30 resultados para Folding coadjuvant


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The deformation of rocks is commonly intimately associated with metamorphic reactions. This paper is a step towards understanding the behaviour of fully coupled, deforming, chemically reacting systems by considering a simple example of the problem comprising a single layer system with elastic-power law viscous constitutive behaviour where the deformation is controlled by the diffusion of a single chemical component that is produced during a metamorphic reaction. Analysis of the problem using the principles of non-equilibrium thermodynamics allows the energy dissipated by the chemical reaction-diffusion processes to be coupled with the energy dissipated during deformation of the layers. This leads to strain-rate softening behaviour and the resultant development of localised deformation which in turn nucleates buckles in the layer. All such diffusion processes, in leading to Herring-Nabarro, Coble or “pressure solution” behaviour, are capable of producing mechanical weakening through the development of a “chemical viscosity”, with the potential for instability in the deformation. For geologically realistic strain rates these chemical feed-back instabilities occur at the centimetre to micron scales, and so produce structures at these scales, as opposed to thermal feed-back instabilities that become important at the 100–1000 m scales.


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Background Chaperonin 10 (Cpn10) is a mitochondrial molecule involved in protein folding. The aim of this study was to determine the safety profile of Cpn10 in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods A total of 50 patients with relapse-remitting or secondary progressive MS were intravenously administered 5 mg or 10 mg of Cpn10 weekly for 12 weeks in a double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled, phase II trial. Clinical reviews, including Expanded Disability Status Scale and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with Gadolinium, were undertaken every 4 weeks. Stimulation of patient peripheral blood mononuclear cells with lipopolysaccharide ex vivo was used to measure the in vivo activity of Cpn10. Results No significant differences in the frequency of adverse events were seen between treatment and placebo arms. Leukocytes from both groups of Cpn10-treated patients produced significantly lower levels of critical proinflammatory cytokines. A trend toward improvement in new Gadolinium enhancing lesions on MRI was observed, but this difference was not statistically significant. No differences in clinical outcome measures were seen. Conclusions Cpn10 is safe and well tolerated when administered to patients with MS for 3 months, however, a further extended phase II study primarily focused on efficacy is warranted.


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Globally, obesity and diabetes (particularly type 2 diabetes) represents a major challenge to world health. Despite decades of intense research efforts, the genetic basis involved in diabetes pathogenesis & conditions associated with obesity are still poorly understood. Recent advances have led to exciting new developments implicating epigenetics as an important mechanism underpinning diabetes and obesity related disease. One epigenetic mechanism known as the "histone code" describes the idea that specific patterns of post-translational modifications to histones act like a molecular "code" recognised and used by non-histone proteins to regulate specific chromatin functions. One modification which has received significant attention is that of histone acetylation. The enzymes which regulate this modification are described as lysine acetyltransferases or KATs and histone deacetylases or HDACs. Due to their conserved catalytic domain HDACs have been actively targeted as a therapeutic target. Some of the known inhibitors of HDACs (HDACi) have also been shown to act as "chemical chaperones" to alleviate diabetic symptoms. In this review, we discuss the available evidence concerning the roles of HDACs in regulating chaperone function and how this may have implications in the management of diabetes. © 2009 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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Pathogens require protein-folding enzymes to produce functional virulence determinants. These foldases include the Dsb family of proteins, which catalyze oxidative folding in bacteria. Bacterial disulfide catalytic processes have been well characterized in Escherichia coli K-12 and these mechanisms have been extrapolated to other organisms. However, recent research indicates that the K-12 complement of Dsb proteins is not common to all bacteria. Importantly, many pathogenic bacteria have an extended arsenal of Dsb catalysts that is linked to their virulence. To help to elucidate the process of oxidative folding in pathogens containing a wide repertoire of Dsb proteins, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium has been focused on. This Gram-negative bacterium contains three DsbA proteins: SeDsbA, SeDsbL and SeSrgA. Here, the expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary diffraction analysis of these three proteins are reported. SeDsbA, SeDsbL and SeSrgA crystals diffracted to resolution limits of 1.55, 1.57 and 2.6 Å and belonged to space groups P21, P21212 and C2, respectively.


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In prototypic Escherichia coli K-12 the introduction of disulfide bonds into folding proteins is mediated by the Dsb family of enzymes, primarily through the actions of the highly oxidizing protein EcDsbA. Homologues of the Dsb catalysts are found in most bacteria. Interestingly, pathogens have developed distinct Dsb machineries that play a pivotal role in the biogenesis of virulence factors, hence contributing to their pathogenicity. Salmonella enterica serovar (sv.) Typhimurium encodes an extended number of sulfhydryl oxidases, namely SeDsbA, SeDsbL, and SeSrgA. Here we report a comprehensive analysis of the sv. Typhimurium thiol oxidative system through the structural and functional characterization of the three Salmonella DsbA paralogues. The three proteins share low sequence identity, which results in several unique three-dimensional characteristics, principally in areas involved in substrate binding and disulfide catalysis. Furthermore, the Salmonella DsbA-like proteins also have different redox properties. Whereas functional characterization revealed some degree of redundancy, the properties of SeDsbA, SeDsbL, and SeSrgA and their expression pattern in sv. Typhimurium indicate a diverse role for these enzymes in virulence.


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Disulfide bond (DSB) formation is catalyzed by disulfide bond proteins and is critical for the proper folding and functioning of secreted and membrane-associated bacterial proteins. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) strains possess two paralogous disulfide bond systems: the well-characterized DsbAB system and the recently described DsbLI system. In the DsbAB system, the highly oxidizing DsbA protein introduces disulfide bonds into unfolded polypeptides by donating its redox-active disulfide and is in turn reoxidized by DsbB. DsbA has broad substrate specificity and reacts readily with reduced unfolded proteins entering the periplasm. The DsbLI system also comprises a functional redox pair; however, DsbL catalyzes the specific oxidative folding of the large periplasmic enzyme arylsulfate sulfotransferase (ASST). In this study, we characterized the DsbLI system of the prototypic UPEC strain CFT073 and examined the contributions of the DsbAB and DsbLI systems to the production of functional flagella as well as type 1 and P fimbriae. The DsbLI system was able to catalyze disulfide bond formation in several well-defined DsbA targets when provided in trans on a multicopy plasmid. In a mouse urinary tract infection model, the isogenic dsbAB deletion mutant of CFT073 was severely attenuated, while deletion of dsbLI or assT did not affect colonization.


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If DNA is the information of life, then proteins are the machines of life — but they must be assembled and correctly folded to function. A key step in the protein-folding pathway is the introduction of disulphide bonds between cysteine residues in a process called oxidative protein folding. Many bacteria use an oxidative protein-folding machinery to assemble proteins that are essential for cell integrity and to produce virulence factors. Although our current knowledge of this machinery stems largely from Escherichia coli K-12, this view must now be adjusted to encompass the wider range of disulphide catalytic systems present in bacteria.


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Due to its three-dimensional folding pattern, the human neocortex; poses a challenge for accurate co-registration of grouped functional; brain imaging data. The present study addressed this problem by; employing three-dimensional continuum-mechanical image-warping; techniques to derive average anatomical representations for coregistration; of functional magnetic resonance brain imaging data; obtained from 10 male first-episode schizophrenia patients and 10 age-matched; male healthy volunteers while they performed a version of the; Tower of London task. This novel technique produced an equivalent; representation of blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) response; across hemispheres, cortical regions, and groups, respectively, when; compared to intensity average co-registration, using a deformable; Brodmann area atlas as anatomical reference. Somewhat closer; association of Brodmann area boundaries with primary visual and; auditory areas was evident using the gyral pattern average model.; Statistically-thresholded BOLD cluster data confirmed predominantly; bilateral prefrontal and parietal, right frontal and dorsolateral; prefrontal, and left occipital activation in healthy subjects, while; patients’ hemispheric dominance pattern was diminished or reversed,; particularly decreasing cortical BOLD response with increasing task; difficulty in the right superior temporal gyrus. Reduced regional gray; matter thickness correlated with reduced left-hemispheric prefrontal/; frontal and bilateral parietal BOLD activation in patients. This is the; first study demonstrating that reduction of regional gray matter in; first-episode schizophrenia patients is associated with impaired brain; function when performing the Tower of London task, and supports; previous findings of impaired executive attention and working memory; in schizophrenia.


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This paper aims to address the ways in which drawing can be understood as the becoming-expressive of materials, site, and body, over time. The discussion pivots around a series of studies that replace linear or causal relationships – in history, drawing and expression – with topological movement. My approach is largely through a speculative case study. In a rereading of the familiar Butades myth, I examine how a shadow tracing can variously be taken as the first mimetic art with its origins in the urge to “capture”, and, antithetically, as the originary expressive folding of matter, site and body. The paper is divided into five sections. The first presents the Butades myth, identifying the representational problem that lies at the roots of its traditional telling. The next three sections outline a series of topologies that facilitate a discussion of the Butades myth from historical, disciplinary, and expressive perspectives. The final section aims to show the relevance of this discussion to a contemporary drawing practice, using my own drawing research as a case study. The field of inquiry is that of representational critique. The fold, an image associated with a topological geometry, replaces the relational or signifying disjuncture of representational structures, and suggests a becoming- expressive of subject and object, form and matter.


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We present a shape-space approach for analyzing genetic influences on the shapes of the sulcal folding patterns on the cortex. Sulci are represented as continuously parameterized functions in a shape space, and shape differences between sulci are obtained via geodesics between them. The resulting statistical shape analysis framework is used not only to construct populations averages, but also used to compute meaningful correlations within and across groups of sulcal shapes. More importantly, we present a new algorithm that extends the traditional Euclidean estimate of the intra-class correlation to the geometric shape space, thereby allowing us to study heritability of sulcal shape traits for a population of 193 twin pairs. This new methodology reveals strong genetic influences on the sulcal geometry of the cortex.


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This review is focused on the impact of chemometrics for resolving data sets collected from investigations of the interactions of small molecules with biopolymers. These samples have been analyzed with various instrumental techniques, such as fluorescence, ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy, and voltammetry. The impact of two powerful and demonstrably useful multivariate methods for resolution of complex data—multivariate curve resolution–alternating least squares (MCR–ALS) and parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC)—is highlighted through analysis of applications involving the interactions of small molecules with the biopolymers, serum albumin, and deoxyribonucleic acid. The outcomes illustrated that significant information extracted by the chemometric methods was unattainable by simple, univariate data analysis. In addition, although the techniques used to collect data were confined to ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism, and voltammetry, data profiles produced by other techniques may also be processed. Topics considered including binding sites and modes, cooperative and competitive small molecule binding, kinetics, and thermodynamics of ligand binding, and the folding and unfolding of biopolymers. Applications of the MCR–ALS and PARAFAC methods reviewed were primarily published between 2008 and 2013.


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There is an urgent need to develop crops that can withstand future climates. Results from this thesis demonstrated that a native Australian resurrection grass exhibits structural, physiological and metabolic strategies to tolerate drying. These strategies may be utilized for the generation of stress tolerant crops.


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This article presents a method for checking the conformance between an event log capturing the actual execution of a business process, and a model capturing its expected or normative execution. Given a business process model and an event log, the method returns a set of statements in natural language describing the behavior allowed by the process model but not observed in the log and vice versa. The method relies on a unified representation of process models and event logs based on a well-known model of concurrency, namely event structures. Specifically, the problem of conformance checking is approached by folding the input event log into an event structure, unfolding the process model into another event structure, and comparing the two event structures via an error-correcting synchronized product. Each behavioral difference detected in the synchronized product is then verbalized as a natural language statement. An empirical evaluation shows that the proposed method scales up to real-life datasets while producing more concise and higher-level difference descriptions than state-of-the-art conformance checking methods.


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- Description of the work Harvest: A biotextile future consists of four bags constructed from kombucha, each utilizing a different approach to this material. The kombucha material is a byproduct of the fermented green tea, kombucha, and is comprised of a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) that forms a fast growing curd or pellicle on the surface of the tea. This pellicle is harvested, washed, and dried to make a material with characteristics that can range between leather and paper in handle. The pellicle is one hundred per cent cellulose, with the individual fibres growing together to produce a durable and strong non-woven textile. Techniques explored with the dry kombucha material include folding, stitching, and laser etching. The final bags were designed with reference to classic tropes of fashion accessories: the briefcase, the clutch, the valise and the handbag. The valise included three jars in which the kombucha was displayed as ‘growing’ within the bag. - Research Background This work sits within an emerging field of practice in which fashion design intersects with biotechnology. Designers such as Suzanne Lee have explored constructing garments from bacteria byproducts, and bio-artists Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr have created ‘victimless leather’ grown from cultured cells. Although still speculative, these collaborations between science and design point to new material applications for fashion. Our work contributes to this area through testing both the growing of the textile and its application to construct durable fashion artefacts. - Research Contribution Harvest: A biotextile future makes two contributions to new knowledge in the area of design for sustainability within fashion. The first contribution lies in extending the technical experimentation required to grow and manipulate the textile. For the briefcase, the pattern shape was ‘grown’ into the required shape, using a shaped container. Other techniques used in the bags included weaving, folding and laser etching the material to extend its functional and decorative properties. Experimentation with the growing and drying of the material led to the production of a wide range of physical properties, in which the material was more brittle or flexible as required. The second research contribution lies in the proposal of this material for use in durable fashion accessories. The material is still speculative and small-scale in production, however the four bags illustrate the potential for kombucha as a biodegradable alternative to leather or synthetic materials. - Research Significance This interplay of science and design research opens up an exploration for a speculative future of sustainable, biodegradable textiles using live bacteria to enable ‘homegrown’ vegan apparel. The collaborators on this project include scientist Peter Musk and fashion designers Alice Payne and Dean Brough. Harvest: A biotextile future was exhibited at the State Library of Queensland’s Asia Pacific Design Library, 1-5 November 2015, as part of The International Association of Societies of Design Research’s (IASDR) biannual design conference. The work was chosen for display by a panel of experts, based on the criteria of design innovation and contribution to new knowledge in design.


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Resurrection plants can withstand extreme dehydration to an air-dry state and then recover upon receiving water. Tripogon loliiformis (F.Muell.) C.E.Hubb. is a largely uncharacterised native Australian desiccation-tolerant grass that resurrects from the desiccated state within 72 h. Using a combination of structural and physiological techniques the structural and physiological features that enable T. loliiformis to tolerate desiccation were investigated. These features include: - (i) a myriad of structural changes such as leaf folding, cell wall folding and vacuole fragmentation that mitigate desiccation stress; - (ii) potential role of sclerenchymatous tissue within leaf folding and radiation protection; - (iii) retention of ~70% chlorophyll in the desiccated state; - (iv) early response of photosynthesis to dehydration by 50% reduction and ceasing completely at 80 and 70% relative water content, respectively; - (v) a sharp increase in electrolyte leakage during dehydration, and; - (vi) confirmation of membrane integrity throughout desiccation and rehydration. Taken together, these results demonstrate that T. loliiformis implements a range of structural and physiological mechanisms that minimise mechanical, oxidative and irradiation stress. These results provide powerful insights into tolerance mechanisms for potential utilisation in the enhancement of stress-tolerance in crop plants.