621 resultados para Exploratory behaviour


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This paper explores the main satisfiers and dissatisfiers for international students in Australia’s higher educational sector. Using a critical incident technique, this study is conducted with international students of higher education in Australia. Four categories of satisfiers and dissatisfiers emerge from the data which are related to individual performance, quality of the educational service, socialisation, and living conditions.


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Evaluation of the Get REAL programme in an inclusive primary school setting has indicated its effectiveness in promoting pro-social behaviour for children with high functioning Autism. However, two children with co-morbid diagnoses and complex personal circumstances showed less consistent improvements. In order to explain their unique trajectories, not readily derived from quantitative studies, an exploratory case study approach was used to examine contextual influences on patterns of progress. Multiple data sources included coded video footage from the Get REAL programme, school reports on conduct, and parents and classroom teacher reports using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. While results provide support for the efficacy of the Get REAL programme for the two children, they also highlight the value of co-ordinated strategies and collaborative individualised approaches in more complex cases. This paper outlines the Get REAL intervention and a range of other school and support agency strategies impacting progress.


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The Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced is a multidimensional scale designed to assess how people respond to stress. The COPE has been validated in a variety of populations displaying variations in factor structure. However, in terms of mental health populations, it has only been validated in alcohol-dependent samples. This paper investigated the factor structure of the COPE in a sample of adults diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Two hundred and seventy-one patients attending cognitive behaviour therapy for anxiety and depression completed the COPE. Confirmatory factor analysis found a poor fit for both lower order and higher order factors based upon the Lyne and Roger (2000) study. Exploratory factor analyses identified six primary subscales (Active Planning, Social Support, Denial, Acceptance, Disengagement, Restraint) which explained approximately 60% of the variance in coping. These 6 subscales may assist researchers and clinicians to validly measure coping in anxious and depressed adults.


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The Teacher Reporting Attitude Scale (TRAS) is a newly developed tool to assess teachers’ attitudes toward reporting child abuse and neglect. This article reports on an investigation of the factor structure and psychometric properties of the short form Malay version of the TRAS. A self-report cross-sectional survey was conducted with 667 teachers in 14 randomly selected schools in Selangor state, Malaysia. Analyses were conducted in a 3-stage process using both confirmatory (stages 1 and 3) and exploratory factor analyses (stage 2) to test, modify, and confirm the underlying factor structure of the TRAS in a non-Western teacher sample. Confirmatory factor analysis did not support a 3-factor model previously reported in the original TRAS study. Exploratory factor analysis revealed an 8-item, 4-factor structure. Further confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated appropriateness of the 4-factor structure. Reliability estimates for the four factors—commitment, value, concern, and confidence—were moderate. The modified short form TRAS (Malay version) has potential to be used as a simple tool for relatively quick assessment of teachers’ attitudes toward reporting child abuse and neglect. Cross-cultural differences in attitudes toward reporting may exist and the transferability of newly developed instruments to other populations should be evaluated.


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Proxy reports from parents and self-reported data from pupils have often been used interchangeably to identify factors influencing school travel behaviour. However, few studies have examined the validity of proxy reports as an alternative to self-reported data. In addition, despite research that has been conducted in a different context, little is known to date about the impact of different factors on school travel behaviour in a sectarian divided society. This research examines these issues using 1624 questionnaires collected from four independent samples (e.g. primary pupils, parent of primary pupils, secondary pupils, and parent of secondary pupils) across Northern Ireland. An independent sample t test was conducted to identify the differences in data reporting between pupils and parents for different age groups using the reported number of trips for different modes as dependent variables. Multivariate multiple regression analyses were conducted to then identify the impacts of different factors (e.g. gender, rural–urban context, multiple deprivations, and school management type, net residential density, land use diversity, intersection density) on mode choice behaviour in this context. Results show that proxy report is a valid alternative to self-reported data, but only for primary pupils. Land use diversity and rural–urban context were found to be the most important factors in influencing mode choice behaviour.


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The demand of implementing Whole Life Cycle Costing (WLCC) towards property development has increased since the launch of Value Management Circular 3/2009 by the Economic Planning Unit Malaysia. The circular made compulsory for all public construction projects and programme including property development estimated more than RM 50 Million to conduct WLCC. However, a knowledge gap on WLCC approach still exists and become a barrier among the practitioner in Malaysia particularly in property development industry. The main focus of this paper is to discuss the WLCC approach and introduce the indicator that need to be considered in Malaysia property development.


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Concrete made of brick chips as coarse aggregate are extensively used in Bangladesh for construction of different types of structures from residential and commercial buildings to industrial complex. As creep is influenced among many factors including the constituents’ materials, relative humidity and temperature, it is essential to examine the creep behavior for Bangladeshi brick chips made concrete in Bangladeshi environment. In this work, investigation on the behaviour of creep in concrete of same grade made with brick chips collected from various locations under single stage loading was done. With these investigations, a formula was derived to get theoretical creep values for 24 MPa brick chips made concrete in Bangladeshi environment.


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All elections are unique, but the Australian federal election of 2010 was unusual for many reasons. It came in the wake of the unprecedented ousting of the Prime Minister who had led the Australian Labor Party to a landslide victory, after eleven years in opposition, at the previous election in 2007. In a move that to many would have been unthinkable, Kevin Rudd’s increasing unpopularity within his own parliamentary party finally took its toll and in late June he was replaced by his deputy, Julia Gillard. Thus the second unusual feature of the election was that it was contested by Australia’s first female prime minister. The third unusual feature was that the election almost saw a first-term government, with a comfortable majority, defeated. Instead it resulted in a hung parliament, for the first time since 1940, and Labor scraped back into power as a minority government, supported by three independents and the first member of the Australian Greens ever to be elected to the House of Representatives. The Coalition Liberal and National opposition parties themselves had a leader of only eight months standing, Tony Abbott, whose ascension to the position had surprised more than a few. This was the context for an investigation of voting behaviour in the 2010 election....


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Research indicates that enrolments in separate special educational settings for students with disruptive behaviour have increased in a number of educational jurisdictions internationally. Recent analysis of school enrolment data has identified a similar increase in the New South Wales (NSW) government school sector; however, questions have been raised as to their use and effectiveness. To situate the NSW experiment with behaviour schools in a broader context, the paper begins with a review of the international research literature. This is followed by a discussion of the NSW experience with the aim of identifying parallels and gaps in the research. The paper concludes by outlining important questions and directions for research to better understand and improve the educational experiences and outcomes of disruptive disaffected students in Australia’s largest school system.


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Discussion of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the media, and thus much popular discourse, typically revolves around the possible causes of disruptive behaviour and the “behaviourally disordered” child. The usual suspects - too much television and video games, food additives, bad parenting, lack of discipline and single mothers – feature prominently as potential contributors to the spiralling rate of ADHD diagnosis in Western industrialised nations, especially the United States and Australia. Conspicuously absent from the field of investigation, however, is the scene of schooling and the influence that the discourses and practices of schooling might bring to bear upon the constitution of “disorderly behaviour” and subsequent recognition of particular children as a particular kind of “disorderly”. This paper reviews a sample of the literature surrounding ADHD, in order to question the function of this absence and, ultimately, make an argument for an interrogation of the school as a site for the production of disorderly objects.


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Slow speed run-overs represent a major cause of injury and death among Australian children, with higher rates of incidents being reported in Queensland than in the remaining Australian states. Yet, little attention has been given to how caregivers develop their safety behaviour in and around the driveway setting. To address this gap, the current study aimed to develop a conceptual model of driveway child safety behaviours among caregivers of children aged five years or younger. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 26 caregivers (25 females/1 male, mean age, 33.24 year) from rural and metropolitan Queensland. To enable a comparison and validation of findings from the driveway, the study analysed both driveway and domestic safety behaviours. Domestic safety behaviours were categorised and validated against driveway safety behaviours, uncovering a process of risk appraisal and safety behaviour that was applicable in both settings (the Safety System Model). However, noteworthy differences between the domestic and driveway setting were uncovered. Unlike in the domestic setting, driveway risks were perceived as shifting according the presence of moving vehicles, which resulted in inconsistent safety behaviours. While the findings require further validation, they have implications for the design and implementation of driveway run-over interventions.


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The role of individuals in the innovation process is highlighted as system integrator and/or champion in literature, however, little is known about championing role of a project manager. Our contention is that the role of the project manager (PM) is essentially of a champion to enable innovation and achieve desired project performance in construction project environment. Hypothesizing that championing behaviour is determined by a number of individual and situational factors, which in turn effects on level of innovation and project performance, we used correlation and regression analysis to test the hypotheses. A survey was carried out with project managers and project team members in 32 building and civil engineering projects in Singapore to test the hypothesized relationships. The results corroborate the importance of championing behaviour to fostering innovation and achieve better project performance.


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The deformation behaviour of Mg-5%AI alloys and its dependence with gain size and strain rate were investigated using nanoindentation. The grain sizes were successfully reduced below 100 nm via mechanical alloying method. It was found that the strain rate sensitivity increased with decreasing grain size. The smaller activation volumes and the plastic deformation mechanisms involving grain boundary activities are considered to contribute to the increase of strain rate sensitivity in the nanocrystalline alloys.


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There are different ways to authenticate humans, which is an essential prerequisite for access control. The authentication process can be subdivided into three categories that rely on something someone i) knows (e.g. password), and/or ii) has (e.g. smart card), and/or iii) is (biometric features). Besides classical attacks on password solutions and the risk that identity-related objects can be stolen, traditional biometric solutions have their own disadvantages such as the requirement of expensive devices, risk of stolen bio-templates etc. Moreover, existing approaches provide the authentication process usually performed only once initially. Non-intrusive and continuous monitoring of user activities emerges as promising solution in hardening authentication process: iii-2) how so. behaves. In recent years various keystroke dynamic behavior-based approaches were published that are able to authenticate humans based on their typing behavior. The majority focuses on so-called static text approaches, where users are requested to type a previously defined text. Relatively few techniques are based on free text approaches that allow a transparent monitoring of user activities and provide continuous verification. Unfortunately only few solutions are deployable in application environments under realistic conditions. Unsolved problems are for instance scalability problems, high response times and error rates. The aim of this work is the development of behavioral-based verification solutions. Our main requirement is to deploy these solutions under realistic conditions within existing environments in order to enable a transparent and free text based continuous verification of active users with low error rates and response times.


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Graphene, one of the allotropes (diamond, carbon nanotube, and fullerene) of element carbon, is a monolayer of honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms, which was discovered in 2004. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 was awarded to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov for their ground breaking work on the two-dimensional (2D) graphene [1]. Since its discovery, the research communities have shown a lot of interest in this novel material owing to its intriguing electrical, mechanical and thermal properties. It has been confirmed that grapheme possesses very peculiar electrical properties such as anomalous quantum hall effect, and high electron mobility at room temperature (250000 cm2/Vs). Graphene also has exceptional mechanical properties. It is one of the stiffest (modulus ~1 TPa) and strongest (strength ~100 GPa) materials. In addition, it has exceptional thermal conductivity (5000 Wm-1K-1). Due to these exceptional properties, graphene has demonstrated its potential for broad applications in micro and nano devices, various sensors, electrodes, solar cells and energy storage devices and nanocomposites. In particular, the excellent mechanical properties of graphene make it more attractive for development next generation nanocomposites and hybrid materials...