An evaluation of brief correspondence programs for problem drinkers

Autoria(s): Kavanagh, David J.; Sitharthan, Thiagarajan; Spilsbury, Georgina; Vignaendra, Sumitra



The provision of accessible and cost-effective treatment to a large number of problem drinkers is a significant challenge to health services. Previous data suggest that a correspondence intervention may assist in these efforts. We recruited 277 people with alcohol abuse problems and randomly allocated them to immediate cognitive behavioral treatment by correspondence (ICBT), 2 months in a waiting list (WL2-CBT), self-monitoring (SM2-CBT), or extended self-monitoring (SM6-CBT). Everyone received correspondence CBT after the control period. Over 2 months later, no drop in alcohol intake occurred in the waiting list, and CBT had a greater impact than SM. No further gains from SM were seen after 2 months. Effects of CBT were well maintained and were equivalent, whether it was received immediately or after 2 to 6 months of self-monitoring. Weekly alcohol intake fell 48% from pretreatment to 18.6 alcohol units at 12 months. Our results confirmed that correspondence CBT for alcohol abuse was accessible and effective for people with low physical dependence.



Elsevier Ltd.



Kavanagh, David J., Sitharthan, Thiagarajan, Spilsbury, Georgina, & Vignaendra, Sumitra (1999) An evaluation of brief correspondence programs for problem drinkers. Behavior Therapy, 30(4), pp. 641-656.


Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Psychology & Counselling

Palavras-Chave #111714 Mental Health #correspondence intervention #ICBT #WL2-CBT #SM2-CBT #SM6-CBT

Journal Article