654 resultados para QUT Art Museum


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Every day we hear someone complain that this or that patent should not have been granted. People complain that the patent system is now a threat to existing business and innovation be- cause the patent office grants with alarming regularity patents for inventions that are neither novel nor non-obvious. People argue that the patent office cannot keep up with the job of examining the backlog of hundreds of thousands of patents and that, even if it could, the large volumes of prior art literature that need to be considered each time a patent application is received make the decision as to whether a patent should be granted or not a treacherous one.


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The controversial love affair of CS Lewis, Oxford scholar and writer of the Narnia Chronicles, is set in a constellation of music, sculpture and mime. CS Lewis’s intriguing relationship with poet Joy Davidman moves, inspires and confronts us with the big questions. Beauty contrasts with the ephemeral land of the shadows. Crossbow’s adaption of William Nicholson’s soulful and witty play explores the joy and the grief of “experience: that most brutal of teachers.” Showcasing the abilities of Brisbane and Sydney actors, the company that brought you The Miracle Worker and Anne of the Thousand Days, will quicken your senses and stir your heart with Shadowlands. All performances have a tactile tour of the stage 20 minutes before the start time of the show. Special signed performance for hearing impaired patrons Thur 5 Aug 2pm


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As the acceptance and popularity of wireless networking technologies has proliferated, the security of the IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network (WLAN) has advanced in leaps and bounds. From tenuous beginnings, where the only safe way to deploy a WLAN was to assume it was hostile and employ higherlayer information security controls, to the current state of the art, all manner of improvements have been conceived and many implemented. This work investigates some of the remaining issues surrounding IEEE 802.11 WLAN operation. While the inherent issues in WLAN deployments and the problems of the original Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) provisions are well known and widely documented, there still exist a number of unresolved security issues. These include the security of management and control frames and the data link layer protocols themselves. This research introduces a novel proposal to enhance security at the link layer of IEEE 802.11 WLANs and then conducts detailed theoretical and empirical investigation and analysis of the eects of such proposals. This thesis �rst de�nes the state of the art in WLAN technology and deployment, including an overview of the current and emerging standards, the various threats, numerous vulnerabilities and current exploits. The IEEE 802.11i MAC security enhancements are discussed in detail, along with the likely outcomes of the IEEE 802.11 Task Group W1, looking into protected management frames. The problems of the remaining unprotected management frames, the unprotected control frames and the unprotected link layer headers are reviewed and a solution is hypothesised, to encrypt the entire MAC Protocol Data Unit (MPDU), including the MAC headers, not just the MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU) commonly performed by existing protocols. The proposal is not just to encrypt a copy of the headers while still using cleartext addresses to deliver the frame, as used by some existing protocols to support the integrity and authenticity of the headers, but to pass the entire MPDU only as ciphertext to also support the con�dentiality of the frame header information. This necessitates the decryption of every received frame using every available key before a station can determine if it is the intended recipient. As such, this raises serious concerns as to the viability of any such proposal due to the likely impact on throughput and scalability. The bulk of the research investigates the impacts of such proposals on the current WLAN protocols. Some possible variations to the proposal are also provided to enhance both utility and speed. The viability this proposal with respect to the eect on network throughput is then tested using a well known and respected network simulation tool, along with a number of analysis tools developed speci�cally for the data generated here. The simulator's operation is �rst validated against recognised test outputs, before a comprehensive set of control data is established, and then the proposal is tested and and compared against the controls. This detailed analysis of the various simulations should be of bene�t to other researchers who need to validate simulation results. The analysis of these tests indicate areas of immediate improvement and so the protocols are adjusted and a further series of experiments conducted. These �nal results are again analysed in detail and �nal appraisals provided.


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The Space Day has been running at QUT for about a decade. The Space Day started out as a single lecture on the stars delivered to a group of high school students from Brisbane State High School (BSHS), just across the river from QUT and therefore convenient for the school to visit. I was contacted by Victor James of St. Laurence’s College (SLC), Brisbane asking if he could bring a group of boys to QUT for a lecture similar to that delivered to BSHS. However, for SLC a hands-on laboratory session was added to the lecture and thus the Space Day was born. For the Space Day we have concentrated on year 7 – 10 students. Subsequently, many other schools from Brisbane and further afield in Queensland have attended a Space Day.


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This research explores a new approach to Beckett’s Not I, a work in which the spectator is asked to focus primarily on a human mouth suspended in space eight feet off the ground. The digital reconstitution of the x, y and z axes in Beckett's work has been retitled "?ot I". In "?ot I", the prescribed x, y and z axes of the original have been re-spatialised environmentally, physically and aurally to create an invigorated version of the text. In this work, it is primarily the reconstitution of spatial dynamics and time that are explored. An adaption and series of responses to Samuel Beckett's "Not I", first performed at Melbourne University and Deakin Motion.Lab, Deakin University, 2007


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In this paper we propose a new method for utilising phase information by complementing it with traditional magnitude-only spectral subtraction speech enhancement through Complex Spectrum Subtraction (CSS). The proposed approach has the following advantages over traditional magnitude-only spectral subtraction: (a) it introduces complementary information to the enhancement algorithm; (b) it reduces the total number of algorithmic parameters, and; (c) is designed for improving clean speech magnitude spectra and is therefore suitable for both automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech perception applications. Oracle-based ASR experiments verify this approach, showing an average of 20% relative word accuracy improvements when accurate estimates of the phase spectrum are available. Based on sinusoidal analysis and assuming stationarity between observations (which is shown to be better approximated as the frame rate is increased), this paper also proposes a novel method for acquiring the phase information called Phase Estimation via Delay Projection (PEDEP). Further oracle ASR experiments validate the potential for the proposed PEDEP technique in ideal conditions. Realistic implementation of CSS with PEDEP shows performance comparable to state of the art spectral subtraction techniques in a range of 15-20 dB signal-to-noise ratio environments. These results clearly demonstrate the potential for using phase spectra in spectral subtractive enhancement applications, and at the same time highlight the need for deriving more accurate phase estimates in a wider range of noise conditions.


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This paper provides a review of the state of the art relevant work on the use of public mobile data networks for aircraft telemetry and control proposes. Moreover, it describes the characterisation for airborne uses of the public mobile data communication systems known broadly as 3G. The motivation for this study was the explore how this mature public communication systems could be used for aviation purposes. An experimental system was fitted to a light aircraft to record communication latency, line speed, RF level, packet loss and cell tower identifier. Communications was established using internet protocols and connection was made to a local server. The aircraft was flown in both remote and populous areas at altitudes up to 8500 ft in a region located in South East Queensland, Australia. Results show that the average airborne RF levels are better than those on the ground by 21% and in the order of - 77dbm. Latencies were in the order of 500ms (1/2 the latency of Iridium), an average download speed of 0.48Mb/s, average uplink speed of 0.85Mb/s, a packet of information loss of 6.5%. The maximum communication range was also observed to be 70km from a single cell station. The paper also describes possible limitations and utility of using such communications architecture for both manned and unmanned aircraft systems.


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Mindful of time line and budget limitations this document, as requested by BBC, acts as an inspirational scope, identifying more ‘live’ opportunities than possible within the current budget. The document's secondary purpose is to identify through consultation, concept development of ideas and budgetary costs associated, a number of projects within this document that can be successfully achieved within the current circumstance. A limited, but successful outcome in this initial phase will help to ensure the continuing invested support of stake-holders, not only in Burnett Lane but in relation to the creative scope of other laneways as identified in the BCC laneway document.


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This paper examines The Mill Albion community history project, a diverse, multi-layered public history/art program that captures the social heritage of The Albion Flour Mill, as told through images produced as part of a research consultancy undertaken by QUT for FKP Property Group. The Albion Flour Mill was built in 1930 and continued operations for more than 72 years. After ceasing operation in 2005 the site was left to deteriorate. The FKP Property Group purchased the land to undertake a new urban redevelopment project. This paper reflects on the project and showcases some of the culturally creative ways this community’s history was told, using images.


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A community history project must be relevant to each person within it so that they see themselves as part of the socio-cultural fabric of the area and feel a sense of ownership of their environment. The Mill Albion community history project is a diverse, multi-layered public history/art program that captures the social heritage of The Mill Albion and allows the community to contribute to their ongoing history. The Albion Flour Mill was built in 1930 at a time when Australia was feeling the effects of its worst economic depression and continued operations for more than 72 years. After ceasing operation in 2005 the site was left to deteriorate. The FKP Property Group purchased the land to undertake a new urban redevelopment project, drawing on the design principles of a traditional ‘village’, while valuing the importance of remembering the community that once included the Flour Mill. This paper reflects on the this project and showcases some of the culturally creative ways this community’s history was told, using methods such as digital stories, contemporary and historical photography and oral history.


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Norman K. Denzin (1989) claims that the central assumption of the biographical method—that a life can be captured and represented in a text—is open to question. This paper explores Denzin’s statement by documenting the role of creative writers in re-presenting oral histories in two case studies from Queensland, Australia. The first, The Queensland Business Leaders Hall of Fame, was a commercial research project commissioned by the State Library of Queensland (SLQ) in 2009, and involved semi-formal qualitative interviews and digital stories. The second is an on-going practice-led PhD project, The Artful Life: Oral History and Fiction, which investigates the fictionalisation of oral histories. Both projects enter into a dialogue around the re-presentation of oral and life histories, with attention given to the critical scholarship and creative practice in the process. Creative writers represent a life having particular preoccupations with techniques that more closely align with fiction than non-fiction (Hirsch and Dixon 2008). In this context, oral history resources are viewed not so much as repositories of historical facts, but as ambiguous and fluid narrative sources. The comparison of the two case studies also demonstrates that the aims of a particular project dictate the nature of the re-presentation, revealing that writing about another’s life is a complex act of artful ‘shaping’. Alistair Thomson (2007) notes the growing interdisciplinary nature of oral history scholarship since the 1980s; oral histories are used increasingly in art-based contexts to produce diverse cultural artefacts, such as digital stories and works of fiction, which are very different from traditional histories. What are the methodological implications of such projects? This paper will draw on self-reflexive practice to explore this question.


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Uncooperative iris identification systems at a distance and on the move often suffer from poor resolution and poor focus of the captured iris images. The lack of pixel resolution and well-focused images significantly degrades the iris recognition performance. This paper proposes a new approach to incorporate the focus score into a reconstruction-based super-resolution process to generate a high resolution iris image from a low resolution and focus inconsistent video sequence of an eye. A reconstruction-based technique, which can incorporate middle and high frequency components from multiple low resolution frames into one desired super-resolved frame without introducing false high frequency components, is used. A new focus assessment approach is proposed for uncooperative iris at a distance and on the move to improve performance for variations in lighting, size and occlusion. A novel fusion scheme is then proposed to incorporate the proposed focus score into the super-resolution process. The experiments conducted on the The Multiple Biometric Grand Challenge portal database shows that our proposed approach achieves an EER of 2.1%, outperforming the existing state-of-the-art averaging signal-level fusion approach by 19.2% and the robust mean super-resolution approach by 8.7%.


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Internship and practicum are the pinnacle of the therapist training experience. During these fieldwork experiences trainees are challenged to apply what they have learned in coursework and research to a real-life workplace situation. Internship is where the rigorous science of the profession and the imperfect art of the practice intersect and trainees begin to develop clinical wisdom. The trainee therapist being prepared for their responsibilities who has a successful relationship with their supervisor can optimise the gains from this integrated experience. In this chapter, an introduction to supervised internship or practicum encounters is provided with the trainee therapist and future supervisor squarely in mind.


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The cascading appearance-based (CAB) feature extraction technique has established itself as the state-of-the-art in extracting dynamic visual speech features for speech recognition. In this paper, we will focus on investigating the effectiveness of this technique for the related speaker verification application. By investigating the speaker verification ability of each stage of the cascade we will demonstrate that the same steps taken to reduce static speaker and environmental information for the visual speech recognition application also provide similar improvements for visual speaker recognition. A further study is conducted comparing synchronous HMM (SHMM) based fusion of CAB visual features and traditional perceptual linear predictive (PLP) acoustic features to show that higher complexity inherit in the SHMM approach does not appear to provide any improvement in the final audio-visual speaker verification system over simpler utterance level score fusion.


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The QUT-NOISE-TIMIT corpus consists of 600 hours of noisy speech sequences designed to enable a thorough evaluation of voice activity detection (VAD) algorithms across a wide variety of common background noise scenarios. In order to construct the final mixed-speech database, a collection of over 10 hours of background noise was conducted across 10 unique locations covering 5 common noise scenarios, to create the QUT-NOISE corpus. This background noise corpus was then mixed with speech events chosen from the TIMIT clean speech corpus over a wide variety of noise lengths, signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and active speech proportions to form the mixed-speech QUT-NOISE-TIMIT corpus. The evaluation of five baseline VAD systems on the QUT-NOISE-TIMIT corpus is conducted to validate the data and show that the variety of noise available will allow for better evaluation of VAD systems than existing approaches in the literature.