699 resultados para School-based curriculum


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International assessments of student science achievement, and growing evidence of students' waning interest in school science, have ensured that the development of scientific literacy continues to remain an important educational priority. Furthermore, researchers have called for teaching and learning strategies to engage students in the learning of science, particularly in the middle years of schooling. This study extends previous national and international research that has established a link between writing and learning science. Specifically, it investigates the learning experiences of eight intact Year 9 science classes as they engage in the writing of short stories that merge scientific and narrative genres (i.e., hybridised scientific narratives) about the socioscientific issue of biosecurity. This study employed a triangulation mixed methods research design, generating both quantitative and qualitative data, in order to investigate three research questions that examined the extent to which the students' participation in the study enhanced their scientific literacy; the extent to which the students demonstrated conceptual understanding of related scientific concepts through their written artefacts and in interviews about the artefacts; and the extent to which the students' participation in the project influenced their attitudes toward science and science learning. Three aspects of scientific literacy were investigated in this study: conceptual science understandings (a derived sense of scientific literacy), the students' transformation of scientific information in written stories about biosecurity (simple and expanded fundamental senses of scientific literacy), and attitudes toward science and science learning. The stories written by students in a selected case study class (N=26) were analysed quantitatively using a series of specifically-designed matrices that produce numerical scores that reflect students' developing fundamental and derived senses of scientific literacy. All students (N=152) also completed a Likert-style instrument (i.e., BioQuiz), pretest and posttest, that examined their interest in learning science, science self-efficacy, their perceived personal and general value of science, their familiarity with biosecurity issues, and their attitudes toward biosecurity. Socioscientific issues (SSI) education served as a theoretical framework for this study. It sought to investigate an alternative discourse with which students can engage in the context of SSI education, and the role of positive attitudes in engaging students in the negotiation of socioscientific issues. Results of the study have revealed that writing BioStories enhanced selected aspects of the participants' attitudes toward science and science learning, and their awareness and conceptual understanding of issues relating to biosecurity. Furthermore, the students' written artefacts alone did not provide an accurate representation of the level of their conceptual science understandings. An examination of these artefacts in combination with interviews about the students' written work provided a more comprehensive assessment of their developing scientific literacy. These findings support extensive calls for the utilisation of diversified writing-to-learn strategies in the science classroom, and therefore make a significant contribution to the writing-to-learn science literature, particularly in relation to the use of hybridised scientific genres. At the same time, this study presents the argument that the writing of hybridised scientific narratives such as BioStories can be used to complement the types of written discourse with which students engage in the negotiation of socioscientific issues, namely, argumentation, as the development of positive attitudes toward science and science learning can encourage students' participation in the discourse of science. The implications of this study for curricular design and implementation, and for further research, are also discussed.


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Expert knowledge is valuable in many modelling endeavours, particularly where data is not extensive or sufficiently robust. In Bayesian statistics, expert opinion may be formulated as informative priors, to provide an honest reflection of the current state of knowledge, before updating this with new information. Technology is increasingly being exploited to help support the process of eliciting such information. This paper reviews the benefits that have been gained from utilizing technology in this way. These benefits can be structured within a six-step elicitation design framework proposed recently (Low Choy et al., 2009). We assume that the purpose of elicitation is to formulate a Bayesian statistical prior, either to provide a standalone expert-defined model, or for updating new data within a Bayesian analysis. We also assume that the model has been pre-specified before selecting the software. In this case, technology has the most to offer to: targeting what experts know (E2), eliciting and encoding expert opinions (E4), whilst enhancing accuracy (E5), and providing an effective and efficient protocol (E6). Benefits include: -providing an environment with familiar nuances (to make the expert comfortable) where experts can explore their knowledge from various perspectives (E2); -automating tedious or repetitive tasks, thereby minimizing calculation errors, as well as encouraging interaction between elicitors and experts (E5); -cognitive gains by educating users, enabling instant feedback (E2, E4-E5), and providing alternative methods of communicating assessments and feedback information, since experts think and learn differently; and -ensuring a repeatable and transparent protocol is used (E6).


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This paper reports on statements from Professional Development participants who were asked to comment on NAPLAN. The participants were involved in a project designed by the YuMi Deadly Centre (YDC) for implementation into 25 Queensland School to enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and low SES students. Using an action research framework and a survey questionnaire, the preliminary data obtained from participating principals is mixed, with statements indicating that NAPLAN is a high priority for some schools while others indicated that it does not “tell” the whole story of student learning.


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A one year mathematics project that focused on measurement was conducted with six Torres Strait Islander schools and communities. Its key focus was to contextualise the teaching and learning of measurement within the students’ culture, communities and home languages. There were six teachers and two teacher aides who participated in the project. This paper reports on the findings from the teachers’ and teacher aides’ survey questionnaire used in the first Professional Development session to identify: a) teachers’ experience of teaching in Torres Strait Islands, b) teachers’ beliefs about effective ways to teach Torres Strait Islander students, and c) contexualising measurement within Torres Strait Islander culture, Communities and home languages. A wide range of differing levels of knowledge and understanding about how to contextualise measurement to support student learning were identified and analysed. For example, an Indigenous teacher claimed that mathematics and the environment are relational, that is, they are not discrete and in isolation from one another, rather they interconnect with mathematical ideas emerging from the environment of the Torres Strait Communities.


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In response to international concerns about scientific literacy and students’ waning interest in school science, this study investigated the effects of a science-writing project about the socioscientific issue of biosecurity on the development of students’ scientific literacy. Students generated two BioStories each that merged scientific information with the narrative storylines in the project. The study was conducted in two phases. In the exploratory phase, a qualitative case study of a 6th grade class involving classroom observations and interviews informed the design of the second, confirmatory phase of the study, which was conducted at a different school. This phase involved a mixed methods approach featuring a quasi-experimental design with two classes of Australian middle school students (i.e., 6th grade, 11 years of age, n=55). The results support the argument that writing the sequence of stories helped the students become more familiar with biosecurity issues, develop a deeper understanding of related biological concepts, and improve their interest in science. On the basis of these findings, teachers should be encouraged to engage their students in the practice of writing about socioscientific issues (SSI) in a way that integrates scientific information into narrative storylines. Extending the practice to older students, and exploring additional issues related to writing about SSI are recommended for further research.


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This paper provides an interim report of a large empirical evaluation study in progress. An intervention was implemented to evaluate the effectiveness of the Pattern and Structure Mathematical Awareness Program (PASMAP) on Kindergarten students’ mathematical development. Four large schools (two from Sydney and two from Brisbane), 16 teachers and their 316 students participated in the first phase of a 2-year longitudinal study. Eight of 16 classes implemented the PASMAP program over three school terms. This paper provides an overview of key aspects of the intervention, and preliminary analysis of the impact of PASMAP on students’ representation, abstraction and generalisation of mathematical ideas.


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The world’s increasing complexity, competitiveness, interconnectivity, and dependence on technology generate new challenges for nations and individuals that cannot be met by “continuing education as usual” (The National Academies, 2009). With the proliferation of complex systems have come new technologies for communication, collaboration, and conceptualization. These technologies have led to significant changes in the forms of mathematical thinking that are required beyond the classroom. This paper argues for the need to incorporate future-oriented understandings and competencies within the mathematics curriculum, through intellectually stimulating activities that draw upon multidisciplinary content and contexts. The paper also argues for greater recognition of children’s learning potential, as increasingly complex learners capable of dealing with cognitively demanding tasks.


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Multidisciplinary learning, interdisciplinary learning and transdisciplinary learning are often used with a similar meaning, but the misunderstanding of these terms may cause a failure of defining learner needs and developing high quality learning design. In this article, the three terms are reviewed in line with learner engagement and are conceptualised according to different types and levels of interactivity. An undergraduate course, named Creative Industries: Making Connections, was designed to deliver various learning modules to over 1200 students from 11 different disciplines in a blended learning mode. A visual communication learning module in the course, in particular, challenges students as well as academic staff to experience transdisciplinary learning. A survey was conducted to evaluate students' learning experience in the visual communication learning module. The results of the survey bring up meaningful implications for the realisation of transdisciplinary learning.


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The artwork I created is to depict missing of face-to-face communication in this digital and information era. It can be seen that social network technologies have enhanced people-to-people communications and enriched their interactions. Yet, these inundated communication mediums have changed people’s preferences for communication through visual-driven interface. This has reduced people’s capabilities of communication skills including listening. Surprisingly, it was reported that 70 percent of young generations are non-auditory learners, influenced by the visual nature of communication (McCrindle, 2006). As a result, they are defined as a pragmatic generation focussed on outcomes and not processes. This serious and societal issue was drawn with a somewhat violent and aggressive form, yet its pop art style should enable audience to approach to the theme with a satirical and light way.


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The artwork was created to respond to the exhibition theme, "DIGILOG+IN". It aimed to express the beauty when digital and analogue materials are combined. It visualised an organic harmony between digital and natural objects through digitalisation and builded a fantasy of digital world. However, there was a conceptual dilemma that a “digitalisation” of natural objects into a digital format should merely become a digital work. In other words, a harmony between digital and analogue (natural) can be only achieved through a digitalising process by removing intrinsic nature of analogues. Therefore, the substance of analogues no longer exists in a digitally visualised form, but is virtually represented. The title of art work “digitualisation” is a combined word with “digi-tal” and vir-tualisation”. It refers to a digitally virtualising the substance of natural objects. The artwork visualised the concept of digitualisation by using natural objects (flowers) that are merged within a virtual space (a building entrance foyer).


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There are only two ways to implement reform in an education system, namely through inservice education of existing teachers and preservice teacher education. Implementing the Australian Curriculum will require targeting both teachers and preservice teachers. Classroom teachers in their roles as mentors have a significant role to play for developing preservice teachers. What mentors do in their mentoring practices and what mentors think about mentoring will impact on the mentoring processes and ultimately reform outcomes. What are mentors’ reports on their mentoring of preservice teachers in science and mathematics? This mixed-method study presents mentors’ reports on their mentoring of primary preservice teachers (mentees) in mathematics (n=43) and science (n=29). Drawing upon a previously validated instrument (Hudson, 2007), this instrument was amended to allow mentors to report on their perceptions of their mentoring. A questionnaire elicited extended written responses that focused on: (1) the mentors’ rapport with their mentees, (2) successful mentoring strategies, (3) aspects that may lead the mentee to feel unsuccessful, and (4) ways to enhance their mentoring skills. Mentors claimed they mentored teaching mathematics more than science. However, 20% or more indicated they did not provide mentoring practices for 25 out of 34 survey items in the science and 9 out of 34 items in the mathematics. Educational reform will necessity mentors to be educated on effective mentoring practices so the mentoring process can be more purposeful. Indeed, mentors who have knowledge of such practices may address the potential issues of more than 20% of mentees not receiving these practices. These mentors also claimed that professional development on effective mentoring can enhance their skills. To ensure the greatest success for an Australian Curriculum will require targeting mentors for professional development in order to assist mentees’ development into the profession.


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Mentors are significant in shaping a preservice teacher’s practices. Developing common understandings about effective mentoring practices can assist the mentoring process. What are mentor educators’ practical ideas towards implementing a mentoring program? This mixed-method study involves surveys, questionnaires, and audio-taped focus group meetings on 14 mentor educators’ views on mentoring preservice primary teachers. This research aims to understand mentor educators’ motivations for mentoring, their views about what makes a good mentor, benefits for mentors, and issues or concerns for mentors and the mentoring process. It also focuses on determining professional development for mentors and troubleshooting potential problems. Findings revealed that these mentor educators were motivated into developing mentoring programs as a way to: (1) influence the quality of preservice teacher education (2) provide personal and professional development in mentoring, and (3) support mentors and the mentoring process within school settings. Outlining what makes a good mentor and benefits for mentors were consistent with the literature. However, these expert mentors also provided potential solutions (e.g., university support and professional development ideas) on issues such as knowing the mentee’s level of development and expectations, building a professional relationship prior to placement and the mentor’s dual role as confidant and assessor.


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Understanding preservice teachers’ memories of their education may aid towards articulating high-impact teaching practices. This study describes 246 preservice teachers’ perceptions of their secondary science education experiences through a questionnaire and 28-item survey. ANOVA was statistically significant about participants’ memories of science with 15 of the 28 survey items. Descriptive statistics through SPSS further showed that a teacher’s enthusiastic nature (87%) and positive attitude towards science (87%) were regarded as highly memorable. In addition, explaining abstract concepts well (79%), and guiding the students’ conceptual development with practical science activities (73%) may be considered as memorable secondary science teaching strategies. Implementing science lessons with one or more of these memorable science teaching practices may “make a difference” towards influencing high school students’ positive long-term memories about science and their science education. Further research in other key learning areas may provide a clearer picture of high-impact teaching and a way to enhance pedagogical practices.


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Universities promote partnerships as an investment of social capital that may benefit communities. Mentoring of university students in schools has become key to induction of education workplace practices. One such arrangement is the mentoring of students from TAFE who endeavour to become teacher aides. However, there is no theoretical model for mentoring teacher aides and, similar to mentoring preservice teachers, such practices vary in quality and quantity. What are mentors’ perceptions of mentoring potential teacher aides within school settings? This mixed-method research involves a survey with extended responses. The aim is to determine practices and strategies for mentoring potential teacher aides (PTAs). Results indicated that PTAs require induction about the school culture and infrastructure, which includes ethics, values, operational plans, awareness of facilities and a range of other inductions that would aid the PTA’s work practices. Findings also revealed that many of the mentoring practices employed for preservice teachers may be used for mentoring PTAs in school settings. Indeed, mentors require personal attributes to facilitate the mentoring process. They also indicated outlining the education system requirements as fundamental to workplace operations. In addition, as most PTAs work with students in the classroom, the mentor’s pedagogical knowledge can further assist PTAs to develop an understanding of effective pedagogical practices, particularly for small groups or one-on-one sessions. Finally, a mentor’s modelling of practices and providing constructive feedback about the PTA’s practices can assist the development of workplace operations. In conclusion, the survey employed in this study may assist organisations to develop protocols of practice for workplace mentors. PTAs require mentors who are versed in effective mentoring practices that can more readily guide them towards success.


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Malaysia’s Vision 2020 for enhancing its education system includes the development of scientific literacy commencing at the primary school level. This Vision focuses on using English as the Medium of Instruction (EMI) for teaching primary science, as Malaysia has English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in its curriculum. What changes need to occur in preservice teacher education programs for learning about primary science using EMI? This paper investigates the education of Malaysian preservice teachers for learning how to teach one strand in science education (i.e., space, primary astronomy) in an English-language context. Ninety-six second-year preservice teachers from two Malaysian institutes were involved in a 16-week “Earth and Space” course, half the course involved education about primary astronomy. Seventy-five of these preservice teachers provided written responses about the course and their development as potential teachers of primary astronomy using EMI. Preservice teacher assessments and multimedia presentations provided further evidence on learning how to teach primary astronomy. Many of these preservice teachers claimed that learning to teach primary astronomy needs to focus on teaching strategies, content knowledge with easy-to-understand concepts, computer simulations (e.g., Earth Centered Universe, Stellarium, Celestia), other ICT media, and field experiences that use naked-eye observations and telescopes to investigate celestial bodies. Although generally proficient in using ICT, they claimed there were EFL barriers for learning some new terminology. Nevertheless, powerpoints, animations, videos, and simulations were identified as effective ICT tools for providing clear visual representations of abstract concepts and ways to enhance the learning process.