372 resultados para Food promotion


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Background: Eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) is an emerging condition where patients commonly present with symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease and fail to respond adequately to anti-reflux therapy. Food allergy is currently recognized as the main immunological cause of EE; recent evidence suggests an etiological role for inhalant allergens. The presence of EE appears to be associated with other atopic illnesses. Objectives: To report the sensitization profile of both food and inhalant allergens in our EE patient cohort in relation to age, and to profile the prevalence of other allergic conditions in patients with EE. Method: The study prospectively analyzed allergen sensitization profiles using skin prick tests to common food allergens and inhalant allergens in 45 children with EE. Patch testing to common food allergens was performed on 33 patients in the same cohort. Comorbidity of atopic eczema, asthma, allergic rhinitis and anaphylaxis were obtained from patient history. Results: Younger patients with EE showed more IgE and patch sensitization to foods while older patients showed greater IgE sensitization to inhalant allergens. The prevalence of atopic eczema, allergic rhinitis and asthma was significantly increased in our EE cohort compared with the general Australian population. A total of 24% of our cohort of patients with EE had a history of anaphylaxis. Conclusion: In children with EE, the sensitization to inhalant allergens increases with age, particularly after 4 years. Also, specific enquiry about severe food reactions in patients presenting with EE is strongly recommended as it appears this patient group has a high incidence of anaphylaxis. © 2007 The Authors.


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The Australian Nutrition Foundation (ANF) was one of the first community service organisations to work with food industry , having pioneered the concept of corporate membership since its inception in 1982. ANF has worked closely and successfully with industry - the development of the ANF Food Selection Guidelines for Children and Adolescents is one example of this collaboration. While the guidelines were initially developed for use in school canteens, they can be used in a range of institutions where caterers wish to have tender specifications for purchase of healthy food for children and adolescents.


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The term 'food literacy' is increasingly being used to describe the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to feed yourself. In the last five years the use of this specific term has more than tripled in the research literature. The term is now commonly used in food and nutrition policy(Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestries, 2013; Glickman, Parker, Sim, Del Valle Cook, & Miller, 2012; Vandenbroeck, Goossens, & Clemens, 2007) and by a range of different industries, including, health, education and sustainable agriculture (Colatruglio, 2015; Piscopo, 2015; Voget-Kleschin, 2014). This article will look at what has led to the emergence of this term and then go on to define it based on the author's own PhD research which involved two studies, one of food experts and one of 16-25 year olds which aimed to identify the components of food literacy.


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Complex social factors and health issues challenge equitable health outcomes for many people, in particular those living in marginalised communities. Primary health care promises solutions through population health and health promotion approaches to improve social conditions (determinants) affecting health with emphasis on change at systems levels. Yet short-term efficiency focus policy decisions without long-term planning can undermine the effectiveness of primary health care. The workshop goal is to explore opportunities and share ideas about population health planning in Primary Health Networks and other community health care settings, so as to draw out opportunities, challenges and forward thinking health planning and health promotion strategies.


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Recently, the term ‘food literacy’ has emerged in policy, research and practice to describe the collection of knowledge, skills and behaviours required to practically meet food needs. This presentation will described research undertaken to empirically define the term and propose its impact on nutrition


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Emergency relief centres provide financial, housing, food and other types of support to families and individuals who experience financial hardship. These centres are non-profit, often government supported organizations that rely on the help of their volunteers and social workers. This paper reports on our preliminary findings from field visits to one such centre called Communify, in the inner west of Brisbane, Australia. Communify runs an emergency food relief facility for people who find themselves in a crisis or temporarily unable to afford groceries. Over a period of five months, we did several field visits to the centre and carried out 21 short in-situ interviews, with a mix of Communify clients and volunteers. Our results shed light on people’s experiences of financial hardship and their interactions with the emergency relief centre. In particular, issues related to their perceived values and stigmas associated with their experiences are highlighted in our findings. We identify opportunities for design that can empower people struggling with financial hardship.


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- Introduction Research identifies truck drivers as being at high risk of chronic disease. For most truck drivers their workplace is their vehicle. Truck drivers’ health is impacted by the limitations of this unique working environment, including reduced opportunities for physical activity and the intake of healthy foods. Workplaces are widely recognised as effective platforms for health promotion. However, the effectiveness of traditional and contemporary health promotion interventions in truck drivers’ novel workplace is unknown. - Methods This project worked with six transport industry workplaces in Queensland, Australia over a two-year period. Researchers used Participatory Action Research (PAR) processes to engage truck drivers and workplace managers in the implementation and evaluation of six workplace health promotion interventions. These interventions were designed to support truck drivers to increase their physical activity and access to healthy foods at work. They included traditional health promotion interventions such as a free fruit initiative, a ten thousand steps challenge, personal health messages and workplace posters, and a contemporary social media intervention. Participants were engaged via focus groups, interviews and mixed-methods surveys. - Results The project achieved positive changes in truck drivers’ health knowledge and health behaviours, particularly related to nutrition. There were positive changes in truck drivers’ self-reported health rating, body mass index (BMI) and readiness to make health-related lifestyle changes. There were also positive changes in truck drivers reporting their workplace as a key source of health information. These changes were underpinned by a positive shift in the culture of participating workplaces. Truck drivers’ perceptions of their workplace valuing, encouraging, modelling and facilitating healthy nutrition and physical activity behaviours improved. PAR processes enabled researchers to develop relationships with workplace managers, contextualise interventions and deliver rigorous outcomes. Despite the novelty of truck drivers’ mobile workplace, traditional health promotion interventions were more effective than contemporary ones. - Conclusion In this workplace health promotion project targeting a ‘hard-to-reach’ group of truck drivers, a combination of well-designed traditional workplace interventions and the PAR process resulted in positive health outcomes.


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Objective: This study examined associations of asthma and food allergy with symptoms of depression and anxiety at 14 and 21 years of age to determine whether condition-specific associations exist. Methods: Data come from 4972 adolescents in the Mater University Study of Pregnancy. Symptoms of depression and anxiety were assessed using the Youth Self-Report and Young Adult Self-Report. Results: Condition-specific associations between asthma and depression, OR=1.37 [1.12, 1.67] and between food allergy and anxiety, OR=1.26 [1.04, 1.76] were found during adolescence, but not in young adulthood. Whereas asthma was associated with resolved depression, OR=1.70 [1.13, 2.55], food allergy was associated with persistent anxiety, OR=1.26 [1.01, 1.59]. Conclusions: In adolescents, asthma is associated with an increased risk of clinically relevant symptoms of depression and food allergy with and increased risk of clinically relevant symptoms of anxiety. Future research is needed to clarify directionality and mechanisms explaining these relationships. Health professionals should be aware of the increased risk of mental health problems in adolescents with asthma or food allergy.


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The concept of food security is often anchored in popular understandings of the challenge to produce and supply enough food. However, decades of policies for intensive agriculture have not alleviated hunger and malnutrition, with an absence of food security featuring in both economically developing and developed nations. Despite perceptions that the economic growth in advanced, capitalist societies will ensure freedom from hunger, this is not universal across so-called ‘wealthy nations’. To explore the dynamics of food security in economically developed countries, this paper considers institutional approaches to domestic food security primarily through responses to poverty and welfare entitlements, and, secondarily, through food relief. Through the lens of social entitlements to food and their formation under various expressions of welfare capitalism, we highlight how the specific institutional settings of two economically developed nations, Australia and Norway, respond to uncertain or insufficient access to food. Whilst Norway's political agenda on agricultural support, food pricing regulation and universal social security support offers a robust, although indirect, safety net in ensuring entitlements to food, Australia's neoliberal trajectory means that approaches to food security are ad hoc and rely on a combination of self-help, charitable and market responses. Despite its extensive food production Australia appears less capable of ensuring food security for all its inhabitants compared to the highly import-dependent Norway.


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This submission outlines eight evidence-based recommendations for consideration by the inquiry committee to achieve the goal of improved and sustained health and wellbeing among Queenslanders. For the Queensland Government to be effective in establishing a commission to improve and sustain health and wellbeing, we recommend the eight actions.


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This article presents an overview of pedestrian environment in Kathmandu, Nepal to briefly discuss some of the emerging problems. It argues that pedestrian ranks lowest in the food chain of Kathmandu's urban jungle as there is too little concern shown by the government agencies in improving the quality of the street space for walkers.


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This thesis contributes to the decolonisation of health promotion by examining Indigenous-led health promotion practice in an urban setting. Using critical ethnography, the study revealed dialogical, identity-based approaches that centred relationship, community control and choice. Based on the findings, the thesis proposes four interrelated principles for decolonising health promotion and argues that Indigenous-led health promotion presents a way to bridge the rhetoric and practice of empowerment in Australian mainstream health promotion practice.


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Health promotion aspires to work in empowering, participatory ways, with the goal of supporting people to increase control over their health. However, buried in this goal is an ethical tension: while increasing people’s autonomy, health promotion also imposes a particular, health promotion-sanctioned version of what is good. This tension positions practitioners precariously, where the ethos of empowerment risks increasing health promotion’s paternalistic control over people, rather than people’s control over their own health. Here in we argue that this ethical tension is amplified in Indigenous Australia, where colonial processes of control over Indigenous lands, lives and cultures are indistinguishable from contemporary health promotion ‘interventions’. Moreover, the potential stigmatisation produced in any paternalistic acts ‘done for their own good’ cannot be assumed to have evaporated within the self-proclaimed ‘empowering’ narratives of health promotion. This issue’s guest editor’s call for health promotion to engage ‘with politics and with philosophical ideas about the state and the citizen’ is particularly relevant in an Indigenous Australian context. Indigenous Australians continue to experience health promotion as a moral project of control through intervention, which contradicts health promotion’s central goal of empowerment. Therefore, Indigenous health promotion is an invaluable site for discussion and analysis of health promotion’s broader ethical tensions. Given the persistent and alarming Indigenous health inequalities, this paper calls for systematic ethical reflection in order to redress health promotion’s general failure to reduce health inequalities experienced by Indigenous Australians.


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Food poisoning is used to describe a range of illnesses caused by drinking or eating contaminated drink or food. Infectious pathogens include bacteria, viruses, parasites, or their toxins, though food poisoning can also be a result of eating poisonous plants e.g. some mushrooms, or animals e.g. puffer fish. Common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhoea, abdominal pain and cramps, and fevers, though these will vary depending on the causative pathogen or toxin. Symptoms can start within hours of eating contaminated food, or may begin days or weeks later. Most food poisoning is mild in nature, lasts for several hours to a few days, and generally resolves without treatment. However, some cases of food poisoning can also be extremely severe, with people requiring medical attention or admission to hospital...


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This article examines the development of a specific gendered discourse in the United States in the first half of the twentieth century that united key beliefs about feminine beauty, identity, and the domestic interior with particular electric lighting technologies and effects. Largely driven by the electrical industry’s marketing rhetoric, American women were encouraged to adopt electric lighting as a beauty aid and ally in a host of domestic tasks. Drawing evidence from a number of primary texts, including women’s magazines, lighting and electrical industry trade journals, manufacturer-generated marketing materials, and popular home decoration and beauty advice literature, this study shifts the focus away from lighting as a basic utility, demonstrating the ways in which modern electric illumination was culturally constructed as a desirable personal and environmental beautifier as well as a means of harmonizing the domestic interior.