406 resultados para Acoustic event classification


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Recent modelling of socio-economic costs by the Australian railway industry in 2010 has estimated the cost of level crossing accidents to exceed AU$116 million annually. To better understand the causal factors of these accidents, a video analytics application is being developed to automatically detect near-miss incidents using forward facing videos from trains. As near-miss events occur more frequently than collisions, by detecting these occurrences there will be more safety data available for analysis. The application that is being developed will improve the objectivity of near-miss reporting by providing quantitative data about the position of vehicles at level crossings through the automatic analysis of video footage. In this paper we present a novel method for detecting near-miss occurrences at railway level crossings from video data of trains. Our system detects and localizes vehicles at railway level crossings. It also detects the position of railways to calculate the distance of the detected vehicles to the railway centerline. The system logs the information about the position of the vehicles and railway centerline into a database for further analysis by the safety data recording and analysis system, to determine whether or not the event is a near-miss. We present preliminary results of our system on a dataset of videos taken from a train that passed through 14 railway level crossings. We demonstrate the robustness of our system by showing the results of our system on day and night videos.


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Inhibitory control deficits are well documented in schizophrenia, supported by impairment in an established measure of response inhibition, the stop-signal reaction time (SSRT). We investigated the neural basis of this impairment by comparing schizophrenia patients and controls matched for age, sex and education on behavioural, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and event-related potential (ERP) indices of stop-signal task performance. Compared to controls, patients exhibited slower SSRT and reduced right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG) activation, but rIFG activation correlated with SSRT in both groups. Go stimulus and stop-signal ERP components (N1/P3) were smaller in patients, but the peak latencies of stop-signal N1 and P3 were also delayed in patients, indicating impairment early in stop-signal processing. Additionally, response-locked lateralised readiness potentials indicated response preparation was prolonged in patients. An inability to engage rIFG may predicate slowed inhibition in patients, however multiple spatiotemporal irregularities in the networks underpinning stop-signal task performance may contribute to this deficit.


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As urbanisation of the global population has increased above 50%, growing food in urban spaces increases in importance, as it can contribute to food security, reduce food miles, and improve people’s physical and mental health. Approaching the task of growing food in urban environments is a mixture of residential growers and groups. Permablitz Brisbane is an event-centric grassroots community that organises daylong ‘working bee’ events, drawing on permaculture design principles in the planning and design process. Permablitz Brisbane provides a useful contrast from other location-centric forms of urban agriculture communities (such as city farms or community gardens), as their aim is to help encourage urban residents to grow their own food. We present findings and design implications from a qualitative study with members of this group, using ethnographic methods to engage with and understand how this group operates. Our findings describe four themes that include opportunities, difficulties, and considerations for the creation of interventions by Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) designers.


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Determination of sequence similarity is a central issue in computational biology, a problem addressed primarily through BLAST, an alignment based heuristic which has underpinned much of the analysis and annotation of the genomic era. Despite their success, alignment-based approaches scale poorly with increasing data set size, and are not robust under structural sequence rearrangements. Successive waves of innovation in sequencing technologies – so-called Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) approaches – have led to an explosion in data availability, challenging existing methods and motivating novel approaches to sequence representation and similarity scoring, including adaptation of existing methods from other domains such as information retrieval. In this work, we investigate locality-sensitive hashing of sequences through binary document signatures, applying the method to a bacterial protein classification task. Here, the goal is to predict the gene family to which a given query protein belongs. Experiments carried out on a pair of small but biologically realistic datasets (the full protein repertoires of families of Chlamydia and Staphylococcus aureus genomes respectively) show that a measure of similarity obtained by locality sensitive hashing gives highly accurate results while offering a number of avenues which will lead to substantial performance improvements over BLAST..


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Due to the popularity of security cameras in public places, it is of interest to design an intelligent system that can efficiently detect events automatically. This paper proposes a novel algorithm for multi-person event detection. To ensure greater than real-time performance, features are extracted directly from compressed MPEG video. A novel histogram-based feature descriptor that captures the angles between extracted particle trajectories is proposed, which allows us to capture motion patterns of multi-person events in the video. To alleviate the need for fine-grained annotation, we propose the use of Labelled Latent Dirichlet Allocation, a “weakly supervised” method that allows the use of coarse temporal annotations which are much simpler to obtain. This novel system is able to run at approximately ten times real-time, while preserving state-of-theart detection performance for multi-person events on a 100-hour real-world surveillance dataset (TRECVid SED).


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Background: Footwear remains a prime candidate for the prevention and rehabilitation of Achilles tendinopathy as it is thought to decrease tension in the tendon through elevation of the heel. However, evidence for this effect is equivocal. Purpose: This study used an acoustic transmission technique to investigate the effect of running shoes on Achilles tendon loading during barefoot and shod walking. Methods: Acoustic velocity was measured in the Achilles tendon of twelve recreationally–active males (age, 31±9 years; height, 1.78±0.06 m; weight, 81.0±16.9 kg) during barefoot and shod walking at matched self–selected speed (3.4±0.7 km/h). Standard running shoes incorporating a 10– mm heel offset were used. Vertical ground reaction force and spatiotemporal parameters were determined with an instrumented treadmill. Axial acoustic velocity in the Achilles tendon was measured using a custom built ultrasonic device. All data were acquired at a rate of 100 Hz during 10s of steady–state walking. Statistical comparisons between barefoot and shod conditions were made using paired t–tests and repeated measure ANOVAs. Results: Acoustic velocity in the Achilles tendon was highly reproducible and was typified by two maxima (P1, P2) and minima (M1, M2) during walking. Footwear resulted in a significant increase in step length, stance duration and peak vertical ground reaction force compared to barefoot walking. Peak acoustic velocity in the Achilles tendon (P1, P2) was significantly higher with running shoes. Conclusions: Peak acoustic velocity in the Achilles tendon was higher with footwear, suggesting that standard running shoes with a 10–mm heel offset increase tensile load in the Achilles tendon. Although further research is required, these findings question the therapeutic role of standard running shoes in Achilles tendinopathy.


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As a social species in a constantly changing environment, humans rely heavily on the informational richness and communicative capacity of the face. Thus, understanding how the brain processes information about faces in real-time is of paramount importance. The N170 is a high temporal resolution electrophysiological index of the brain's early response to visual stimuli that is reliably elicited in carefully controlled laboratory-based studies. Although the N170 has often been reported to be of greatest amplitude to faces, there has been debate regarding whether this effect might be an artifact of certain aspects of the controlled experimental stimulation schedules and materials. To investigate whether the N170 can be identified in more realistic conditions with highly variable and cluttered visual images and accompanying auditory stimuli we recorded EEG 'in the wild', while participants watched pop videos. Scene-cuts to faces generated a clear N170 response, and this was larger than the N170 to transitions where the videos cut to non-face stimuli. Within participants, wild-type face N170 amplitudes were moderately correlated to those observed in a typical laboratory experiment. Thus, we demonstrate that the face N170 is a robust and ecologically valid phenomenon and not an artifact arising as an unintended consequence of some property of the more typical laboratory paradigm.


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Abnormal event detection has attracted a lot of attention in the computer vision research community during recent years due to the increased focus on automated surveillance systems to improve security in public places. Due to the scarcity of training data and the definition of an abnormality being dependent on context, abnormal event detection is generally formulated as a data-driven approach where activities are modeled in an unsupervised fashion during the training phase. In this work, we use a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) to cluster the activities during the training phase, and propose a Gaussian mixture model based Markov random field (GMM-MRF) to estimate the likelihood scores of new videos in the testing phase. Further-more, we propose two new features: optical acceleration, and the histogram of optical flow gradients; to detect the presence of any abnormal objects and speed violations in the scene. We show that our proposed method outperforms other state of the art abnormal event detection algorithms on publicly available UCSD dataset.


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Fine-grained leaf classification has concentrated on the use of traditional shape and statistical features to classify ideal images. In this paper we evaluate the effectiveness of traditional hand-crafted features and propose the use of deep convolutional neural network (ConvNet) features. We introduce a range of condition variations to explore the robustness of these features, including: translation, scaling, rotation, shading and occlusion. Evaluations on the Flavia dataset demonstrate that in ideal imaging conditions, combining traditional and ConvNet features yields state-of-theart performance with an average accuracy of 97:3%�0:6% compared to traditional features which obtain an average accuracy of 91:2%�1:6%. Further experiments show that this combined classification approach consistently outperforms the best set of traditional features by an average of 5:7% for all of the evaluated condition variations.


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Description of a patient's injuries is recorded in narrative text form by hospital emergency departments. For statistical reporting, this text data needs to be mapped to pre-defined codes. Existing research in this field uses the Naïve Bayes probabilistic method to build classifiers for mapping. In this paper, we focus on providing guidance on the selection of a classification method. We build a number of classifiers belonging to different classification families such as decision tree, probabilistic, neural networks, and instance-based, ensemble-based and kernel-based linear classifiers. An extensive pre-processing is carried out to ensure the quality of data and, in hence, the quality classification outcome. The records with a null entry in injury description are removed. The misspelling correction process is carried out by finding and replacing the misspelt word with a soundlike word. Meaningful phrases have been identified and kept, instead of removing the part of phrase as a stop word. The abbreviations appearing in many forms of entry are manually identified and only one form of abbreviations is used. Clustering is utilised to discriminate between non-frequent and frequent terms. This process reduced the number of text features dramatically from about 28,000 to 5000. The medical narrative text injury dataset, under consideration, is composed of many short documents. The data can be characterized as high-dimensional and sparse, i.e., few features are irrelevant but features are correlated with one another. Therefore, Matrix factorization techniques such as Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Non Negative Matrix Factorization (NNMF) have been used to map the processed feature space to a lower-dimensional feature space. Classifiers with these reduced feature space have been built. In experiments, a set of tests are conducted to reflect which classification method is best for the medical text classification. The Non Negative Matrix Factorization with Support Vector Machine method can achieve 93% precision which is higher than all the tested traditional classifiers. We also found that TF/IDF weighting which works well for long text classification is inferior to binary weighting in short document classification. Another finding is that the Top-n terms should be removed in consultation with medical experts, as it affects the classification performance.


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Heart rate variability (HRV) refers to the regulation of the sinoatrial node, the natural pacemaker of the heart by the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system. HRV analysis is an important tool to observe the heart’s ability to respond to normal regulatory impulses that affect its rhythm. Like many bio-signals, HRV signals are non-linear in nature. Higher order spectral analysis (HOS) is known to be a good tool for the analysis of non-linear systems and provides good noise immunity. A computer-based arrhythmia detection system of cardiac states is very useful in diagnostics and disease management. In this work, we studied the identification of the HRV signals using features derived from HOS. These features were fed to the support vector machine (SVM) for classification. Our proposed system can classify the normal and other four classes of arrhythmia with an average accuracy of more than 85%.


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The problem of clustering a large document collection is not only challenged by the number of documents and the number of dimensions, but it is also affected by the number and sizes of the clusters. Traditional clustering methods fail to scale when they need to generate a large number of clusters. Furthermore, when the clusters size in the solution is heterogeneous, i.e. some of the clusters are large in size, the similarity measures tend to degrade. A ranking based clustering method is proposed to deal with these issues in the context of the Social Event Detection task. Ranking scores are used to select a small number of most relevant clusters in order to compare and place a document. Additionally,instead of conventional cluster centroids, cluster patches are proposed to represent clusters, that are hubs-like set of documents. Text, temporal, spatial and visual content information collected from the social event images is utilized in calculating similarity. Results show that these strategies allow us to have a balance between performance and accuracy of the clustering solution gained by the clustering method.