90 resultados para GROUP-4


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The quality of early life experiences are known to influence a child’s capacities for emotional, social, cognitive and physical competence throughout their life (Peterson, 1996; Zubrick et al., 2008). These early life experiences are directly affected by parenting and family environments. A lack of positive parenting has significant implications both for children, and the broader communities in which they live (Davies & Cummings, 1994; Dryfoos, 1990; Sanders, 1995). Young parents are known to be at risk of experiencing adverse circumstances that affect their ability to provide positive parenting to their children (Milan et al., 2004; Trad, 1995). There is a need to provide parenting support programs to young parents that offer opportunities for them to come together, support each other and learn ways to provide for their children’s developmental needs in a friendly, engaging and non-judgemental environment. This research project examines the effectiveness of a 10 week group music therapy program Sing & Grow as an early parenting intervention for 535 young parents. Sing & Grow is a national early parenting intervention program funded by the Australian Government and delivered by Playgroup Queensland. It is designed and delivered by Registered Music Therapists for families at risk of marginalisation with children aged from birth to three years. The aim of the program is to improve parenting skills and parent-child interactions, and increase social support networks through participation in a group that is strengths-based and structured in a way that lends itself to modelling, peer learning and facilitated learning. During the 10 weeks parents have opportunities to learn practical, hands-on ways to interact and play with their children that are conducive to positive parent-child relationships and ongoing child development. A range of interactive, nurturing, stimulating and developmental music activities provide the framework for parents to interact and play with their children. This research uses data collected through the Sing & Grow National Evaluation Study to examine outcomes for all participants aged 25 years and younger, who attended programs during the Sing & Grow pilot study and main study from mid-2005 to the end of 2007. The research examines the change from pre to post in self-reported parent behaviours, parent mental health and parent social support, and therapist observed parent-child interactions. A range of statistical analyses are used to address each Research Objective for the young parent population, and for subgroups within this population. Research Objective 1 explored the patterns of attendance in the Sing & Grow program for young parents, and for subgroups within this population. Results showed that levels of attendance were lower than expected and influenced by Indigenous status and source of family income. Patterns of attendance showed a decline over time and incomplete data rates were high which may indicate high dropout rates. Research Objective 2 explored perceived satisfaction, benefits and social support links made. Satisfaction levels with the program and staff were very high. Indigenous status was associated with lower levels of reported satisfaction with both the program and staff. Perceived benefits from participation in the program were very high. Employment status was associated with perceived benefits: parents who were not employed were more likely than employed parents to report that their understanding of child development had increased as a result of participation in the program. Social support connections were reported for participants with other professionals, services and parents. In particular, families were more likely to link up with playgroup staff and services. Those parents who attended six or more sessions were significantly more likely to attend a playgroup than those who attended five sessions or less. Social support connections were related to source of family income, level of education, Indigenous status and language background. Research Objective 3 investigated pre to post change on self-report parenting skills and parent mental health. Results indicated that participation in the Sing & Grow program was associated with improvements in parent mental health. No improvements were found for self-reported parenting skills. Research Objective 4 investigated pre to post change in therapist observation measures of parent-child interactions. Results indicated that participation in the Sing & Grow program was associated with large and significant improvements in parent sensitivity to, engagement with and acceptance of the child. There were significant interactions across time (pre to post) for the parent characteristics of Indigenous status, family income and level of education. Research Objective 5 explored the relationship between the number of sessions attended and extent of change on self-report outcomes and therapist observed outcomes, respectively. For each, an overall change score was devised to ascertain those parents who had made any positive changes over time. Results showed that there was no significant relationship between high attendance and positive change in either the self-report or therapist observed behavioural measures. A risk index was also constructed to test for a relationship between the risk status of the parent. Parents with the highest risk status were significantly more likely to attend six or more sessions than other parents, but risk status was not associated with any differences in parent reported outcomes or therapist observations. The results of this research study indicate that Sing & Grow is effective in improving outcomes for young parents’ mental health, parent-child interactions and social support connections. High attendance by families in the highest category for risk factors may indicate that the program is effective at engaging and retaining parents who are most at-risk and therefore traditionally hard to reach. Very high levels of satisfaction and perceived benefits support this. Further research is required to help confirm the promising evidence from the current study that a short term group music therapy program can support young parents and improve their parenting outcomes. In particular, this needs to address the more disappointing outcomes of the current research study to improve attendance and engagement of all young parents in the program and especially the needs of young Indigenous parents.


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Two-party key exchange (2PKE) protocols have been rigorously analyzed under various models considering different adversarial actions. However, the analysis of group key exchange (GKE) protocols has not been as extensive as that of 2PKE protocols. Particularly, an important security attribute called key compromise impersonation (KCI) resilience has been completely ignored for the case of GKE protocols. Informally, a protocol is said to provide KCI resilience if the compromise of the long-term secret key of a protocol participant A does not allow the adversary to impersonate an honest participant B to A. In this paper, we argue that KCI resilience for GKE protocols is at least as important as it is for 2PKE protocols. Our first contribution is revised definitions of security for GKE protocols considering KCI attacks by both outsider and insider adversaries. We also give a new proof of security for an existing two-round GKE protocol under the revised security definitions assuming random oracles. We then show how to achieve insider KCIR in a generic way using a known compiler in the literature. As one may expect, this additional security assurance comes at the cost of an extra round of communication. Finally, we show that a few existing protocols are not secure against outsider KCI attacks. The attacks on these protocols illustrate the necessity of considering KCI resilience for GKE protocols.


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Previous research has shown resistance to extinction of fear conditioned to racial out-group faces, suggesting that these stimuli may be subject to prepared fear learning. The current study replicated and extended previous research by using a different racial out-group, and testing the prediction that prepared fear learning is unaffected by verbal instructions. Four groups of Caucasian participants were trained with male in-group (Caucasian) or out-group (Chinese) faces as conditional stimuli; one paired with an electro-tactile shock (CS+) and one presented alone (CS). Before extinction, half the participants were instructed that no more shocks would be presented. Fear conditioning, indexed by larger electrodermal responses to, and blink startle modulation during the CS+, occurred during acquisition in all groups. Resistance to extinction of fear learning was found only in the racial out-group, no instruction condition. Fear conditioned to a racial out-group face was reduced following verbal instructions, contrary to predictions for the nature of prepared fear learning.


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Acknowledgement that many children in Australia travel in restraints that do not offer them the best protection has led to recent changes in legislation such that the type of restraint for children under 7 years is now specified. This paper reports the results of two studies (observational; focus group/ survey) carried out in the state of Queensland to evaluate the effectiveness of these changes to the legislation. Observations suggested that almost all of the children estimated as aged 0-12 years were restrained (95%). Analysis of the type of restraint used for target-aged children (0-6 year olds) suggests that the proportion using an age-appropriate restraint has increased by an estimated 7% since enactment of the legislation. However, around 1 in 4 children estimated as aged under 7 years were using restraints too large for good fit. Results from the survey and focus group suggested parents were supportive of the changes in legislation. Non-Indigenous parents agreed that the changes had been necessary, were effective at getting children into the right restraints, were easy to understand as well as making it clear what restraint to use with children. Moreover, they did not see the legislation as too complicated or too hard to comply with. Indigenous parents who participated in a focus group also regarded the legislation as improving children’s safety. However, they identified the cost of restraints as an important barrier to compliance. In summary, the legislation appears to have had a positive effect on compliance levels and on raising parental awareness of the need to restrain children child-specific restraints for longer. However, it would seem that an important minority of parents transition their children into larger restraints too early for optimal protection. Intervention efforts should aim to better inform these parents about appropriate ages for transition, especially from forward facing childseats. This could potentially be through use of other important transitions that occur at the same age, such as starting school. The small proportion of parents who do not restrain their children at all are also an important community sector to target. Finally, obtaining restraints presents a significant barrier to compliance for parents on limited incomes and interventions are needed to address this.


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Prostate cancer is a significant health problem faced by aging men. Currently, diagnostic strategies for the detection of prostate cancer are either unreliable, yielding high numbers of false positive results, or too invasive to be used widely as screening tests. Furthermore, the current therapeutic strategies for the treatment of the disease carry considerable side effects. Although organ confined prostate cancer can be curable, most detectable clinical symptoms occur in advanced disease when primary tumour cells have metastasised to distant sites - usually lymph nodes and bone. Many growth factors and steroids assist the continued growth and maintenance of prostatic tumour cells. Of these mitogens, androgens are important in the development of the normal prostate but are also required to sustain the growth of prostate cancer cells in the early stage of the disease. Not only are androgens required in the early stage of disease, but also many other growth factors and hormones interact to cause uncontrolled proliferation of malignant cells. The early, androgen sensitive phase of disease is followed by an androgen insensitive phase, whereby androgens are no longer required to stimulate the growth of the tumour cells. Growth factors such as transforming growth factor  and  (TGF/), epidermal growth factor (EGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), Vitamin D and thyroid hormone have been suggested to be important at this stage of disease. Interestingly, some of the kallikrein family of genes, including prostate specific antigen (PSA), the current serum diagnostic marker for prostate cancer, are regulated by androgens and many of the aforementioned growth factors. The kallikrein gene family is a group of serine proteases that are involved in a diverse range of physiological processes: regulation of local blood flow, angiogenesis, tissue invasion and mitogenesis. The earliest members of the kallikrein gene family (KLK1-KLK3) have been strongly associated with general disease states, such as hypertension, inflammation, pancreatitis and renal disease, but are also linked to various cancers. Recently, this family was extended to include 15 genes (KLK1-15). Several newer members of the kallikrein family have been implicated in the carcinogenesis and tumour metastasis of hormone-dependent cancers such as prostate, breast, endometrial and ovarian cancer. The aims of this project were to investigate the expression of the newly identified kallikrein, KLK4, in benign and malignant prostate tissues, and prostate cancer cell lines. This thesis has demonstrated the elevated expression of KLK4 mRNA transcripts in malignant prostate tissue compared to benign prostates. Additionally, expression of the full length KLK4 transcript was detected in the androgen dependent prostate cancer cell line, LNCaP. Based on the above finding, the LNCaP cell line was chosen to assess the potential regulation of full length KLK4 by androgen, thyroid hormone and epidermal growth factor. KLK4 mRNA and protein was found to be up-regulated by androgen and a combination of androgen and thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone alone produced no significant change in KLK4 mRNA or protein over the control. Epidermal growth factor treatment also resulted in elevated expression levels of KLK4 mRNA and protein. To assess the potential functional role(s) of KLK4/hK4 in processes associated with tumour progression, full length KLK4 was transfected into PC-3 cells - a prostate cancer cell line originally derived from a secondary bone lesion. The KLK4/hK4 over-expressing cells were assessed for their proliferation, migration, invasion and attachment properties. The KLK4 over-expressing clones exhibited a marked change in morphology, indicative of a more aggressive phenotype. The KLK4 clones were irregularly shaped with compromised adhesion to the growth surface. In contrast, the control cell lines (parent PC-3 and empty vector clones) retained a rounded morphology with obvious cell to cell adhesion, as well as significant adhesion to their growth surface. The KLK4 clones exhibited significantly greater attachment to Collagen I and IV than native PC-3s and empty vector controls. Over a 12 hour period, in comparison to the control cells, the KLK4 clones displayed an increase in migration towards PC-3 native conditioned media, a 3 fold increase towards conditioned media from an osteoblastic cell line (Saos-2) and no change in migration towards conditioned media from neonatal foreskin fibroblast cells or 20% foetal bovine serum. Furthermore, the increase in migration exhibited by the KLK4 clones was partially blocked by the serine protease inhibitor, aprotinin. The data presented in this thesis suggests that KLK4/hK4 is important in prostate carcinogenesis due to its over-expression in malignant prostate tissues, its regulation by hormones and growth factors associated with prostate disease and the functional consequences of over-expression of KLK4/hK4 in the PC-3 cell line. These results indicate that KLK4/hK4 may play an important role in tumour invasion and bone metastasis via increased attachment to the bone matrix protein, Collagen I, and enhanced migration due to soluble factors produced by osteoblast cells. This suggestion is further supported by the morphological changes displayed by the KLK4 over-expressing cells. Overall, this data suggests that KLK4/hK4 should be further studied to more fully investigate the potential value of KLK4/hK4 as a diagnostic/prognostic biomarker or in therapeutic applications.


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In the asymmetric unit of the title co-crystal, C12H14N4O2S . C7H5NO4 there are two independent but conformationally similar heterodimers, which are formed through intermolecular N-H...O(carboxy) and carboxyl O-H...N hydrogen-bond pairs, giving a cyclic motif [graph set R2/2(8)]. The dihedral angles between the rings in the sulfonamide molecules are 78.77(8) and 82.33(9)deg. while the dihedral angles between the ring and the CO2H group in the acids are 2.19(9) and 7.02(10)deg. A two-dimensional structure parallel to the ab plane is generated from the heterodimer units through hydrogen-bonding associations between NH2 and sulfone groups. Between neighbouring two-dimensional arrays there are two types of aromatic pi-pi stacking interactions involving either one of the pyrimidine rings and a 4-nitrobenzoic acid molecule [minimum ring centroid separation = 3.5886(9)A] or two acid molecules [minimum ring centroid separation = 3.7236(10)A].


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The relationship between intellectual functioning and criminal offending has received considerable focus within the literature. While there remains debate regarding the existence (and strength) of this relationship, there is a wider consensus that individuals with below average functioning (in particular cognitive impairments) are disproportionately represented within the prison population. This paper focuses on research that has implications for the effective management of lower functioning individuals within correctional environments as well as the successful rehabilitation and release of such individuals back into the community. This includes a review of the literature regarding the link between lower intelligence and offending and the identification of possible factors that either facilitate (or confound) this relationship. The main themes to emerge from this review are that individuals with lower intellectual functioning continue to be disproportionately represented in custodial settings and that there is a need to increase the provision of specialised programs to cater for their needs. Further research is also needed into a range of areas including: (1) the reason for this over-representation in custodial settings, (2) the existence and effectiveness of rehabilitation and release programs that cater for lower IQ offenders, (3) the effectiveness of custodial alternatives for this group (e.g. intensive corrections orders) and (4) what post-custodial release services are needed to reduce the risk of recidivism.


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The Australian Accounting Research Foundation (AARF) recently issued Legislative Policy Discussion Paper No.4 which proposes a framework for financial reporting by Australian incorporated associations.This paper comments on both the merits and deficiencies of the proposal. In particular it notes that the proposal simply advocates that the application of differential reporting, accounting standards, and the conceptual framework be imposed on incorporated associations by amended statutes. It is noted that in light of long experience in the corporate sector, he espoused benefits of such a move may not eventuate. Further, concern is expressed that the proposal is a blank cheque one because of the inadequacy of existing relevant accounting standards and the proposal to introduce new relevant standards. Another major defect in the proposal is that it emanates from accountants who acknowledge in their conceptual framework, the need for external reports to report on performance through both financial and non-financial reporting methods. Despite that acknowledgment, the standard set of external reports prepared by accountants do not measure performance as defined in their own conceptual framework (SAC 2) and in their auditing pronouncements (AUP 33), and they have restricted their domain to financial reporting (SAC 2). Accordingly the proposal appears to be seriously deficient and it is suggested that it be rejected and a new proposal be prepared by a multi-party group free from vested interests.


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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive, chronic neurodegenerative disorder for which there is no known cure. Physical exercise programs may be used to assist with the physical management of PD. Several studies have demonstrated that community based physical therapy programs are effective in reducing physical aspects of disability among people with PD. While multidisciplinary therapy interventions may have the potential to reduce disability and improve the quality of life of people with PD, there is very limited clinical trial evidence to support or refute the use of a community based multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary programs for people with PD. A two group randomized trial is being undertaken within a community rehabilitation service in Brisbane, Australia. Community dwelling adults with a diagnosis of Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease are being recruited. Eligible participants are randomly allocated to a standard exercise rehabilitation group program or an intervention group which incorporates physical, cognitive and speech activities in a multi-tasking framework. Outcomes will be measured at 6-week intervals for a period of six months. Primary outcome measures are the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and the Timed Up and Go (TUG) cognitive test. Secondary outcomes include changes in health related quality of life, communication, social participation, mobility, strength and balance, and carer burden measures. This study will determine the immediate and long-term effectiveness of a unique multifocal, interdisciplinary, dual-tasking approach to the management of PD as compared to an exercise only program. We anticipate that the results of this study will have implications for the development of cost effective evidence based best practice for the treatment of people with PD living in the community.


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In the structure of the title compound C17H16Br2O3, which is a restricted commercial acaricide (common name bromopropylate), has two independent and conformationally similar molecules in the asymmetric unit [dihedral angle between the planes of the two phenyl rings in each, 68.7(4) and 77.4(5)deg]. The C-atoms of the isopropyl group of one of the molecules are disordered over two sites with occupancies of 0.638 and 0.362. Minor non-merohedral twinning was also present in the crystal. Intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions involving the hydroxy groups and carboxyl O-atom acceptors give separate centrosymmetric homodimers through cyclic hydrogen-bonding motifs [graph set R2/2(10)].


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The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) apply to the world’s 43 million refugees and forcibly displaced. While States have an obligation to meet minimum human rights levels for all persons including 'non-citizens', UNHCR must ensure countries adopting MDG targets report on the progress of their refugee populations. If we are to make significant change within the MDG time-frame, the health and human rights needs of refugees and the displaced must be urgently integrated into the development policy agendas of sovereign States, and be at the fore of the international community’s attention.


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Use of focus groups as a technique of inquiry is gaining attention in the area of health-care research. This paper will report on the technique of focus group interviewing to investigate the role of the infection control practitioner. Infection control is examined as a specialty area of health-care practice that has received little research attention to date. Additionally, it is an area of practice that is expanding in response to social, economic and microbiological forces. The focus group technique in this study helped a group of infection control practitioners from urban, regional and rural areas throughout Queensland identify and categorise their daily work activities. The outcomes of this process were then analysed to identify the growth in breadth and complexity of the role of the infection control practitioner in the contemporary health-care environment. Findings indicate that the role of the infection control practitioner in Australia has undergone changes consistent with and reflecting changing models of health-care delivery.


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In the structure of the title complex, [Cs(C6H2Cl3N2O2)(H2O)]n, the caesium salt of the commercial herbicide picloram, the Cs+ cation lies on a crystallographic mirror plane, which also contains the coordinating water molecule and all non-H atoms of the 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinate anion except the carboxylate O-atom donors. The irregular CsCl4O5 coordination polyhedron comprises chlorine donors from the ortho-related ring substituents of the picloramate ligand in a bidentate chelate mode, with a third chlorine bridging [Cs-Cl range 3.6052 (11)-3.7151 (11) Å] as well as a bidentate chelate carboxylate group giving sheets extending parallel to (010). A three-dimensional coordination polymer structure is generated through the carboxylate group, which also bridges the sheets down [010]. Within the structure, there are intra-unit water O-HOcarboxylate and amine N-HNpyridine hydrogen-bonding interactions.


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In the asymmetric unit of the title co-crystal, C12H14N4O2S·C7H5NO4, the sulfamethazine and 2-nitrobenzoic acid molecules form a heterodimer through intermolecular amide-carboxylic acid N-HO and carboxylic acid-pyrimidine O-HN hydrogen-bond pairs, giving a cyclic motif [graph set R22(8)]. The dihedral angle between the two aromatic ring systems in the sulfamethazine molecule is 88.96 (18)° and the nitro group of the acid is 50% rotationally disordered. Secondary aniline N-HOsulfone hydrogen-bonding associations give a two-dimensional structure lying parallel to the ab plane.