77 resultados para Receptor Class-b


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Kallikrein 14 (KLK14) has been proposed as a useful prognostic marker in prostate cancer, with expression reported to be associated with tumour characteristics such as higher stage and Gleason score. KLK14 tumour expression has also shown the potential to predict prostate cancer patients at risk of disease recurrence after radical prostatectomy. The KLKs are a remarkably hormone-responsive family of genes, although detailed studies of androgen regulation of KLK14 in prostate cancer have not been undertaken to date. Using in vitro studies, we have demonstrated that unlike many other prostatic KLK genes that are strictly androgen responsive, KLK14 is more broadly expressed and inversely androgen regulated in prostate cancer cells. Given these results and evidence that KLK14 may play a role in prostate cancer prognosis, we also investigated whether common genetic variants in the KLK14 locus are associated with risk and/or aggressiveness of prostate cancer in approximately 1200 prostate cancer cases and 1300 male controls. Of 41 single nucleotide polymorphisms assessed, three were associated with higher Gleason score (≥7): rs17728459 and rs4802765, both located upstream of KLK14, and rs35287116, which encodes a p.Gln33Arg substitution in the KLK14 signal peptide region. Our findings provide further support for KLK14 as a marker of prognosis in prostate cancer.


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This chapter represents the analytical solution of two-dimensional linear stretching sheet problem involving a non-Newtonian liquid and suction by (a) invoking the boundary layer approximation and (b) using this result to solve the stretching sheet problem without using boundary layer approximation. The basic boundary layer equations for momentum, which are non-linear partial differential equations, are converted into non-linear ordinary differential equations by means of similarity transformation. The results reveal a new analytical procedure for solving the boundary layer equations arising in a linear stretching sheet problem involving a non-Newtonian liquid (Walters’ liquid B). The present study throws light on the analytical solution of a class of boundary layer equations arising in the stretching sheet problem.


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Class E Resonant Inverters are theoretically capable of delivering any power to a load and achieve 100% efficiency at any frequency of operation. In practice efficiency in the “high 90's” can be achieved into megahertz frequencies regardless of inverter output powers. The topology also allows the manipulation of output power through sub-optimal operation, with a negligible efficiency penalty. The 24W inverter discussed in this paper was specifically designed to harness the benefits, and discuss the shortcomings, of the Class E topology for use in the growing market for portable, battery powered lighting. It exhibits a peak recorded power efficiently of over 98%, and a conservatively measured efficiency of 95% across a range of dimming settings.


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Migraine is a painful and debilitating, neurovascular disease. Current migraine head pain treatments work with differing efficacies in migraineurs. The opioid system plays an important role in diverse biological functions including analgesia, drug response and pain reduction. The A118G single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in exon 1 of the μ-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) has been associated with elevated pain responses and decreased pain threshold in a variety of populations. The aim of the current preliminary study was to test whether genotypes of the OPRM1 A118G SNP are associated with head pain severity in a clinical cohort of female migraineurs. This was a preliminary study to determine whether genotypes of the OPRM1 A118G SNP are associated with head pain severity in a clinical cohort of female migraineurs. A total of 153 chronic migraine with aura sufferers were assessed for migraine head pain using the Migraine Disability Assessment Score instrument and classified into high and low pain severity groups. DNA was extracted and genotypes obtained for the A118G SNP. Logistic regression analysis adjusting for age effects showed the A118G SNP of the OPRM1 gene to be significantly associated with migraine pain severity in the test population (P = 0.0037). In particular, G118 allele carriers were more likely to be high pain sufferers compared to homozygous carriers of the A118 allele (OR = 3.125, 95 % CI = 1.41, 6.93, P = 0.0037). These findings suggest that A118G genotypes of the OPRM1 gene may influence migraine-associated head pain in females. Further investigations are required to fully understand the effect of this gene variant on migraine head pain including studies in males and in different migraine subtypes, as well as in response to head pain medication.


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Adenosine is an important cardioprotective agent that works via several adenosine receptor (ADOR) subtypes to regulate cardiovascular activity. It is well established that functional responses to adenosine decline with age. What is unclear, though, is whether these changes occur at the receptor, second messenger or translational level. In this study we determined the effect of age on cardiac adenosine receptor expression using the housekeeping gene 18S rRNA versus the adenosine A2B receptor gene as internal controls. Absolute quantification showed that no age-related changes occurred in the expression of 18S rRNA or adenosine A2B receptor internal control genes. Subsequently, relative analysis of the adenosine receptor subtypes using 18S rRNA found a significant age-related reduction in the expression of the adenosine A1 receptor (5.5-fold), with no changes in the expression of the adenosine A2A, A2B and A3 receptors. When using the expression of the adenosine A2B receptor as the internal control gene, a significant down regulation of both the adenosine A1 (5.4-fold) and A2A (2.2-fold) receptors with no change in the expression of adenosine A3 receptor was found. Therefore, the high level of expression of the 18S rRNA housekeeping gene was found to mask a significant change in expression of the adenosine A2A receptor with age. Ultimately, these findings show an age-related reduction in adenosine A1 and A2A receptor expression in rat heart.


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In our laboratory we have developed a quantitative-polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) strategy to examine the differential expression of adenosine receptor (ADOR), A(1), A(2A), A(2B) and A(3), and estrogen receptors (ER) alpha and beta. Brain and uterine mRNA were first used to optimise specific amplification conditions prior to SYBR Green I real time analysis of receptor subtype expression. SYBR Green I provided a convenient and sensitive means of examining specific PCR amplification product in real time, and allowed the generation of standard curves from which relative receptor abundance could be determined. Real time Q-PCR analysis was then performed, to examine changes in receptor expression levels in brains of adult female Wistar rats 3-month post ovariectomy. Comparison with sham-operated age-matched control rats demonstrated both comparative and absolute-copy number changes in receptor levels. Evaluation of both analytical methods investigated 18S rRNA as an internal reference for comparative gene expression analysis in the brain. The results of this study revealed preferential repression of ADORA(2A) (>4-fold down) and consistent (>2-fold) down-regulation of ADORA(1), ADORA(3), and ER-beta, following ovariectomy. No change was found in ADORA(2B) or ER-alpha. Analysis of absolute copy number in this study revealed a correlation between receptor expression in response to ovariectomy, and relative receptor subtype abundance in the brain.


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Migraine is a common complex disorder, currently classified into two main subtypes, migraine with aura (MA) and migraine without aura (MO). The strong preponderance of females to males suggests an X-linked genetic component. Recent studies have identified an X chromosomal susceptibility region (Xq24-q28) in two typical migraine pedigrees. This region harbours a potential candidate gene for the disorder, the serotonin receptor 2C (5-HT2C) gene. This study involved a linkage and association approach to investigate two single nucleotide variants in the 5-HT2C gene. In addition, exonic coding regions of the 5-HT2C gene were also sequenced for mutations in X-linked migraine pedigrees. Results of this study did not detect any linkage or association, and no disease causing mutations were identified. Hence, results for this study do not support a significant role of the 5-HT 2C gene in migraine predisposition. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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1. There is evidence to suggest that essential hypertension is a polygenic disorder and that it arises from yet-to-be-identified predisposing variants of certain genes that influence blood pressure. The cloning of various hormone, enzyme, adrenoceptor and hormone receptor genes whose products are involved in blood pressure control and the identification of polymorphisms of these has permitted us to test their genetic association with hypertension. 2. Cross-sectional analyses of a number of candidate gene markers were performed in hypertensive and normotensive subjects who were selected on the basis of both parents being either hypertensive or normotensive, respectively, and the difference in total alleles on all chromosomes for each polymorphism between the hypertensive and normotensive groups was test by χ analysis with one degree of freedom. 3. A marked association was observed between hypertension and insertion alleles of polymorphisms of the insulin receptor gene (INSR) (P<0.0040) and the dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase-1 (angiotensin I-converting enzyme; kininase II) gene (DCP1) (P<0.0018). No association with hypertension was evident, however, for polymorphisms of the growth hormone, low-density lipoprotein receptor, renal kallikrein, α2- and β1-adrenoreceptor, atrial natriuretic factor and insulin genes. 4. All but one of the hypertensive subjects had at least one of the hypertension-associated alleles, and although subjects homozygous for both were three times more frequent in the hypertensive group, examination of the nine possible genotypes suggested that the INSR and DCP1 alleles are independent markers for hypertension. 5. The present results suggest that genetic variant(s) in close linkage disequilibrium with polymorphisms at INSR and DCP1 may be involved in part in the aetiology of essential hypertension.


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BACKGROUND: Oestrogen receptor 1 ( ESR1) is located in region 6q25.1 and encodes a ligand-activated transcription factor composed of several domains important for hormone binding and transcription activation. Progesterone receptor ( PGR) is located in 11q22-23 and mediates the role of progesterone interacting with different transcriptional co-regulators. ESR1 and PGR have previously been implicated in migraine susceptibility. Here, we report the results of an association study of these genes in a migraine pedigree from the genetic isolate of Norfolk Island, a population descended from a small number of Isle of Man "Bounty Mutineer" and Tahitian founders.


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1. Previous glucagon receptor gene (GCGR) studies have shown a Gly40Ser mutation to be more prevalent in essential hypertension and to affect glucagon binding affinity to its receptor. An Alu-repeat poly(A) polymorphism colocalized to GCGR was used in the present study to test for association and linkage in hypertension as well as association in obesity development. 2. Using a cross-sectional approach, 85 hypertensives and 95 normotensives were genotyped using polymerase chain reaction primers flanking the Alu-repeat. Both hypertensive and normotensive populations were subdivided into lean and obese categories based on body mass index (BMI) to determine involvement of this variant in obesity. For the linkage study, 89 Australian Caucasian hypertension affected sibships (174 sibpairs) were genotyped and the results were analysed using GENE-HUNTER, Mapmaker Sibs, ERPA and SPLINK (all freely available from http://linlkage.rockefeller. edu/soft/list.html). 3. Cross-sectional results for both hypertension and obesity were analysed using Chi-squared and Monte Carlo analyses. Results did not show an association of this variant with either hypertension (χ2 = 6.9, P = 0.14; Monte Carlo χ2 = 7.0, P = 0.11; n = 5000) or obesity (χ2 = 3.3, P = 0.35; Monte Carlo χ2 = 3.26, P = 0.34; n = 5000). In addition, results from the linkage study using hypertensive sib-pairs did not indicate linkage of the poly(A) repent with hypertension. Hence, results did not indicate a role far the Alu-repeat in either hypertension or obesity. However, as the heterozygosity of this poly(A) repeat is low (35%), a larger number of hypertensive sib-pairs may be required to draw definitive conclusions.


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OBJECTIVE To determine whether a microsatellite polymorphism located towards the 3' end of the low density lipoprotein receptor gene (LDLR) is associated with obesity. DESIGN A cross-sectional case-control study. SUBJECTS One hundred and seven obese individuals, defined as a body mass index (BMI) ≤ 26 kg/m2, and 163 lean individuals, defined as a BMI < 26 kg/m2. MEASUREMENTS BMI, blood pressure, serum lipids, alleles of LDLR microsatellite (106 bp, 108 bp and 112 bp). RESULTS There was a significant association between variants of the LDLR microsatellite and obesity, in the overall tested population, due to a contributing effect in females (χ2 = 12.3, P = 0.002), but not in males (χ2 = 0.3, P = 0.87). In females, individuals with the 106 bp allele were more likely to be lean, while individuals with the 112 bp and/or 108 bp alleles tended to be obese. CONCLUSIONS These results suggest that in females, LDLR may play a role in the development of obesity.


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Insulin has cardiovascular actions and patients with essential hypertension display insulin resistance. A cross-sectional study of the R1 RFLP of the insulin receptor gene (INSR) was carried out in 67 hypertensive (HT) and 75 normotensive (NT) subjects whose parents had a similar blood pressure status at age ≥50. The frequency of the minor (+) allele was 0.31 in HTs and 0.44 in NTs, and the difference between observed alleles in all subjects in each group was significant (χ2 = 4.8, P<0.05). Allele frequencies of a BglI RFLP of the insulin gene, however, did not differ between the HT and NT groups. The data thus provide evidence in favour of an association of HT with a polymorphism at the INSR locus (19p 13.3-13.2), so implicating this locus, and possibly a genetic variant of the insulin receptor itself, in HT.


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A recent cross-sectional study has demonstrated a significant association of the R1 RsaI restriction fragment length polymorphism of the insulin receptor gene (INSR) with human essential hypertension. In the present study, an alternative approach, involving linkage analysis, was carried out using 8 hypertensive families with 5 or more affected members. Five of the families were found to be informative and in one of these pedigrees a conclusion of non-linkage of INSR and hypertension could be made on the basis of an obligate recombinant in one generation which yielded a Lod score of - ∞ at a recombination fraction (θ) of zero. In another family, the largest studied, a positive Lod score was obtained at θ = 0, but this was below the level required for a conclusion of linkage. Lod score at θ = 0 for a marker at the insulin locus in this family was negative. The present study has thus demonstrated one pedigree in which hypertension is not linked to the insulin receptor locus.


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Obese (BMI ≥ 26 kg/m 2; n = 51) and lean (BMI <26 kg/m 2; n = 61) Caucasian patients with severe, familial essential hypertension, were compared with respect to genotype and allele frequencies of a HincII RFLP of the low density lipoprotein receptor gene (LDLR). A similar analysis was performed in obese (n = 28) and lean (n = 68) normotensives. A significant association of the C allele of the T→C variant responsible for this RFLP was seen with obesity (χ 2 = 4.6, P = 0.029) in the hypertensive, but not in the normotensive, group (odds ratio = 3.0 for the CC genotype and 2.7 for CT). Furthermore, BMI tracked with genotypes of this allele in the hypertensives (P = 0.046). No significant genotypic relationship was apparent for plasma lipids. Significant linkage disequilibrium was, moreover, noted between the HincII RFLP and an ApaLI RFLP (χ 2 = 33, P<0.0005) that has previously shown even stronger association with obesity (odds ratio 19.6 for cases homozygous for the susceptibility allele and 15.2 for het-erozygotes). The present study therefore adds to our previous evidence implicating LDLR as a locus for obesity in patients with essential hypertension.