548 resultados para Engineering controlled terms


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Effective knowledge transfer between infrastructure projects plays a significant role in organisational success and discovery of new technologies, helping to achieve and maintain competitive advantage and, in effect, sustainable infrastructure development. Knowledge is recognised as an important organisational asset that adds value while being shared. To date, research on knowledge transfer has focused on traditional (functional) types of organisations. However, existing knowledge transfer approaches fail to address the issue of unique characteristics of project-based organisations, and the fact that functional and project-based organisations significantly differ in terms of structure, processes, and characteristics. Therefore, there is a need for a different, separate approach for managing knowledge in the project environment. The aim of this chapter is to highlight this need. An extensive literature review is provided on the areas of project management, knowledge management, and organisational structure; this is further supported by empirical evidence from interviews with project management practitioners. Conducting a ‘cross-field’ literature review provides a better understanding of the knowledge transfer mechanisms and its application to projects, and of the importance of knowledge transfer across projects. This research is crucial to gaining a better understanding of knowledge transfer in the project environment. It stresses that there are dissimilarities between project-based organisations and functional organisations in terms of organisational structure, duration of processes, viewpoint of time, response to change, and mobility of people, and that there is a need for a unique strategic approach in order to achieve effective transfer of knowledge. Furthermore, findings presented in this chapter reveal key elements that play an important role in across project knowledge transfer. These elements include: social communication, lessons learned databases, and project management offices.


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Porous polylactide constructs were prepared by stereolithography, for the first time without the use of reactive diluents. Star-shaped poly(D,L-lactide) oligomers with 2, 3 and 6 arms were synthesised, end-functionalised with methacryloyl chloride and photocrosslinked in the presence of ethyl lactate as a non-reactive diluent. The molecular weights of the arms of the macromers were 0.2, 0.6, 1.1 and 5 kg/mol, allowing variation of the crosslink density of the resulting networks. Networks prepared from macromers of which the molecular weight per arm was 0.6 kg/mol or higher had good mechanical properties, similar to linear high molecular weight poly(D,L-lactide). A resin based on a 2-armed poly(D,L-lactide) macromer with a molecular weight of 0.6 kg/mol per arm (75 wt%), ethyl lactate (19 wt%), photo-initiator (6 wt%), inhibitor and dye was prepared. Using this resin, films and computer-designed porous constructs were accurately fabricated by stereolithography. Pre-osteoblasts showed good adherence to these photocrosslinked networks. The proliferation rate on these materials was comparable to that on high molecular weight poly(D,L-lactide) and tissue culture polystyrene.


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The advance of rapid prototyping techniques has significantly improved control over the pore network architecture of tissue engineering scaffolds. In this work we assessed the influence of scaffold pore architecture on cell seeding and static culturing, by comparing a computer‐designed gyroid architecture fabricated by stereolithography to a random‐pore architecture resulting from salt‐leaching. The scaffold types showed comparable porosity and pore size values, but the gyroid type showed a more than tenfold higher permeability due to the absence of size‐limiting pore interconnections. The higher permeability significantly improved the wetting properties of the hydrophobic scaffolds, and increased the settling speed of cells upon static seeding of immortalised mesenchymal stem cells. After dynamic seeding followed by 5 days of static culture, gyroid scaffolds showed large cell populations in the centre of the scaffold, while salt‐leached scaffolds were covered with a cell‐sheet on the outside and no cells were found in the scaffold centre. It was shown that interconnectivity of the pores and permeability of the scaffold prolongs the time of static culture before overgrowth of cells at the scaffold periphery occurs. Furthermore, novel scaffold designs are proposed to further improve the transport of oxygen and nutrients throughout the scaffolds, and to create tissue engineering grafts with designed, pre‐fabricated vasculature.


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Stereolithography is a solid freeform technique (SFF) that was introduced in the late 1980s. Although many other techniques have been developed since then, stereolithography remains one of the most powerful and versatile of all SFF techniques. It has the highest fabrication accuracy and an increasing number of materials that can be processed is becoming available. In this paper we discuss the characteristic features of the stereolithography technique and compare it to other SFF techniques. The biomedical applications of stereolithography are reviewed, as well as the biodegradable resin materials that have been developed for use with stereolithography. Finally, an overview of the application of stereolithography in preparing porous structures for tissue engineering is given.


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Rapid prototyping (RP) is a common name for several techniques, which read in data from computer-aided design (CAD) drawings and manufacture automatically threedimensional objects layer-by-layer according to the virtual design. The utilization of RP in tissue engineering enables the production of three-dimensional scaffolds with complex geometries and very fine structures. Adding micro- and nanometer details into the scaffolds improves the mechanical properties of the scaffold and ensures better cell adhesion to the scaffold surface. Thus, tissue engineering constructs can be customized according to the data acquired from the medical scans to match the each patient’s individual needs. In addition RP enables the control of the scaffold porosity making it possible to fabricate applications with desired structural integrity. Unfortunately, every RP process has its own unique disadvantages in building tissue engineering scaffolds. Hence, the future research should be focused into the development of RP machines designed specifically for fabrication of tissue engineering scaffolds, although RP methods already can serve as a link between tissue and engineering.


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Designed three-dimensional biodegradable poly(ethylene glycol)/poly(D,L-lactide) hydrogel structures were prepared for the first time by stereolithography at high resolutions. A photopolymerisable aqueous resin comprising PDLLA-PEG-PDLLA-based macromer, visible light photo-initiator, dye and inhibitor in DMSO/water was used to build the structures. Porous and non-porous hydrogels with well-defined architectures and good mechanical properties were prepared. Porous hydrogel structures with a gyroid pore network architecture showed narrow pore size distributions, excellent pore interconnectivity and good mechanical properties. The structures showed good cell seeding characteristics, and human mesenchymal stem cells adhered and proliferated well on these materials.


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One of the main causes of above knee or transfemoral amputation (TFA) in the developed world is trauma to the limb. The number of people undergoing TFA due to limb trauma, particularly due to war injuries, has been increasing. Typically the trauma amputee population, including war-related amputees, are otherwise healthy, active and desire to return to employment and their usual lifestyle. Consequently there is a growing need to restore long-term mobility and limb function to this population. Traditionally transfemoral amputees are provided with an artificial or prosthetic leg that consists of a fabricated socket, knee joint mechanism and a prosthetic foot. Amputees have reported several problems related to the socket of their prosthetic limb. These include pain in the residual limb, poor socket fit, discomfort and poor mobility. Removing the socket from the prosthetic limb could eliminate or reduce these problems. A solution to this is the direct attachment of the prosthesis to the residual bone (femur) inside the residual limb. This technique has been used on a small population of transfemoral amputees since 1990. A threaded titanium implant is screwed in to the shaft of the femur and a second component connects between the implant and the prosthesis. A period of time is required to allow the implant to become fully attached to the bone, called osseointegration (OI), and be able to withstand applied load; then the prosthesis can be attached. The advantages of transfemoral osseointegration (TFOI) over conventional prosthetic sockets include better hip mobility, sitting comfort and prosthetic retention and fewer skin problems on the residual limb. However, due to the length of time required for OI to progress and to complete the rehabilitation exercises, it can take up to twelve months after implant insertion for an amputee to be able to load bear and to walk unaided. The long rehabilitation time is a significant disadvantage of TFOI and may be impeding the wider adoption of the technique. There is a need for a non-invasive method of assessing the degree of osseointegration between the bone and the implant. If such a method was capable of determining the progression of TFOI and assessing when the implant was able to withstand physiological load it could reduce the overall rehabilitation time. Vibration analysis has been suggested as a potential technique: it is a non destructive method of assessing the dynamic properties of a structure. Changes in the physical properties of a structure can be identified from changes in its dynamic properties. Consequently vibration analysis, both experimental and computational, has been used to assess bone fracture healing, prosthetic hip loosening and dental implant OI with varying degrees of success. More recently experimental vibration analysis has been used in TFOI. However further work is needed to assess the potential of the technique and fully characterise the femur-implant system. The overall aim of this study was to develop physical and computational models of the TFOI femur-implant system and use these models to investigate the feasibility of vibration analysis to detect the process of OI. Femur-implant physical models were developed and manufactured using synthetic materials to represent four key stages of OI development (identified from a physiological model), simulated using different interface conditions between the implant and femur. Experimental vibration analysis (modal analysis) was then conducted using the physical models. The femur-implant models, representing stage one to stage four of OI development, were excited and the modal parameters obtained over the range 0-5kHz. The results indicated the technique had limited capability in distinguishing between different interface conditions. The fundamental bending mode did not alter with interfacial changes. However higher modes were able to track chronological changes in interface condition by the change in natural frequency, although no one modal parameter could uniquely distinguish between each interface condition. The importance of the model boundary condition (how the model is constrained) was the key finding; variations in the boundary condition altered the modal parameters obtained. Therefore the boundary conditions need to be held constant between tests in order for the detected modal parameter changes to be attributed to interface condition changes. A three dimensional Finite Element (FE) model of the femur-implant model was then developed and used to explore the sensitivity of the modal parameters to more subtle interfacial and boundary condition changes. The FE model was created using the synthetic femur geometry and an approximation of the implant geometry. The natural frequencies of the FE model were found to match the experimental frequencies within 20% and the FE and experimental mode shapes were similar. Therefore the FE model was shown to successfully capture the dynamic response of the physical system. As was found with the experimental modal analysis, the fundamental bending mode of the FE model did not alter due to changes in interface elastic modulus. Axial and torsional modes were identified by the FE model that were not detected experimentally; the torsional mode exhibited the largest frequency change due to interfacial changes (103% between the lower and upper limits of the interface modulus range). Therefore the FE model provided additional information on the dynamic response of the system and was complementary to the experimental model. The small changes in natural frequency over a large range of interface region elastic moduli indicated the method may only be able to distinguish between early and late OI progression. The boundary conditions applied to the FE model influenced the modal parameters to a far greater extent than the interface condition variations. Therefore the FE model, as well as the experimental modal analysis, indicated that the boundary conditions need to be held constant between tests in order for the detected changes in modal parameters to be attributed to interface condition changes alone. The results of this study suggest that in a clinical setting it is unlikely that the in vivo boundary conditions of the amputated femur could be adequately controlled or replicated over time and consequently it is unlikely that any longitudinal change in frequency detected by the modal analysis technique could be attributed exclusively to changes at the femur-implant interface. Therefore further development of the modal analysis technique would require significant consideration of the clinical boundary conditions and investigation of modes other than the bending modes.


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Urbanisation of the Chinese landscape continues at a great pace. Landscape architecture is only a newly recognized profession here, in contemporary practice terms at least, but our expertise is in great demand. However only some Australian companies and a few Australian expats have managed to overcome the complexities of working in the Chinese context. It is worthwhile knowing how some of these individuals reflect on working in China and what they consider to be our strongest areas of expertise here.


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For the fabrication of tissue engineering scaffolds, the intended tissue formation process imposes requirements on the architecture. The chosen porosity often is a tradeoff between volume and surface area accessible to cells, and mechanical properties of the construct. Interconnectivity of the pores is essential for cell migration through the scaffold and for mass transport. Conventional techniques such as salt leaching often result in heterogeneous structures and do not allow for a precise control of the architecture. Stereolithography is a rapid prototyping method that can be utilised to make 3D constructs with high spatial control by radical photopolymerisation. In this study, a regular structure based on cyclic repetition of cell units were designed through CAD modelling.. One of these structures was built on a stereolithography apparatus (SLA). Furthermore, a polylactide-based resin was developed that can be applied in stereolithography. Polylactide has proven before to be a well-performing polymer in bone tissue engineering. The final objective in this study is to build newly designed PDLLA scaffolds with a precise SLA fabrication technique to study the effect of scaffold architecture on mechanical and biological properties.


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The use of porous structures as tissue engineering scaffolds imposes high demands on the pore architecture. Stereolithography is a rapid prototyping method based on photo-polymerisation, that can be utilised to make 3D constructs with high spatial control. In this study, biodegradable resins were developed that can find application in stereolithography. Poly(D,L-lactide) (PDLLA) oligomers were synthesised and functionalised with methacrylate end-groups. By mixing the resulting macromers with a diluent, photo-initiator and inhibitor, lowviscosity resins were obtained that were photocrosslinked to yield stiff and strong degradable poly(lactide) networks. Also, porous scaffolds were fabricated on a stereolithography apparatus (SLA) from a nondegradable resin.


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Rapid prototyping techniques such as stereolithography allow for building designed tissue engineering scaffolds with high accuracy. In this work, a stereolithography resin based on poly(D,L-lactide) was developed. Biodegradable scaffolds with varying porosity were built from this resin. The scaffolds were analysed by μCT-scanning and compression testing. The porous structures showed excellent mechanical properties in the range of trabecular bone.


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A novel method was developed for a quantitative assessment of pore interconnectivity using micro-CT data. This method makes use of simulated spherical particles, percolating through the interconnected pore network. For each sphere diameter, the accessible pore volume is calculated. This algorithm was applied to compare pore interconnectivity of two different scaffold architectures; one created by salt-leaching and the other by stereolithography. The algorithm revealed a much higher pore interconnectivity for the latter one.


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In tissue engineering, porous scaffolds are used as a temporal support for tissue regeneration through cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. Besides applying a suitable material that is both biocompatible and biodegradable, the architectural design of the porous scaffold can be of essential for successful tissue regeneration. The architecture is of great influence on mechanical properties and transport properties of nutrients and metabolites1.


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Hydroxyapatite (HAP) is a major component of bone and has osteoconductive and -inductive properties. It has been successfully applied as a substrate in bone tissue engineering, either with or without a biodegradable polymer such as polycaprolactone or polylactide. Recently, we have developed a stereolithography resin based on poly(D,L-lactide) (PDLLA) and a non-reactive diluent, that allows for the preparation of tissue engineering scaffolds with designed architectures. In this work, designed porous composite structures of PDLLA and HAP are prepared by stereolithography.


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We aim to fabricate computer-controlled hydrogel structures containing viable encapsulated cells to overcome the low seeding densities which are inherent to most pre-fabricated scaffold systems.