440 resultados para Low intensities


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The effect of ambipolar fluxes on nanoparticle charging in a typical low-pressure parallel-plate glow discharge is considered. It is shown that the equilibrium values of the nanoparticle charge in the plasma bulk and near-electrode areas are strongly affected by the ratio S ath i of the ambipolar flux and the ion thermal velocities. Under typical experimental conditions the above ratio is neither S ath i≪ 1 nor S ath i≫1, which often renders the commonly used approximations of the purely thermal or "ion wind" ion charging currents inaccurate. By using the general approximation for the ambipolar drift-affected ion flux on the nanoparticle surface, it appears possible to obtain more accurate values of the nanoparticle charge that usually deviate within 10-25 % from the values obtained without a proper accounting for the ambipolar ion fluxes. The implications of the results obtained for glow discharge modeling and nanoparticle manipulation in low-pressure plasmas are discussed.


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A model for electronegative plasmas containing charged dust or colloidal grains was used. Numerical solutions based on the model demonstrate how a low-pressure diffusion equilibrium of the complex electronegative plasma system is dynamically sustained through plasma particle sources.


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The effects of an inductively rotating current were observed on low-frequency inductively coupled plasmas. The spatial distribution of electromagnetic fields was investigated in a cylindrical metallic chamber filled with dense plasma. The distribution of the magnetic field in plasma chamber was observed for rarefied and dense plasmas. The plasma was assumed as uniform in the electromagnetic fields. The results showed the plasma density increased with power and the electron density increased with pressure.


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In this work, we report a plasma-based synthesis of nanodevice-grade nc-3C-SiC films, with very high growth rates (7-9 nm min-1) at low and ULSI technology-compatible process temperatures (400-550 °C), featuring: (i) high nanocrystalline fraction (67% at 550 °C); (ii) good chemical purity; (iii) excellent stoichiometry throughout the entire film; (iv) wide optical band gap (3.22-3.71 eV); (v) refractive index close to that of single-crystalline 3C-SiC, and; (vi) clear, uniform, and defect-free Si-SiC interface. The counter-intuitive low SiC hydrogenation in a H2-rich plasma process is explained by hydrogen atom desorption-mediated crystallization.


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The results of a hybrid numerical simulation of the growth kinetics of carbon nanowall-like nanostructures in the plasma and neutral gas synthesis processes are presented. The low-temperature plasma-based process was found to have a significant advantage over the purely neutral flux deposition in providing the uniform size distribution of the nanostructures. It is shown that the nanowall width uniformity is the best (square deviations not exceeding 1.05) in high-density plasmas of 3.0× 1018 m-3, worsens in lower-density plasmas (up to 1.5 in 1.0× 1017 m-3 plasmas), and is the worst (up to 1.9) in the neutral gas-based process. This effect has been attributed to the focusing of ion fluxes by irregular electric field in the vicinity of plasma-grown nanostructures on substrate biased with -20 V potential, and differences in the two-dimensional adatom diffusion fluxes in the plasma and neutral gas-based processes. The results of our numerical simulations are consistent with the available experimental reports on the effect of the plasma process parameters on the sizes and shapes of relevant nanostructures.


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The means of reducing nanoparticle contamination in the synthesis of carbon nanostructures in reactive Ar + H2 + CH4 plasmas are studied. It is shown that by combining the electrostatic filtering and thermophoretic manipulation of nanoparticles, one can significantly improve the quality of carbon nanopatterns. By increasing the substrate heating power, one can increase the size of deposited nanoparticles and eventually achieve nanoparticle-free nanoassemblies. This approach is generic and is applicable to other reactive plasma-aided nanofabrication processes.


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High-density inductively coupled plasma (ICP)-assisted self-assembly of the ordered arrays of various carbon nanostructures (NS) for the electron field emission applications is reported. Carbon-based nano-particles, nanotips, and pyramid-like structures, with the controllable shape, ordering, and areal density are grown under remarkably low process temperatures (260-350 °C) and pressures (below 0.1 Torr), on the same Ni-based catalyst layers, in a DC bias-controlled floating temperature regime. A high degree of positional and directional ordering, elevated sp2 content, and a well-structured graphitic morphology are achieved without the use of pre-patterned or externally heated substrates.


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The effect of density and size of dust grains on the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) in low-temperature complex plasmas is studied. It is found that the EEDF depends strongly on the dust density and size. The behavior of the electron temperature can differ significantly from that of a pristine plasma. For low-pressure argon glow discharge, the Druyvesteyn-like EEDF often found in pristine plasmas can become nearly Maxwellian if the dust density and/or sizes are large. One can thus control the plasma parameters by the dust grains.


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Manipulation of a single nanoparticle in the near-substrate areas of high-density plasmas of low-temperature glow discharges is studied. It is shown that the nanoparticles can be efficiently manipulated by the thermophoretic force controlled by external heating of the substrate stage. Particle deposition onto or repulsion from nanostructured carbon surfaces critically depends on the values of the neutral gas temperature gradient in the near-substrate areas, which is directly measured in situ in different heating regimes by originally developed temperature gradient probe. The measured values of the near-surface temperature gradient are used in the numerical model of nanoparticle dynamics in a variable-length presheath. Specific conditions enabling the nanoparticle to overcome the repulsive potential and deposit on the substrate during the discharge operation are investigated. The results are relevant to fabrication of various nanostructured films employing structural incorporation of the plasma-grown nanoparticles, in particular, to nanoparticle deposition in the plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition of carbon nanostructures in hydrocarbon-based plasmas.


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Large area, highly uniform vertically aligned carbon nanotips (VACNTP) and other nanostructures have been grown on silicon (100) substrates with Ni catalyst in the low-temperature, low-frequency, high-density inductively coupled plasmas (ICP) of methane-hydrogen-argon gas mixtures. The control strategies for the morphology, crystalline structure and chemical states of the resulting nanostructures by varying the growth conditions are proposed. XRD and Roman analyses confirm that the nanotips are well graphitized, which is favorable for the field emission applications.


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Transitions between the two discharge modes in a low-frequency (∼460 kHz) inductively coupled plasma sustained by an internal oscillating radio frequency (rf) current sheet are studied. The unidirectional rf current sheet is generated by an internal antenna comprising two orthogonal sets of synphased rf currents driven in alternately reconnected copper litz wires. It is shown that in the low-to-intermediate pressure range the plasma source can be operated in the electrostatic (E) and electromagnetic (H) discharge modes. The brightness of the E -mode argon plasma glow is found remarkably higher than in inductively coupled plasmas with external flat spiral "pancake" coils. The cyclic variations of the input rf power result in pronounced hysteretic variations of the optical emission intensity and main circuit parameters of the plasma source. Under certain conditions, it appears possible to achieve a spontaneous E→H transition ("self-transition"). The observed phenomenon can be attributed to the thermal drift of the plasma parameters due to the overheating of the working gas. The discharge destabilizing factors due to the gas heating and step-wise ionization are also discussed. © 2005 American Vacuum Society.


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Operation regimes, plasma parameters, and applications of the low-frequency (∼500 kHz) inductively coupled plasma (ICP) sources with a planar external coil are investigated. It is shown that highly uniform, high-density (ne∼9×1012 cm-3) plasmas can be produced in low-pressure argon discharges with moderate rf powers. The low-frequency ICP sources operate in either electrostatic (E) or electromagnetic (H) regimes in a wide pressure range without any Faraday shield or an external multipolar magnetic confinement, and exhibit high power transfer efficiency, and low circuit loss. In the H mode, the ICP features high level of uniformity over large processing areas and volumes, low electron temperatures, and plasma potentials. The low-density, highly uniform over the cross-section, plasmas with high electron temperatures and plasma and sheath potentials are characteristic to the electrostatic regime. Both operation regimes offer great potential for various plasma processing applications. As examples, the efficiency of the low-frequency ICP for steel nitriding and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon (DLC) films, is demonstrated. It appears possible to achieve very high nitriding rates and dramatically increase micro-hardness and wear resistance of the AISI 304 stainless steel. It is also shown that the deposition rates and mechanical properties of the DLC films can be efficiently controlled by selecting the discharge operating regime.


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An attempt was made to investigate the optical emission spectra of atomic, molecular, and ionic species in low-frequency, high-density ICP discharges in pure nitrogen, ar con gases, and gas mixtures Ar+H2, N2+Ar, and N2+H2. The excited species were identified by in situ optical emission intensity (OEI) measurements in the discharge chamber. In general, significant results were obtained.


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This paper reports on the efficient deposition of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon (DLC) film in a plasma reactor that features both the capacitively and inductively coupled operation regimes. The hydrogenated DLC films have been prepared on silicon wafers using a low-frequency (500 kHz) inductively coupled plasma (ICP) chemical vapor deposition (CVD) system. At low RF powers, the system operates as an asymmetric capacitively coupled plasma source, and the film deposition process is undertaken in the electrostatic (E) discharge regime. Above the mode transition threshold, the high-density inductively coupled plasma is produced in the electromagnetic (H) discharge regime. It has been shown that the deposition rate and hardness of the DLC film are much higher in the H-mode deposition regime. For a 2.66-Pa H-mode CH4 + Ar gas mixture discharge, the deposited DLC film exhibits a mechanical hardness of 18 GPa, Young's modulus of 170 GPa, and compressive stress of 1.3 GPa.


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Results of experimental investigations on the relationship between nanoscale morphology of carbon doped hydrogenated silicon-oxide (SiOCH) low-k films and their electron spectrum of defect states are presented. The SiOCH films have been deposited using trimethylsilane (3MS) - oxygen mixture in a 13.56 MHz plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) system at variable RF power densities (from 1.3 to 2.6 W/cm2) and gas pressures of 3, 4, and 5 Torr. The atomic structure of the SiOCH films is a mixture of amorphous-nanocrystalline SiO2-like and SiC-like phases. Results of the FTIR spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy suggest that the volume fraction of the SiC-like phase increases from ∼0.2 to 0.4 with RF power. The average size of the nanoscale surface morphology elements of the SiO2-like matrix can be controlled by the RF power density and source gas flow rates. Electron density of the defect states N(E) of the SiOCH films has been investigated with the DLTS technique in the energy range up to 0.6 eV from the bottom of the conduction band. Distinct N(E) peaks at 0.25 - 0.35 eV and 0.42 - 0.52 eV below the conduction band bottom have been observed. The first N(E) peak is identified as originated from E1-like centers in the SiC-like phase. The volume density of the defects can vary from 1011 - 1017 cm-3 depending on specific conditions of the PECVD process.