269 resultados para LASER SPECTROSCOPY


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A novel near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) method has been researched and developed for the simultaneous analyses of the chemical components and associated properties of mint (Mentha haplocalyx Briq.) tea samples. The common analytes were: total polysaccharide content, total flavonoid content, total phenolic content, and total antioxidant activity. To resolve the NIRS data matrix for such analyses, least squares support vector machines was found to be the best chemometrics method for prediction, although it was closely followed by the radial basis function/partial least squares model. Interestingly, the commonly used partial least squares was unsatisfactory in this case. Additionally, principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis were able to distinguish the mint samples according to their four geographical provinces of origin, and this was further facilitated with the use of the chemometrics classification methods-K-nearest neighbors, linear discriminant analysis, and partial least squares discriminant analysis. In general, given the potential savings with sampling and analysis time as well as with the costs of special analytical reagents required for the standard individual methods, NIRS offered a very attractive alternative for the simultaneous analysis of mint samples.


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This thesis presents the development of a rapid, sensitive and reproducible spectroscopic method for the detection of TNT in forensic and environmental applications. Simple nano sensors prepared by cost effective methods were utilized as sensitive platforms for the detection of TNT by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. The optimization of the substrate and the careful selection of a suitable recognition molecule contributed to the significant improvements of sensitive and selective targeting over current detection methods. The work presented in this thesis paves the way for effective detection and monitoring of explosives residues in law enforcement and environmental health applications.


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Natural nanopatterned surfaces (nNPS) present on insect wings have demonstrated bactericidal activity [1, 2]. Fabricated nanopatterned surfaces (fNPS) derived by characterization of these wings have also shown superior bactericidal activity [2]. However bactericidal NPS topologies vary in both geometry and chemical characteristics of the individual features in different insects and fabricated surfaces, rendering it difficult to ascertain the optimum geometrical parameters underling bactericidal activity. This situation calls for the adaptation of new and emerging techniques, which are capable of fabricating and characterising comparable structures to nNPS from biocompatible materials. In this research, CAD drawn nNPS representing an area of 10 μm x10 μm was fabricated on a fused silica glass by Nanoscribe photonic professional GT 3D laser lithography system using two photon polymerization lithography. The glass was cleaned with acetone and isopropyl alcohol thrice and a drop of IP-DIP photoresist from Nanoscribe GmbH was cast onto the glass slide prior to patterning. Photosensitive IP-DIP resist was polymerized with high precision to make the surface nanopatterns using a 780 nm wavelength laser. Both moving-beam fixedsample (MBFS) and fixed-beam moving-sample (FBMS) fabrication approaches were tested during the fabrication process to determine the best approach for the precise fabrication of the required nanotopological pattern. Laser power was also optimized to fabricate the required fNPS, where this was changed from 3mW to 10mW to determine the optimum laser power for the polymerization of the photoresist for fabricating FNPS...


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Wet-milling protocol was employed to produce pressed powder tablets with excellent cohesion and homogeneity suitable for laser ablation (LA) analysis of volatile and refractive elements in sediment. The influence of sample preparation on analytical performance was also investigated, including sample homogeneity, accuracy and limit of detection. Milling in volatile solvent for 40 min ensured sample is well mixed and could reasonably recover both volatile (Hg) and refractive (Zr) elements. With the exception of Cr (−52%) and Nb (+26%) major, minor and trace elements in STSD-1 and MESS-3 could be analysed within ±20% of the certified values. Comparison of the method with total digestion method using HF was tested by analysing 10 different sediment samples. The laser method recovers significantly higher amounts of analytes such as Ag, Cd, Sn and Sn than the total digestion method making it a more robust method for elements across the periodic table. LA-ICP-MS also eliminates the interferences from chemical reagents as well as the health and safety risks associated with digestion processes. Therefore, it can be considered as an enhanced method for the analysis of heterogeneous matrices such as river sediments.


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We investigated the influence of different gas environments on the fabrication of surfaces, homogeneously covered with equally sized and spaced micro-structures. Two types of structures have been successfully micro-machined with a femtosecond laser on titanium surfaces in various atmospheres. The surface chemistry of samples machined in oxygen and helium shows TiO2, while machining in nitrogen leads to an additional share of TiN. The actual surface structure was found to vary significantly as a function of the gas environment. We found that the ablated particles and their surface triggered two consecutive events: The optical properties of the gas environment became non-isotropic which then led to the pulse intensity being redistributed throughout the cross section of the laser beam. Additionally, the effective intensity was further reduced for TiN surfaces due to TiN's high reflectivity. Thus, the settings for the applied raster-scanning machining method had to be adjusted for each gas environment to produce comparable structures. In contrast to previous studies, where only noble gases were found suitable to produce homogeneous patches, we obtained them in an oxygen environment.


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Considering ultrasound propagation through complex composite media as an array of parallel sonic rays, a comparison of computer simulated prediction with experimental data has previously been reported for transmission mode (where one transducer serves as transmitter, the other as receiver) in a series of ten acrylic step-wedge samples, immersed in water, exhibiting varying degrees of transit time inhomogeneity. In this study, the same samples were used but in pulse-echo mode, where the same ultrasound transducer served as both transmitter and receiver, detecting both ‘primary’ (internal sample interface) and ‘secondary’ (external sample interface) echoes. A transit time spectrum (TTS) was derived, describing the proportion of sonic rays with a particular transit time. A computer simulation was performed to predict the transit time and amplitude of various echoes created, and compared with experimental data. Applying an amplitude-tolerance analysis, 91.7±3.7% of the simulated data was within ±1 standard deviation (STD) of the experimentally measured amplitude-time data. Correlation of predicted and experimental transit time spectra provided coefficients of determination (R2) ranging from 100.0% to 96.8% for the various samples tested. The results acquired from this study provide good evidence for the concept of parallel sonic rays. Further, deconvolution of experimental input and output signals has been shown to provide an effective method to identify echoes otherwise lost due to phase cancellation. Potential applications of pulse-echo ultrasound transit time spectroscopy (PE-UTTS) include improvement of ultrasound image fidelity by improving spatial resolution and reducing phase interference artefacts.


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The acceptance of broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) for the assessment of osteoporosis suffers from a limited understanding of both ultrasound wave propagation through cancellous bone and its exact dependence upon the material and structural properties. It has recently been proposed that ultrasound wave propagation in cancellous bone may be described by a concept of parallel sonic rays; the transit time of each ray defined by the proportion of bone and marrow propagated. A Transit Time Spectrum (TTS) describes the proportion of sonic rays having a particular transit time, effectively describing the lateral inhomogeneity of transit times over the surface aperture of the receive ultrasound transducer. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the solid volume fraction (SVF) of simplified bone:marrow replica models may be reliably estimated from the corresponding ultrasound transit time spectrum. Transit time spectra were derived via digital deconvolution of the experimentally measured input and output ultrasonic signals, and compared to predicted TTS based on the parallel sonic ray concept, demonstrating agreement in both position and amplitude of spectral peaks. Solid volume fraction was calculated from the TTS; agreement between true (geometric calculation) with predicted (computer simulation) and experimentally-derived values were R2=99.9% and R2=97.3% respectively. It is therefore envisaged that ultrasound transit time spectroscopy (UTTS) offers the potential to reliably estimate bone mineral density and hence the established T-score parameter for clinical osteoporosis assessment.


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Isolating, purifying, and identifying proteins in complex biological matrices is often difficult, time consuming, and unreliable. Herein we describe a rapid screening technique for proteins in biological matrices that combines selective protein isolation with direct surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) detection. Magnetic core gold nanoparticles were synthesised, characterised, and subsequently functionalized with recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO)-specific antibody. The functionalized nanoparticles were used to capture rHuEPO from horse blood plasma within 15 minutes. The selective binding between the protein and the functionalized nanoparticles was monitored by SERS. The purified protein was then released from the nanoparticles’ surface and directly spectroscopically identified on a commercial nanopillar SERS substrate. ELISA independently confirmed the SERS identification and quantified the released rHuEPO. Finally, the direct SERS detection of the extracted protein was successfully demonstrated for in-field screening by a handheld Raman spectrometer within 1 minute sample measurement time.


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Understanding the polymerization mechanism of a precursor is indispensable to enhance the requisite material properties. In situ mass spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is used in this study to understand the RF plasma polymerization of γ-terpinene. High-resolution mass spectra positive ion mass spectrometry data of the plasma phase demonstrates the presence of oligomeric species of the type [M+H]+ and [2M+H]+, where M represents a unit of the starting material. In addition, there is abundant fragmented species, with most dominant being [M+] (136 m/z), C10H13+ (133 m/z), C9H11+ (119 m/z), and C7H9+ (93 m/z). The results reported in this manuscript enables to comprehend the relationship between the degree of incorporation of oxygen and the rate of deposition with the input RF power.


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This paper describes the synthesis and characterization of a novel organic polymer coating for the prevention of the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on the solid surface of three-dimensional objects. Substrata were encapsulated with polyterpenol thin films prepared from terpinen-4-ol using radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Terpinen-4-ol is a constituent of tea tree oil with known antibacterial properties. The influence of deposition power on the chemical structure, surface composition, and ultimately the antibacterial inhibitory activity of the resulting polyterpenol thin films was studied using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), water contact angle measurement, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and 3-D interactive visualization and statistical approximation of the topographic profiles. The experimental results were consistent with those predicted by molecular simulations. The extent of bacterial attachment and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) production was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). Polyterpenol films deposited at lower power were particularly effective against P. aeruginosa due to the preservation of original terpinen-4-ol molecules in the film structure. The proposed antimicrobial and antifouling coating can be potentially integrated into medical and other clinically relevant devices to prevent bacterial growth and to minimize bacteria-associated adverse host responses.


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Radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition is currently used to fabricate a broad range of functional coatings. This work described fabrication and characterization of a novel bioactive coating, polyterpenol, for encapsulation of three-dimensional indwelling medical devices. The materials are synthesized from monoterpene alcohols under different input power conditions. The chemical composition and structure of the polyterpenol thin films were determined by Xray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, contact angle measurements, and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The application of polyterpenol coating to the substrate reduced surface roughness from 1.5 to 0.4 of a nanometer, and increased the water contact angle from to 9 to 72 degrees. The extent of attachment and extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) production of two medically relevant pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermis were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). Application of polyterpenol coating fabricated at 10 W significantly inhibited attachment and growth of both pathogens compared to unmodified substrates, whilst addition of 50 W films resulted in an increased attachment, proliferation and EPS production by both types of bacteria when compared to unmodified surface. Marked dissimilarity in bacterial response between two coatings was attributed to changes in surface chemistry, nano-architecture and surface energy of polymer thin films deposited under different input power conditions.


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Purpose To determine the association between conjunctival goblet cell density (GCD) assessed using in vivo laser scanning confocal microscopy and conjunctival impression cytology in a healthy population. Methods Ninety (90) healthy participants undertook a validated 5-item dry eye questionnaire, non-invasive tear film break-up time measurement, ocular surface fluorescein staining and phenol red thread test. These tests where undertaken to diagnose and exclude participants with dry eye. The nasal bulbar conjunctiva was imaged using laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM). Conjunctival impression cytology (CIC) was performed in the same region a few minutes later. Conjunctival goblet cell density was calculated as cells/mm2. Results There was a strong positive correlation of conjunctival GCD between LSCM and CIC (ρ = 0.66). Conjunctival goblet cell density was 475 ± 41 cells/mm2 and 466 ± 51 cells/mm2 measured by LSCM and CIC, respectively. Conclusions The strong association between in vivo and in vitro cellular analysis for measuring conjunctival GCD suggests that the more invasive CIC can be replaced by the less invasive LSCM in research and clinical practice.


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Mechanical stress is an important external factor effecting the development and maintenance of articular cartilage. The metabolite profile of diseased cartilage has been well studied but there is limited information about the variation in metabolite profile of healthy cartilage. With the importance of load in maintaining healthy cartilage, regional differences in metabolite profile associated with differences in load may provide information on how load contributes to the maintenance of healthy cartilage. HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy allows the assessment of tissue samples without modification and was used for assessing the difference in metabolic profile between the load bearing and non-load bearing regions of the bovine articular cartilage. In this preliminary study, we examined cartilage from tibia and femur of four knee joints. Sixteen pairs of 1D-NOESY spectra were acquired. Principle component analysis (PCA) identified chemical shifts responsible for variance. SBASE (AMIX) and the Human Metabolome Database were used in conjunction with previous reported cartilage data for identifying metabolites associated with the PCA results. The major contributors to load-related differences in metabolite profile were N-acetyl groups, lactate and phosphocholine peaks. Integrals of these regions were further analysed using a Student's t-test. In load bearing cartilage regions. N-acetyl groups and phosphocholine were found at significantly higher concentration (p < 0.05 and p < 0.005, respectively) in both femur and tibia, while lactate was reduced in load bearing cartilage (p < 0.005). The results of this pilot HR-MAS NMR study demonstrate its ability to provide useful metabolite information for healthy cartilage.


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Background Wavefront-guided Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is a widespread and effective surgical treatment for myopia and astigmatic correction but whether it induces higher-order aberrations remains controversial. The study was designed to evaluate the changes in higher-order aberrations after wavefront-guided ablation with IntraLase femtosecond laser in moderate to high astigmatism. Methods Twenty-three eyes of 15 patients with moderate to high astigmatism (mean cylinder, −3.22 ± 0.59 dioptres) aged between 19 and 35 years (mean age, 25.6 ± 4.9 years) were included in this prospective study. Subjects with cylinder ≥ 1.5 and ≤2.75 D were classified as moderate astigmatism while high astigmatism was ≥3.00 D. All patients underwent a femtosecond laser–enabled (150-kHz IntraLase iFS; Abbott Medical Optics Inc) wavefront-guided ablation. Uncorrected (UDVA), corrected (CDVA) distance visual acuity in logMAR, keratometry, central corneal thickness (CCT) and higher-order aberrations (HOAs) over a 6 mm pupil, were assessed before and 6 months, postoperatively. The relationship between postoperative change in HOA and preoperative mean spherical equivalent refraction, mean astigmatism, and postoperative CCT were tested. Results At the last follow-up, the mean UDVA was increased (P < 0.0001) but CDVA remained unchanged (P = 0.48) and no eyes lost ≥2 lines of CDVA. Mean spherical equivalent refraction was reduced (P < 0.0001) and was within ±0.50 D range in 61 % of eyes. The average corneal curvature was flatter by 4 D and CCT was reduced by 83 μm (P < 0.0001, for all), postoperatively. Coma aberrations remained unchanged (P = 0.07) while the change in trefoil (P = 0.047) postoperatively, was not clinically significant. The 4th order HOAs (spherical aberration and secondary astigmatism) and the HOA root mean square (RMS) increased from −0.18 ± 0.07 μm, 0.04 ± 0.03 μm and 0.47 ± 0.11 μm, preoperatively, to 0.33 ± 0.19 μm (P = 0.004), 0.21 ± 0.09 μm (P < 0.0001) and 0.77 ± 0.27 μm (P < 0.0001), six months postoperatively. The change in spherical aberration after the procedure increased with an increase in the degree of preoperative myopia. Conclusions Wavefront-guided IntraLASIK offers a safe and effective option for vision and visual function improvement in astigmatism. Although, reduction of HOA is possible in a few eyes, spherical-like aberrations are increased in majority of the treated eyes.