446 resultados para saturation phenomenon


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Interest in the concept of information literacy in different contexts is a topic that has steadily gained increased attention in information literacy discourse and research efforts over recent years. In particular the emergence of the term ‘health information literacy’ attests to this interest and has elevated awareness about the importance and relevance of information literacy in a health context. This paper reports on research that has taken a relational perspective to explore how people experience health information literacy. Initially established by Bruce (1997) the relational perspective draws from an experiential framework that emphasizes the relationship between users and information when learning in different contexts. This approach seeks outcomes that are deeply embedded in users’ informational life worlds and complements experiential phenomenological perspectives that have been used in health research. In keeping with the relational approach this research interprets health information literacy as being the different ways in which people experience using information to learn about health. Using interpretive phenomenography, this research explored variation in the lived experience of how people use information to learn about their health, and variation in what is constituted as information when learning about their health. Participants included 23 males and females aged between 45 and 64 years. All participants were residents from the Greater Brisbane area of Queensland, Australia. The research used semi-structured interviews for data collection. The types of questions posed during interviews included ‘Can you describe a time when you used information to learn about your health?’ and ‘What kinds of information have you used to learn about your health?’. This paper will focus on presenting one element of research findings that concerns the differences in ‘what’ participants experienced as information. Analysis of interview data identified significant variation in the experienced nature of information, specifically the different qualities or elements that comprised the ‘object’ of information, or in other words, what was perceived as ‘informing’. Illustrations of this variation include information experienced as traditional information sources, facts and experiences, something exhibiting particular qualities, physical or psychological changes, other people and role models. These findings provide new insights into what people may experience as information, and build upon existing literature regarding information as a theoretical construct. In addition the potential implications of these findings with respect to the design and delivery of health information literacy education will also be discussed. These research findings contribute to the emergence of information literacy investigations in everyday life and community. Although such settings have long been identified as a significant gap for exploration, research to date in this field has predominantly focused on educational and workplace environments. In this way the knowledge gained from this research has further revealed the contextual nature of information literacy, as well as its complexity as a phenomenon and focus of study.


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Literacy in dance involves conscious awareness of cognitive, aesthetic and physical activity along with the skills to articulate these activities as required in any given context. Dance literacy, perhaps uniquely, also entails unconscious, tacit, embodied knowledge within the holistic body, a corporeality: knowledge which is physically experienced but only articulated in the dance. The essence of this corporeality has a transcendent quality which contributes to the universality of dance. The degrees to which a dancer’s awareness is refined, the physical activity articulated and the embodied knowledge universal, will define the level of development of the dancer’s literacy. This literacy can be learned, though not every body and mind has equal capacity for development. If we wish to develop dance literacy, qualitatively encompassing more than dance technique, the art of learning must be carefully cultivated to allow the art of dance to flourish. The pathways of learning dance are individuated; transcendence is realised through the common experience that what we are learning is coming from within.


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BACKGROUND Silver dressings have been widely and successfully used to prevent cutaneous wounds, including burns, chronic ulcers, dermatitis and other cutaneous conditions, from infection. However, in a few cases, skin discolouration or argyria-like appearances have been reported. This study investigated the level of silver in scar tissue post-burn injury following application of Acticoat, a silver dressing. METHODS A porcine deep dermal partial thickness burn model was used. Burn wounds were treated with this silver dressing until completion of re-epithelialization, and silver levels were measured in a total of 160 scars and normal tissues. RESULTS The mean level of silver in scar tissue covered with silver dressings was 136 microg/g, while the silver level in normal skin was less than 0.747 microg/g. A number of wounds had a slate-grey appearance, and dissection of the scars revealed brown-black pigment mostly in the middle and deep dermis within the scar. The level of silver and the severity of the slate-grey discolouration were correlated with the length of time of the silver dressing application. CONCLUSIONS These results show that silver deposition in cutaneous scar tissue is a common phenomenon, and higher levels of silver deposits and severe skin discolouration are correlated with an increase in the duration of this silver dressing application.


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Background Less invasive methods of determining cardiac output are now readily available. Using indicator dilution technique, for example has made it easier to continuously measure cardiac output because it uses the existing intra-arterial line. Therefore gone is the need for a pulmonary artery floatation catheter and with it the ability to measure left atrial and left ventricular work indices as well the ability to monitor and measure a mixed venous saturation (SvO2). Purpose The aim of this paper is to put forward the notion that SvO2 provides valuable information about oxygen consumption and venous reserve; important measures in the critically ill to ensure oxygen supply meets cellular demand. In an attempt to portray this, a simplified example of the septic patient is offered to highlight the changing pathophysiological sequelae of the inflammatory process and its importance for monitoring SvO2. Relevance to clinical practice SvO2 monitoring, it could be argued, provides the gold standard for assessing arterial and venous oxygen indices in the critically ill. For the bedside ICU nurse the plethora of information inherent in SvO2 monitoring could provide them with important data that will assist in averting potential problems with oxygen delivery and consumption. However, it has been suggested that central venous saturation (ScvO2) might be an attractive alternative to SvO2 because of its less invasiveness and ease of obtaining a sample for analysis. There are problems with this approach and these are to do with where the catheter tip is sited and the nature of the venous admixture at this site. Studies have shown that ScvO2 is less accurate than SvO2 and should not be used as a sole guiding variable for decision-making. These studies have demonstrated that there is an unacceptably wide range in variance between ScvO2 and SvO2 and this is dependent on the presenting disease, in some cases SvO2 will be significantly lower than ScvO2. Conclusion Whilst newer technologies have been developed to continuously measure cardiac output, SvO2 monitoring is still an important adjunct to clinical decision-making in the ICU. Given the information that it provides, seeking alternatives such as ScvO2 or blood samples obtained from femorally placed central venous lines, can unnecessarily lead to inappropriate treatment being given or withheld. Instead when using ScvO2, trending of this variable should provide clinical determinates that are useable for the bedside ICU nurse, remembering that in most conditions SvO2 will be approximately 16% lower.


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It is shown that the simultaneous saturation of Ni nanoparticles used as catalyst for vertically aligned carbon nanotube and nanocone arrays can be improved in low-temperature plasma- or ion-assisted processes compared with neutral gas-based routes. The results of hybrid multiscale numerical simulations of the catalyst nanoarrays (particle sizes of 2 and 10 nm) saturation with carbon show the possibility of reducing the difference in catalyst incubation times for smallest and largest catalyst particles by up to a factor of 2. This approach is generic and provides process conditions for simultaneous nucleation and growth of uniform arrays of vertically aligned nanostructures. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The kinetics of the nucleation and growth of carbon nanotube and nanocone arrays on Ni catalyst nanoparticles on a silicon surface exposed to a low-temperature plasma are investigated numerically, using a complex model that includes surface diffusion and ion motion equations. It is found that the degree of ionization of the carbon flux strongly affects the kinetics of nanotube and nanocone nucleation on partially saturated catalyst patterns. The use of highly ionized carbon flux allows formation of a nanotube array with a very narrow height distribution of half-width 7 nm. Similar results are obtained for carbon nanocone arrays, with an even narrower height distribution, using a highly ionized carbon flux. As the deposition time increases, nanostructure arrays develop without widening the height distribution when the flux ionization degree is high, in contrast to the fairly broad nanostructure height distributions obtained when the degree of ionization is low.


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The kinetics of saturation of Ni catalyst nanoparticle patterns of the three different degrees of order, used as a model for the growth of carbon nanotips on Si, is investigated numerically using a complex model that involves surface diffusion and ion motion equations. It is revealed that Ni catalyst patterns of different degrees of order, with Ni nanoparticle sizes up to 12.5 nm, exhibit different kinetics of saturation with carbon on the Si surface. It is shown that in the cases examined (surface coverage in the range of 1-50%, highly disordered Ni patterns) the relative pattern saturation factor calculated as the ratio of average incubation times for the processes conducted in the neutral and ionized gas environments reaches 14 and 3.4 for Ni nanoparticles of 2.5 and 12.5 nm, respectively. In the highly ordered Ni patterns, the relative pattern saturation factor reaches 3 for nanoparticles of 2.5 nm and 2.1 for nanoparticles of 12.5 nm. Thus, more simultaneous saturation of Ni catalyst nanoparticles of sizes in the range up to 12.5 nm, deposited on the Si substrate, can be achieved in the low-temperature plasma environment than with the neutral gas-based process.


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This study aims to examine the severe consequences of traffic crashes related to a special group of drivers in China, which is called the “Second Rich & Powerful Generation” (SRPG). The unique driving behaviors and attitudes of this special group are intertwined with the general cultural and social environment in China. To investigate the difference of traffic crash consequences between drivers who belong to SRPG and general driver population, injuries and fatalities in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 were compared. Results consistently showed that while no significant difference was detected between these two groups in terms of injuries, fatalities per crash caused by SRPG were significantly larger than that caused by general driver population. Findings from our study clearly demonstrate the complexity of road safety issues in developing countries, and can also be used to develop road safety improvement strategies tailored to SRPG.


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Flexible working arrangements have attracted growing attention in workplaces across Australia and in many other countries in recent years. This contribution utilises the results of two large Australian employee surveys to analyse who asks for flexibility, why, and with what effects on work-life interference. This analysis is set in the context of Australia’s ‘Right to Request’ (RTR) provisions which, at the time of the study, gave parents of preschool children and those with a disabled child aged up to 18 the RTR flexibility. The analysis also draws on a set of qualitative interviews of those we term ‘discontented non-requesters’ (that is, those who are not content with current arrangements but who do not ask for flexibility) to probe beneath the survey results to consider explanations about why some people do not ask for flexibility despite desiring different working arrangements. We conclude with the implications for policy and regulation.


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This paper explores a new interpretation of experiments on foil rolling. The assumption that the roll remains convex is relaxed so that the strip profile may become concave, or thicken in the roll gap. However, we conjecture that the concave profile is associated with phenomena which occur after the rolls have stopped. We argue that the yield criterion must be satisfied in a nonconventional manner if such a phenomenon is caused plastically. Finite element analysis on an extrusion problem appears to confirm this conjecture.


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Joining any new community involves transition and adaptation. Just as we learn to adapt to different cultures when we choose to live abroad, so students learn the language and culture of an academic community in order to succeed within that environment. At the same time however, students bring with them individual learning styles and expectations, influenced by their prior experiences of learning and of life more generally. Some have excelled at school; others have come to fashion seeking something in which to excel for the first time. Commencing a degree in fashion design brings students into contact with peers and lecturers who share their passion, providing them with a community of practice which can be both supportive and at the same time intimidating.----- In Queensland where university level study in fashion is such a new phenomenon, few applicants have any depth of training in design when they apply to study fashion. Unlike disciplines such as Dance or Visual Art, where lecturers can expect a good level of skill upon entry to a degree program, we have to look for the potential evidenced in an applicant’s portfolio, much of which is untutored work that they have generated themselves in preparation for application. This means that many first year fashion students at QUT whilst very passionate about the idea of fashion design are often very naïve about the practice of fashion design, with limited knowledge of the history or cultural context of fashion and few of the technical skills needed to translate their ideas into three dimensional products.----- For teachers engaging with first year students in the design studios, it is critical to be cognizant of this mix of different experiences, expectations and emotions in order to design curricula and assessment that stretch and engage students without unduly increasing their sense of frustration and anxiety. This paper examines a first year project designed to provide an introduction to design process and to learning within a creative discipline. The lessons learnt provide a valuable and transferable resource for lecturers in a variety of art and design disciplines.


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Reflecting its importance to thc financial success of organisations, interest in consumer loyalty continues unabated. However, there are still many unanswered questions about its conceptualisation and measurement.These questions must he resolved before academics and practitioners can usefully apply the concept. We argue that consumer loyalty is best conceptualised as a multi-dimensional phenomenon. Based on this multi-dimensional view, we develop and test a new measure of consumer loyalty. We hypothesise a threedimensional structure containing affective, temporal and instrumental dimensions, Results from a preliminary test are reported. The results indicate that the construct can be reprcxeuted with two dimensions: affective and temporal loyally. As an additional check on the reliability of our results, we find significant correlations between these two dimensions and a measure of behavioural loyalty.


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Medeleven was a practice-based research work that challenged conventional notions of how audiences ‘experience’ contemporary dance. It resulted in a 40 minute ‘experiential’ performance that inverted the traditional ‘passive’ presentation paradigm by situating the audience centrally within the creative process. The ‘traditional presentation paradigm’ was inverted in numerous ways including: asking the audience onstage with the performers, placing swings onstage for the audience to play on during the performance and guiding the audience through backstage corridors before entering onstage – all of which added elements of physicality, agency and liminality to the performance not usually available to audience members of contemporary dance. Five dancers moved throughout the space allowing the audience to choose where and how they engaged with this work and the swings were utilised both as a performance space and for audience seating. In addition to these spatial variations, the quadraphonic soundscore created distinct ‘environments’ throughout the stage space that varied individual experience possibilities. By positing performance as an experiential phenomenon, the pivotal objective of this work was to create a live-art experience that extended its performativity to include audience members as active meaning-makers, challenging both their role within this paradigm and their expectations of contemporary dance. The work produced strong responses from the audience with surveys indicating the presentation format, as well as the construction of the work, changed audience experience and ability to connect with the dance work. The research suggested that, in addition to existing research on dance audiences, barriers to engagement with contemporary dance may include how the art is constructed and where the audience is positioned within that creative framework. The research builds upon artistic practices being undertaken throughout the world that challenge the notion of existing ‘passive’ performance paradigms via creative ‘engagement’ with audience.


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ABSTRACT. The phenomenon of consumer co-creation is often framed in terms of whether either economic market forces or socio-cultural non-market forces ultimately dominate. We propose an alternate model of consumer co-creation in terms of co-evolution between markets and non-markets. Our model is based on a recent ethnographic study of a massively multiplayer online game through its development, release and ultimate failure, and cast in terms of two explanatory models: multiple games and social network markets. We conclude that consumer co-creation is indeed complex, but in ways that relate to both emergent market expectations and the evolution of markets, not to the transcendence of markets.