511 resultados para Molecular Property


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Many insect clades, especially within the Diptera (true flies), have been considered classically ‘Gondwanan’, with an inference that distributions derive from vicariance of the southern continents. Assessing the role that vicariance has played in the evolution of austral taxa requires testing the location and tempo of diversification and speciation against the well-established predictions of fragmentation of the ancient super-continent. Several early (anecdotal) hypotheses that current austral distributions originate from the breakup of Gondwana derive from studies of taxa within the family Chironomidae (non-biting midges). With the advent of molecular phylogenetics and biogeographic analytical software, these studies have been revisited and expanded to test such conclusions better. Here we studied the midge genus Stictocladius Edwards, from the subfamily Orthocladiinae, which contains austral-distributed clades that match vicariance-based expectations. We resolve several issues of systematic relationships among morphological species and reveal cryptic diversity within many taxa. Time-calibrated phylogenetic relationships among taxa accorded partially with the predicted tempo from geology. For these apparently vagile insects, vicariance-dated patterns persist for South America and Australia. However, as often found, divergence time estimates for New Zealand at c. 50 mya post-date separation of Zealandia from Antarctica and the remainder of Gondwana, but predate the proposed Oligocene ‘drowning’ of these islands. We detail other such ‘anomalous’ dates and suggest a single common explanation rather than stochastic processes. This could involve synchronous establishment following recovery from ‘drowning’ and/or deleteriously warming associated with the mid-Eocene climatic optimum (hence ‘waving’, which refers to cycles of drowning events) plus new availability of topography providing of cool running waters, or all these factors in combination. Alternatively a vicariance explanation remains available, given the uncertain duration of connectivity of Zealandia to Australia–Antarctic–South America via the Lord Howe and Norfolk ridges into the Eocene.


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Bactrocera papayae Drew & Hancock, Bactrocera philippinensis Drew & Hancock, Bactrocera carambolae Drew & Hancock, and Bactrocera invadens Drew, Tsuruta & White are four horticultural pest tephritid fruit fly species that are highly similar, morphologically and genetically, to the destructive pest, the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae). This similarity has rendered the discovery of reliable diagnostic characters problematic, which, in view of the economic importance of these taxa and the international trade implications, has resulted in ongoing difficulties for many areas of plant protection and food security. Consequently, a major international collaborative and integrated multidisciplinary research effort was initiated in 2009 to build upon existing literature with the specific aim of resolving biological species limits among B. papayae, B. philippinensis, B. carambolae, B. invadens and B. dorsalis to overcome constraints to pest management and international trade. Bactrocera philippinensis has recently been synonymized with B. papayae as a result of this initiative and this review corroborates that finding; however, the other names remain in use. While consistent characters have been found to reliably distinguish B. carambolae from B. dorsalis, B. invadens and B. papayae, no such characters have been found to differentiate the latter three putative species. We conclude that B. carambolae is a valid species and that the remaining taxa, B. dorsalis, B. invadens and B. papayae, represent the same species. Thus, we consider B. dorsalis (Hendel) as the senior synonym of B. papayae Drew and Hancock syn.n. and B. invadens Drew, Tsuruta & White syn.n. A redescription of B. dorsalis is provided. Given the agricultural importance of B. dorsalis, this taxonomic decision will have significant global plant biosecurity implications, affecting pest management, quarantine, international trade, postharvest treatment and basic research. Throughout the paper, we emphasize the value of independent and multidisciplinary tools in delimiting species, particularly in complicated cases involving morphologically cryptic taxa.


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This article reviews the nature and purpose of s 129 of the Property Law Act 1974 (Qld) whose application has given rise to some confusion in the past, particularly where the lessee against whom it is being used is also in breach of the lease at the time of receiving the notice. The article explores the historical origins of the section, firstly in New South Wales where it was enacted in 1930, and attempts to outline modern circumstances where it may be applied or particularly applied in Queensland.


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Hard and soft: Binding of inorganic Pt@Fe3O4 Janus particles to WS2 nanotubes through their Pt or Fe3O4 domains is governed by the difference in Pearson hardness: the soft Pt block has a higher sulfur affinity than the harder magnetite face; thus the binding proceeds preferentially through the Pt face. This binding preference can be reversed by masking the Pt face with an organic protecting group.


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Heteroleptic complexes of the type \[RuL2L′](PF6)2 (L, L′ = combinations of 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) and 2,2′-bipyridine (bipy)) were found to cocrystallize with \[Ni(phen)3](PF6)2 to produce cocrystals of \[Ni(phen)3]x\[RuL2L′]1–x(PF6)2. In this report we show that the ability of the complexes to cocrystallize is influenced by the number of common ligands between complexes in solution. Supramolecular selection is a phenomenon caused by molecular recognition through which cocrystals can grow from the same solution but contain different ratios of the molecular components. It was found that systems where L = phen displayed less supramolecular selection than systems where L = bipy. With increasing supramolecular selection, the composition of cocrystals was found to vary significantly from the initial relative concentration in the cocrystallizing solution, and therefore it was increasingly difficult to control the final composition of the resultant cocrystals. Consequently, modulation of concentration-dependent properties such as phase was also found to be less predictable with increasing supramolecular selection. Notwithstanding the complication afforded by the presence of supramolecular selection, our results reaffirm the robustness of the \[M(phen)3](PF6)2 structure because it was maintained even when ca. 90% of the complexes in the cocrystals were \[Ru(phen)(bipy)2](PF6)2, which in its pure form is not isomorphous with \[M(phen)3](PF6)2. Experiments between complexes without common ligands, i.e., \[Ru(bipy)3](PF6)2 cocrystallized with \[Ni(phen)3](PF6)2, were found to approach the limit to which molecular recognition processes can be confused into cocrystallizing different molecules to form single cocrystals. For these systems the result was the formation of block-shaped crystals skewered by a needle-shaped crystals.


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Several cell-free assays are currently used to quantify and detect the Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). All of them have certain limitations, do not provide direct comparison of results and, to date, none of these assays have been acknowledged as the most suitable acellular assay and none has yet been adopted for investigation of potential PM toxicity. These assays include DTT, ascorbic acid, DCFHDA and PFN assays which have been used in measurements of the particles generated from various combustion sources such as diesel engine, wood smoke (or biomass burning) and cigarette smoke, as well as for outdoor measurements. All the probes use different units for expressing redox properties of PM. Also, their reactivity is being triggered by different types of ROS. This limits the direct comparison of the results that are reporting the toxicity of the same aerosol type measured with various probes. This study is evaluating and comparing the various assays in order to develop deeper understanding of their capabilities, selectivity as well as improve understanding of the underlying chemical mechanisms. Keywords: DTT, DCFH-DA, PFN, BPEA-nit, Ascorbic acid, oxidative potential


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Non-healing wounds represent a significant burden to healthcare systems and societies worldwide. Current best practice treatments of chronic wounds can require patients to undergo extensive periods of therapy without any positive outcome. This consumes substantial healthcare resources and severely impacts patient quality of life. At present, there are no measures to predict a patient's response to best practice care. The hypothesis of this thesis was that biochemical markers could be found within the wound fluid of chronic ulcers and these markers could predict the healing outcome of an ulcer undergoing best practice care. Discovery phase proteomic and mass spectrometry techniques were utilised to determine novel proteins that correlated with the healing outcome of ulcers. These candidate biomarkers could be developed into simple dip-stick tools for use in clinical practice. This would aid clinicians in the choice of effective wound management strategies to address hard-to-heal wounds.


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Protein molecular motors are natural nano-machines that convert the chemical energy from the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate into mechanical work. These efficient machines are central to many biological processes, including cellular motion, muscle contraction and cell division. The remarkable energetic efficiency of the protein molecular motors coupled with their nano-scale has prompted an increasing number of studies focusing on their integration in hybrid micro- and nanodevices, in particular using linear molecular motors. The translation of these tentative devices into technologically and economically feasible ones requires an engineering, design-orientated approach based on a structured formalism, preferably mathematical. This contribution reviews the present state of the art in the modelling of protein linear molecular motors, as relevant to the future design-orientated development of hybrid dynamic nanodevices. © 2009 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Many areas of biochemistry and molecular biology, both fundamental and applications-orientated, require an accurate construction, representation and understanding of the protein molecular surface and its interaction with other, usually small, molecules. There are however many situations when the protein molecular surface gets in physical contact with larger objects, either biological, such as membranes, or artificial, such as nanoparticles. The contribution presents a methodology for describing and quantifying the molecular properties of proteins, by geometrical and physico-chemical mapping of the molecular surfaces, with several analytical relationships being proposed for molecular surface properties. The relevance of the molecular surface-derived properties has been demonstrated through the calculation of the statistical strength of the prediction of protein adsorption. It is expected that the extension of this methodology to other phenomena involving proteins near solid surfaces, in particular the protein interaction with nanoparticles, will result in important benefits in the understanding and design of protein-specific solid surfaces. © 2013 Nicolau et al.


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The mineral series triplite-zwieselite with theoretical formula (Mn2+)2(PO4)(F)-(Fe2+)2(PO4)(F) from the El Criolo granitic pegmatite, located in the Eastern Pampean Ranges of Córdoba Province, was studied using electron microprobe, thermogravimetry, and Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The analysis of the mineral provided a formula of (Fe1.00, Mn0.85, Ca0.08, Mg0.06)∑2.00(PO4)1.00(F0.80, OH0.20)∑1.00. An intense Raman band at 981 cm−1 with a shoulder at 977 cm−1 is assigned to the ν1 symmetric stretching mode. The observation of two bands for the phosphate symmetric stretching mode offers support for the concept that the phosphate units in the structure of triplite-zwieselite are not equivalent. Low-intensity Raman bands at 1012, 1036, 1071, 1087, and 1127 cm−1 are assigned to the ν3 antisymmetric stretching modes. A set of Raman bands at 572, 604, 639, and 684 cm−1 are attributed to the ν4 out-of-plane bending modes. A single intense Raman band is found at 3508 cm−1 and is assigned to the stretching vibration of hydroxyl units. Infrared bands are observed at 3018, 3125, and 3358 cm−1 and are attributed to water stretching vibrations. Supplemental materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Spectroscopy Letters to view the supplemental file.


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Hydrogels are promising materials for cartilage repair, but the properties required for optimal functional outcomes are not yet known. In this study, we functionalized four materials that are commonly used in cartilage tissue engineering and evaluated them using in vitro cultures. Gelatin, hyaluronic acid, polyethylene glycol, and alginate were functionalized with methacrylic anhydride to make them photocrosslinkable. We found that the responses of encapsulated human chondrocytes were highly dependent on hydrogel type. Gelatin hydrogels supported cell proliferation and the deposition of a glycosaminoglycan rich matrix with significant mechanical functionality. However, cells had a dedifferentiated phenotype, with high expression of collagen type I. Chondrocytes showed the best redifferentiation in hyaluronic acid hydrogels, but the newly formed matrix was highly localized to the pericellular regions, and these gels degraded rapidly. Polyethylene glycol hydrogels, as a bioinert control, did not promote any strong responses. Alginate hydrogels did not support the deposition of new matrix, and the stiffness decreased during culture. The markedly different response of chondrocytes to these four photocrosslinkable hydrogels demonstrates the importance of material properties for chondrogenesis and extracellular matrix production, which are critical for effective cartilage repair.


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Upon infection, Legionella pneumophila uses the Dot/Icm type IV secretion system to translocate effector proteins from the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) into the host cell cytoplasm. The effectors target a wide array of host cellular processes that aid LCV biogenesis, including the manipulation of membrane trafficking. In this study, we used a hidden Markov model screen to identify two novel, non-eukaryotic soluble NSF attachment protein receptor (SNARE) homologs: the bacterial Legionella SNARE effector A (LseA) and viral SNARE homolog A proteins. We characterized LseA as a Dot/Icm effector of L. pneumophila, which has close homology to the Qc-SNARE subfamily. The lseA gene was present in multiple sequenced L. pneumophila strains including Corby and was well distributed among L. pneumophila clinical and environmental isolates. Employing a variety of biochemical, cell biological and microbiological techniques, we found that farnesylated LseA localized to membranes associated with the Golgi complex in mammalian cells and LseA interacted with a subset of Qa-, Qb- and R-SNAREs in host cells. Our results suggested that LseA acts as a SNARE protein and has the potential to regulate or mediate membrane fusion events in Golgi-associated pathways.