137 resultados para MIMO-OFDM, wireless communications, indoor wireless transmissions


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In this paper, an integrated inter-vehicles wireless communications and positioning system supporting alternate positioning techniques is proposed to meet the requirements of safety applications of Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS). Recent advances have repeatedly demonstrated that road safety problems can be to a large extent addressed via a range of technologies including wireless communications and positioning in vehicular environments. The novel communication stack utilizing a dedicated frequency spectrum (e.g. at 5.9 GHz band), known as Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC), has been particularly designed for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) to support safety applications in highly dynamic environments. Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) is another essential enabler to support safety on rail and roads. Although current vehicle navigation systems such as single frequency Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers can provide route guidance with 5-10 meters (road-level) position accuracy, positioning systems utilized in C-ITS must provide position solutions with lane-level and even in-lane-level accuracies based on the requirements of safety applications. This article reviews the issues and technical approaches that are involved in designing a vehicular safety communications and positioning architecture; it also provides technological solutions to further improve vehicular safety by integrating the DSRC and GNSS-based positioning technologies.


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The Body Area Network (BAN) is an emerging technology that focuses on monitoring physiological data in, on and around the human body. BAN technology permits wearable and implanted sensors to collect vital data about the human body and transmit it to other nodes via low-energy communication. In this paper, we investigate interactions in terms of data flows between parties involved in BANs under four different scenarios targeting outdoor and indoor medical environments: hospital, home, emergency and open areas. Based on these scenarios, we identify data flow requirements between BAN elements such as sensors and control units (CUs) and parties involved in BANs such as the patient, doctors, nurses and relatives. Identified requirements are used to generate BAN data flow models. Petri Nets (PNs) are used as the formal modelling language. We check the validity of the models and compare them with the existing related work. Finally, using the models, we identify communication and security requirements based on the most common active and passive attack scenarios.


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CFO and I/Q mismatch could cause significant performance degradation to OFDM systems. Their estimation and compensation are generally difficult as they are entangled in the received signal. In this paper, we propose some low-complexity estimation and compensation schemes in the receiver, which are robust to various CFO and I/Q mismatch values although the performance is slightly degraded for very small CFO. These schemes consist of three steps: forming a cosine estimator free of I/Q mismatch interference, estimating I/Q mismatch using the estimated cosine value, and forming a sine estimator using samples after I/Q mismatch compensation. These estimators are based on the perception that an estimate of cosine serves much better as the basis for I/Q mismatch estimation than the estimate of CFO derived from the cosine function. Simulation results show that the proposed schemes can improve system performance significantly, and they are robust to CFO and I/Q mismatch.


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Process Control Systems (PCSs) or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems have recently been added to the already wide collection of wireless sensor networks applications. The PCS/SCADA environment is somewhat more amenable to the use of heavy cryptographic mechanisms such as public key cryptography than other sensor application environments. The sensor nodes in the environment, however, are still open to devastating attacks such as node capture, which makes designing a secure key management challenging. In this paper, a key management scheme is proposed to defeat node capture attack by offering both forward and backward secrecies. Our scheme overcomes the pitfalls which Nilsson et al.'s scheme suffers from, and is not more expensive than their scheme.


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This paper presents a novel algorithm for the gateway placement problem in Backbone Wireless Mesh Networks (BWMNs). Different from existing algorithms, the new algorithm incrementally identifies gateways and assigns mesh routers to identified gateways. The new algorithm can guarantee to find a feasible gateway placement satisfying Quality-of-Service (QoS) constraints, including delay constraint, relay load constraint and gateway capacity constraint. Experimental results show that its performance is as good as that of the best of existing algorithms for the gateway placement problem. But, the new algorithm can be used for BWMNs that do not form one connected component, and it is easy to implement and use.


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Alzaid et al. proposed a forward & backward secure key management scheme in wireless sensor networks for Process Control Systems (PCSs) or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. The scheme, however, is still vulnerable to an attack called the sandwich attack that can be launched when the adversary captures two sensor nodes at times t1 and t2, and then reveals all the group keys used between times t1 and t2. In this paper, a fix to the scheme is proposed in order to limit the vulnerable time duration to an arbitrarily chosen time span while keeping the forward and backward secrecy of the scheme untouched. Then, the performance analysis for our proposal, Alzaid et al.’s scheme, and Nilsson et al.’s scheme is given.


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TCP is a dominant protocol for consistent communication over the internet. It provides flow, congestion and error control mechanisms while using wired reliable networks. Its congestion control mechanism is not suitable for wireless links where data corruption and its lost rate are higher. The physical links are transparent from TCP that takes packet losses due to congestion only and initiates congestion handling mechanisms by reducing transmission speed. This results in wasting already limited available bandwidth on the wireless links. Therefore, there is no use to carry out research on increasing bandwidth of the wireless links until the available bandwidth is not optimally utilized. This paper proposed a hybrid scheme called TCP Detection and Recovery (TCP-DR) to distinguish congestion, corruption and mobility related losses and then instructs the data sending host to take appropriate action. Therefore, the link utilization is optimal while losses are either due to high bit error rate or mobility.


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Parallel combinatory orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (PC-OFDM yields lower maximum peak-to-average power ratio (PAR), high bandwidth efficiency and lower bit error rate (BER) on Gaussian channels compared to OFDM systems. However, PC-OFDM does not improve the statistics of PAR significantly. In this chapter, the use of a set of fixed permutations to improve the statistics of the PAR of a PC-OFDM signal is presented. For this technique, interleavers are used to produce K-1 permuted sequences from the same information sequence. The sequence with the lowest PAR, among K sequences is chosen for the transmission. The PAR of a PC-OFDM signal can be further reduced by 3-4 dB by this technique. Mathematical expressions for the complementary cumulative density function (CCDF)of PAR of PC-OFDM signal and interleaved PC-OFDM signal are also presented.


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Emerging data streaming applications in Wireless Sensor Networks require reliable and energy-efficient Transport Protocols. Our recent Wireless Sensor Network deployment in the Burdekin delta, Australia, for water monitoring [T. Le Dinh, W. Hu, P. Sikka, P. Corke, L. Overs, S. Brosnan, Design and deployment of a remote robust sensor network: experiences from an outdoor water quality monitoring network, in: Second IEEE Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp 2007), Dublin, Ireland, 2007] is one such example. This application involves streaming sensed data such as pressure, water flow rate, and salinity periodically from many scattered sensors to the sink node which in turn relays them via an IP network to a remote site for archiving, processing, and presentation. While latency is not a primary concern in this class of application (the sampling rate is usually in terms of minutes or hours), energy-efficiency is. Continuous long-term operation and reliable delivery of the sensed data to the sink are also desirable. This paper proposes ERTP, an Energy-efficient and Reliable Transport Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. ERTP is designed for data streaming applications, in which sensor readings are transmitted from one or more sensor sources to a base station (or sink). ERTP uses a statistical reliability metric which ensures the number of data packets delivered to the sink exceeds the defined threshold. Our extensive discrete event simulations and experimental evaluations show that ERTP is significantly more energyefficient than current approaches and can reduce energy consumption by more than 45% when compared to current approaches. Consequently, sensor nodes are more energy-efficient and the lifespan of the unattended WSN is increased.


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In the past few years, numerous data collection protocols have been developed for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). However, there has been no comparison of their relative performance in realistic environments. Here we report the results of an empirical study using a Fleck3 sensor network testbed for four different data collection protocols: One phase pull Directed Diffusion (DD), Expected Number of Transmissions (ETX), ETX with explicit acknowledgment (ETX-eAck), and ETX with implicit acknowledgment (ETX-iAck). Our empirical study provides useful insights for future sensor network deployments. When the required application end-to-end reliability is not strict (e.g., 70%) and link quality is good, DD and ETX are the best options because of their simplicity and low routing overhead. Both ETX-eAck and ETX-iAck achieve more than 90% end-to-end reliability when the link quality is reasonable (less than 25% packet loss). When the link quality is good, ETX-iAck introduces significantly less routing overhead (up to 50%) than ETX-eAck. However, if the radio transceiver supports variable packet length, ETX-eAck can outperform ETX-iAck when the link quality is poor. The important message from this paper is that choice of data collection protocol should come after the operating environment is understood. This understanding must include the characteristics of the radio transceiver, and link loss statistics from a long-term (across seasons and weather variation) radio survey of the site.


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Wireless Mobility Usage: A Preliminary Qualitative Study for Management in Two Australian University Settings, Neville Meyers, Heather Gray, Greg Hearn, Louis Sanzogni, and Sandra Lawrence.


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We consider the problem of object tracking in a wireless multimedia sensor network (we mainly focus on the camera component in this work). The vast majority of current object tracking techniques, either centralised or distributed, assume unlimited energy, meaning these techniques don't translate well when applied within the constraints of low-power distributed systems. In this paper we develop and analyse a highly-scalable, distributed strategy to object tracking in wireless camera networks with limited resources. In the proposed system, cameras transmit descriptions of objects to a subset of neighbours, determined using a predictive forwarding strategy. The received descriptions are then matched at the next camera on the objects path using a probability maximisation process with locally generated descriptions. We show, via simulation, that our predictive forwarding and probabilistic matching strategy can significantly reduce the number of object-misses, ID-switches and ID-losses; it can also reduce the number of required transmissions over a simple broadcast scenario by up to 67%. We show that our system performs well under realistic assumptions about matching objects appearance using colour.


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Recent theoretical research has shown that ocean currents and wind interact to disperse seeds over long distances among isolated landmasses. Dispersal of seeds among isolated oceanic islands, by birds, oceans and man, is a well-known phenomenon, and many widespread island plants have traits that facilitate this process. Crucially, however, there have been no mechanistic vector-based models of long-distance dispersal for seeds among isolated oceanic islands based on empirical data. Here, we propose a plan to develop seed analogues, or pseudoseeds, fitted with wireless sensor technology that will enable high-fidelity tracking as they disperse across the ocean. The pseudoseeds will be precisely designed to mimic actual seed buoyancy and morphology enabling realistic and accurate, vector-based dispersal models of ocean seed dispersal over vast geographic scales.


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A Networked Control System (NCS) is a feedback-driven control system wherein the control loops are closed through a real-time network. Control and feedback signals in an NCS are exchanged among the system’s components in the form of information packets via the network. Nowadays, wireless technologies such as IEEE802.11 are being introduced to modern NCSs as they offer better scalability, larger bandwidth and lower costs. However, this type of network is not designed for NCSs because it introduces a large amount of dropped data, and unpredictable and long transmission latencies due to the characteristics of wireless channels, which are not acceptable for real-time control systems. Real-time control is a class of time-critical application which requires lossless data transmission, small and deterministic delays and jitter. For a real-time control system, network-introduced problems may degrade the system’s performance significantly or even cause system instability. It is therefore important to develop solutions to satisfy real-time requirements in terms of delays, jitter and data losses, and guarantee high levels of performance for time-critical communications in Wireless Networked Control Systems (WNCSs). To improve or even guarantee real-time performance in wireless control systems, this thesis presents several network layout strategies and a new transport layer protocol. Firstly, real-time performances in regard to data transmission delays and reliability of IEEE 802.11b-based UDP/IP NCSs are evaluated through simulations. After analysis of the simulation results, some network layout strategies are presented to achieve relatively small and deterministic network-introduced latencies and reduce data loss rates. These are effective in providing better network performance without performance degradation of other services. After the investigation into the layout strategies, the thesis presents a new transport protocol which is more effcient than UDP and TCP for guaranteeing reliable and time-critical communications in WNCSs. From the networking perspective, introducing appropriate communication schemes, modifying existing network protocols and devising new protocols, have been the most effective and popular ways to improve or even guarantee real-time performance to a certain extent. Most previously proposed schemes and protocols were designed for real-time multimedia communication and they are not suitable for real-time control systems. Therefore, devising a new network protocol that is able to satisfy real-time requirements in WNCSs is the main objective of this research project. The Conditional Retransmission Enabled Transport Protocol (CRETP) is a new network protocol presented in this thesis. Retransmitting unacknowledged data packets is effective in compensating for data losses. However, every data packet in realtime control systems has a deadline and data is assumed invalid or even harmful when its deadline expires. CRETP performs data retransmission only in the case that data is still valid, which guarantees data timeliness and saves memory and network resources. A trade-off between delivery reliability, transmission latency and network resources can be achieved by the conditional retransmission mechanism. Evaluation of protocol performance was conducted through extensive simulations. Comparative studies between CRETP, UDP and TCP were also performed. These results showed that CRETP significantly: 1). improved reliability of communication, 2). guaranteed validity of received data, 3). reduced transmission latency to an acceptable value, and 4). made delays relatively deterministic and predictable. Furthermore, CRETP achieved the best overall performance in comparative studies which makes it the most suitable transport protocol among the three for real-time communications in a WNCS.


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Secure communications in wireless sensor networks operating under adversarial conditions require providing pairwise (symmetric) keys to sensor nodes. In large scale deployment scenarios, there is no prior knowledge of post deployment network configuration since nodes may be randomly scattered over a hostile territory. Thus, shared keys must be distributed before deployment to provide each node a key-chain. For large sensor networks it is infeasible to store a unique key for all other nodes in the key-chain of a sensor node. Consequently, for secure communication either two nodes have a key in common in their key-chains and they have a wireless link between them, or there is a path, called key-path, among these two nodes where each pair of neighboring nodes on this path have a key in common. Length of the key-path is the key factor for efficiency of the design. This paper presents novel deterministic and hybrid approaches based on Combinatorial Design for deciding how many and which keys to assign to each key-chain before the sensor network deployment. In particular, Balanced Incomplete Block Designs (BIBD) and Generalized Quadrangles (GQ) are mapped to obtain efficient key distribution schemes. Performance and security properties of the proposed schemes are studied both analytically and computationally. Comparison to related work shows that the combinatorial approach produces better connectivity with smaller key-chain sizes.