Fresh frozen cadavers as a tool to educate student paramedics in procedural skills

Autoria(s): Bartlett, Stephen; Horrocks, Peter; Lim, David; Kelly, Jodie



Objectives – To describe the development of an educational workshop to develop procedural skills in undergraduate Paramedic students using fresh frozen cadavers and to report the student’s assessment of the program. Methods – A six-hour anatomy based workshop was developed using fresh frozen cadavers to teach a range of airway and invasive procedural skills to second year undergraduate paramedic students. Embedded QUAN (qual) methodology will be utilised to evaluate the student’s satisfaction, perception and quality of teaching as compared to other existing clinical teaching techniques such as high fidelity simulation. Students will be asked to complete an anonymous validated survey (10 questions formulated on a 5 point Likert scale) and provide a qualitative feedback pre and post the six-hour workshop. Results – This is a prospective study planned for September 2013. Low-risk human research ethics are being sought. Teaching evaluation results from the inaugural 2012 workshop (undergraduate and postgraduate Paramedic students) and interim results for 2013 will be presented. Conclusions – Clinical teaching using fresh frozen cadavers thus far has predominately been used in the education of medical and surgical trainees. A number of studies have found them to be effective and in some cases superior to traditional high fidelity simulation teaching strategies. Fresh frozen cadavers are said to provide perfect anatomy, normal tissue consistency and a realistic operative training experience (Lloyd, Maxwell-Armstrong et al. 2011). The authors believe that this study will show that the use of fresh frozen cadavers offers a safe and effective mode to teach procedural skills to student paramedics that will help bridge the skills gap and increase confidence prior to students undertaking such interventions on living patients. A modified training program may be formulated for general practitioners undertaking Emergency Medicine Advanced Rural Skills.





Paramedics Australasia


Bartlett, Stephen, Horrocks, Peter, Lim, David, & Kelly, Jodie (2013) Fresh frozen cadavers as a tool to educate student paramedics in procedural skills. In Paramedics Australasia International Conference 2013, 17-19 October 2013, Rydges Lakeside Hotel, Canberra, Australia. (Unpublished)


Copyright 2013 The authors


School of Clinical Sciences; Faculty of Health; Australian Centre for Health Law Research; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation

Palavras-Chave #110305 Emergency Medicine #130213 Vocational Education and Training Curriculum and Pedagogy #Curriculum development #Medical training #HERN

Conference Paper