325 resultados para Free interface


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The crystallization of amorphous semiconductors is a strongly exothermic process. Once initiated the release of latent heat can be sufficient to drive a self-sustaining crystallization front through the material in a manner that has been described as explosive. Here, we perform a quantitative in situ study of explosive crystallization in amorphous germanium using dynamic transmission electron microscopy. Direct observations of the speed of the explosive crystallization front as it evolves along a laser-imprinted temperature gradient are used to experimentally determine the complete interface response function (i.e., the temperature-dependent front propagation speed) for this process, which reaches a peak of 16 m/s. Fitting to the Frenkel-Wilson kinetic law demonstrates that the diffusivity of the material locally/immediately in advance of the explosive crystallization front is inconsistent with those of a liquid phase. This result suggests a modification to the liquid-mediated mechanism commonly used to describe this process that replaces the phase change at the leading amorphous-liquid interface with a change in bonding character (from covalent to metallic) occurring in the hot amorphous material.


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Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4), as a promising metal-free catalyst for photo-catalytic and electrochemical water splitting, has recently attracted tremendous research interest. However, the underlying catalytic mechanism for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) is not fully understood. By using density functional theory calculations, here we have established that the binding free energy of hydrogen atom (ΔGH∗0) on g-C3N4 is very sensitive to mechanical strain, leading to substantial tuning of the HER performance of g-C3N4 at different coverages. The experimentally-observed high HER activity in N-doped graphene supported g-C3N4 (Zheng et al., 2014) is actually attributed to electron-transfer induced strain. A more practical strategy to induce mechanical strain in g-C3N4 is also proposed by doping a bridge carbon atom in g-C3N4 with an isoelectronic silicon atom. The calculated ΔGH∗0 on the Si-doped g-C3N4 is ideal for HER. Our results indicate that g-C3N4 would be an excellent metal-free mechano-catalyst for HER and this finding is expected to guide future experiments to efficiently split water into hydrogen based on the g-C3N4 materials.


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Road transport plays a significant role in various industries and mobility services around the globe and has a vital impact on our daily lives. However it also has serious impacts on both public health and the environment. In-vehicle feedback systems are a relatively new approach to encouraging driver behaviour change for improving fuel efficiency and safety in automotive environments. While many studies claim that the adoption of eco-driving practices, such as eco-driving training programs and in-vehicle feedback to drivers, has the potential to improve fuel efficiency, limited research has integrated safety and eco-driving. Therefore, this research seeks to use human factors related theories and practices to inform the design and evaluation of an in-vehicle Human Machine Interface (HMI) providing real-time driver feedback with the aim of improving both fuel efficiency and safety.


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Objective Death certificates provide an invaluable source for cancer mortality statistics; however, this value can only be realised if accurate, quantitative data can be extracted from certificates – an aim hampered by both the volume and variable nature of certificates written in natural language. This paper proposes an automatic classification system for identifying cancer related causes of death from death certificates. Methods Detailed features, including terms, n-grams and SNOMED CT concepts were extracted from a collection of 447,336 death certificates. These features were used to train Support Vector Machine classifiers (one classifier for each cancer type). The classifiers were deployed in a cascaded architecture: the first level identified the presence of cancer (i.e., binary cancer/nocancer) and the second level identified the type of cancer (according to the ICD-10 classification system). A held-out test set was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the classifiers according to precision, recall and F-measure. In addition, detailed feature analysis was performed to reveal the characteristics of a successful cancer classification model. Results The system was highly effective at identifying cancer as the underlying cause of death (F-measure 0.94). The system was also effective at determining the type of cancer for common cancers (F-measure 0.7). Rare cancers, for which there was little training data, were difficult to classify accurately (F-measure 0.12). Factors influencing performance were the amount of training data and certain ambiguous cancers (e.g., those in the stomach region). The feature analysis revealed a combination of features were important for cancer type classification, with SNOMED CT concept and oncology specific morphology features proving the most valuable. Conclusion The system proposed in this study provides automatic identification and characterisation of cancers from large collections of free-text death certificates. This allows organisations such as Cancer Registries to monitor and report on cancer mortality in a timely and accurate manner. In addition, the methods and findings are generally applicable beyond cancer classification and to other sources of medical text besides death certificates.


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In this presentation, I reflect upon the global landscape surrounding the governance and classification of media content, at a time of rapid change in media platforms and services for content production and distribution, and contested cultural and social norms. I discuss the tensions and contradictions arising in the relationship between national, regional and global dimensions of media content distribution, as well as the changing relationships between state and non-state actors. These issues will be explored through consideration of issues such as: recent debates over film censorship; the review of the National Classification Scheme conducted by the Australian Law Reform Commission; online controversies such as the future of the Reddit social media site; and videos posted online by the militant group ISIS.


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Large-scale production of reliable carbon nanotubes (CNTs) based gas sensors involves the development of scalable and reliable processes for the fabrication of films with controlled morphology. Here, we report for the first time on highly scalable, ultrathin CNT films, to be employed as conductometric sensors for NO2 and NH3 detection at room temperature. The sensing films are produced by dip coating using dissolved CNTs in chlorosulfonic acid as a working solution. This surfactant-free approach does not require any post-treatment for the removal of dispersants or any CNTs functionalization, thus promising high quality CNTs for better sensitivity and low production costs. The effect of CNT film thickness and defect density on the gas sensing properties has been investigated. Detection limits of 1 ppm for NO2 and 7 ppm for NH3 have been achieved at room temperature. The experimental results reveal that defect density and film thickness can be controlled to optimize the sensing response. Gas desorption has been accelerated by continuous in-situ UV irradiation.


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Details of a fast and sustainable bottom-up process to grow large area high quality graphene films without the aid of any catalyst are reported in this paper. We used Melaleuca alternifolia, a volatile natural extract from tea tree plant as the precursor. The as-fabricated graphene films yielded a stable contact angle of 135°, indicating their potential application in very high hydrophobic coatings. The electronic devices formed by sandwiching pentacene between graphene and aluminum films demonstrated memristive behavior, and hence, these graphene films could find use in nonvolatile memory devices also.


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OBJECTIVES Based on self-reported measures, sedentary time has been associated with chronic disease and mortality. This study examined the validity of the wrist-worn GENEactiv accelerometer for measuring sedentary time (i.e. sitting and lying) by posture classification, during waking hours in free living adults. DESIGN Fifty-seven participants (age=18-55 years 52% male) were recruited using convenience sampling from a large metropolitan Australian university. METHODS Participants wore a GENEActiv accelerometer on their non-dominant wrist and an activPAL device attached to their right thigh for 24-h (00:00 to 23:59:59). Pearson's Correlation Coefficient was used to examine the convergent validity of the GENEActiv and the activPAL for estimating total sedentary time during waking hours. Agreement was illustrated using Bland and Altman plots, and intra-individual agreement for posture was assessed with the Kappa statistic. RESULTS Estimates of average total sedentary time over 24-h were 623 (SD 103) min/day from the GENEActiv, and 626 (SD 123) min/day from the activPAL, with an Intraclass Correlation Coefficient of 0.80 (95% confidence intervals 0.68-0.88). Bland and Altman plots showed slight underestimation of mean total sedentary time for GENEActiv relative to activPAL (mean difference: -3.44min/day), with moderate limits of agreement (-144 to 137min/day). Mean Kappa for posture was 0.53 (SD 0.12), indicating moderate agreement for this sample at the individual level. CONCLUSIONS The estimation of sedentary time by posture classification of the wrist-worn GENEActiv accelerometer was comparable to the activPAL. The GENEActiv may provide an alternative, easy to wear device based measure for descriptive estimates of sedentary time in population samples


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We propose a new type of high-order elements that incorporates the mesh-free Galerkin formulations into the framework of finite element method. Traditional polynomial interpolation is replaced by mesh-free interpolations in the present high-order elements, and the strain smoothing technique is used for integration of the governing equations based on smoothing cells. The properties of high-order elements, which are influenced by the basis function of mesh-free interpolations and boundary nodes, are discussed through numerical examples. It can be found that the basis function has significant influence on the computational accuracy and upper-lower bounds of energy norm, when the strain smoothing technique retains the softening phenomenon. This new type of high-order elements shows good performance when quadratic basis functions are used in the mesh-free interpolations and present elements prove advantageous in adaptive mesh and nodes refinement schemes. Furthermore, it shows less sensitive to the quality of element because it uses the mesh-free interpolations and obeys the Weakened Weak (W2) formulation as introduced in [3, 5].


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Web data can often be represented in free tree form; however, free tree mining methods seldom exist. In this paper, a computationally fast algorithm FreeS is presented to discover all frequently occurring free subtrees in a database of labelled free trees. FreeS is designed using an optimal canonical form, BOCF that can uniquely represent free trees even during the presence of isomorphism. To avoid enumeration of false positive candidates, it utilises the enumeration approach based on a tree-structure guided scheme. This paper presents lemmas that introduce conditions to conform the generation of free tree candidates during enumeration. Empirical study using both real and synthetic datasets shows that FreeS is scalable and significantly outperforms (i.e. few orders of magnitude faster than) the state-of-the-art frequent free tree mining algorithms, HybridTreeMiner and FreeTreeMiner.


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Background Project archives are becoming increasingly large and complex. On construction projects in particular, the increasing amount of information and the increasing complexity of its structure make searching and exploring information in the project archive challenging and time-consuming. Methods This research investigates a query-driven approach that represents new forms of contextual information to help users understand the set of documents resulting from queries of construction project archives. Specifically, this research extends query-driven interface research by representing three types of contextual information: (1) the temporal context is represented in the form of a timeline to show when each document was created; (2) the search-relevance context shows exactly which of the entered keywords matched each document; and (3) the usage context shows which project participants have accessed or modified a file. Results We implemented and tested these ideas within a prototype query-driven interface we call VisArchive. VisArchive employs a combination of multi-scale and multi-dimensional timelines, color-coded stacked bar charts, additional supporting visual cues and filters to support searching and exploring historical project archives. The timeline-based interface integrates three interactive timelines as focus + context visualizations. Conclusions The feasibility of using these visual design principles is tested in two types of project archives: searching construction project archives of an educational building project and tracking of software defects in the Mozilla Thunderbird project. These case studies demonstrate the applicability, usefulness and generality of the design principles implemented.


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The adsorption of proteins at the interface between two immiscible electrolyte solutions has been found to be key to their bioelectroactivity at such interfaces. Combined with interfacial complexation of organic phase anions by cationic proteins, this adsorption process may be exploited to achieve nanomolar protein detection. In this study, replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations have been performed to elucidate for the first time the molecular mechanism of adsorption and subsequent unfolding of hen egg white lysozyme at low pH at a polarized 1,2-dichloroethane/water interface. The unfolding of lysozyme was observed to occur as soon as it reaches the organic−aqueous interface,which resulted in a number of distinct orientations at the interface. In all cases, lysozyme interacted with the organic phase through regions rich in nonpolar amino acids, such that the side chains are directed toward the organic phase, whereas charged and polar residues were oriented toward the aqueous phase. By contrast, as expected, lysozyme in neat water at low pH does not exhibit significant structural changes. These findings demonstrate the key influence of the organic phase upon adsorption of lysozyme under the influence of an electric field, which results in the unfolding of its structure.


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Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are complex highly charged linear polysaccharides that have a variety of roles in biological processes. We report the first use of molecular dynamics (MD) free energy calculations using the MM/PBSA method to investigate the binding of GAGs to protein molecules, namely the platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (PECAM-1) and annexin A2. Calculations of the free energy of the binding of heparin fragments of different sizes reveal the existence of a region of low GAG-binding affinity in domains 5-6 of PECAM-1 and a region of high affinity in domains 2-3, consistent with experimental data and ligand-protein docking studies. A conformational hinge movement between domains 2 and 3 was observed, which allows the binding of heparin fragments of increasing size (pentasaccharides to octasaccharides) with an increasingly higher binding affinity. Similar simulations of the binding of a heparin fragment to annexin A2 reveal the optimization of electrostatic and hydrogen bonding interactions with the protein and protein-bound calcium ions. In general, these free energy calculations reveal that the binding of heparin to protein surfaces is dominated by strong electrostatic interactions for longer fragments, with equally important contributions from van der Waals interactions and vibrational entropy changes, against a large unfavorable desolvation penalty due to the high charge density of these molecules.


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Genetic engineering of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Cry proteins has resulted in the synthesis of various novel toxin proteins with enhanced insecticidal activity and specificity towards different insect pests. In this study, a fusion protein consisting of the DI–DII domains of Cry1Ac and garlic lectin (ASAL) has been designed in silico by replacing the DIII domain of Cry1Ac with ASAL. The binding interface between the DI–DII domains of Cry1Ac and lectin has been identified using protein–protein docking studies. Free energy of binding calculations and interaction profiles between the Cry1Ac and lectin domains confirmed the stability of fusion protein. A total of 18 hydrogen bonds was observed in the DI–DII–lectin fusion protein compared to 11 hydrogen bonds in the Cry1Ac (DI–DII–DIII) protein. Molecular mechanics/Poisson–Boltzmann (generalized-Born) surface area [MM/PB (GB) SA] methods were used for predicting free energy of interactions of the fusion proteins. Protein–protein docking studies based on the number of hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions, aromatic–aromatic, aromatic–sulphur, cation–pi interactions and binding energy of Cry1Ac/fusion proteins with the aminopeptidase N (APN) of Manduca sexta rationalised the higher binding affinity of the fusion protein with the APN receptor compared to that of the Cry1Ac–APN complex, as predicted by ZDOCK, Rosetta and ClusPro analysis. The molecular binding interface between the fusion protein and the APN receptor is well packed, analogously to that of the Cry1Ac–APN complex. These findings offer scope for the design and development of customized fusion molecules for improved pest management in crop plants.