270 resultados para next 12 months


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Introduction and Aims: Remote delivery of interventions is needed to address large numbers of people with alcohol use disorders who are spread over large areas. Previous correspondence trials typically examined its effects as stand-alone treatment. This study aimed to test whether adding postal treatment to general practitioner (GP) support would lower alcohol use more than GP intervention alone. Design and Methods: A single-blind, randomised controlled trial with a crossover design was conducted over 12 months on 204 people with alcohol use disorders. Participants in an immediate correspondence condition received treatment over the first 3 months; those receiving delayed treatment received it in months 3–6. Results: Few participants were referred from GPs, and little intervention was offered by them. At 3 months, 78% of participants remained in the study. Those in immediate treatment showed greater reductions in alcohol per week, drinking days, anxiety, depression and distress than those in the delayed condition. However, post-treatment and follow-up outcomes still showed elevated alcohol use, depression, anxiety and distress. Greater baseline anxiety predicted better alcohol outcomes, although more mental distress at baseline predicted dropout. Discussion and Conclusions: The study gave consistent results with those from previous research on correspondence treatments, and showed that high levels of participant engagement over 3 months can be obtained. Substantial reductions in alcohol use are seen, with indications that they are well maintained. However, many participants continue to show high-risk alcohol use and psychological distress.


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Web 1.0 referred to the early, read-only internet; Web 2.0 refers to the ‘read-write web’ in which users actively contribute to as well as consume online content; Web 3.0 is now being used to refer to the convergence of mobile and Web 2.0 technologies and applications. One of the most important developments in mobile 3.0 is geography: with many mobile phones now equipped with GPS, mobiles promise to “bring the internet down to earth” through geographically-aware, or locative media. The internet was earlier heralded as “the death of geography” with predictions that with anyone able to access information from anywhere, geography would no longer matter. But mobiles are disproving this. GPS allows the location of the user to be pinpointed, and the mobile internet allows the user to access locally-relevant information, or to upload content which is geotagged to the specific location. It also allows locally-specific content to be sent to the user when the user enters a specific space. Location-based services are one of the fastest-growing segments of the mobile internet market: the 2008 AIMIA report indicates that user access of local maps increased by 347% over the previous 12 months, and restaurant guides/reviews increased by 174%. The central tenet of cultural geography is that places are culturally-constructed, comprised of the physical space itself, culturally-inflected perceptions of that space, and people’s experiences of the space (LeFebvre 1991). This paper takes a cultural geographical approach to locative media, anatomising the various spaces which have emerged through locative media, or “the geoweb” (Lake 2004). The geoweb is such a new concept that to date, critical discourse has treated it as a somewhat homogenous spatial formation. In order to counter this, and in order to demonstrate the dynamic complexity of the emerging spaces of the geoweb, the paper provides a topography of different types of locative media space: including the personal/aesthetic in which individual users geotag specific physical sites with their own content and meanings; the commercial, like the billboards which speak to individuals as they pass in Minority Report; and the social, in which one’s location is defined by the proximity of friends rather than by geography.


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Young adults are at the greatest risk of experiences road trauma disproportionately to those in other age groups. While the influence of peers is commonly associated with motor vehicle crashes and injury few studies examine whether their influence can be positive. In particular friends may be able to actively intervene to reduce the likelihood of risky driving (e.g. speeding, drink driving or drug driving) and alcohol use. The aim of this paper is to conduct a systematic review on intervening in risky driving behaviour including the situations in which it is likely or unlikely to occur, factors associated with individuals who might or report having intervened and any evaluated programs that make use of such strategies. In addition a study was conducted with 247 first year university students (32% males) to examine whether young adults report engaging in protective behaviour with their peers in South-east Queensland. In particular, if they intervene if their friends are about to drive after drinking, drive after taking illicit drugs or when speeding. It examines any differences in reported likelihood of discouraging such illegal and dangerous behaviour (in the past 12 months prior to the survey). Findings showed that young adults (17-25 years) did indeed report protective behaviour in relation to friends’ drink driving, drug driving, speeding and binge drinking. Conclusions will be drawn regarding important considerations in developing positive strategies and advertising campaigns that encourage positive behaviours (e.g. ‘don’t let mates drink and drive’).


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Introduction: Five-year survival from breast cancer in Australia is 87%. Hence, ensuring a good quality of life (QOL) has become a focal point of cancer research and clinical interest. Exercise during and after treatment has been identified as a potential strategy to optimise QOL of women diagnosed with breast cancer.----- Methods: Exercise for Health is a randomised controlled trial of an eight-month, exercise intervention delivered by Exercise Physiologists. An objective of this study was to assess the impact of the exercise program during and following treatment on QOL. Queensland women diagnosed with unilateral breast cancer in 2006/07 were eligible to participate. Those living in urban-Brisbane (n=194) were allocated to either the face-to-face exercise group, the telephone exercise group, or the usual-care group, and those living in rural Queensland (n=143) were allocated to the telephone exercise group or the usual-care group. QOL, as assessed by the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Breast (FACT-B+4) questionnaire, was measured at 4-6 weeks (pre-intervention), 6 months (mid-intervention) and 12 months (three months post-intervention) post-surgery.----- Results: Significant (P<0.01) increases in QOL were observed between pre-intervention and three months post-intervention 12 months post-surgery for all women. Women in the exercise groups experienced greater mean positive changes in QOL during this time (+10 points) compared with the usual-care groups (+5 to +7 points) after adjusting for baseline QOL. Although all groups experienced an overall increase in QOL, approximately 20% of urban and rural women in the usual-care groups reported a decline in QOL, compared with 10% of women in the exercise groups.----- Conclusions: This work highlights the potential importance of participating in physical activity to optimise QOL following a diagnosis of breast cancer. Results suggest that the telephone may be an effective medium for delivering exercise counselling to newly diagnosed breast cancer patients.


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Substance misuse is common in early psychosis, and impacts negatively on outcomes. Little is known about effective interventions for this population. We report a pilot study of brief intervention for substance misuse in early psychosis (Start Over and Survive: SOS), comparing it with Standard Care (SC). Twenty-five in-patients aged 18-35 years with early psychosis and current misuse of non-opioid drugs were allocated randomly to conditions. Substance use and related problems were assessed at baseline, 6 weeks and 3, 6 and 12 months. Final assessments were blind to condition. All 13 SOS participants who proceeded to motivational interviewing reported less substance use at 6 months, compared with 58% (7/12) in SC alone. Effects were well maintained to 12 months. However, more SOS participants lived with a relative or partner, and this also was associated with better outcomes. Engagement remained challenging: 39% (16/41) declined participation and 38% (5/13) in SOS only received rapport building. Further research will increase sample size, and address both engagement and potential confounds.


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Over the last decade, brief intervention for alcohol problems has become a well-validated and accepted treatment, with bried interventions frequently showing equivalence in terms of outcome to more extended treatments (Bien et al, 1993). A recent review of this studies found that heavy drinkers who received interventions of less than 1 h were almost twice as likely to moderate their drinking over the following 6-12 months as did those not receiving intervention (Wilk etal, 1997).Some studies have used motivational interviewing (MI) strategies (Monti et al, 1999); others have simply given information ajnd advice to reduce drinking (Fleming et al, 1997). Leaflets or information on strategies to assist in the attempt or follow-up sessions are sometimes provided (Fleming et al, 1997). In general practice research, provision of one or more follow-up sessions increases the reliability of intake reductions across studies (Poikolainen, 1999).


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The Exercise for Health program is a telephone-delivered exercise intervention for women with breast cancer (BC) living in regional Queensland. The effect of the program is being evaluated in the context of a randomised controlled trial. Consenting, newly diagnosed BC patients, treated in one of 8 regional Queensland hospitals, were randomly allocated to telephone-based exercise counselling (EC) or usual care (UC) at 6-weeks post-surgery. EC participants received an exercise workbook and 16 calls from an exercise physiologist over 8 months. Physical activity levels (PA) (Active Australia & CHAMPS), quality-of-life (FACTB+4), upper-body function (DASH) and fatigue (FACIT-Fatigue) were assessed at baseline (4-6 weeks post-surgery), 6- and 12-months post-surgery. Preliminary analyses of available 6-month data were conducted using t-tests and repeated measures ANCOVAs. Participating women (n=143; EC n=73, UC n=70) were aged 53±9 years and 30% met PA guidelines at baseline. Up to two thirds of the women received adjuvant therapy during the first 6 months following surgery. Greater improvements (mean change+SD) occurred for the EC vs UC group in weekly sessions of walking (1.83±4.3 vs -0.5±5.5, p=0.029) moderate-vigorous PA (5.0±6.5 vs -1.1±6.1, p=0.005) and strength training (1.9±2.9 vs -0.5±4.2 p<0.001), and in upper-body function, reflected by lower log-transformed disability scores (-0.34±0.44 vs -0.17±0.28, p=0.038). More EC than UC participants met PA guidelines at 6 months (46.3% vs 32.7%). Preliminary findings from this ongoing trial suggest that the telephone is a feasible and effective medium for delivering exercise counselling to newly diagnosed BC patients living in regional areas.


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The provision of accessible and cost-effective treatment to a large number of problem drinkers is a significant challenge to health services. Previous data suggest that a correspondence intervention may assist in these efforts. We recruited 277 people with alcohol abuse problems and randomly allocated them to immediate cognitive behavioral treatment by correspondence (ICBT), 2 months in a waiting list (WL2-CBT), self-monitoring (SM2-CBT), or extended self-monitoring (SM6-CBT). Everyone received correspondence CBT after the control period. Over 2 months later, no drop in alcohol intake occurred in the waiting list, and CBT had a greater impact than SM. No further gains from SM were seen after 2 months. Effects of CBT were well maintained and were equivalent, whether it was received immediately or after 2 to 6 months of self-monitoring. Weekly alcohol intake fell 48% from pretreatment to 18.6 alcohol units at 12 months. Our results confirmed that correspondence CBT for alcohol abuse was accessible and effective for people with low physical dependence.


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Recognizing the need to offer alternative methods of brief interventions, this study developed correspondence treatments for low-dependent problem drinkers and evaluated their impact. One hundred and twenty-one problem drinkers were recruited by media advertisements and were randomly allocated to a full cognitive behavioural treatment programme (CBT) or to a minimal intervention condition (MI) that gave information regarding alcohol misuse and instructions to record drinking. As predicted, CBT was more effective than MI in reducing alcohol consumption over the 4-month controlled trial period. CBT produced a 50% fall in consumption, bringing the average intake of subjects within recommended maximum levels. Treatment gains at 6 months were well maintained to 12 months. High levels of consumer satisfaction, a high representation of women and a substantial participation from isolated rural areas attested to the feasibility of the correspondence programme as an alternative treatment. However, some drinking occasions still involved high intake for a significant subgroup of subjects, and this issue will be addressed in future programmes. The results supported the use of correspondence delivery as a means of promoting early engagement and equity of access between city and country areas.


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The Comprehensive Australian Study of Entrepreneurial Emergence (CAUSEE) is the largest study of new firm formation that has ever been undertaken in Australia. CAUSEE follows the development of several samples of new and emerging firms over time. In this report we focus on the drivers of outcomes – in terms of reaching an operational stage vs. terminating the effort – of 493 randomly selected nascent firms whose founders have been comprehensively interviewed on two occasions, 12 months apart. We investigate the outcome effects of three groups of variables: Characteristics of the Venture; Resources Used in the Start-Up Process and Characteristics of the Start-Up Process Itself.


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Aims: To determine the reliability and validity of the Severity of Dependence Scale (SDS) for detecting cannabis dependence in a large sample of in-patients with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder. Design: Cross-sectional study. Participants: Participants were 153 in-patients with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder in Brisbane, Australia. Measurements: Participants were administered the SDS for cannabis dependence in the past 12 months. The presence of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version-IV (DSM-IV) cannabis dependence in the previous 12 months was assessed using the Comprehensive International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). Findings: The SDS had high levels of internal consistency and strong construct and concurrent validity. Individuals with a score of ≥2 on the SDS were nearly 30 times more likely to have DSM-IV cannabis dependence. The SDS was the strongest predictor of DSM-IV cannabis dependence after controlling for other predictor variables. Conclusions: The SDS is a brief, valid and reliable screen for cannabis dependence among people with psychosis


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Tested a social–cognitive model of depressive episodes and their treatment within a predictive study of treatment response. 42 clinically depressed volunteers (aged 22–60 yrs) were given self-efficacy (SE) questionnaires and other measures before and after treatment with cognitive therapy. Results support the idea that SE and skills regarding control of negative cognition mediates a sustained response to cognitive treatment for depression. Not only did mood-control variables correlate highly with concurrent changes in depression scores during treatment, but the posttreatment SE measure discriminated Ss who relapsed over the next 12 mo.


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Objective: To assess the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of regional and rural breast cancer survivors at 12 months post-diagnosis and to identify correlates of HRQoL. Methods: 323 (202 regional and 121 rural) Queensland women diagnosed with unilateral breast cancer in 2006/2007 participated in a population-based, cross-sectional study. HRQoL was measured using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy, Breast plus arm morbidity (FACT-B+4) self-administered questionnaire. Results: In age-adjusted analyses, mean HRQoL scores of regional breast cancer survivors were comparable to their rural counterparts 12 months post-diagnosis (122.9, 95% CI: 119.8, 126.0 vs. 123.7, 95% CI: 119.7, 127.8; p>0.05). Irrespective of residence, younger (<50 years) women reported lower HRQoL than older (50+ years) women (113.5, 95% CI: 109.3, 117.8 vs. 128.2, 95%CI: 125.1, 131.2; p<0.05). Those women who received chemotherapy, reported two complications post-surgery, had poorer upper-body function than most, reported more stress, reduced coping, who were socially isolated, had no confidante for social-emotional support, had unmet healthcare needs, and low health self-efficacy reported lower HRQoL scores. Together, these factors explained 66% of the variance in overall HRQoL. The pattern of results remained similar for younger and older age groups. Conclusions and Implications: The results underscore the importance of supporting and promoting regional and rural breast cancer programs that are designed to improve physical functioning, reduce stress and provide psychosocial support following diagnosis. Further, the information can be used by general practitioners and other allied health professionals for identifying women at risk of poorer HRQoL.


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Issue addressed: Australia records the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world. In response to this public education campaigns have incorporated messages about reducing sun exposure and avoiding sunburn. This study sought to describe the prevalence of and factors associated with sunburn in Queensland residents. Methods: The Queensland Cancer Risk Study was a population-based, cross-sectional survey of 9,298 respondents conducted via computer-assisted telephone interview during 2004. Sunburn prevalence and its association with sociodemographics and skin cancer risk variables were examined. Results: More than two-thirds (70.4%) of respondents reported at least one episode of sunburn in the past 12 months, and one in ten respondents reported at least one episode of sever sunburn in the past 12 months. Experiences of sunburn on two or more occasions were reported more frequently by males than females (57.6% versus 46.5%, p < 0.001), and by nearly two-thirds (65.8%) of those aged 20-39 years compared to 48.0% of 40-59 year olds, and 26.7% of 60-75 year olds (p < 0.001). Episodes of sunburn were strongly associated with being male (OR=2.20 95%CI 1.84-2.63) and being aged 20 to 39 years compared to 60 to 75 years (OR=9.79, 95%CI=7.66-12.50). Conclusions: Sunburn remains highly prevalent among Queensland residents particularly among men and in the younger age groups. So what? More effective strategies and methods may be required to extend the influence of health promotion campaigns.


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Background: Incidence and mortality from skin cancers including melanoma are highest among men 50 years or older. Thorough skin self-examination may be beneficial to improve skin cancers outcomes.--------- Objectives: To develop and conduct a randomized-controlled trial of a video-based intervention to improve skin self-examination behavior among men 50 years or older.--------- Methods: Pilot work ascertained appropriate targeting of the 12-minute intervention video towards men 50 years or older. Overall, 968 men were recruited and 929 completed baseline telephone assessment. Baseline analysis assessed randomization balance and demographic, skin cancer risk and attitudinal factors associated with conducting a whole-body skin self-examination or receiving a whole-body clinical skin examination by a doctor during the past 12 months.--------- Results: Randomization resulted in well-balanced intervention and control groups. Overall 13% of men reported conducting a thorough skin self-examination using a mirror or the help of another person to check difficult to see areas, while 39% reported having received a whole-body skin examination by a doctor within the past 12 months. Confidence in finding time for and receiving advice or instructions by a doctor to perform a skin self-examination were among the factors associated with thorough skin self-examination at baseline.---------- Conclusions: Men 50 years or older can successfully be recruited to a video-based intervention trial with the aim reduce their burden through skin cancer. Randomization by computer generated randomization list resulted in good balance between control and intervention group and baseline analysis determined factors associated with skin cancer early detection behavior at baseline.