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Providing an appropriate education for exceptional students in mathematics is mandated in educational policy in Australasia (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Agency (ACARA), 2010; Ministry of Education, 2009, 2011) but a challenge for teachers and schools. ‘Exceptional students’ refer to two distinct populations, namely those who are gifted in mathematics and have the capability to perform very highly compared to age peers and those who experience learning difficulties in mathematics and may underperform (Diezmann, Lowrie, Bicknell, Faragher, & Putt, 2004).


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The development of the capacity for self-regulation represents an important achievement of childhood and is associated with social, behavioral, and academic competence (Bronson, 2001; Cleary & Zimmerman, 2004). Self-regulation evolves as individuals mature, with its final form integrating emotional, cognitive, and behavioral elements working together to achieve self-selected goals. This evolution is closely intertwined with the innate press to master the environment, labeled mastery motivation (Morgan, Harmon, & Maslin-Cole, 1990), as competence is the aim that underpins mastery motivation.


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A preceptor project at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital in Queensland, Australia, explored existing levels of preceptorship support during the transition processes of newly employed or transferred nurses and midwives. Initiatives adopted have enhanced the implementation and maintenance of preceptorship principles and communication processes and defined accountability and responsibilities. Outcomes have contributed to enhanced role clarity, improved communication, increased support for teaching and learning, and infrastructure processes to facilitate the preceptor-preceptee relationship and increased retention.


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In the 21st century mathematics proficiency is synonymous with a numerate citizenry. In the past few decades young children’s ability to reason mathematically and develop mathematical proficiencies has been recognised. This paper explores the history of early childhood mathematics (ECME) that may explicate differences in Chinese and Australian contexts. Results of this review established that China and Australia are diametrically positioned in ECME. Influencing each countries philosophies and practices are their cultural beliefs. ECME in China and Australia must be culturally sustainable to achieve excellent outcomes for young children. Ongoing critique and review is necessary to ensure that ECME is meeting the needs of all teachers and children in their particular context. China and Australia with their rich contrasting philosophies can assist each other in their journeys to create exemplary ECME for the 21st century.


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Managing large cohorts of undergraduate student nurses during off-campus clinical placement is complex and challenging. Clinical facilitators are required to support and assess nursing students during clinical placement. Therefore clear communication between university academic coordinators and clinical facilitators is essential for consistency and prompt management of emerging issues. Increasing work demands require both coordinators and facilitators to have an efficient and effective mode of communication. The aim of this study was to explore the use of Short Message Service (SMS) texts, sent between mobile phones, for communication between university Unit Coordinators and off-campus Clinical Facilitators. This study used an after-only design. During a two week clinical placement 46 clinical facilitators working with first and second year Bachelor of Nursing students from a large metropolitan Australian university were regularly sent SMS texts of relevant updates and reminders from the university coordinator. A 15 item questionnaire comprising x of 5 point likert scale and 3 open-ended questions was then used to survey the clinical facilitators. The response rate was 47.8% (n=22). Correlations were found between the approachability of the coordinator and facilitator perception of a) that the coordinator understood issues on clinical placement (r=0.785, p<0.001,), and b) being part of the teaching team (r=0.768, p<0.001). Analysis of responses to qualitative questions revealed three themes: connection, approachability and collaboration. Results indicate that SMS communication is convenient and appropriate in this setting. This quasi-experimental after-test study found regular SMS communication improves a sense of connection, approachability and collaboration.


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With approximately half of Australian university teaching now performed by sessional academics, there has been growing recognition of the contribution they make to student learning. At the same time, sector-wide research and institutional audits continue to raise concerns about academic development, quality assurance, recognition and belonging. In response, universities have increasingly begun to offer academic development programs for sessional academics. However, such programs may be centrally delivered, generic in nature, and contained within the moment of delivery, while the Faculty contexts and cultures that sessional academics work within are diverse, and the need for support unfolds in ad-hoc and often unpredictable ways. In this paper we present the Sessional Academic Success (SAS) program–a new framework that complements and extends the central academic development program for sessional academic staff at Queensland University of Technology. This program recognises that experienced sessional academics have much to contribute to the advancement of learning and teaching, and harnesses their expertise to provide school-based academic development opportunities, peer-to-peer support, and locally contextualized community building. We describe the program’s implementation and explain how Sessional Academic Success Advisors (SASAs) are employed, trained and supported to provide advice and mentorship and, through a co-design methodology, to develop local development opportunities and communities of teaching practice within their schools. Besides anticipated benefits to new sessional academics in terms of timely and contextual support and improved sense of belonging, we explain how SAS provides a pathway for building leadership capacity and academic advancement for experienced sessional academics. We take a collaborative, dialogic and reflective practice approach to this paper, interlacing insights from the Associate Director, Academic: Sessional Development who designed the program, and two Sessional Academic Success Advisors who have piloted it within their schools.


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Melanoma is the most aggressive form of skin cancer. Five-year survival rates for patients with metastatic melanoma are less than 10%, with a median survival of 6 to 9 months. Despite a number of clinical trials for metastatic melanoma, the treatment options for patients are limited. Palliation is often the main goal of treatment. This constructivist grounded theory study is seeking to examine how people with metastatic melanoma negotiate the transition to palliative care. The method of sampling is purposive and data have been generated through semi-structured interviews with those with metastatic melanoma and partners. Open, focused and theoretical coding of data from 13 interviews conducted to date has produced analytical concepts that reflect how the transition is negotiated. These concepts depict ways in which individuals interact with a fragmented health care system and how meanings are constructed around the rapid progression of the disease and uncertain treatment decisions. The preliminary findings reported upon here are being further explored with a larger sample. The findings to date highlight the need for improved coordination of services for those living with metastatic melanoma, and improved support for individuals dealing with uncertainty.


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This study focuses on new media use in democratic discourse, specifically in the Queensland state electoral division of Ashgrove, 2011. This site was chosen to make an enquiry into the place of mass media in public decision- making, asking the question: did online media provide an extension of democracy, and what would be journalism’s role in democratic discourse? The study utilises a survey of 280 constituents, a review of pertinent news coverage, and extensive interviews with a panel of informants. In the outcome, it found those most equipped to utilise online media showed a lack of will to get involved in deeper political, social engagements. It also sees younger demographics forming news habits, not usually in step with traditional political avenues, based on familiarity with online processes, while consciously marginalising the need for trustworthiness in this set- ting. These issues are considered together with one leading proposal as to where the future of new media might be heading. It assesses the notion of professional and amateur collaboration by employing the model articulated by Beckett, called ‘networked journalism’.


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Tumour angiogenesis is an important factor for tumour growth and metastasis. Although some recent reports suggest that microvessel counts in non-small cell lung cancer are related to a poor disease outcome, the results were not conclusive and were not compared with other molecular prognostic markers. In the present study, the vascular grade was assessed in 107 (T1,2-N0,1) operable non-small cell lung carcinomas, using the JC70 monoclonal antibody to CD31. Three vascular grades were defined with appraisal by eye and by Chalkley counting: high (Chalkley score 7-12), medium (5-6), and low (2-4). There was a significant correlation between eye appraisal and Chalkley counting (P < 0.0001). Vascular grade was not related to histology, grade, proliferation index (Ki67), or EGFR or p53 expression. Tumours from younger patients had a higher grade of angiogenesis (P = 0.05). Apart from the vascular grade, none of the other factors examined was statistically related to lymph node metastasis (P < 0.0001). A univariate analysis of survival showed that vascular grade was the most significant prognostic factor (P = 0.0004), followed by N-stage (P = 0.001). In a multivariate analysis, N-stage and vascular grade were not found to be independent prognostic factors, since they were strongly related to each other. Excluding N-stage, vascular grade was the only independent prognostic factor (P = 0.007). Kaplan-Meier survival curves showed a statistically significant worse prognosis for patients with high vascular grade, but no difference was observed between low and medium vascular grade. These data suggest that angiogenesis in operable non-small cell lung cancer is a major prognostic factor for survival and, among the parameters tested, is the only factor related to cancer cell migration to lymph nodes. The integration of vascular grading in clinical trials on adjuvant chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy could substantially contribute in defining groups of operable patients who might benefit from cytotoxic treatment.


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There has been growing recognition of the contribution that Sessional Academics make to student learning in higher education; with recent studies concluding that around half Australian university teaching is now performed by casual staff [Red Report 2008; May, 2013]. However, sector-wide research and institutional audits continue to raise concerns about academic development and quality assurance, as well as the recognition and retention of Sessional Academics. In response, universities offer academic development programs. However, while such centrally offered programs are undoubtedly useful, they are necessarily generic and cannot address the local contexts of faculties or provide ‘on the ground’ support. This paper presents a new, distributed model of academic support and development for Sessional academics at Queensland University of Technology. Entitled the Sessional Academic Success program, it employs the principles of distributed leadership. Experienced Sessional academics are trained and supported to assume roles as Sessional Academic Success Advisors within their schools. Complementing our central programs, they design bespoke, locally situated, peer-to-peer academic development for new Sessional teachers; provide ‘just in time’, safe and reliable advice; and build supportive communities of teaching practice in their local contexts. This distributed model re-envisages the forms and places of academic development and support. It helps ensure that new Sessional Academics are embraced by faculty life. And, recognizing that experienced Sessional Academics have much to contribute to the advancement of learning and teaching, it builds their capacity through leadership opportunities. As the designer/facilitator of the program and a Sessional Academic Success Advisor, the authors take a dialogic approach and together describe the design, implementation and outcomes of the program.


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Background Managing large student cohorts can be a challenge for university academics, coordinating these units. Bachelor of Nursing programmes have the added challenge of managing multiple groups of students and clinical facilitators whilst completing clinical placement. Clear, time efficient and effective communication between coordinating academics and clinical facilitators is needed to ensure consistency between student and teaching groups and prompt management of emerging issues. Methods This study used a descriptive survey to explore the use of text messaging via a mobile phone, sent from coordinating academics to off-campus clinical facilitators, as an approach to providing direction and support. Results The response rate was 47.8% (n = 22). Correlations were found between the approachability of the coordinating academic and clinical facilitator perception that, a) the coordinating academic understood issues on clinical placement (r = 0.785, p < 0.001), and b) being part of the teaching team (r = 0.768, p < 0.001). Analysis of responses to qualitative questions revealed three themes: connection, approachability and collaboration. Conclusions This study demonstrates that use of regular text messages improves communication between coordinating academics and clinical facilitators. Findings suggest improved connection, approachability and collaboration between the coordinating academic and clinical facilitation staff.


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This thesis applied a grounded theory methodology to generate a theoretical understanding of the challenging and ambiguous dimensions of the contemporary role of the public-sector nurse educator within Australia. New knowledge provides a useful structure to examine nurse educator support and mechanisms to foster constructive workplace learning, collaborative relationships and effective contributions to better health care.


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Lesson studies are a powerful form of professional development (Doig and Groves, 2011). The processes of creating, enacting, analyzing, and refining lessons to improve teaching practices are key components of lesson studies. Lesson studies have been the primary form of professional development in Japanese classrooms for many years (Lewis, Perry and Hurd, 2009). This model is now used to improve instruction in many South-East Asian countries (White and Lim, 2008), as well as increasingly in North America (Lesson Study Research Group, 2004), and South Africa (Ono and Ferreira, 2010). In China, this form of professional development aimed at improving teaching, has also been adopted, originating from Soviet models of teacher professional development arising from influences post 1949 (China Education Yearbook, 1986). Thus, China too has a long history of improving teaching and learning through this form of school-based professional learning.


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The aim of this article is to position social capital as a theoretical framework for investigating online communities, specifically pro-am operations. It will review pertinent literature on social capital and the future of journalism in this context, and detail how the broader field of Sociology and this dynamic field of Journalism converge to produce a unique opportunity for pro-am research. Currently, much concern has been expressed regarding the future of journalism institutions in society, and while journalism itself is seen as a cornerstone of democracy, the form of structures that facilitate such practice has been questioned. Compounding this problem is a lack of research that produces data suitable for meta-analysis. For example, case-study data of start-up operations in this volatile field do not provide sufficient grounds for conclusions that could result in evidence-based policy. In response to these dynamics, this article will propose experimentation as a method of research for pro-am start-ups.