33 resultados para Optical absorption


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The microwave synthesis of MnC2O4·2H2O nanoparticles was performed through the thermal double decomposition of oxalic acid dihydrate (C2H2O4·2H2O) and Mn(OAc)2·4H2O solutions using a CATA-2R microwave reactor. Structural characterization was performed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), particle size and shape were analyzed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The chemical in the structures was investigated using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) as well as optical absorption spectra and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopies. The nanocrystals produced with this method were pure and had a distorted rhombic octahedral structure.


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In this paper, we report the preparation and characterisation of nanometer-sized TiO2, CdO, and ZnO semiconductor particles trapped in zeolite NaY. Preparation of these particles was carried out via the traditional ion exchange method and subsequent calcination procedure. It was found that the smaller cations, i.e., Cd2+ and Zn2+ could be readily introduced into the SI′ and SII′ sites located in the sodalite cages, through ion exchange; while this is not the case for the larger Ti species, i.e., Ti monomer [TiO]2+ or dimer [Ti2O3]2+ which were predominantly dispersed on the external surface of zeolite NaY. The subsequent calcination procedure promoted these Ti species to migrate into the internal surface of the supercages. These semiconductor particles confined in NaY zeolite host exhibited a significant blue shift in the UV-VIS absorption spectra, in contrast to the respective bulk semiconductor materials, due to the quantum size effect (QSE). The particle sizes calculated from the UV-VIS optical absorption spectra using the effective mass approximation model are in good agreement with the atomic absorption data.


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Manganese minerals ardenite, alleghanyite and leucopoenicite originated from Madhya Pradesh, India, Nagano prefecture Japan, Sussex Country and Parker Shaft Franklin, Sussex Country, New Jersey respectively are used in the present work. In these minerals manganese is the major constituent and iron if present is in traces only. An EPR study of on all of the above samples confirms the presence of Mn(II) with g around 2.0. Optical absorption spectrum of the mineral alleghanyite indicates that Mn(II) is present in two different octahedral sites and in leucophoenicite Mn(II) is also in octahedral geometry. Ardenite mineral gives only a few Mn(II) bands. NIR results of the minerals ardenite, leucophoenicite and alleghanyite are due to hydroxyl and silicate anions which confirming the formulae of the minerals.


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Synthesis of MgC2O4⋅2H2O nano particles was carried out by thermal double decomposition of solutions of oxalic acid dihydrate (C2H2O4⋅2H2O) and Mg(OAc)2⋅4H2O employing CATA-2R microwave reactor. Structural elucidation was carried out by employing X-ray diffraction (XRD), particle size and shape were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and nature of bonding was investigated by optical absorption and near-infrared (NIR) spectral studies. The powder resulting from this method is pure and possesses distorted rhombic octahedral structure. The synthesized nano rod is 80 nm in diameter and 549 nm in length.


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The photocatalytic ability of cubic Bi1.5ZnNb1.5O7 (BZN) pyrochlore for the decolorization of an acid orange 7 (AO7) azo dye in aqueous solution under ultraviolet (UV) irradiation has been investigated for the first time. BZN catalyst powders prepared using low temperature sol-gel and higher temperature solid-state methods have been evaluated and their reaction rates have been compared.The experimental band gap energy has been estimated from the optical absorption edge and has been used as reference for theoretical calculations. The electronic band structure of BZN has been investigated using first-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations for random, completely and partially ordered solid solutions of Zn cations in both the A and B sites of the pyrochlore structure.The nature of the orbitals in the valence band (VB) and the conduction band (CB) has been identified and the theoretical band gap energy has been discussed in terms of the DFT model approximations.


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Bi1.5ZnTa1.5O7 (BZT) has been synthesized using an alkoxide based sol-gel reaction route. The evolution of the phases produced from the alkoxide precursors and their properties have been characterized as function of temperature using a combination of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS), infrared emission spectrometry (IES), X-ray diffraction (XRD), ultraviolet and visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms. The lowest sintering temperature (600∘C) to obtain phase pure BZT powders with high surface area (14.5m2/g) has been determined from the thermal decomposition and phase analyses.The photocatalytic activity of the BZT powders has been tested for the decolorization of organic azo-dye and found to be photoactive under UV irradiation.The electronic band structure of the BZT has been investigated using density functional theory (DFT) calculations to determine the band gap energy (3.12 eV) and to compare it with experimental band gap (3.02 eV at 800∘C) from optical absorptionmeasurements. An excellent match is obtained for an assumption of Zn cation substitutions at specifically ordered sites in the BZT structure.


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The synthesis of polymerlike amorphous carbon(a-C:H) thin-films by microwave excited collisional hydrocarbon plasma process is reported. Stable and highly aromatic a-C:H were obtained containing significant inclusions of poly(p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV). PPV confers universal optoelectronic properties to the synthesized material. That is a-C:H with tailor-made refractive index are capable of becoming absorption-free in visible (red)-near infrared wavelength range. Production of large aromatic hydrocarbon including phenyl clusters and/or particles is attributed to enhanced coagulation of elemental plasma species under collisional plasma conditions. Detailed structural and morphological changes that occur in a-C:H during the plasma synthesis are also described.


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We report a new approach that uses the single beam Z-scan technique, to discriminate between excited state absorption (ESA) and two and three photon nonlinear absorption. By measuring the apparent delay or advance of the pulse in reaching the detector, the nonlinear absorption can be unambiguously identified as either instantaneous or transient. The simple method does not require a large range of input fluences or sophisticated pulse-probe experimental apparatus. The technique is easily extended to any absorption process dependent on pulse width and to nonlinear refraction measurements. We demonstrate in particular, that the large nonlinear absorption in ZnO nanocones when exposed to nanosecond 532 nm pulses, is due mostly to ESA, not pure two-photon absorption.


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We have demonstrated the nonlinear absorption at 532 nm wavelength in an Au semi-continuous film (SF) resulting from smearing of the Fermi distribution and diffusion of conduction electrons into the substrate. The Au SF was irradiated by a pulsed laser with 8 ns pulse width at 532 nm in near resonance with the interband transition of the Au. We determined the temperature increase in the SF for different intensities by electrical measurement. We calculated the temperature increase by using a 1D heat transport equation; comparing the results of the calculation with measured values for the temperature increase, revealed the nonlinear absorption in the Au SF. We employed this deviation from linear behaviour to determine the nonlinear absorption coefficient.


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Plasma-assisted magnetron sputtering with varying ambient conditions has been utilised to deposit Al-doped ZnO (AZO) transparent conductive thin films directly onto a glass substrate at a low substrate temperature of 400 °C. The effects of hydrogen addition on electrical, optical and structural properties of the deposited AZO films have been investigated using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Hall effect measurements and UV–vis optical transmission spectroscopy. The results indicate that hydrogen addition has a remarkable effect on the film transparency and conductivity with the greatest effects observed with a hydrogen flux of approximately 3 sccm. It has been demonstrated that the conductivity and the average transmittance in the visible range can increase simultaneously contrary to the effects observed by other authors. In addition, hydrogen incorporation further leads to the absorption edge shifting to a shorter wavelength due to the Burstein–Moss effect. These results are of particular relevance to the development of the next generation of optoelectronic and photovoltaic devices based on highly transparent conducting oxides with controllable electronic and optical properties.


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We investigate the photoexcited state dynamics in a donor-acceptor copolymer, poly{3,6-dithiophene-2-yl-2,5-di(2-octyldodecyl)-pyrrolo[3,4-c]- pyrrole-1,4-dione-alt-naphthalene} (pDPP-TNT), by picosecond fluorescence and femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopies. Timeresolved fluorescence lifetime measurements of pDPP-TNT thin films reveal that the lifetime of the singlet excited state is 185 ± 5 ps and that singlet-singlet annihilation occurs at excitation photon densities above 6 × 1017 photons/cm3. From the results of singlet-singlet annihilation analysis, we estimate that the single-singlet annihilation rate constant is (6.0 ± 0.2) × 109cm3 s-1 and the singlet diffusion length is -7 nm. From the comparison of femtosecond transient absorption measurements and picosecond fluorescence measurements, it is found that the time profile of the photobleaching signal in the charge-transfer (CT) absorption band coincides with that of the fluorescence intensity and there is no indication of long-lived species, which clearly suggests that charged species, such as polaron pairs and triplet excitons, are not effectively photogenerated in the neat pDPP-TNT polymer.


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Two conjugated oligomers, representing elementary segments of fluorene-thiophene copolymers, are compared in terms of the microscopic morphology and the optical properties of thin deposits. The atomic force microscopy morphological data and the solid-state absorption and emission spectra are interpreted in terms of the assembly of the conjugated molecules. The compound with a terthiophene central unit and fluorene end-groups shows well-defined monolayer-by-monolayer assembly into micrometer-long stripe-like structures, with a crystalline herringbone-type organization within the monolayers. Polarized confocal microscopy indicates a strong orientation of the crystalline domains within the stripes. In contrast, the compound with a terfluorene central unit and thiophene end groups forms no textured aggregates and the optical spectra in the solid-state are very similar to those recorded in solution, suggesting that the molecules interact only weakly in the solid. The difference in behaviour between the two compounds most probably originates from their different capability to form densely-packed assemblies of interacting π-systems.