78 resultados para LUCE newsletter
As a tertiary educator, business is now starting to heat up for my colleagues and me as Semester 1 commences. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all readers who are students or academic staff, whether sessional or full-time, a successful year of teaching to, and learning more about, the transport profession. I’d also like to note the important role played by our AITPM National Council Education Coordinator, being fulfilled by Victoria Branch President Mr Tony Fitts, along with all of our branches’ Education Coordinators.
Well, it has been Clem 7 month here in Brisbane and my impression is “so far, so good!” For those of you who know Brisbane, the four lane twin Clem Jones Tunnel (M7) is approximately 4.5km long, and connects Ipswich Road (A7) at the Princess Alexandra Hospital on the south side with Bowen Bridge Road (A3) at the Royal Brisbane Hospital on the north side. There are also south access ramps to the Pacific Motorway and east access ramps to Shafston Avenue (headed to/from Wynnum). Brisbanites have been enjoying a three week no-toll taste test, and I paced through it one evening with minimal fuss. The tunnel seems to have eased the congestion at the Stanley Street on-ramp to the Pacific Motorway quite a bit, and Ipswich Road – Main Street through the ‘Gabba. One must watch the signage carefully, but once we get used to the infrastructure, this will not likely be problematic. It will be interesting to see how traffic behaves when the system settles after tolling, which has likely commenced by the time you’re reading. I believe a passenger car toll is about $4.20 one way but saves about 24 signalised intersection pass-throughs.
We’ve had a bit of sticker shock in these parts. Well, apparently. Since my last missive, Brisbane’s Clem Jones Tunnel which was initially free now has a toll, at least partially, at the introductory rate of $2.95 for a one-way car ride between 5a.m. and midnight – free overnight. From 9 May 2010 the toll will be $4.28. Since the introductory toll was introduced, use of the tunnel appears to have declined somewhat – no surprise to transport professionals I suppose. An additional factor may have been that the “novelty value” of driving through the tunnel for free had worn off. This demonstrates to me that much of the community may still see the use of road infrastructure as a rite of passage, with only some actually weighing up the true value of their travel time and vehicle wear and tear against their out of pocket (or onto credit card) cost. Thus, we’re in pioneering times and the role of transport economics in the overall transport infrastructure planning realm is of considerable importance – especially as much of the new big ticket infrastructure is likely to be tolled into the future. The Queensland Premier, Anna Bligh, made poignant commentary about Brisbane City Council’s tunnel use in that such infrastructure is built for future times and not just as a quick fix for current traffic problems. My expectation is that once Airport Link, which is really the northern half of the corridor, opens in 2012, there will be a significant spike in Clem7 usage.
This is my penultimate report as National President of the Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management, Inc. As an academic, I would like to take this opportunity to raise some issues and challenges I see in transport professional education in Australia. My general view is that the transport profession has until recently been less conspicuous to others as an identifiable discipline. This is both a blessing and somewhat of a curse. People mostly enter, or sometimes fall into, the transport profession having taken a degree in civil engineering, other engineering, urban and regional planning, economics, industrial psychology, business, followed by the less obvious disciplines. This order is probably about relative to the proportion of members’ background qualifications in our ranks too. However, once a graduate destined to become a transport professional has spent about five years or so out of the academic estuary, they tend to specialise in an area that cannot necessarily be easily correlated to the well known courses I have rattled off above. I can say from experience that it is not out of the question to see SIDRA models having been prepared by a transport professional who did not take traffic engineering as part of a civil engineering degree. So I see a couple of key challenges for the transport profession, which happens to be represented by a number of bodies, with our AITPM perhaps being the peak body, into the future,
I’d like to re-state AITPM’s mission, which is “Growing Traffic Skills and Knowledge to Deliver Sustainable Transport.” The aims of the Institute are to advance traffic planning and management; to increase the knowledge of its members by encouraging free discussion, exchange of ideas and research in this field; and to provide a central point of reference for practitioners.
This article presents a reflective view of three teaching colleagues from Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane who had attended and participated in the 'Landscapes of Rights' Conference in Adelaide, July 2009. The conference is a biennial event run by the Reggio Emilia-Australia Information Exchange. The authors explore and reflect on the provocations posed throughout this conference and consider these in light of their ongoing work in the field of teacher education, of early childhood teaching and as active supporters of children's rights.
As most people know, all mass media, including television stations, are state-owned in China. However, with the economic reform in the broadcasting system and China entering the World Trade Organization (WTO), the television industry has expanded greatly and the television market has evolved, with an ensuing growth of competition. The players in China’s television industry have changed from a monologue of TV stations to stations that hold multiple roles and a growth of production companies and overseas television companies although the TV stations still dominate China’s television market. Private television production companies are, however, becoming increasingly active in this market.
Paesaggio ed infrastrutture viarie sono un binomio molto forte: il primo ha insito il concetto di accessibilità, in quanto non può esistere senza la presenza di un osservatore; la strada, invece, trova i fattori che la connotano nel suo rapporto con la morfologia su cui insiste. Le infrastrutture viarie sono elemento strutturale e strutturante non solo di un territorio, ma anche di un paesaggio. Le attuali esigenze di mobilità portano oggi a ripensare ed adeguare molte infrastrutture viarie: laddove è possibile si potenziano le strutture esistenti, in diversi casi si ricorre a nuovi tracciati o a varianti di percorso. Porsi il problema di conservare itinerari testimoni della cultura materiale ed economica di una società implica considerazioni articolate, che travalicano i limiti del sedime: una via è un organismo più complesso della semplice linea di trasporto in quanto implica tutta una serie di manufatti a supporto della mobilità e soprattutto il corridoio infrastrutturale che genera e caratterizza, ovvero una porzione variabile di territorio definita sia dal tracciato che dalla morfologia del contesto. L’evoluzione dei modelli produttivi ed economici, che oggi porta quote sempre maggiori di popolazione a passare un tempo sempre minore all’interno del proprio alloggio, rende la riflessione sulle infrastrutture viarie dismesse o declassate occasione per la progettazione di spazi per l’abitare collettivo inseriti in contesti paesaggistici, tanto urbani che rurali, tramite reti di percorsi pensate per assorbire tagli di mobilità specifici e peculiari. Partendo da queste riflessioni la Tesi si articola in: Individuazioni del contesto teorico e pratico: Lo studio mette in evidenza come la questione delle infrastrutture viarie e del loro rapporto con il paesaggio implichi riflessioni incrociate a diversi livelli e tramite diverse discipline. La definizione dello spazio fisico della strada passa infatti per la costruzione di un itinerario, un viaggio che si appoggia tanto ad elementi fisici quanto simbolici. La via è un organismo complesso che travalica il proprio sedime per coinvolgere una porzione ampia di territorio, un corridoio variabile ed articolato in funzione del paesaggio attraversato. Lo studio propone diverse chiavi di lettura, mettendo in luce le possibili declinazioni del tema, in funzione del taglio modale, del rapporto con il contesto, del regime giuridico, delle implicazioni urbanistiche e sociali. La mobilità dolce viene individuata quale possibile modalità di riuso, tutela e recupero, del patrimonio diffuso costituito dalle diversi reti di viabilità. Antologia di casi studio: Il corpo principale dello studio si basa sulla raccolta, analisi e studio dello stato dell’arte nel settore; gli esempi raccolti sono presentati in due sezioni: la prima dedicata alle esperienze più significative ed articolate, che affrontano il recupero delle infrastrutture viarie a più livelli ed in modo avanzato non concentrandosi solo sulla conversione del sedime, ma proponendo un progetto che coinvolga tutto il corridoio attraversato dall’infrastruttura; la seconda parte illustra la pratica corrente nelle diverse realtà nazionali, ponendo in evidenza similitudini e differenze tra i vari approcci.
Flood-besieged Brisbane residents were forced to watch the monster river consume their homes and livelihoods then see the receding water leave behind a putrid, tar-like sludge. The rains formed by multiple low pressure systems over Central Queensland caused chaos over the Christmas and New Year break for many parts of Queensland.
The heavy rain falls that we have been experiencing have had their impact on the public transport system, especially the ferries. September 2010 was the Brisbane area’s wettest on record, and early to mid October has shaped up much the same. So much so that the South East Queensland’s main water storages, the Wivenhoe and Somerset Dams, which are fed by the Stanley and Brisbane Rivers’ upper catchments, have filled to capacity. SEQ Water consequently released the floodgates on the Wivenhoe Dam for the first time in almost a decade, with bipartisan support of State and Local Governments.
As AITPM National President, I was invited by Queensland’s Premier, Hon. Anna Bligh MP, as an audience guest to People’s Question Time on Wednesday 24 March 2010, which focused on ‘The Challenges and Opportunities of Population Growth in Queensland’. On the panel were: Premier and Minister for the Arts, Anna Bligh; Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability, Kate Jones; Minister for Infrastructure and Planning, Stirling Hinchliffe; Michael Rayner – Growth Management Summit Advisory Panel, Principal Director, Cox Rayner Architects; and Greg Hallam – Executive Director, Local Government Association of Queensland. The moderator for this session was Law Academic Erin O’Brien, of Queensland University of Technology.