67 resultados para arsenate sodium


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The presence of arsenic in the environment is a hazard. The accumulation of arsenate by a range of cations in the formation of minerals provides a mechanism for the accumulation of arsenate. The formation of the tsumcorite minerals is an example of a series of minerals which accumulate arsenate. There are about twelve examples in this mineral group. Raman spectroscopy offers a method for the analysis of these minerals. The structure of selected tsumcorite minerals with arsenate and sulphate anions were analysed by Raman spectroscopy. Isomorphic substitution of sulphate for arsenate is observed for gartrellite and thometzekite. A comparison is made with the sulphate bearing mineral natrochalcite. The position of the hydroxyl and water stretching vibrations are related to the strength of the hydrogen bond formed between the OH unit and the AsO43- anion. Characteristic Raman spectra of the minerals enable the assignment of the bands to specific vibrational modes.


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Bauxite refinery residues (red mud) are derived from the Bayer process by the digestion of crushed bauxite in concentrated sodium hydroxide at elevated temperatures and pressures. This slurry residue, if untreated, is unsuitable for discharge directly into the environment and is usually stored in tailing dams. The liquid portion has the potential for discharge, but requires pre-treatment before this can occur. The seawater neutralisation treatment facilitates a significant reduction in pH and dissolved metal concentrations, through the precipitation of hydrotalcite-like compounds and some other Mg, Ca, and Al hydroxide and carbonate minerals. The hydrotalcite-like compounds, precipitated during seawater neutralisation, also remove a range of transition metals, oxy-anions and other anionic species through a combination of intercalation and adsorption reactions: smaller anions are intercalated into the hydrotalcite matrix, while larger molecules are adsorbed on the particle surfaces. A phenomenon known as ‘reversion’ can occur if the seawater neutralisation process is not properly controlled. Reversion causes an increase in the pH and dissolved impurity levels of the neutralised effluent, rendering it unsuitable for discharge. It is believed that slow dissolution of components of the red mud residue and compounds formed during the neutralisation process are responsible for reversion. This investigation looked at characterising natural hydrotalcite (Mg6Al2(OH)16(CO3)∙4H2O) and ‘Bayer’ hydrotalcite (synthesised using the seawater neutralisation process) using a variety of techniques including X-ray diffraction, infrared and Raman spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. This investigation showed that Bayer hydrotalcite is comprised of a mixture of 3:1 and 4:1 hydrotalcite structures and exhibited similar chemical characteristic to the 4:1 synthetic hydrotalcite. Hydrotalcite formed from the seawater neutralisation of Bauxite refinery residues has been found not to cause reversion. Other components in red mud were investigated to determine the cause of reversion and this investigation found three components that contributed to reversion: 1) tricalcium aluminate, 2) hydrocalumite and 3) calcium hydroxide. Increasing the amount of magnesium in the neutralisation process has been found to be successful in reducing reversion.


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Utilizing a mono-specific antiserum produced in rabbits to hog kidney aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC), the enzyme was localized in rat kidney by immunoperoxidase staining. AADC was located predominantly in the proximal convoluted tubules; there was also weak staining in the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts. An increase in dietary potassium or sodium intake produced no change in density or distribution of AADC staining in kidney. An assay of AADC enzyme activity showed no difference in cortex or medulla with chronic potassium loading. A change in distribution or activity of renal AADC does not explain the postulated dopaminergic modulation of renal function that occurs with potassium or sodium loading.


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Changing sodium intake from 70-200 mmol/day elevates blood pressure in normotensive volunteers by 6/4 mmHg. Older people, people with reduced renal function on a low sodium diet and people with a family history of hypertension are more likely to show this effect. The rise in blood pressure was associated with a fall in plasma volume suggesting that plasma volume changes do not initiate hypertension. In normotensive individuals the most common abnormality in membrane sodium transport induced by an extra sodium load was an increased permeability of the red cell to sodium. Some normotensive individuals also had an increase in the level of a plasma inhibitor that inhibited Na-K ATPase. These individuals also appeared to have a rise in blood pressure. Sodium intake and blood pressure are related. The relationship differs in different people and is probably controlled by the genetically inherited capacity of systems involved in membrane sodium transport.


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The effect of plasma taken from normotensive humans, while on a low and high sodium diet, on [Na + K]-ATPase and 3H-ouabain binding was measured in tubules from guinea-pig kidneys. Plasma from the high sodium, compared to the low sodium, diet period: (a) inhibited [Na + K]-ATPase activity; (b) decreased 3H-ouabain affinity for binding sites; (c) increased the number of available 3H-ouabain binding sites; (d) decreased [Na + K]-ATPase turnover (activity/3H-ouabain binding sites). The inhibition of [Na + K]-ATPase suggests an increase in a (possible) natriuretic factor. The decreased affinity of 3H-ouabain binding suggests an endogenous ouabainoid, which may be the natriuretic factor.


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The mineral beryllonite has been characterized by the combination of Raman spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy. SEM–EDX was used for the chemical analysis of the mineral. The intense sharp Raman band at 1011 cm-1, was assigned to the phosphate symmetric stretching mode. Raman bands at 1046, 1053, 1068 and the low intensity bands at 1147, 1160 and 1175 cm-1 are attributed to the phosphate antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The number of bands in the antisymmetric stretching region supports the concept of symmetry reduction of the phosphate anion in the beryllonite structure. This concept is supported by the number of bands found in the out-of-plane bending region. Multiple bands are also found in the in-plane bending region with Raman bands at 399, 418, 431 and 466 cm-1. Strong Raman bands at 304 and 354 cm-1 are attributed to metal oxygen vibrations. Vibrational spectroscopy served to determine the molecular structure of the mineral. The pegmatitic phosphate minerals such as beryllonite are more readily studied by Raman spectroscopy than infrared spectroscopy.


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In this work, ab initio spin-polarised Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations are performed to study the interaction of a Ti atom with a NaAlH4(001) surface. We confirm that an interstitially located Ti atom in the NaAlH4 subsurface is the most energetically favoured configuration as recently reported (Chem. Comm. (17) 2006, 1822). On the NaAlH4(001) surface, the Ti atom is most stable when adsorbed between two sodium atoms with an AlH4 unit beneath. A Ti atom on top of an Al atom is also found to be an important structure at low temperatures. The diffusion of Ti from the Al-top site to the Na-bridging site has a low activation barrier of 0.20 eV and may be activated at the experimental temperatures (∼323 K). The diffusion of a Ti atom into the energetically favoured subsurface interstitial site occurs via the Na-bridging surface site and is essentially barrierless.


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Ab initio spin-polarized density functional theory calculations are performed to explore the effect of single Na vacancy on NaAlH4(001) surface on the initial dehydrogenation kinetics. The authors found that two Al–H bond lengths become elongated and weakened due to the presence of a Na vacancy on the NaAlH4(001) surface. Spontaneous recombination from the surface to form molecular hydrogen is observed in the spin-polarized ab initio molecular dynamics simulation. The authors’ results indicate that surface Na vacancies play a critical role in accelerating the dehydrogenation kinetics in sodium alanate. The understanding gained here will aid in the rational design and development of complex hydride materials for hydrogen storage


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Sodium and cesium mordenite (denoted NaM and CsM, respectively) were investigated as potential catalysts for the synthesis of polyacetylene ((CH) x). Both were successful in initiating polymerization of purified gaseous acetylene at room temperature as evidenced by Raman spectroscopic studies. The polyacetylene synthesised in this way exhibited resonance enhancement of the polyene skeletal vibrations. trans-Polyacetylene, but no cis-(CH) x, was detected. As no apparent coloration of the NaM and CsM substrates accompanied the formation of trans-(CH) x it was concluded that only small quantities of the polymer were present. The number of conjugated double bonds was estimated from the frequencies of the Raman active C-C and C=C stretching vibrations, and it was shown that the trans-(CH) x formed on CsM has a distribution of conjugation lengths ranging from less than 6 to at least 30 double bonds. The polyacetylene formed on NaM was significantly shorter and was produced in lower yields than that synthesized on CsM. "Sliced" resonance excitation profiles of polyacetylene formed on CsM were obtained using nearly 40 different excitation wavelengths and these confirmed that the adsorbed trans-(CH) x was composed of segments having a distribution of conjugated lengths. The architecture of the mordenite pore system permitted only a single polymer molecule per channel, thereby preventing cross-linking. Raman spectroscopic studies of the effects of exposure to air revealed that progressive oxidative degradation occurred with a reduction in the number of conjugated double bond


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The molecular structure of the arsenate mineral ceruleite has been assessed using a combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The most intense band observed at 903 cm-1 is assigned to the (AsO4)3- symmetric stretching vibrational mode. The infrared spectrum shows intense bands at 787, 827 and 886 cm-1, ascribed to the triply degenerate m3 antisymmetric stretching vibration. Raman bands observed at 373, 400, 417 and 430 cm-1 are attributed to the m2 vibrational mode. Three broad bands for ceruleite found at 3056, 3198 and 3384 cm-1 are assigned to water OH stretching bands. By using a Libowitzky empirical equation, hydrogen bond distances of 2.65 and 2.75 Å are calculated. Vibrational spectra enable the molecular structure of the ceruleite mineral to be determined and whilst similarities exist in the spectral patterns with the roselite mineral group, sufficient differences exist to be able to determine the identification of the minerals.


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This study investigates the impact of polystyrene sodium sulfonate (PolyNaSS) grafting onto the osseo-integration of a polyethylene terephthalate artificial ligament (Ligament Advanced Reinforcement System, LARS™) used for Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL). The performance of grafted and non-grafted ligaments was assessed in vitro by culturing human osteoblasts under osteogenic induction and this demonstrated that the surface modification was capable of up-regulating the secretion of ALP and induced higher level of mineralisation as measured 6 weeks post-seeding by Micro-Computed Tomography. Grafted and non-grafted LARS™ were subsequently implanted in an ovine model for ACL reconstruction and the ligament-to-bone interface was evaluated by histology and biomechanical testings 3 and 12 months post-implantation. The grafted ligaments exhibited more frequent direct ligament-to-bone contact and bone formation in the core of the ligament at the later time point than the non-grafted specimens, the grafting also significantly reduced the fibrous encapsulation of the ligament 12 months post-implantation. However, this improved osseo-integration was not translated into a significant increase in the biomechanical pull-out loads. These results provide evidences that PolyNaSS grafting improved the osseo-integration of the artificial ligament within the bone tunnels. This might positively influence the outcome of the surgical reconstructions, as higher ligament stability is believed to limit micro-movement and therefore permits earlier and enhanced healing.


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In this paper, we have investigated on the natural wendwilsonite mineral with the formulae Ca2(Mg,Co)(AsO4)2⋅2(H2O). Raman spectroscopy complimented with infrared spectroscopy has been used to determine the molecular structure of the wendwilsonite arsenate mineral. A comparison is made with the roselite mineral group with formula Ca2B(AsO4)2⋅2H2O (where B may be Co, Fe2+, Mg, Mn, Ni, Zn). The Raman spectra of the arsenate related to tetrahedral arsenate clusters with stretching region shows strong differences between that of wendwilsonite and the roselite arsenate minerals which is attributed to the cation substitution for calcium in the structure. The Raman arsenate (AsO4)3− stretching region shows strong differences between that of wendwilsonite and the roselite arsenate minerals which is attributed to the cation substitution for calcium in the structure. In the infrared spectra complexity exists of multiple to tetrahedral (AsO4)3− clusters with antisymmetric stretching vibrations observed indicating a reduction of the tetrahedral symmetry. This loss of degeneracy is also reflected in the bending modes. Strong Raman bands around 450 cm−1 are assigned to ν4 bending modes. Multiple bands in the 350–300 cm−1 region assigned to ν2 bending modes provide evidence of symmetry reduction of the arsenate anion. Three broad bands for wendwilsonite found at 3332, 3119 and 3001 cm−1 are assigned to OH stretching bands. By using a Libowitzky empirical equation, hydrogen bond distances of 2.65 and 2.75 Å are estimated. Vibrational spectra enable the molecular structure of the wendwilsonite mineral to be determined and whilst similarities exist in the spectral patterns with the roselite mineral group, sufficient differences exist to be able to determine the identification of the minerals.


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We have studied the vibrational spectra of the mineral bayldonite, a hydroxy arsenate of copper and lead of formula Cu3Pb(AsO3OH)2(OH)2 from the type locality, the Penberthy Croft Mine, St Hilary, Mount's Bay District, Cornwall, England.and relate the spectra to the mineral structure. Raman bands at 896 and 838 cm-1are assigned to the (AsO4)3- ν1 symmetric stretching mode and the second to the (AsO4)3- ν3 antisymmetric stretching mode. It is noted that the position of the symmetric stretching mode is at a higher position than the antisymmetric stretching mode. It is proposed that the Raman bands at 889 and 845 cm-1 are symmetric and antisymmetric stretching modes of the (HOAsO3)2- units. Raman bands of bayldonite at 490 and 500 cm-1 are assigned to the (AsO4)3- ν4 bending modes. Raman bands for bayldonite are noted at 396, 408 and 429 cm-1 and are assigned to the (AsO4)3- ν2 bending modes. A comparison is made with spectra of the other basic copper arsenate minerals, namely cornubite, olivenite, cornwallite.


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Nedd4-2, a HECT (homologous with E6-associated protein C-terminus)-type ubiquitin protein ligase, has been implicated in regulating several ion channels, including Navs (voltage-gated sodium channels). In Xenopus oocytes Nedd4-2 strongly inhibits the activity of multiple Navs. However, the conditions under which Nedd4-2 mediates native Nav regulation remain uncharacterized. Using Nedd4-2-deficient mice, we demonstrate in the present study that in foetal cortical neurons Nedd4-2 regulates Navs specifically in response to elevated intracellular Na(+), but does not affect steady-state Nav activity. In dorsal root ganglia neurons from the same mice, however, Nedd4-2 does not control Nav activities. The results of the present study provide the first physiological evidence for an essential function of Nedd4-2 in regulating Navs in the central nervous system.


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The μO-conotoxins are an intriguing class of conotoxins targeting various voltage-dependent sodium channels and molluscan calcium channels. In the current study, we have shown MrVIA and MrVIB to be the first known peptidic inhibitors of the transient tetrodotoxin-resistant (TTX-R) Na+ current in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons, in addition to inhibiting tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na+ currents. Human TTX-R sodium channels are a therapeutic target for indications such as pain, highlighting the importance of the μO-conotoxins as potential leads for drug development. Furthermore, we have used NMR spectroscopy to provide the first structural information on this class of conotoxins. MrVIA and MrVIB are hydrophobic peptides that aggregate in aqueous solution but were solubilized in 50% acetonitrile/water. The three-dimensional structure of MrVIB consists of a small β-sheet and a cystine knot arrangement of the three-disulfide bonds. It contains four backbone “loops” between successive cysteine residues that are exposed to the solvent to varying degrees. The largest of these, loop 2, is the most disordered part of the molecule, most likely due to flexibility in solution. This disorder is the most striking difference between the structures of MrVIB and the known δ- and ω-conotoxins, which along with the μO-conotoxins are members of the O superfamily. Loop 2 of ω-conotoxins has previously been shown to contain residues critical for binding to voltage-gated calcium channels, and it is interesting to speculate that the flexibility observed in MrVIB may accommodate binding to both sodium and molluscan calcium channels.