47 resultados para Dry bubble


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Purpose: This study investigated the effect of chemical conjugation of the amino acid L-leucine to the polysaccharide chitosan on the dispersibility and drug release pattern of a polymeric nanoparticle (NP)-based controlled release dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulation. Methods: A chemical conjugate of L-leucine with chitosan was synthesized and characterized by Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy, Elemental Analysis and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Nanoparticles of both chitosan and its conjugate were prepared by a water-in-oil emulsification – glutaraldehyde cross-linking method using the antihypertensive agent, diltiazem (Dz) hydrochloride as the model drug. The surface morphology and particle size distribution of the nanoparticles were determined by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). The dispersibility of the nanoparticle formulation was analysed by a Twin Stage Impinger (TSI) with a Rotahaler as the DPI device. Deposition of the particles in the different stages was determined by gravimetry and the amount of drug released was analysed by UV spectrophotometry. The release profile of the drug was studied in phosphate buffered saline at 37 ⁰C and analyzed by UV spectrophotometry. Results: The TSI study revealed that the fine particle fractions (FPF), as determined gravimetrically, for empty and drug-loaded conjugate nanoparticles were significantly higher than for the corresponding chitosan nanoparticles (24±1.2% and 21±0.7% vs 19±1.2% and 15±1.5% respectively; n=3, p<0.05). The FPF of drug-loaded chitosan and conjugate nanoparticles, in terms of the amount of drug determined spectrophotometrically, had similar values (21±0.7% vs 16±1.6%). After an initial burst, both chitosan and conjugate nanoparticles showed controlled release that lasted about 8 to 10 days, but conjugate nanoparticles showed twice as much total drug release compared to chitosan nanoparticles (~50% vs ~25%). Conjugate nanoparticles also showed significantly higher dug loading and entrapment efficiency than chitosan nanoparticles (conjugate: 20±1% & 46±1%, chitosan: 16±1% & 38±1%, n=3, p<0.05). Conclusion: Although L-leucine conjugation to chitosan increased dispersibility of formulated nanoparticles, the FPF values are still far from optimum. The particles showed a high level of initial burst release (chitosan, 16% and conjugate, 31%) that also will need further optimization.


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The electrodeposition of copper onto copper, gold, palladium and glassy carbon (GC) electrodes via a hydrogen bubble templating method is reported. It is found that the composition of the underlying electrode material significantly influences the morphology of the copper electrodeposit. Highly ordered porous structures are achieved with Cu and Au electrodes, however on Pd this order is disrupted and a rough randomly oriented surface is formed whereas on GC a bubble templating effect is not observed. Chronopotentiograms recorded during the electrodeposition process allows bubble formation and detachment from the surface to be monitored where distinctly different potential versus time profiles are observed at the different electrodes. The porous Cu surfaces are characterised with scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and cyclic voltammetric measurements recorded under alkaline conditions. The latter demonstrates that there are active sites present on electrodeposited copper whose coverage and reactivity depend on the underlying electrode material. The most active Cu surface is achieved at a Pd substrate for both the hydrogen evolution reaction and the catalytic reduction of ferricyanide ions with thiosulphate ions. This demonstrates that the highly ordered porous structure on the micron scale which typifies the morphology that can be achieved with the hydrogen bubbling template method is not required in producing the most effective material.


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This paper discusses the Townsville City Council Dry Tropics Water Smart (DTWS) initiative, developed by TCC Integrated Sustainability Services (ISS) and Townsville Water, and informed by The University of Adelaide. The program draws on many years of experience by the TCC team to blend key community-based research approaches in order to develop this residential outdoor water conservation program. Several community pilots have been conducted to test different behaviour change strategies and messages. This paper outlines recent steps taken to develop the community trials, as guided by a combination of behaviour change theories including community-based social marketing and thematic communications methods. Some preliminary results are outlined focused on community uptake of different strategies, community perceptions of communication materials, and some insights into the effectiveness of outdoor water hardware.


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This thesis described the synthesis of an L-leucine conjugate of the biodegradable polymer, chitosan and its potential application for the development of controlled release nanoparticulate dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulations. The study demonstrated that the physicochemical properties of conjugated chitosan nanoparticles had favourable effects on the dispersibility and controlled release profile of a model drug. The toxicity profile of the nanoparticulate formulation revealed promising outcome for its use in pulmonary delivery. The chitosan conjugate produced in this project would be useful for the application of polymer nanoparticulate systems for efficient lung delivery of drugs.


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Dry river beds are common worldwide and are rapidly increasing in extent due to the effects of water management and prolonged drought periods due to climate change. While attention has been given to the responses of aquatic invertebrates to drying rivers, few studies exist on the terrestrial invertebrates colonizing dry river beds. Dry river beds are physically harsh and they often differ substantially in substrate, topography, microclimate and inundation frequency from adjacent riparian zones. Given these differences, we predicted that dry river beds provide a unique habitat for terrestrial invertebrates, and that their assemblage composition differs from that in adjacent riparian zones. Dry river beds and riparian zones in Australia and Italy were sampled for terrestrial invertebrates with pitfall traps. Sites differed in substrate type, climate and flow regime. Dry river beds contained diverse invertebrate assemblages and their composition was consistently different from adjacent riparian zones, irrespective of substrate, climate or hydrology. Although some taxa were shared between dry river beds and riparian zones, 66 of 320 taxa occurred only in dry river beds. Differences were due to species turnover, rather than shifts in abundance, indicating that dry river bed assemblages are not simply subsets of riparian assemblages. Some spatial patterns in invertebrate assemblages were associated with environmental variables (irrespective of habitat type), but these associations were statistically weak. We suggest that dry river beds are unique habitats in their own right. We discuss potential human stressors and management issues regarding dry river beds and provide recommendations for future research.


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The purpose of this study is to discover the significant factors causing the bubble defect on the outsoles manufactured by the Case Company. The bubble defect occurs approximately 1.5 per cent of the time or in 36 pairs per day. To understand this problem, experimental studies are undertaken to identify various factors such as injector temperature, mould temperature; that affects the production of waste. The work presented in this paper comprises a review of the relevant literature on the Six Sigma DMAIC improvement process, quality control tools, and the design of the experiments. After the experimentation following the Six Sigma process, the results showed that the defect occurred in approximately 0.5 per cent of the products or in 12 pairs per day; this decreased the production cost from 6,120 AUD per month to 2,040 AUD per month. This research aimed to reduce the amount of waste in men’s flat outsoles. Hence, the outcome of research presented in this paper should be used as a guide for applying the appropriate process for each type of outsole.


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Seasonal patterns in mortality have been recognised for decades, with a marked excess of deaths in winter, yet our understanding of the causes of this phenomenon is not yet complete. Research has shown that low and high temperatures are associated with increased mortality independently of season; however, the impact of unseasonal weather on mortality has been less studied. In this study, we aimed to determine if unseasonal patterns in weather were associated with unseasonal patterns in mortality. We obtained daily temperature, humidity and mortality data from 1988 to 2009 for five major Australian cities with a range of climates. We split the seasonal patterns in temperature, humidity and mortality into their stationary and non-stationary parts. A stationary seasonal pattern is consistent from year-to-year, and a non-stationary pattern varies from year-to-year. We used Poisson regression to investigate associations between unseasonal weather and an unusual number of deaths. We found that deaths rates in Australia were 20–30% higher in winter than summer. The seasonal pattern of mortality was non-stationary, with much larger peaks in some winters. Winters that were colder or drier than a typical winter had significantly increased death risks in most cities. Conversely summers that were warmer or more humid than average showed no increase in death risks. Better understanding the occurrence and cause of seasonal variations in mortality will help with disease prevention and save lives.


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A new mesh adaptivity algorithm that combines a posteriori error estimation with bubble-type local mesh generation (BLMG) strategy for elliptic differential equations is proposed. The size function used in the BLMG is defined on each vertex during the adaptive process based on the obtained error estimator. In order to avoid the excessive coarsening and refining in each iterative step, two factor thresholds are introduced in the size function. The advantages of the BLMG-based adaptive finite element method, compared with other known methods, are given as follows: the refining and coarsening are obtained fluently in the same framework; the local a posteriori error estimation is easy to implement through the adjacency list of the BLMG method; at all levels of refinement, the updated triangles remain very well shaped, even if the mesh size at any particular refinement level varies by several orders of magnitude. Several numerical examples with singularities for the elliptic problems, where the explicit error estimators are used, verify the efficiency of the algorithm. The analysis for the parameters introduced in the size function shows that the algorithm has good flexibility.


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This is a catalogue essay for Mark Shorter's exhibition "Dry Gulch" held at Boxcopy, Brisbane, in 2014. "Dry Gulch is a durational performance and installation in which the artist, Mark Shorter, occupies the pitch-­‐black gallery space for the opening hours of the exhibition. While drawing on the vocabulary of 1970s conceptual performance art (think Vito Acconci, Chris Burden, Marina Abramovic et al.), it is also an exhibition specifically of its time and its place. It probes and, at times, illuminates (pun intended) some of the dark corners of subjective experiences in a contemporary context typically swamped by distractions and saturated with templates for self-­‐actualisation...."


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Objective The objectives of this cross-sectional, analytical inference analysis were to compare shoulder muscle activation at arm elevations of 0° to 90° through different movement planes and speeds during in-water and dry-land exercise and to extrapolate this information to a clinical rehabilitation model. Methods Six muscles of right-handed adult subjects (n = 16; males/females: 50%; age: 26.1 ± 4.5 years) were examined with surface electromyography during arm elevation in water and on dry land. Participants randomly performed 3 elevation movements (flexion, abduction, and scaption) through 0° to 90°. Three movement speeds were used for each movement as determined by a metronome (30°/sec, 45°/sec, and 90°/sec). Dry-land maximal voluntary contraction tests were used to determine movement normalization. Results Muscle activity levels were significantly lower in water compared with dry land at 30°/sec and 45°/sec but significantly higher at 90°/sec. This sequential progressive activation with increased movement speed was proportionally higher on transition from gravity-based on-land activity to water-based isokinetic resistance. The pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi muscles showed higher activity during abduction and scaption. Conclusions These findings on muscle activation suggest protocols in which active flexion is introduced first at low speeds (30°/sec) in water, then at medium speeds (45°/sec) in water or on dry land, and finally at high speeds (90°/sec) on dry land before in water. Abduction requires higher stabilization, necessitating its introduction after flexion, with scaption introduced last. This model of progressive sequential movement ensures that early active motion and then stabilization are appropriately introduced. This should reduce rehabilitation time and improve therapeutic goals without compromising patient safety or introducing inappropriate muscle recruitment or movement speed.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of the present study was to analyze the neuromuscular responses during the performance of a sit to stand [STS] task in water and on dry land. SCOPE: 10 healthy subjects, five males and five females were recruited for study. Surface electromyography sEMG was used for lower limb and trunk muscles maximal voluntarty contraction [MVC] and during the STS task. RESULTS: Muscle activity was significantly higher on dry land than in water normalized signals by MVC from the quadriceps-vastus medialis [17.3%], the quadriceps - rectus femoris [5.3%], the long head of the biceps femoris [5.5%], the tibialis anterior [13.9%], the gastrocnemius medialis [3.4%], the soleus [6.2%]. However, the muscle activity was higher in water for the rectus abdominis [-26.6%] and the erector spinae [-22.6%]. CONCLUSIONS: This study for the first time describes the neuromuscular responses in healthy subjects during the performance of the STS task in water. The differences in lower limb and trunk muscle activity should be considered when using the STS movement in aquatic rehabilitation.


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Observing peculiar entoptic phenomena relating to a large air bubble inside his eye provided a little comedy relief for Professor Nathan Efron during his otherwise taxing ophthalmic journey of retinopexy, cryopexy, vitrectomy and IOL surgery.