Understanding data flow and security requirements in wireless Body Area Networks for healthcare

Autoria(s): Salehi Shahraki, Ahmad; Camtepe, Seyit A.; Jayalath, Dhammika

Moungla, Hassine

Mokhtari, Mounir




The Body Area Network (BAN) is an emerging technology that focuses on monitoring physiological data in, on and around the human body. BAN technology permits wearable and implanted sensors to collect vital data about the human body and transmit it to other nodes via low-energy communication. In this paper, we investigate interactions in terms of data flows between parties involved in BANs under four different scenarios targeting outdoor and indoor medical environments: hospital, home, emergency and open areas. Based on these scenarios, we identify data flow requirements between BAN elements such as sensors and control units (CUs) and parties involved in BANs such as the patient, doctors, nurses and relatives. Identified requirements are used to generate BAN data flow models. Petri Nets (PNs) are used as the formal modelling language. We check the validity of the models and compare them with the existing related work. Finally, using the models, we identify communication and security requirements based on the most common active and passive attack scenarios.







Salehi Shahraki, Ahmad, Camtepe, Seyit A., & Jayalath, Dhammika (2015) Understanding data flow and security requirements in wireless Body Area Networks for healthcare. In Moungla, Hassine & Mokhtari, Mounir (Eds.) 17th International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom 2015), IEEE, Boston, pp. 621-626.


Copyright 2015 IEEE

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School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Institute for Future Environments; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #080303 Computer System Security #080502 Mobile Technologies #080503 Networking and Communications #080504 Ubiquitous Computing #111711 Health Information Systems (incl. Surveillance) #Body Area Networks #Healthcare monitoring #Sensor #Data flow #Security

Conference Paper