of contributing to a wide range of fields such as taxonomy, quarantine, conservation and climate change. It is recognized however [Smith and Blagoderov 2012] that such physical collections are often heavily underutilized as a result of the practical issues of accessibility. The digitization of these collections is a step towards removing these access issues, but other hurdles must be addressed before we truly unlock the potential of this knowledge.


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The early and accurate assessment of burns is essential to inform patient treatment regimens; however, this first critical step in clinical practice remains a challenge for specialist burns clinicians worldwide. In this regard, protein biomarkers are a potential adjunct diagnostic tool to assist experienced clinical judgement. Free circulating haemoglobin has previously shown some promise as an indicator of burn depth in a murine animal model. Using blister fluid collected from paediatric burn patients, haemoglobin abundance was measured using semi-quantitative Western blot and immunoassays. Although a trend was observed in which haemoglobin abundance increased with burn wound severity, several patient samples deviated significantly from this trend. Further, it was found that haemoglobin concentration decreased significantly when whole cells, cell debris and fibrinous matrix was removed from the blister fluid by centrifugation; although the relationship to depth was still present. Statistical analyses showed that haemoglobin abundance in the fluid was more strongly related to the time between injury and sample collection and the time taken for spontaneous re-epithelialisation. We hypothesise that prolonged exposure to the blister fluid microenvironment may result in an increased haemoglobin abundance due to erythrocyte lysis, and delayed wound healing


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Understanding the ways in which teachers make sense of what they do and why is critical to a broader understanding of pedagogy. Historically, teachers have been understood through the thematic and content analysis of their beliefs or philosophies. In this paper, we argue that discourse analysis (DA) involves a much finer-grained analysis of the ‘lifeworlds’ of teachers and, in our view, provides a more detailed canvas from which inferences can be made. Our argument is structured in four parts. We begin by locating DA within the physical education (PE) literature and discuss what others have referred to as its relatively modest use. Following our location of DA, we outline a conceptual framework that we regard as useful, which contains six interrelated principles. We then introduce the idea of interpretive repertoires, which we consider to have particular explanatory power as well as being a sophisticated way to represent the subjectivities of PE teachers. Finally, we discuss the methodological strengths of interpretive repertoires. The paper concludes with a discussion on the theoretical and practical merits of adopting DA to analyse problems within PE.


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We have developed a totally new class of nonporphyrin photodynamic therapeutic agents with a specific focus on two lead candidates azadipyrromethene (ADPM)01 and ADPM06. Confocal laser scanning microscopy imaging showed that these compounds are exclusively localised to the cytosolic compartment, with specific accumulation in the endoplasmic reticulum and to a lesser extent in the mitochondria. Light-induced toxicity assays, carried out over a broad range of human tumour cell lines, displayed EC50 values in the micro-molar range for ADPM01 and nano-molar range for ADPM06, with no discernable activity bias for a specific cell type. Strikingly, the more active agent, ADPM06, even retained significant activity under hypoxic conditions. Both photosensitisers showed low to nondeterminable dark toxicity. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that ADPM01 and ADPM06 were highly effective at inducing apoptosis as a mode of cell death. The photophysical and biological characteristics of these PDT agents suggest that they have potential for the development of new anticancer therapeutics. © 2005 Cancer Research UK.


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Gas fermentation using acetogenic bacteria offers a promising route for the sustainable production of low carbon fuels and commodity chemicals from abundant, inexpensive C1 feedstocks including industrial waste gases, syngas, reformed methane or methanol. Clostridium autoethanogenum is a model gas fermenting acetogen that produces fuel ethanol and 2,3-butanediol, a precursor for nylon and rubber. Acetogens have already been used in large scale industrial fermentations, they are ubiquitous and known to play a prominent role in the global carbon cycle. Still, they are considered to live on the thermodynamic edge of life and potential energy constraints when growing on C1 gases pose a major challange for the commercial production of fuels and chemicals. We have developed a systematic platform to investigate acetogenic energy metabolism, exemplified here by experiments contrasting heterotrophic and autotrophic metabolism. The platform is built from complete omics technologies, augmented with genetic tools and complemented by a manually curated genome-scale mathematical model. Together the tools enable the design and development of new, energy efficient pathways and strains for the production of chemicals and advanced fuels via C1 gas fermentation. As a proof-of-platform, we investigated heterotrophic growth on fructose versus autotrophic growth on gas that demonstrate the role of the Rnf complex and Nfn complex in maintaining growth using the Wood–Ljungdahl pathway. Pyruvate carboxykinase was found to control the rate-limiting step of gluconeogenesis and a new specialized glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was identified that potentially enhances anabolic capacity by reducing the amount of ATP consumed by gluconeogenesis. The results have been confirmed by the construction of mutant strains.


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In a human intervention trial, a coffee, combining nature green coffee bean constituents and dark roast products was studied towards its potential to activate the Nrf2/ARE-pathway in PBLs. The study coffee was identified as a strong inducer of Nrf2 and downstream GST1A1 and UGT1A1 gene transcription. However, the response of the participants was found to depend on the respective genotype. The -651 SNP in the Nrf2 gene as well as the heterozygote 6/7 sequence in the UGT1A1 gene significantly down-regulated the susceptibility to respond to coffee, proposing the existing genotype to be critical for the response to the coffee.


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Migraine is a complex neurological disorder with a well-documented genetic basis. Migraine is a product of allelic variation in genes of neurological, vascular and hormonal origin interacting with environmental triggers. Presentation can include attacks of head pain with symptoms of nausea, emesis, photophobia, phonophobia, and occasionally, visual sensory disturbances, known as aura. Migraine pain is difficult to ignore, associated with a deep sense of malaise and manifests as a throbbing, pulsatile headache, localized to one side of the head that intensifies with physical activity and that can last from 4-72 hours. Migraine is diagnosed according to criteria developed by the International Headache Society (IHS) and is subdivided into two main types based on the occurrence of aura symptoms that may be present in the early stages of the headache: migraine with aura (MA) and migraine without aura (MO). The majority (about 70%) of migraineurs are diagnosed with the MO subtype whilst the remaining 30% experience MA accompanied by neurological symptoms that manifest as fully reversible, visual, sensory and/or dysphasic speech disturbances in conjunction with their headache. Glutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS) and over-excitation of glutamate receptors is regarded as a contributing factor, through various mechanisms, to the pathology of migraine. In this chapter we present an overview of the pathophysiology and co-morbidity of migraine with other psychiatric disorders and discuss the role of the glutamatergic system in migraine, its molecular components as potential drug targets, in addition to the current treatments and progress of modulators of glutamatergic signaling.


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Due to their unique size- and shape-dependent physical and chemical properties, highly hierarchically-ordered nanostructures have attracted great attention with a view to application in emerging technologies, such as novel energy generation, harvesting, and storage devices. The question of how to get controllable ensembles of nanostructures, however, still remains a challenge. This concept paper first summarizes and clarifies the concept of the two-step self-assembly approach for the synthesis of hierarchically-ordered nanostructures with complex morphology. Based on the preparation processes, two-step self-assembly can be classified into two typical types, namely, two-step self-assembly with two discontinuous processes and two-step self-assembly completed in one-pot solutions with two continuous processes. Compared to the conventional one-step self-assembly, the two-step self-assembly approach allows the combination of multiple synthetic techniques and the realization of complex nanostructures with hierarchically-ordered multiscale structures. Moreover, this approach also allows the self-assembly of heterostructures or hybrid nanomaterials in a cost-effective way. It is expected that widespread application of two-step self-assembly will give us a new way to fabricate multifunctional nanostructures with deliberately designed architectures. The concept of two-step self-assembly can also be extended to syntheses including more than two chemical/physical reaction steps (multiple-step self-assembly).


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Controlling the morphological structure of titanium dioxide (TiO 2) is crucial for obtaining superior power conversion efficiency for dye-sensitized solar cells. Although the sol-gel-based process has been developed for this purpose, there has been limited success in resisting the aggregation of nanostructured TiO2, which could act as an obstacle for mass production. Herein, we report a simple approach to improve the efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) by controlling the degree of aggregation and particle surface charge through zeta potential analysis. We found that different aqueous colloidal conditions, i.e., potential of hydrogen (pH), water/titanium alkoxide (titanium isopropoxide) ratio, and surface charge, obviously led to different particle sizes in the range of 10-500 nm. We have also shown that particles prepared under acidic conditions are more effective for DSSC application regarding the modification of surface charges to improve dye loading and electron injection rate properties. Power conversion efficiency of 6.54%, open-circuit voltage of 0.73 V, short-circuit current density of 15.32 mA/cm2, and fill factor of 0.73 were obtained using anatase TiO 2 optimized to 10-20 nm in size, as well as by the use of a compact TiO2 blocking layer.


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In this study, a well-dispersed γ-Y2Si2O 7 ethanol-based suspension with 30 vol% solid loading was prepared by adding 1 dwb% polyethylene imine dispersant, which allows feeble magnetic γ-Y2Si2O7 particles with anisotropic magnetic susceptibility to rotate in a 12 T strong magnetic field during slip casting, resulting in the development of a strong texture in green bodies. Pressureless sintering gives rise to more pronounced grain growth in the textured sample than in the untextured sample prepared without the magnetic field due to the rapid migration of the grain boundaries of the well-oriented grains, which was revealed by constant-heating-rate sintering kinetics. It was found that the use of two-step sintering is very efficient not only for inhibiting the grain growth but also for enhancing the texture. This implies that controlled grain growth is crucial for enhancing texture development in γ-Y2Si2O7.


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Cracks in civil structures can result in premature failure due to material degradation and can result in both financial loss and environmental consequences. This thesis reports an effective technique using Acoustic Emission (AE) technique to assess the severity of the crack propagation in steel structures. The outcome of this work confirms that combination of AE parametric analysis and signal processing techniques can be used to evaluate crack propagation under different loading configurations. The technique has potential application to assess and monitor the condition of civil structures.


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Recent technical advances have enabled for the first time, reliable in vitro culture of prostate cancer samples as prostate cancer organoids. This breakthrough provides the significant possibility of high throughput drug screening covering the spectrum of prostate cancer phenotypes seen clinically. These advances will enable precision medicine to become a reality, allowing patient samples to be screened for effective therapeutics ex vivo, with tailoring of treatments specific to that individual. This will hopefully lead to enhanced clinical outcomes, avoid morbidity due to ineffective therapies and improve the quality of life in men with advanced prostate cancer.


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We examine the moving and housing preferences of middle-aged and older in Finland, a country where population composition and movement through the life course are changing. A logistic regression reveals that middle-aged, moderate income residents, renters, those who have lived in their houses only a short time, and residents who are generally dissatisfied are most likely to consider moving. Downsizing appeals to residents with lower incomes who live alone, and who have been in their current houses longer. All potential movers agree on the importance of transportation access and a neighborhood grocery store; however, those preferring to downsize are also interested in house and neighborhood design as well as services that will allow aging in place. Income limitations may create affordability problems for some potential movers.


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We examine the impact of financial reforms on efficient reallocation of capital within and between sectors in South Africa using firm-level panel data for the period 1991–2008. The measure of efficient allocation of capital is based on the Tobin’s Q. We find that financial reforms are associated with improvements in within-sector, but not between-sector allocation of capital. These results imply that for South Africa to unleash the potential for take-off that is often associated with reallocation of resources from the primitive to modern sectors, reforms that focus beyond the financial sector are necessary. While more research is necessary to determine what would fully constitute such additional reforms, our analysis shows that reforms that improve the quality of economic institutions may be a step in the right the direction.