578 resultados para Process Re-engineering


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The maturing of the biotechnology industry and a focus on productivity has seen a shift from discovery science to small-scale bench-top research to higher productivity, large scale production. Health companies are aggressively expanding their biopharmaceutical interests, an expansion which is facilitated by biochemical and bioprocess engineering. An area of continuous growth is vaccines. Vaccination will be a key intervention in the case of an influenza pandemic. The global manufacturing capacity for fast turn around vaccines is currently woefully inadequate at around 300 million shots. As the prevention of epidemics requires > 80 % vaccination, in theory the world should currently be aiming for the ability to produce around 5.3 billion vaccines. Presented is a production method for the creation of a fast turn around DNA vaccine. A DNA vaccine could have a production time scale of as little as two weeks. This process has been harnessed into a pilot scale production system for the creation of a pre-clinical grade malaria vaccine in a collaborative project with the Coppel Lab, Department of Microbiology, Monash University. In particular, improvements to the fermentation, chromatography and delivery stages will be discussed. Consideration will then be given as to how the fermentation stage affects the mid and downstream processing stages.


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Business process models have traditionally been an effective way of examining business practices to identify areas for improvement. While common information gathering approaches are generally efficacious, they can be quite time consuming and have the risk of developing inaccuracies when information is forgotten or incorrectly interpreted by analysts. In this study, the potential of a role-playing approach for process elicitation and specification has been examined. This method allows stakeholders to enter a virtual world and role-play actions as they would in reality. As actions are completed, a model is automatically developed, removing the need for stakeholders to learn and understand a modelling grammar. Empirical data obtained in this study suggests that this approach may not only improve both the number of individual process task steps remembered and the correctness of task ordering, but also provide a reduction in the time required for stakeholders to model a process view.


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Business Process Management describes a holistic management approach for the systematic design, modeling, execution, validation, monitoring and improvement of organizational business processes. Traditionally, most attention within this community has been given to control-flow aspects, i.e., the ordering and sequencing of business activities, oftentimes in isolation with regards to the context in which these activities occur. In this paper, we propose an approach that allows executable process models to be integrated with Geographic Information Systems. This approach enables process models to take geospatial and other geographic aspects into account in an explicit manner both during the modeling phase and the execution phase. We contribute a structured modeling methodology, based on the well-known Business Process Model and Notation standard, which is formalized by means of a mapping to executable Colored Petri nets. We illustrate the feasibility of our approach by means of a sustainability-focused case example of a process with important ecological concerns.


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Heavy metals that are built-up on urban impervious surfaces such as roads are transported to urban water resources through stormwater runoff. Therefore, it is essential to understand the predominant pathways of heavy metals to the build-up on roads in order to develop suitable pollution mitigation strategies to protect the receiving water environment. The study presented in this paper investigated the sources and transport pathways of manganese, lead, copper, zinc and chromium, which are heavy metals commonly present in urban road build-up. It was found that manganese and lead are contributed to road build-up primarily by direct deposition due to the re-suspension of roadside soil by wind turbulence, while traffic is the predominant source of copper, zinc and chromium to the atmosphere and road build-up. Atmospheric deposition is also the major transport pathway for copper and zinc, and for chromium, direct deposition by traffic sources is the predominant pathway.


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The literature on “entrepreneurial opportunities” has grown rapidly since the publication of Shane and Venkataraman (2000). By directing attention to the earliest stages of development of new economic activities and organizations, this marks sound redirection of entrepreneurship research. However, our review shows that theoretical and empirical progress has been limited on important aspects of the role of “opportunities” and their interaction with actors, i.e., the “nexus”. We argue that this is rooted in inherent and inescapable problems with the “opportunity” construct itself, when applied in the context of a prospective, micro-level (i.e., individual[s], venture, or individual–venture dyad) view of entrepreneurial processes. We therefore suggest a fundamental re-conceptualization using the constructs External Enablers, New Venture Ideas, and Opportunity Confidence to capture the many important ideas commonly discussed under the “opportunity” label. This re-conceptualization makes important distinctions where prior conceptions have been blurred: between explananda and explanantia; between actor and the entity acted upon; between external conditions and subjective perceptions, and between the contents and the favorability of the entity acted upon. These distinctions facilitate theoretical precision and can guide empirical investigation towards more fruitful designs.


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One of the main challenges facing online and offline path planners is the uncertainty in the magnitude and direction of the environmental energy because it is dynamic, changeable with time, and hard to forecast. This thesis develops an artificial intelligence for a mobile robot to learn from historical or forecasted data of environmental energy available in the area of interest which will help for a persistence monitoring under uncertainty using the developed algorithm.


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Several years ago, the purported re-discovery of the ivory-billed woodpecker (Campephilus principalis) in eastern Arkansas generated lively discussion in renowned scientific journals. The debate concerned both the central question of whether the bird videotaped in April 2004 really was an ivorybilled woodpecker (eg Fitzpatrick et al. 2005; Sibley et al. 2006) and the controversy around the resulting species recovery plan and its costs (McKelvey et al. 2008; Dalton 2010): was $14 million pointlessly spent?


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Knowledge of the pollutant build-up process is a key requirement for developing stormwater pollution mitigation strategies. In this context, process variability is a concept which needs to be understood in-depth. Analysis of particulate build-up on three road surfaces in an urban catchment confirmed that particles <150µm and >150µm have characteristically different build-up patterns, and these patterns are consistent over different field conditions. Three theoretical build-up patterns were developed based on the size-fractionated particulate build-up patterns, and these patterns explain the variability in particle behavior and the variation in particle-bound pollutant load and composition over the antecedent dry period. Behavioral variability of particles <150µm was found to exert the most significant influence on the build-up process variability. As characterization of process variability is particularly important in stormwater quality modeling, it is recommended that the influence of behavioral variability of particles <150µm on pollutant build-up should be specifically addressed. This would eliminate model deficiencies in the replication of the build-up process and facilitate the accounting of the inherent process uncertainty, and thereby enhance the water quality predictions.


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This paper addresses the development of trust in the use of Open Data through incorporation of appropriate authentication and integrity parameters for use by end user Open Data application developers in an architecture for trustworthy Open Data Services. The advantages of this architecture scheme is that it is far more scalable, not another certificate-based hierarchy that has problems with certificate revocation management. With the use of a Public File, if the key is compromised: it is a simple matter of the single responsible entity replacing the key pair with a new one and re-performing the data file signing process. Under this proposed architecture, the the Open Data environment does not interfere with the internal security schemes that might be employed by the entity. However, this architecture incorporates, when needed, parameters from the entity, e.g. person who authorized publishing as Open Data, at the time that datasets are created/added.


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There is consensus among practitioners and academics that culture is a critical factor that is able to determine success or failure of BPM initiatives. Yet, culture is a topic that seems difficult to grasp and manage. This may be the reason for the overall lack of guidance on how to address this topic in practice. We have conducted in-depth research for more than three years to examine why and how culture is relevant to BPM. In this chapter, we introduce a framework that explains the role of culture in BPM. We also present the relevant cultural values that compose a BPM culture, and we introduce a tool to examine the supportiveness of organizational cultures for BPM. Our research results provide the basis for further empirical analyses on the topic and support practitioners in the management of culture as an important factor in BPM initiatives.


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This paper presents a technique for the automated removal of noise from process execution logs. Noise is the result of data quality issues such as logging errors and manifests itself in the form of infrequent process behavior. The proposed technique generates an abstract representation of an event log as an automaton capturing the direct follows relations between event labels. This automaton is then pruned from arcs with low relative frequency and used to remove from the log those events not fitting the automaton, which are identified as outliers. The technique has been extensively evaluated on top of various auto- mated process discovery algorithms using both artificial logs with different levels of noise, as well as a variety of real-life logs. The results show that the technique significantly improves the quality of the discovered process model along fitness, appropriateness and simplicity, without negative effects on generalization. Further, the technique scales well to large and complex logs.


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Organizational and technological systems analysis and design practices such as process modeling have received much attention in recent years. However, while knowledge about related artifacts such as models, tools, or grammars has substantially matured, little is known about the actual tasks and interaction activities that are conducted as part of analysis and design acts. In particular, key role of the facilitator has not been researched extensively to date. In this paper, we propose a new conceptual framework that can be used to examine facilitation behaviors in process modeling projects. The framework distinguishes four behavioral styles in facilitation (the driving engineer, the driving artist, the catalyzing engineer, and the catalyzing artist) that a facilitator can adopt. To distinguish between the four styles, we provide a set of ten behavioral anchors that underpin facilitation behaviors. We also report on a preliminary empirical exploration of our framework through interviews with experienced analysts in six modeling cases. Our research provides a conceptual foundation for an emerging theory for describing and explaining different behaviors associated with process modeling facilitation, provides first preliminary empirical results about facilitation in modeling projects, and provides a fertile basis for examining facilitation in other conceptual modeling activities.


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Business processes are prone to continuous and unexpected changes. Process workers may start executing a process differently in order to adjust to changes in workload, season, guidelines or regulations for example. Early detection of business process changes based on their event logs – also known as business process drift detection – enables analysts to identify and act upon changes that may otherwise affect process performance. Previous methods for business process drift detection are based on an exploration of a potentially large feature space and in some cases they require users to manually identify the specific features that characterize the drift. Depending on the explored feature set, these methods may miss certain types of changes. This paper proposes a fully automated and statistically grounded method for detecting process drift. The core idea is to perform statistical tests over the distributions of runs observed in two consecutive time windows. By adaptively sizing the window, the method strikes a trade-off between classification accuracy and drift detection delay. A validation on synthetic and real-life logs shows that the method accurately detects typical change patterns and scales up to the extent it is applicable for online drift detection.


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This paper addresses the problem of identifying and explaining behavioral differences between two business process event logs. The paper presents a method that, given two event logs, returns a set of statements in natural language capturing behavior that is present or frequent in one log, while absent or infrequent in the other. This log delta analysis method allows users to diagnose differences between normal and deviant executions of a process or between two versions or variants of a process. The method relies on a novel approach to losslessly encode an event log as an event structure, combined with a frequency-enhanced technique for differencing pairs of event structures. A validation of the proposed method shows that it accurately diagnoses typical change patterns and can explain differences between normal and deviant cases in a real-life log, more compactly and precisely than previously proposed methods.


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In an industry worth more than €500 billion annually, producing more than 80 million vehicles worldwide each year and consisting of over 50 major manufacturers worldwide, the automotive industry represents a lucrative but highly competitive manufacturing industry (Deloitte, 2009a; European Automobile Manufacturers Association, 2012). With sales falling in Europe in 2013 for the sixth consecutive year (Boston and Curtin, 2014), automotive manufacturers are increasingly turning to new strategies to retain their share of sales in a contracting market. Some strategies have focused on the industry approach to manufacturing, namely, a technically focused push for a build-toorder process rather than the current build-to-stock approach in order to reduce overall value-chain costs and to increase efficiency (Parry and Roehrich, 2013, p. 13). However, others stress a more customer-orientated approach, striving to develop products that meet customer requirements (Oliver Wyman Group, 2007).