417 resultados para MOBILE ROBOTICS


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Mobile devices are very popular among tertiary student populations. This study looks at student use of hand-held mobile devices within the context of a first year programming unit. This research sought for ways in which an educational app on these devices could be successfully integrated into such a class's learning.


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In plants and nematodes, RNAi can spread from cells from which it is initiated to other cells in the organism. The underlying mechanism controlling the mobility of RNAi signals is not known, especially in the case of plants. A genetic screen designed to recover plants impaired in the movement but not the production or effectiveness of the RNAi signal identified RCI3, which encodes a hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-producing type III peroxidase, as a key regulator of silencing mobility in Arabidopsis thaliana. Silencing initiated in the roots of rci3 plants failed to spread into leaf tissue or floral tissue. Application of exogenous H2O2 reinstated the spread in rci3 plants and accelerated it in wild-type plants. The addition of catalase or MnO2, which breaks down H2O2, slowed the spread of silencing in wild-type plants. We propose that endogenous H2O2, under the control of peroxidases, regulates the spread of gene silencing by altering plasmodesmata permeability through remodelling of local cell wall structure, and may play a role in regulating systemic viral defence.


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With the smartphone revolution, consumer-focused mobile medical applications (apps) have flooded the market without restriction. We searched the market for commercially available apps on all mobile platforms that could provide automated risk analysis of the most serious skin cancer, melanoma. We tested 5 relevant apps against 15 images of previously excised skin lesions and compared the apps' risk grades to the known histopathologic diagnosis of the lesions. Two of the apps did not identify any of the melanomas. The remaining 3 apps obtained 80% sensitivity for melanoma risk identification; specificities for the 5 apps ranged from 20%-100%. Each app provided its own grading and recommendation scale and included a disclaimer recommending regular dermatologist evaluation regardless of the analysis outcome. The results indicate that autonomous lesion analysis is not yet ready for use as a triage tool. More concerning is the lack of restrictions and regulations for these applications.


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Driver distraction through mobile phone use in the car is a growing road safety concern. This paper presents findings of a survey (N = 528), which seeks to better understand the predictors of mobile phone use while driving in young (18-25) adult drivers. The survey investigated factors and motivations such as young adults' boredom proneness and their social connectedness, as well as their general mobile phone use and phone use in the car. We found, e.g., that boredom proneness plays a larger role (compared to social connectedness) in determining how much a young male uses their phone in the car (compared to young females). Despite the study’s limitations, this initial understanding allows us to better design and develop innovative HCI interventions that prevent young adults, particularly males, from phone use while driving in a way that appeals to their needs.


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In this paper, we introduce a path algebra well suited for navigation in environments that can be abstracted as topological graphs. From this path algebra, we derive algorithms to reduce routes in such environments. The routes are reduced in the sense that they are shorter (contain fewer edges), but still connect the endpoints of the initial routes. Contrary to planning methods descended from Disjktra’s Shortest Path Algorithm like D , the navigation methods derived from our path algebra do not require any graph representation. We prove that the reduced routes are optimal when the graphs are without cycles. In the case of graphs with cycles, we prove that whatever the length of the initial route, the length of the reduced route is bounded by a constant that only depends on the structure of the environment.


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This paper describes ongoing work on a system using spatial descriptions to construct abstract maps that can be used for goal-directed exploration in an unfamiliar office environment. Abstract maps contain membership, connectivity, and spatial layout information extracted from symbolic spatial information. In goal-directed exploration, the robot would then link this information with observed symbolic information and its grounded world representation. We demonstrate the ability of the system to extract and represent membership, connectivity, and spatial layout information from spatial descriptions of an office environment. In the planned study, the robot will navigate to the goal location using the abstract map to inform the best direction to explore in.


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Travel speed is one of the most critical parameters for road safety; the evidence suggests that increased vehicle speed is associated with higher crash risk and injury severity. Both naturalistic and simulator studies have reported that drivers distracted by a mobile phone select a lower driving speed. Speed decrements have been argued to be a risk compensatory behaviour of distracted drivers. Nonetheless, the extent and circumstances of the speed change among distracted drivers are still not known very well. As such, the primary objective of this study was to investigate patterns of speed variation in relation to contextual factors and distraction. Using the CARRS-Q high-fidelity Advanced Driving Simulator, the speed selection behaviour of 32 drivers aged 18-26 years was examined in two phone conditions: baseline (no phone conversation) and handheld phone operation. The simulator driving route contained five different types of road traffic complexities, including one road section with a horizontal S curve, one horizontal S curve with adjacent traffic, one straight segment of suburban road without traffic, one straight segment of suburban road with traffic interactions, and one road segment in a city environment. Speed deviations from the posted speed limit were analysed using Ward’s Hierarchical Clustering method to identify the effects of road traffic environment and cognitive distraction. The speed deviations along curved road sections formed two different clusters for the two phone conditions, implying that distracted drivers adopt a different strategy for selecting driving speed in a complex driving situation. In particular, distracted drivers selected a lower speed while driving along a horizontal curve. The speed deviation along the city road segment and other straight road segments grouped into a different cluster, and the deviations were not significantly different across phone conditions, suggesting a negligible effect of distraction on speed selection along these road sections. Future research should focus on developing a risk compensation model to explain the relationship between road traffic complexity and distraction.


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The world is rich with information such as signage and maps to assist humans to navigate. We present a method to extract topological spatial information from a generic bitmap floor plan and build a topometric graph that can be used by a mobile robot for tasks such as path planning and guided exploration. The algorithm first detects and extracts text in an image of the floor plan. Using the locations of the extracted text, flood fill is used to find the rooms and hallways. Doors are found by matching SURF features and these form the connections between rooms, which are the edges of the topological graph. Our system is able to automatically detect doors and differentiate between hallways and rooms, which is important for effective navigation. We show that our method can extract a topometric graph from a floor plan and is robust against ambiguous cases most commonly seen in floor plans including elevators and stairwells.


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Background Risky single occasion drinking (RSOD; 4 or more drinks in <6 h) more than doubles the risk of injury in young people (15 - 25 years). The potential role of smartphone apps in reducing RSOD in young people is yet to be explored. Objective: To describe the initial prototype testing of ‘Ray's Night Out’, a new iPhone app targeting RSOD in young people. Method Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to evaluate the quality, perceived utility, and acceptability of the app among nine young people (19e23 years). Results Participants reported Ray's Night Out had good to excellent levels of functionality and visual appeal, acceptable to good levels of entertainment, interest and information, and acceptable levels of customization and interactivity. Young people thought the app had high levels of youth appeal, would prompt users to think about their alcohol use limits, but was unlikely to motivate a change in alcohol use in its current form. Qualitative data provided several suggestions for improving the app. Conclusion Following revision, Ray's Night Out could provide an effective intervention for RSOD in non help-seeking young people. A randomized controlled trial is currently underway to test the final prototype of the app.


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The potential of using mobile devices to increase learner engagement within a small group of at-risk vocational education students was studied through a qualitative case study. It was found that the use of mobile devices could be a strategy educators may use to reduce the barriers these students often encounter within traditional classrooms. Notions of interactivity, ease of use, existing familiarity and fluency were found to be fundamental variables that were central to the group's use of mobile devices. The study provides direction for educators looking for innovative ways to engage students who struggle in a classroom situation.


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At present, the most reliable method to obtain end-user perceived quality is through subjective tests. In this paper, the impact of automatic region-of-interest (ROI) coding on perceived quality of mobile video is investigated. The evidence, which is based on perceptual comparison analysis, shows that the coding strategy improves perceptual quality. This is particularly true in low bit rate situations. The ROI detection method used in this paper is based on two approaches: - (1) automatic ROI by analyzing the visual contents automatically, and; - (2) eye-tracking based ROI by aggregating eye-tracking data across many users, used to both evaluate the accuracy of automatic ROI detection and the subjective quality of automatic ROI encoded video. The perceptual comparison analysis is based on subjective assessments with 54 participants, across different content types, screen resolutions, and target bit rates while comparing the two ROI detection methods. The results from the user study demonstrate that ROI-based video encoding has higher perceived quality compared to normal video encoded at a similar bit rate, particularly in the lower bit rate range.


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This paper describes a vision-only system for place recognition in environments that are tra- versed at different times of day, when chang- ing conditions drastically affect visual appear- ance, and at different speeds, where places aren’t visited at a consistent linear rate. The ma- jor contribution is the removal of wheel-based odometry from the previously presented algo- rithm (SMART), allowing the technique to op- erate on any camera-based device; in our case a mobile phone. While we show that the di- rect application of visual odometry to our night- time datasets does not achieve a level of perfor- mance typically needed, the VO requirements of SMART are orthogonal to typical usage: firstly only the magnitude of the velocity is required, and secondly the calculated velocity signal only needs to be repeatable in any one part of the environment over day and night cycles, but not necessarily globally consistent. Our results show that the smoothing effect of motion constraints is highly beneficial for achieving a locally consis- tent, lighting-independent velocity estimate. We also show that the advantage of our patch-based technique used previously for frame recogni- tion, surprisingly, does not transfer to VO, where SIFT demonstrates equally good performance. Nevertheless, we present the SMART system us- ing only vision, which performs sequence-base place recognition in extreme low-light condi- tions where standard 6-DOF VO fails and that improves place recognition performance over odometry-less benchmarks, approaching that of wheel odometry.


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Human exposures in transportation microenvironments are poorly represented by ambient stationary monitoring. A number of on-road studies using vehicle-based mobile monitoring have been conducted to address this. Most previous studies were conducted on urban roads in developed countries where the primary emission source was vehicles. Few studies have examined on-road pollution in developing countries in urban settings. Currently, no study has been conducted for roadways in rural environments where a substantial proportion of the population live. This study aimed to characterize on-road air quality on the East-West Highway (EWH) in Bhutan and identify its principal sources. We conducted six mobile measurements of PM10, particle number (PN) count and CO along the entire 570 km length of the EWH. We divided the EWH into five segments, R1-R5, taking the road length between two district towns as a single road segment. The pollutant concentrations varied widely along the different road segments, with the highest concentrations for R5 compared with other road segments (PM10 = 149 µg/m3, PN = 5.74 × 104 particles/cm-3, CO = 0.19 ppm), which is the final segment of the road to the capital. Apart from vehicle emissions, the dominant sources were road works, unpaved roads and roadside combustion activities. Overall, the highest contributions above the background levels were made by unpaved roads for PM10 (6 times background), and vehicle emissions for PN and CO (5 and 15 times background, respectively). Notwithstanding the differences in instrumentation used and particle size range measured, the current study showed lower PN concentrations compared with similar on-road studies. However, concentrations were still high enough that commuters, road maintenance workers and residents living along the EWH, were potentially exposed to elevated pollutant concentrations from combustion and non-combustion sources. Future studies should focus on assessing the dispersion patterns of roadway pollutants and defining the short- and long-term health impacts of exposure in Bhutan, as well as in other developing countries with similar characteristics.


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This article presents the attitudinal response of rural villagers in Papua New Guinea to mobile telephony, based on a threshold study made during the early stages of its adoption. The research indicates that the introduction of mobile telecommunications has generally been viewed positively, with mobile phones affording social interaction with loved ones. Nonetheless, negative concerns have been strongly felt, notably financial costs and anxiety about mobile phones aiding in the coordination of extramarital liaisons and criminal activities. The communities investigated previously had scant access to modern communication technologies, some still using traditional means such as wooden slit drums, known locally as garamuts. The expansion of mobile network coverage has introduced into communal village life the capability to communicate dyadically and privately at a distance. Investigation into the adoption of mobile phones thus promotes understanding about traditional means of communication and notions of public and private interactions.


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The rapid change of technological trends in the marketplace has increased the difficulty for social marketers to reach consumers using traditional marketing channels (Della et al., 2008). Traditionally, social marketing interventions have typically used more conventional supporting products and services such as water counters for water conservation or condoms for sex safety. However, recently social marketers are witnessing the diminishing effectiveness of more traditional social products and services in encouraging the uptake and maintenance of behaviour. In light of the technological trends in the marketplace and diminishing effect of previous social products and services (Lefebvre, 2009), social marketers have been encouraged to look to alternate means of delivering valuable offerings...