258 resultados para Prostatic neoplasms


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Although full-term pregnancies reduce the risk of ovarian cancer, it has not been conclusively established whether incomplete pregnancies also influence risk. We investigated the relationship between a history of incomplete pregnancy and incident epithelial ovarian cancer among over 4,500 women who participated in two large Australian population-based case-control studies in 1990-1993 and 2002-2005. They provided responses to detailed questions about their reproductive histories and other personal factors. Summary odds ratios (OR) and confidence intervals (CI) derived from each study using the same covariates were aggregated. We found no significant associations between the number of incomplete pregnancies and ovarian cancer, for parous (OR = 0.98, 95% CI: 0.89, 1.08) or nulliparous (OR = 1.06, 95% CI: 0.75, 1.48) women, nor for the number of spontaneous or induced abortions and ovarian cancer for parous women (OR = 0.95, 95% CI 0.82, 1.09; OR = 1.08, 95% CI: 0.86, 1.36) or nulliparous women (OR = 1.2, 95% CI: 0.6, 2.4; OR = 0.8, 95% CI: 0.47, 1.38), respectively. A systematic review of 37 previous studies of the topic confirmed our findings that a history of incomplete pregnancy does not influence a woman’s risk of epithelial ovarian cancer.


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Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) is a homodimeric plasma glycoprotein that is the major sex steroid carrier-protein in the bloodstream and functions also as a key regulator of steroid bioavailability within target tissues, such as the prostate. Additionally, SHBG binds to prostatic cell membranes via the putative and unidentified SHBG receptor (RSHBG), activating a signal transduction pathway implicated in stimulating both proliferation and expression of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in prostate cell lines in vitro. A yeast-two hybrid assay suggested an interaction between SHBG and kallikrein-related protease (KLK) 4, which is a serine protease implicated in the progression of prostate cancer. The potential interaction between these two proteins was investigated in this PhD thesis to determine whether SHBG is a proteolytic substrate of KLK4 and other members of the KLK family including KLK3/PSA, KLK7 and KLK14. Furthermore, the effects from SHBG proteolytic degradation on SHBG-regulated steroid bioavailability and the activation of the putative RSHBG signal transduction pathway were examined in the LNCaP prostate cancer cell line. SHBG was found to be a proteolytic substrate of the trypsin-like KLK4 and KLK14 in vitro, yielding several proteolysis fragments. Both chymotrypsin-like PSA and KLK7 displayed insignificant proteolytic activity against SHBG. The kinetic parameters of SHBG proteolysis by KLK4 and KLK14 demonstrate a strong enzyme-substrate binding capacity, possessing a Km of 1.2 ± 0.7 µM and 2.1 ± 0.6 µM respectively. The catalytic efficiencies (kcat/Km) of KLK4 and KLK14 proteolysis of SHBG were 1.6 x 104 M-1s-1 and 3.8 x 104 M-1s-1 respectively, which were comparable to parameters previously reported for peptide substrates. N-terminal sequencing of the fragments revealed cleavage near the junction of the N- and C-terminal laminin globulin-like (G-like) domains of SHBG, resulting in the division of the two globulins and ultimately the full degradation of these fragments by KLK4 and KLK14 over time. Proteolytic fragments that may retain steroid binding were rapidly degraded by both proteases, while fragments containing residues beyond the steroid binding pocket were less degraded over the same period of time. Degradation of SHBG was inhibited by the divalent metal cations calcium and zinc for KLK4, and calcium, zinc and magnesium for KLK14. The human secreted serine protease inhibitors (serpins), α1-antitrypsin and α2-antiplasmin, inhibited KLK4 and KLK14 proteolysis of SHBG; α1-antichymotrypsin inhibited KLK4 but not KLK14 activity. The inhibition by these serpins was comparable and in some cases more effective than general trypsin protease inhibitors such as aprotinin and phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). The binding of 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to SHBG modulated interactions with KLK4 and KLK14. Steroid-free SHBG was more readily digested by both enzymes than DHT-bound SHBG. Moreover, a binding interaction exists between SHBG and pro-KLK4 and pro-KLK14, with DHT strengthening the binding to pro-KLK4 only. The inhibition of androgen uptake by cultured prostate cancer cells, mediated by SHBG steroid-binding, was examined to assess whether SHBG proteolysis by KLK4 and KLK14 modulated this process. Proteolytic digestion eliminated the ability of SHBG to inhibit the uptake of DHT from conditioned media into LNCaP cells. Therefore, the proteolysis of SHBG by KLK4 and KLK14 increased steroid bioavailability in vitro, leading to an increased uptake of androgens by prostate cancer cells. Interestingly, different transcriptional responses of PSA and KLK2, which are androgen-regulated genes, to DHT-bounsd SHBG treatment were observed between low and high passage number LNCaP cells (lpLNCaP and hpLNCaP respectively). HpLNCaP cells treated with DHT-bound SHBG demonstrated a significant synergistic upregulation of PSA and KLK2 above DHT or SHBG treatment alone, which is similar to previously reported downstream responses from RSHBG-mediated signaling activation. As this result was not seen in lpLNCaP cells, only hpLNCaP cells were further investigated to examine the modulation of potential RSHBG activity by KLK4 and KLK14 proteolysis of SHBG. Contrary to reported results, no increase in intracellular cAMP was observed in hpLNCaP cells when treated with SHBG in the presence and absence of either DHT or estradiol. As a result, the modulation of RSHBG-mediated signaling activation could not be determined. Finally, the identification of the RSHBG from both breast (MCF-7) and prostate cancer (LNCaP) cell lines was attempted. Fluorescently labeled peptides corresponding to the putative receptor binding domain (RBD) of SHBG were shown to be internalized by MCF-7 cells. Crosslinking of the RBD peptide to the cell surfaces of both MCF-7 and LNCaP cells, demonstrated the interaction of the peptide with several targets. These targets were then captured using RBD peptides synthesized onto a hydrophilic scaffold and analysed by mass spectrometry. The samples captured by the RBD peptide returned statistically significantly matches for cytokeratin 8, 18 and 19 as well as microtubule-actin crosslinking factor 1, which may indicate a novel interaction between SHBG and these proteins, but ultimately failed to detect a membrane receptor potentially responsible for the putative RSHBG-mediated signaling. This PhD project has reported the proteolytic processing of SHBG by two members of the kallikrein family, KLK4 and KLK14. The effect of SHBG proteolysis by KLK4 and KLK14 on RSHBG-mediated signaling activation was unable to be determined as the reported signal transduction pathway was not activated after treatment with SHBG, in combination with either DHT or estradiol. However, the digestion of SHBG by these two proteases positively regulated androgen bioavailability to prostate cancer cells in vitro. The increased uptake of androgens is deleterious in prostate cancer due to the promotion of proliferation, metastasis, invasion and the inhibition of apoptosis. The increased bioavailability of androgens, from SHBG proteolysis by KLK4 and KLK14, may therefore promote both carcinogenesis and progression of prostate cancer. Finally, this information may contribute to the development of therapeutic treatment strategies for prostate cancer by inhibiting the proteolysis of SHBG, by KLK4 and KLK14, to prevent the increased uptake of androgens by hormone-dependent cancerous tissues.


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Problem: Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common sexually transmitted infection worldwide. While infection in females requires a Th1 response for clearance, such a response in males may disrupt the immune privileged nature of the male reproductive tract, potentially contributing to infertility. Method of study: We investigated the role of IgA in protection against an intrapenile Chlamydia muridarum infection of C57BL/6 and pIgR−/− mice. Results: Here, we show that the poly immunoglobulin receptor is the main pathway for IgA transport into the male reproductive tract. The high levels of IgA seen in prostatic fluid of wild-type mice correlate with reduction in chlamydial infection both in vitro and in vivo. Conclusion: These findings indicate that a Chlamydia vaccine that induces neutralizing IgA in the prostate will aid in the protection against infection in males.


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Background: Diagnosis of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) in young women has major implications including those to their reproductive potential. We evaluated depression, anxiety and body image in patients with stage I EOC treated with fertility sparing surgery (FSS) or radical surgery (RS). We also investigated fertility outcomes after FSS.----- Methods: A retrospective study was undertaken in which 62 patients completed questionnaires related to anxiety, depression, body image and fertility outcomes. Additional information on adjuvant therapy after FSS and RS and demographic details were abstracted from medical records. Both bi and multivariate regression models were used to assess the relationship between demographic, clinical and pathological results and scores for anxiety, depression and body image.----- Results: Thirty-nine patients underwent RS and the rest, FSS. The percentage of patients reporting elevated anxiety and depression (subscores ≥ 11) were 27 % and 5% respectively. The median (inter quartile range) score for body image scale (BIS) was 6 (3-15). None of the demographic or clinical factors examined showed significant association with anxiety and BIS with the exception of ‘time since diagnosis’. For depression, post-menopausal status was the only independent predictor. Among those 23 patients treated by FSS, 14 patients tried to conceive (7 successful), resulting in 7 live births, one termination of pregnancy and one miscarriage.----- Conclusion: This study shows that psychological issues are common in women treated for stage I EOC. Reproduction after FSS is feasible and lead to the birth of healthy babies in about half of patients who wished to have another child. Further prospective studies with standardised instruments are required.


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Objectives: Ecological studies support the hypothesis that there is an association between vitamin D and pancreatic cancer (PaCa) mortality, but observational studies are somewhat conflicting. We sought to contribute further data to this issue by analyzing the differences in PaCa mortality across the eastern states of Australia and investigating if there is a role of vitamin D-effective ultraviolet radiation (DUVR), which is related to latitude. ---------- Methods: Mortality data from 1968 to 2005 were sourced from the Australian General Record of Incidence and Mortality books. Negative binomial models were fitted to calculate the association between state and PaCa mortality. Clear sky monthly DUVR in each capital city was also modeled. ---------- Results: Mortality from PaCa was 10% higher in southern states than in Queensland, with those in Victoria recording the highest mortality risk (relative risk, 1.13; 95% confidence interval, 1.09-1.17). We found a highly significant association between DUVR and PaCa mortality, with an estimated 1.5% decrease in the risk per 10-kJ/m2 increase in yearly DUVR. ---------- Conclusions: These data show an association between latitude, DUVR, and PaCa mortality. Although this study cannot be used to infer causality, it supports the need for further investigations of a possible role of vitamin D in PaCa etiology.


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Prostate cancer is an important male health issue. The strategies used to diagnose and treat prostate cancer underscore the cell and molecular interactions that promote disease progression. Prostate cancer is histologically defined by increasingly undifferentiated tumour cells and therapeutically targeted by androgen ablation. Even as the normal glandular architecture of the adult prostate is lost, prostate cancer cells remain dependent on the androgen receptor (AR) for growth and survival. This project focused on androgen-regulated gene expression, altered cellular differentiation, and the nexus between these two concepts. The AR controls prostate development, homeostasis and cancer progression by regulating the expression of downstream genes. Kallikrein-related serine peptidases are prominent transcriptional targets of AR in the adult prostate. Kallikrein 3 (KLK3), which is commonly referred to as prostate-specific antigen, is the current serum biomarker for prostate cancer. Other kallikreins are potential adjunct biomarkers. As secreted proteases, kallikreins act through enzyme cascades that may modulate the prostate cancer microenvironment. Both as a panel of biomarkers and cascade of proteases, the roles of kallikreins are interconnected. Yet the expression and regulation of different kallikreins in prostate cancer has not been compared. In this study, a spectrum of prostate cell lines was used to evaluate the expression profile of all 15 members of the kallikrein family. A cluster of genes was co-ordinately expressed in androgenresponsive cell lines. This group of kallikreins included KLK2, 3, 4 and 15, which are located adjacent to one another at the centromeric end of the kallikrein locus. KLK14 was also of interest, because it was ubiquitously expressed among the prostate cell lines. Immunohistochemistry showed that these 5 kallikreins are co-expressed in benign and malignant prostate tissue. The androgen-regulated expression of KLK2 and KLK3 is well-characterised, but has not been compared with other kallikreins. Therefore, KLK2, 3, 4, 14 and 15 expression were all measured in time course and dose response experiments with androgens, AR-antagonist treatments, hormone deprivation experiments and cells transfected with AR siRNA. Collectively, these experiments demonstrated that prostatic kallikreins are specifically and directly regulated by the AR. The data also revealed that kallikrein genes are differentially regulated by androgens; KLK2 and KLK3 were strongly up-regulated, KLK4 and KLK15 were modestly up-regulated, and KLK14 was repressed. Notably, KLK14 is located at the telomeric end of the kallikrein locus, far away from the centromeric cluster of kallikreins that are stimulated by androgens. These results show that the expression of KLK2, 3, 4, 14 and 15 is maintained in prostate cancer, but that these genes exhibit different responses to androgens. This makes the kallikrein locus an ideal model to investigate AR signalling. The increasingly dedifferentiated phenotype of aggressive prostate cancer cells is accompanied by the re-expression of signalling molecules that are usually expressed during embryogenesis and foetal tissue development. The Wnt pathway is one developmental cascade that is reactivated in prostate cancer. The canonical Wnt cascade regulates the intracellular levels of β-catenin, a potent transcriptional co-activator of T-cell factor (TCF) transcription factors. Notably, β-catenin can also bind to the AR and synergistically stimulate androgen-mediated gene expression. This is at the expense of typical Wnt/TCF target genes, because the AR:β-catenin and TCF:β-catenin interactions are mutually exclusive. The effect of β-catenin on kallikrein expression was examined to further investigate the role of β-catenin in prostate cancer. Stable knockdown of β-catenin in LNCaP prostate cancer cells attenuated the androgen-regulated expression of KLK2, 3, 4 and 15, but not KLK14. To test whether KLK14 is instead a TCF:β-catenin target gene, the endogenous levels of β-catenin were increased by inhibiting its degradation. Although KLK14 expression was up-regulated by these treatments, siRNA knockdown of β-catenin demonstrated that this effect was independent of β-catenin. These results show that β-catenin is required for maximal expression of KLK2, 3, 4 and 15, but not KLK14. Developmental cells and tumour cells express a similar repertoire of signalling molecules, which means that these different cell types are responsive to one another. Previous reports have shown that stem cells and foetal tissues can reprogram aggressive cancer cells to less aggressive phenotypes by restoring the balance to developmental signalling pathways that are highly dysregulated in cancer. To investigate this phenomenon in prostate cancer, DU145 and PC-3 prostate cancer cells were cultured on matrices pre-conditioned with human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). Soft agar assays showed that prostate cancer cells exposed to hESC conditioned matrices had reduced clonogenicity compared with cells harvested from control matrices. A recent study demonstrated that this effect was partially due to hESC-derived Lefty, an antagonist of Nodal. A member of the transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) superfamily, Nodal regulates embryogenesis and is re-expressed in cancer. The role of Nodal in prostate cancer has not previously been reported. Therefore, the expression and function of the Nodal signalling pathway in prostate cancer was investigated. Western blots confirmed that Nodal is expressed in DU145 and PC-3 cells. Immunohistochemistry revealed greater expression of Nodal in malignant versus benign glands. Notably, the Nodal inhibitor, Lefty, was not expressed at the mRNA level in any prostate cell lines tested. The Nodal signalling pathway is functionally active in prostate cancer cells. Recombinant Nodal treatments triggered downstream phosphorylation of Smad2 in DU145 and LNCaP cells, and stably-transfected Nodal increased the clonogencity of LNCaP cells. Nodal was also found to modulate AR signalling. Nodal reduced the activity of an androgen-regulated KLK3 promoter construct in luciferase assays and attenuated the endogenous expression of AR target genes including prostatic kallikreins. These results demonstrate that Nodal is a novel example of a developmental signalling molecule that is reexpressed in prostate cancer and may have a functional role in prostate cancer progression. In summary, this project clarifies the role of androgens and changing cellular differentiation in prostate cancer by characterising the expression and function of the downstream genes encoding kallikrein-related serine proteases and Nodal. Furthermore, this study emphasises the similarities between prostate cancer and early development, and the crosstalk between developmental signalling pathways and the AR axis. The outcomes of this project also affirm the utility of the kallikrein locus as a model system to monitor tumour progression and the phenotype of prostate cancer cells.


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Background and Aim: To investigate participation in a second round of colorectal cancer screening using a fecal occult blood test (FOBT) in an Australian rural community, and to assess the demographic characteristics and individual perspectives associated with repeat screening. ---------- Methods: Potential participants from round 1 (50–74 years of age) were sent an intervention package and asked to return a completed FOBT (n = 3406). Doctors of participants testing positive referred to colonoscopy as appropriate. Following screening, 119 participants completed qualitative telephone interviews. Multivariable logistic regression models evaluated the association between round-2 participation and other variables.---------- Results: Round-2 participation was 34.7%; the strongest predictor was participation in round 1. Repeat participants were more likely to be female; inconsistent screeners were more likely to be younger (aged 50–59 years). The proportion of positive FOBT was 12.7%, that of colonoscopy compliance was 98.6%, and the positive predictive value for cancer or adenoma of advanced pathology was 23.9%. Reasons for participation included testing as a precautionary measure or having family history/friends with colorectal cancer; reasons for non-participation included apathy or doctors’ advice against screening.---------- Conclusion: Participation was relatively low and consistent across rounds. Unless suitable strategies are identified to overcome behavioral trends and/or to screen out ineligible participants, little change in overall participation rates can be expected across rounds.


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Background Very few articles have been written about the expression of kallikreins (KLK4 and KLK7) in oral cancers. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine and report on their prognostic potential. Methods Eighty archival blocks of primary oral cancers were sectioned and stained for KLK4 and KLK7 by immunohistochemistry. The percentage and the intensity of malignant keratinocyte staining were correlated with patient survival using Cox regression analysis. Results Both kallikreins were expressed strongly in the majority of tumor cells in 68 of 80 cases: these were mostly moderately or poorly differentiated neoplasms. Staining was particularly intense at the infiltrating front. Patients with intense staining had significantly shorter overall survival (p < .05). Conclusion This is the first observation on the patient survival influenced by kallikrein expression in oral carcinoma. The findings are consistent with those for carcinomas at other sites, in particular the prostate and ovary. KLK4 and/or KLK7 immunohistochemistry seems to have diagnostic and prognostic potential in this disease.


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PSA-RP2 is a variant transcript expressed from the PSA gene that is conserved in gorillas, chimpanzees and humans suggesting a particular relevance for this transcript in these primates. We demonstrated by qRT-PCR that PSA-RP2 is upregulated in prostate cancer compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia tissues. The PSA-RP2 protein was not detected in seminal fluid and was cytoplasmically localised but not secreted from LNCaP or transfected PC3 prostate cells, despite secretion from transfected Cos-7 and HEK293 kidney cell lines. PSA-RP2-transfected PC3 cells showed slightly decreased proliferation and increased migration towards PC3-conditioned medium that could suggest a functional role in prostate cancer.


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PCR-based cancer diagnosis requires detection of rare mutations in k- ras, p53 or other genes. The assumption has been that mutant and wild-type sequences amplify with near equal efficiency, so that they are eventually present in proportions representative of the starting material. Work on factor IX suggests that this assumption is invalid for one case of near- sequence identity. To test the generality of this phenomenon and its relevance to cancer diagnosis, primers distant from point mutations in p53 and k-ras were used to amplify wild-type and mutant sequences from these genes. A substantial bias against PCR amplification of mutants was observed for two regions of the p53 gene and one region of k-ras. For k-ras and p53, bias was observed when the wild-type and mutant sequences were amplified separately or when mixed in equal proportions before PCR. Bias was present with proofreading and non-proofreading polymerase. Mutant and wild-type segments of the factor V, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator and prothrombin genes were amplified and did not exhibit PCR bias. Therefore, the assumption of equal PCR efficiency for point mutant and wild-type sequences is invalid in several systems. Quantitative or diagnostic PCR will require validation for each locus, and enrichment strategies may be needed to optimize detection of mutants.


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Prostate cancer (PCa) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) are androgen-dependent diseases commonly treated by inhibiting androgen action. However, androgen ablation or castration fail to target androgen-independent cells implicated in disease etiology and recurrence. Mechanistically different to castration, this study shows beneficial proapoptotic actions of estrogen receptor–β (ERβ) in BPH and PCa. ERβ agonist induces apoptosis in prostatic stromal, luminal and castrate-resistant basal epithelial cells of estrogen-deficient aromatase knock-out mice. This occurs via extrinsic (caspase-8) pathways, without reducing serum hormones, and perturbs the regenerative capacity of the epithelium. TNFα knock-out mice fail to respond to ERβ agonist, demonstrating the requirement for TNFα signaling. In human tissues, ERβ agonist induces apoptosis in stroma and epithelium of xenografted BPH specimens, including in the CD133+ enriched putative stem/progenitor cells isolated from BPH-1 cells in vitro. In PCa, ERβ causes apoptosis in Gleason Grade 7 xenografted tissues and androgen-independent cells lines (PC3 and DU145) via caspase-8. These data provide evidence of the beneficial effects of ERβ agonist on epithelium and stroma of BPH, as well as androgen-independent tumor cells implicated in recurrent disease. Our data are indicative of the therapeutic potential of ERβ agonist for treatment of PCa and/or BPH with or without androgen withdrawal.