68 resultados para Dirk de Bruyn


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The advance of rapid prototyping techniques has significantly improved control over the pore network architecture of tissue engineering scaffolds. In this work we assessed the influence of scaffold pore architecture on cell seeding and static culturing, by comparing a computer‐designed gyroid architecture fabricated by stereolithography to a random‐pore architecture resulting from salt‐leaching. The scaffold types showed comparable porosity and pore size values, but the gyroid type showed a more than tenfold higher permeability due to the absence of size‐limiting pore interconnections. The higher permeability significantly improved the wetting properties of the hydrophobic scaffolds, and increased the settling speed of cells upon static seeding of immortalised mesenchymal stem cells. After dynamic seeding followed by 5 days of static culture, gyroid scaffolds showed large cell populations in the centre of the scaffold, while salt‐leached scaffolds were covered with a cell‐sheet on the outside and no cells were found in the scaffold centre. It was shown that interconnectivity of the pores and permeability of the scaffold prolongs the time of static culture before overgrowth of cells at the scaffold periphery occurs. Furthermore, novel scaffold designs are proposed to further improve the transport of oxygen and nutrients throughout the scaffolds, and to create tissue engineering grafts with designed, pre‐fabricated vasculature.


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Stereolithography is a solid freeform technique (SFF) that was introduced in the late 1980s. Although many other techniques have been developed since then, stereolithography remains one of the most powerful and versatile of all SFF techniques. It has the highest fabrication accuracy and an increasing number of materials that can be processed is becoming available. In this paper we discuss the characteristic features of the stereolithography technique and compare it to other SFF techniques. The biomedical applications of stereolithography are reviewed, as well as the biodegradable resin materials that have been developed for use with stereolithography. Finally, an overview of the application of stereolithography in preparing porous structures for tissue engineering is given.


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The technologies employed for the preparation of conventional tissue engineering scaffolds restrict the materials choice and the extent to which the architecture can be designed. Here we show the versatility of stereolithography with respect to materials and freedom of design. Porous scaffolds are designed with computer software and built with either a poly(d,l-lactide)-based resin or a poly(d,l-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone)-based resin. Characterisation of the scaffolds by micro-computed tomography shows excellent reproduction of the designs. The mechanical properties are evaluated in compression, and show good agreement with finite element predictions. The mechanical properties of scaffolds can be controlled by the combination of material and scaffold pore architecture. The presented technology and materials enable an accurate preparation of tissue engineering scaffolds with a large freedom of design, and properties ranging from rigid and strong to highly flexible and elastic.


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To date, biodegradable networks and particularly their kinetic chain lengths have been characterized by analysis of their degradation products in solution. We characterize the network itself by NMR analysis in the solvent-swollen state under magic angle spinning conditions. The networks were prepared by photoinitiated cross-linking of poly(dl-lactide)−dimethacrylate macromers (5 kg/mol) in the presence of an unreactive diluent. Using diffusion filtering and 2D correlation spectroscopy techniques, all network components are identified. By quantification of network-bound photoinitiator fragments, an average kinetic chain length of 9 ± 2 methacrylate units is determined. The PDLLA macromer solution was also used with a dye to prepare computer-designed structures by stereolithography. For these networks structures, the average kinetic chain length is 24 ± 4 methacrylate units. In all cases the calculated molecular weights of the polymethacrylate chains after degradation are maximally 8.8 kg/mol, which is far below the threshold for renal clearance. Upon incubation in phosphate buffered saline at 37 °C, the networks show a similar mass loss profile in time as linear high-molecular-weight PDLLA (HMW PDLLA). The mechanical properties are preserved longer for the PDLLA networks than for HMW PDLLA. The initial tensile strength of 47 ± 2 MPa does not decrease significantly for the first 15 weeks, while HMW PDLLA lost 85 ± 5% of its strength within 5 weeks. The physical properties, kinetic chain length, and degradation profile of these photo-cross-linked PDLLA networks make them most suited materials for orthopedic applications and use in (bone) tissue engineering.


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Rapid prototyping (RP) is a common name for several techniques, which read in data from computer-aided design (CAD) drawings and manufacture automatically threedimensional objects layer-by-layer according to the virtual design. The utilization of RP in tissue engineering enables the production of three-dimensional scaffolds with complex geometries and very fine structures. Adding micro- and nanometer details into the scaffolds improves the mechanical properties of the scaffold and ensures better cell adhesion to the scaffold surface. Thus, tissue engineering constructs can be customized according to the data acquired from the medical scans to match the each patient’s individual needs. In addition RP enables the control of the scaffold porosity making it possible to fabricate applications with desired structural integrity. Unfortunately, every RP process has its own unique disadvantages in building tissue engineering scaffolds. Hence, the future research should be focused into the development of RP machines designed specifically for fabrication of tissue engineering scaffolds, although RP methods already can serve as a link between tissue and engineering.


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Designed three-dimensional biodegradable poly(ethylene glycol)/poly(D,L-lactide) hydrogel structures were prepared for the first time by stereolithography at high resolutions. A photopolymerisable aqueous resin comprising PDLLA-PEG-PDLLA-based macromer, visible light photo-initiator, dye and inhibitor in DMSO/water was used to build the structures. Porous and non-porous hydrogels with well-defined architectures and good mechanical properties were prepared. Porous hydrogel structures with a gyroid pore network architecture showed narrow pore size distributions, excellent pore interconnectivity and good mechanical properties. The structures showed good cell seeding characteristics, and human mesenchymal stem cells adhered and proliferated well on these materials.


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Poly(D,L-lactide) is a degradable polymer with a long history of use in medical applications. It is strong and stiff and degrades over the course of months into lactic acid, a body-own substance. In the field of tissue engineering it is commonly used to fabricate scaffolds. Stereolithography is a high resolution rapid prototyping technique by which designed 3D objects can be built using photo-initiated radical polymerisations. Poly(D,Llactide) (PDLLA) networks can be obtained by photopolymerisation of oligomers functionalised with unsaturated groups. In this work, PDLLA oligomers of varying architectures (arm lengths, numbers of arms) were synthesised and end-functionalised with methacrylate groups. These macromers were photo-crosslinked in solution to yield PDLLA networks of different architectures. The influence of the network architecture on its physical properties was studied.


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A novel method was developed for a quantitative assessment of pore interconnectivity using micro-CT data. This method makes use of simulated spherical particles, percolating through the interconnected pore network. For each sphere diameter, the accessible pore volume is calculated. This algorithm was applied to compare pore interconnectivity of two different scaffold architectures; one created by salt-leaching and the other by stereolithography. The algorithm revealed a much higher pore interconnectivity for the latter one.


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In tissue engineering, porous scaffolds are used as a temporal support for tissue regeneration through cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. Besides applying a suitable material that is both biocompatible and biodegradable, the architectural design of the porous scaffold can be of essential for successful tissue regeneration. The architecture is of great influence on mechanical properties and transport properties of nutrients and metabolites1.


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Hydroxyapatite (HAP) is a major component of bone and has osteoconductive and -inductive properties. It has been successfully applied as a substrate in bone tissue engineering, either with or without a biodegradable polymer such as polycaprolactone or polylactide. Recently, we have developed a stereolithography resin based on poly(D,L-lactide) (PDLLA) and a non-reactive diluent, that allows for the preparation of tissue engineering scaffolds with designed architectures. In this work, designed porous composite structures of PDLLA and HAP are prepared by stereolithography.


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We aim to fabricate computer-controlled hydrogel structures containing viable encapsulated cells to overcome the low seeding densities which are inherent to most pre-fabricated scaffold systems.


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Three-dimensional biodegradable poly(ethylene glycol)/poly(D,L-lactide) hydrogel structures were prepared by stereolithography. A photo-polymerisable liquid resin comprising PDLLA-PEG-PDLLA-based macromer, visible light photo-initiator, dye and inhibitor in DMSO/water was used to build the structures. Hydrogels with welldefined architectures and good mechanical properties were prepared. Hydrogel structures with a gyroid pore network architecture showed narrow pore size distributions, excellent pore interconnectivity and good mechanical properties. The structures showed good cell seeding characteristics, and human mesenchymal stem cells adhered and proliferated on these materials.


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Engineered tissue grafts, which mimic the spatial variations of cell density and extracellular matrix present in native tissues, could facilitate more efficient tissue regeneration and integration. We previously demonstrated that cells could be uniformly seeded throughout a 3D scaffold having a random pore architecture using a perfusion bioreactor2. In this work, we aimed to generate 3D constructs with defined cell distributions based on rapid prototyped scaffolds manufactured with a controlled gradient in porosity. Computational models were developed to assess the influence of fluid flow, associated with pore architecture and perfusion regime, on the resulting cell distribution.


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Previous research has suggested that perceptual-motor difficulties may account for obese children's lower motor competence; however, specific evidence is currently lacking. Therefore, this study examined the effect of altered visual conditions on spatiotemporal and kinematic gait parameters in obese versus normal-weight children. Thirty-two obese and normal-weight children (11.2 ± 1.5 years) walked barefoot on an instrumented walkway at constant self-selected speed during LIGHT and DARK conditions. Three-dimensional motion analysis was performed to calculate spatiotemporal parameters, as well as sagittal trunk segment and lower extremity joint angles at heel-strike and toe-off. Self-selected speed did not significantly differ between groups. In the DARK condition, all participants walked at a significantly slower speed, decreased stride length, and increased stride width. Without normal vision, obese children had a more pronounced increase in relative double support time compared to the normal-weight group, resulting in a significantly greater percentage of the gait cycle spent in stance. Walking in the DARK, both groups showed greater forward tilt of the trunk and restricted hip movement. All participants had increased knee flexion at heel-strike, as well as decreased knee extension and ankle plantarflexion at toe-off in the DARK condition. The removal of normal vision affected obese children's temporal gait pattern to a larger extent than that of normal-weight peers. Results suggest an increased dependency on vision in obese children to control locomotion. Next to the mechanical problem of moving excess mass, a different coupling between perception and action appears to be governing obese children's motor coordination and control.