802 resultados para 1103 Clinical Sciences
This presentation uses a case study approach to describe the Nuss procedure for pectus excavatum - and implications for imaging
A review of radiographers was undertaken to determine the specific projections currently performed for patients with acute presentation for shoulder trauma. Radiographers were asked to indicate projections they would perform for specific patient presentations. This poster presents a snapshot of the diversity of projections performed and a review of the current evidence of the most appropriate projections
While Magentic Resonance Imaging and Ultrasound are used extensively for non-acute shoulder imaging, plain images are regularly required as a first investigation. This paper presents a snapshot of the diversity of projections performed and a review of the current evidence of the most appropriate projections. The projections recommended are suitable as a first investigation, and also to complement more advanced imaging.
Introduction: Recent advances in the planning and delivery of radiotherapy treatments have resulted in improvements in the accuracy and precision with which therapeutic radiation can be administered. As the complexity of the treatments increases it becomes more difficult to predict the dose distribution in the patient accurately. Monte Carlo (MC) methods have the potential to improve the accuracy of the dose calculations and are increasingly being recognised as the ‘gold standard’ for predicting dose deposition in the patient [1]. This project has three main aims: 1. To develop tools that enable the transfer of treatment plan information from the treatment planning system (TPS) to a MC dose calculation engine. 2. To develop tools for comparing the 3D dose distributions calculated by the TPS and the MC dose engine. 3. To investigate the radiobiological significance of any errors between the TPS patient dose distribution and the MC dose distribution in terms of Tumour Control Probability (TCP) and Normal Tissue Complication Probabilities (NTCP). The work presented here addresses the first two aims. Methods: (1a) Plan Importing: A database of commissioned accelerator models (Elekta Precise and Varian 2100CD) has been developed for treatment simulations in the MC system (EGSnrc/BEAMnrc). Beam descriptions can be exported from the TPS using the widespread DICOM framework, and the resultant files are parsed with the assistance of a software library (PixelMed Java DICOM Toolkit). The information in these files (such as the monitor units, the jaw positions and gantry orientation) is used to construct a plan-specific accelerator model which allows an accurate simulation of the patient treatment field. (1b) Dose Simulation: The calculation of a dose distribution requires patient CT images which are prepared for the MC simulation using a tool (CTCREATE) packaged with the system. Beam simulation results are converted to absolute dose per- MU using calibration factors recorded during the commissioning process and treatment simulation. These distributions are combined according to the MU meter settings stored in the exported plan to produce an accurate description of the prescribed dose to the patient. (2) Dose Comparison: TPS dose calculations can be obtained using either a DICOM export or by direct retrieval of binary dose files from the file system. Dose difference, gamma evaluation and normalised dose difference algorithms [2] were employed for the comparison of the TPS dose distribution and the MC dose distribution. These implementations are spatial resolution independent and able to interpolate for comparisons. Results and Discussion: The tools successfully produced Monte Carlo input files for a variety of plans exported from the Eclipse (Varian Medical Systems) and Pinnacle (Philips Medical Systems) planning systems: ranging in complexity from a single uniform square field to a five-field step and shoot IMRT treatment. The simulation of collimated beams has been verified geometrically, and validation of dose distributions in a simple body phantom (QUASAR) will follow. The developed dose comparison algorithms have also been tested with controlled dose distribution changes. Conclusion: The capability of the developed code to independently process treatment plans has been demonstrated. A number of limitations exist: only static fields are currently supported (dynamic wedges and dynamic IMRT will require further development), and the process has not been tested for planning systems other than Eclipse and Pinnacle. The tools will be used to independently assess the accuracy of the current treatment planning system dose calculation algorithms for complex treatment deliveries such as IMRT in treatment sites where patient inhomogeneities are expected to be significant. Acknowledgements: Computational resources and services used in this work were provided by the HPC and Research Support Group, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. Pinnacle dose parsing made possible with the help of Paul Reich, North Coast Cancer Institute, North Coast, New South Wales.
Purpose: Flat-detector, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has enormous potential to improve the accuracy of treatment delivery in image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT). To assist radiotherapists in interpreting these images, we use a Bayesian statistical model to label each voxel according to its tissue type. Methods: The rich sources of prior information in IGRT are incorporated into a hidden Markov random field (MRF) model of the 3D image lattice. Tissue densities in the reference CT scan are estimated using inverse regression and then rescaled to approximate the corresponding CBCT intensity values. The treatment planning contours are combined with published studies of physiological variability to produce a spatial prior distribution for changes in the size, shape and position of the tumour volume and organs at risk (OAR). The voxel labels are estimated using the iterated conditional modes (ICM) algorithm. Results: The accuracy of the method has been evaluated using 27 CBCT scans of an electron density phantom (CIRS, Inc. model 062). The mean voxel-wise misclassification rate was 6.2%, with Dice similarity coefficient of 0.73 for liver, muscle, breast and adipose tissue. Conclusions: By incorporating prior information, we are able to successfully segment CBCT images. This could be a viable approach for automated, online image analysis in radiotherapy.
Purpose Virally mediated head and neck cancers (VMHNC) often present with nodal involvement and are highly radioresponsive, meaning that treatment plan adaptation during radiotherapy (RT) in a subset of patients is required. We sought to determine potential risk profiles and a corresponding adaptive treatment strategy for these patients. Methodology 121 patients with virally mediated, node positive nasopharyngeal (Epstein Barr Virus positive) or oropharyngeal (Human Papillomavirus positive) cancers, receiving curative intent RT were reviewed. The type, frequency and timing of adaptive interventions, including source-to-skin distance (SSD) corrections, re-scanning and re-planning, were evaluated. Patients were reviewed based on the maximum size of the dominant node to assess the need for plan adaptation. Results Forty-six patients (38%) required plan adaptation during treatment. The median fraction at which the adaptive intervention occurred was 26 for SSD corrections and 22 for re-planning CTs. A trend toward 3 risk profile groupings was discovered: 1) Low risk with minimal need (< 10%) for adaptive intervention (dominant pre-treatment nodal size of ≤ 35 mm), 2) Intermediate risk with possible need (< 20%) for adaptive intervention (dominant pre-treatment nodal size of 36 mm – 45 mm) and 3) High-risk with increased likelihood (> 50%) for adaptive intervention (dominant pre-treatment nodal size of ≥ 46 mm). Conclusion In this study, patients with VMHNC and a maximum dominant nodal size of > 46 mm were identified at a higher risk of requiring re-planning during a course of definitive RT. Findings will be tested in a future prospective adaptive RT study.
Integrated care pathways are documents which outline the essential steps of multidisciplinary care in addressing a specific clinical problem (Rotter et al., 2010). They can be used to introduce clinical guidelines and systematic audits of clinical practice, and to ensure that the most appropriate management occurs at the most appropriate time and that it is provided by the most appropriate health professional. The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) is an example of an integrated care pathway, designed in the 1990s to guide care for people who are in their last days of life (Ellershaw et al., 1997, Ellershaw and Ward, 2003)...
Objective Describe the characteristics of patients presenting to Emergency Departments (EDs) within Queensland, Australia with injuries due to assault with a glass implement (‘glassing’) and to set this within the broader context of presentations due to alcohol-related violence. Methods Analysis of prospectively collected ED injury surveillance data collated by the Queensland Injury Surveillance Unit (QISU) between 1999 and 2011. Cases of injury due to alcohol-related violence were identified and analysed using coded fields supplemented with qualitative data contained within the injury description text. Descriptive statistics were used to assess the characteristics of injury presentations due to alcohol-related violence. Violence included interpersonal violence and aggression (verbal aggression and object violence). Results A total of 4629 cases were studied. The study population was predominantly male (72%) and aged 18 to 24 (36%), with males in this age group comprising more than a quarter of the study population (28%). Nine percent of alcohol-related assault injuries were a consequence of ‘glassing’. The home was the most common location for alcohol-related violence (31%) and alcohol-related ‘glassings’ (33%). Overall, the most common glass object involved was a bottle (75%), however, within licensed venues an even mix of a drinking glass (44%) and glass bottle (45%) were identified. Conclusions Contrary to public perception generated by media, ‘glassing’ incidents, particularly at licensed venues, constitute a relatively small proportion of all alcohol-related violence. The current study highlights the predominance of young men injured following alcohol-related violence, demonstrating a key focus area within the population for aiming prevention strategies.
Originating from the World Health Organization of alma Ata in 1978, the philosophy of Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC) includes the interconnecting principles of equity, access, empowerment, community self-determination and intersectoral collaboration in order to achieve better health outcomes for all people. It encompasses addressing the social, economic, cultural and political determinants of health. CPHC when implemented correctly should lead to social inclusion. However, implementing CPHC is complex due to misunderstandings about what it encompasses and about how to achieve the intended goals. This workshop aims to explore a range of issues that are tackled through a diverse range of primary health care services that target: community health, youth mental health, HIV/AIDS, homelessness, and marginalised disadvantaged groups.
Objectives – To describe the development of an educational workshop to develop procedural skills in undergraduate Paramedic students using fresh frozen cadavers and to report the student’s assessment of the program. Methods – A six-hour anatomy based workshop was developed using fresh frozen cadavers to teach a range of airway and invasive procedural skills to second year undergraduate paramedic students. Embedded QUAN (qual) methodology will be utilised to evaluate the student’s satisfaction, perception and quality of teaching as compared to other existing clinical teaching techniques such as high fidelity simulation. Students will be asked to complete an anonymous validated survey (10 questions formulated on a 5 point Likert scale) and provide a qualitative feedback pre and post the six-hour workshop. Results – This is a prospective study planned for September 2013. Low-risk human research ethics are being sought. Teaching evaluation results from the inaugural 2012 workshop (undergraduate and postgraduate Paramedic students) and interim results for 2013 will be presented. Conclusions – Clinical teaching using fresh frozen cadavers thus far has predominately been used in the education of medical and surgical trainees. A number of studies have found them to be effective and in some cases superior to traditional high fidelity simulation teaching strategies. Fresh frozen cadavers are said to provide perfect anatomy, normal tissue consistency and a realistic operative training experience (Lloyd, Maxwell-Armstrong et al. 2011). The authors believe that this study will show that the use of fresh frozen cadavers offers a safe and effective mode to teach procedural skills to student paramedics that will help bridge the skills gap and increase confidence prior to students undertaking such interventions on living patients. A modified training program may be formulated for general practitioners undertaking Emergency Medicine Advanced Rural Skills.
Patient-centred care has been touted as the cornerstone of an effective and efficient primary health care system. However, primary care by its nature is a fragmented system. The system co-evolves in response to needs rather than being planned. In recent years, Medicare Locals were formed in Australia with the intention to tap into this pragmatic nature of primary care and foster health services delivery which is responsive to community and individual patient needs i.e. ‘patient-centred care’. However, it remains to be seen what and how theoretical framework/s can inform this work. For this presentation we aim to illustrate with a case study how hepatitis C is currently managed in primary care and hypothesise what a congruent model of patient-centred care for hepatitis C management could look like.
The Hepatitis C virus (HCV) affects some 150 million people worldwide. However, unlike hepatitis A and B there is no vaccination for HCV and approximately 75% of people exposed to HCV develop chronic hepatitis. In Australia, around 226,700 people live with chronic HCV infection costing the government approximately $252 million per year. Historically, the standard approved/licenced treatment for HCV is pegylated interferon with ribavirin. There are major drawbacks with interferon-based therapy including side effects, long duration of therapy, limited access and affordability. Our previous survey of an at-risk population reported HCV treatment coverage of only 5%. Since April 2013, a new class of interferon-free treatments for chronic HCV is subsidised under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme: boceprevir and telaprevir - estimated to cost the Australian Government in excess of $220 million over five years. Other biologic interferon-free therapeutic agents are scheduled to enter the Australian market. Use of small molecule generic pharmaceuticals has been advocated as a means of public cost savings. However, with the new biologic agents, generics (biosimilars) may not be feasible or straightforward, due to long patent life; marketing exclusivity; and regulatory complexity for these newer products.
Recently we reported the presence of bacteria within follicular fluid. Previous studies have reported that DNA fragmentation in human spermatozoa after in vivo or in vitro incubation with bacteria results in early embryo demise and a reduced rate of ongoing pregnancy, but the effect of bacteria on oocytes is unknown. This study examined the DNA within mouse oocytes after 12 hours’ incubation within human follicular fluids (n = 5), which were collected from women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. Each follicular fluid sample was cultured to detect the presence of bacteria. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) was used to label DNA fragmentation in ovulated, non-fertilized mouse oocytes following in vitro incubation in human follicular fluid. The bacteria Streptococcus anginosus and Peptoniphilus spp., Lactobacillus gasseri (low-dose), L. gasseri (high-dose), Enterococcus faecalis, or Propionibacterium acnes were detected within the follicular fluids. The most severe DNA fragmentation was observed in oocytes incubated in the follicular fluids containing P. acnes or L. gasseri (high-dose). No DNA fragmentation was observed in the mouse oocytes incubated in the follicular fluid containing low-dose L. gasseri or E. faecalis. Low human oocyte fertilization rates (<29%) were associated with extensive fragmentation in mouse oocytes (80–100%). Bacteria colonizing human follicular fluid in vivo may cause DNA fragmentation in mouse oocytes following 12 h of in vitro incubation. Follicular fluid bacteria may result in poor quality oocytes and/or embryos, leading to poor IVF outcomes.
Background No study relating the changes obtained in the architecture of erector spinae (ES) muscle were registered with ultrasound and different intensities of muscle contraction recorded by surface EMG (electromyography) on the ES muscle was found. The aim of this study was analyse the relationship in the response of the ES muscle during isometric moderate and light lumbar isometric extension considering architecture and functional muscle variables. Methods Cross-sectional study. 46 subjects (52% men) with a group mean age of 30.4 (±7.78). The participants developed isometric lumbar extension while performing moderate and low isometric trunk and hip extension in a sitting position with hips flexed 90 degrees and the lumbar spine in neutral position. During these measurements, electromyography recordings and ultrasound images were taken bilaterally. Bilaterally pennation angle, muscle thickness, torque and muscle activation were measured. This study was developed at the human movement analysis laboratory of the Health Science Faculty of the University of Malaga (Spain). Results Strong and moderate correlations were found at moderate and low intensities contraction between the variable of the same intensity, with correlation values ranging from 0.726 (Torque Moderate – EMG Left Moderate) to 0.923 (Angle Left Light – Angle Right Light) (p < 0.001). This correlation is observed between the variables that describe the same intensity of contraction, showing a poor correlation between variables of different intensities. Conclusion There is a strong relationship between architecture and function variables of ES muscle when describe an isometric lumbar extension at light or moderate intensity. Keywords: Ultrasonography; Surface electromyography; Thickness; Pennation angle; Erector spinae
Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has enormous potential to improve the accuracy of treatment delivery in image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT). To assist radiotherapists in interpreting these images, we use a Bayesian statistical model to label each voxel according to its tissue type. The rich sources of prior information in IGRT are incorporated into a hidden Markov random field model of the 3D image lattice. Tissue densities in the reference CT scan are estimated using inverse regression and then rescaled to approximate the corresponding CBCT intensity values. The treatment planning contours are combined with published studies of physiological variability to produce a spatial prior distribution for changes in the size, shape and position of the tumour volume and organs at risk. The voxel labels are estimated using iterated conditional modes. The accuracy of the method has been evaluated using 27 CBCT scans of an electron density phantom. The mean voxel-wise misclassification rate was 6.2\%, with Dice similarity coefficient of 0.73 for liver, muscle, breast and adipose tissue. By incorporating prior information, we are able to successfully segment CBCT images. This could be a viable approach for automated, online image analysis in radiotherapy.