427 resultados para DIAMOND-LIKE CARBON


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We predict here from first-principle calculations that finite-length (n,0) single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) with H-termination at the open ends displaying antiferromagnetic coupling when n is greater than 6. An opposite local gating effect of the spin states, i.e., half metallicity, is found under the influence of an external electric field along the direction of tube axis. Remarkably, boron doping of unpassivated SWCNTs at both zigzag edges is found to favor a ferromagnetic ground state, with the B-doped tubes displaying half-metallic behavior even in the absence of an electric field. Aside of the intrinsic interest of these results, an important avenue for development of CNT-based spintronic is suggested.


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Concern about the increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration and its impact on the environment has led to increasing attention directed toward finding advanced materials and technologies suited for efficient CO2 capture, storage and purification of clean-burning natural gas. In this letter, we have performed comprehensive theoretical investigation of CO2, N2, CH4 and H2 adsorption on B2CNTs. Our study shows that CO2 molecules can form strong interactions with B2CNTs with different charge states. However, N2, CH4 and H2 can only form very weak interactions with B2CNTs. Therefore, the study demonstrates B2CNTs could sever as promising materials for CO2 capture and gas separation.


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The sidewall additions of diazomethane to (n, n), n = 3–10 armchair single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) on two different orientations of C–C bonds have been studied using the ONIOM(B3LYP/6-31G(d):PM3) approach. The binding energies of SWCNTs complexes with CH2N2, CH2 and their transition-state structures were computed at the B3LYP/6-31G(d) level. The effects of diameters of armchair SWCNTs on their binding energies were studied. Relative reactivities of all the SWCNTs and their complexes based on their frontier orbital energies gaps are reported.


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In this work, ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations are performed to study the structural and electronic properties of diazonium reagent functionalized (4, 4) single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT). We find the aryl group covalently bonds with SWCNT and prefers to be perpendicular to the side wall of nanotube. It has a rotational barrier of 0.35 eV around the formed aryl-tube bond axis and should be thermodynamically stable at room temperature. Additionally, new peaks appeared around the Fermi energy in the density of state (DOS) due to the weak band dispersion. Increasing of the coverage of the functional group will result in significant upshift of the Fermi level.


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Ab initio Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations are performed to study the diffusion of atomic hydrogen on a Mg(0001) surface and their migration into the subsurface layers. A carbon atom located initially on a Mg(0001) surface can migrate into the sub-surface layer and occupy a fcc site, with charge transfer to the C atom from neighboring Mg atoms. The cluster of postively charged Mg atoms surrounding a sub-surface C is then shown to facilitate the dissociative chemisorption of molecular hydrogen on the Mg(0001) surface, and the surface migration and subsequent diffusion into the subsurface of atomic hydrogen. This helps rationalize the experimentally-observed improvement in absorption kinetics of H2 when graphite or single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) are introduced into the Mg powder during ball milling.


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Ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations are performed to explore possible catalytic effects on the dissociative chemisorption of hydrogen on a Mg(0001) surface when carbon is incorporated into Mg materials. The computational results imply that a C atom located initially on a Mg(0001) surface can migrate into the subsurface and occupy an fcc interstitial site, with charge transfer to the C atom from neighboring Mg atoms. The effect of subsurface C on the dissociation of H2 on the Mg(0001) surface is found to be relatively marginal: a perfect sublayer of interstitial C is calculated to lower the barrier by 0.16 eV compared with that on a pure Mg(0001) surface. Further calculations reveal, however, that sublayer C may have a significant effect in enhancing the diffusion of atomic hydrogen into the sublayers through fcc channels. This contributes new physical understanding toward rationalizing the experimentally observed improvement in absorption kinetics of H2 when graphite or single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) are introduced into the Mg powder during ball milling.


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In this paper, the initial stage of films assembled by energetic C36 fullerenes on diamond (001)–(2 × 1) surface at low-temperature was investigated by molecular dynamics simulation using the Brenner potential. The incident energy was first uniformly distributed within an energy interval 20–50 eV, which was known to be the optimum energy range for chemisorption of single C36 on diamond (001) surface. More than one hundred C36 cages were impacted one after the other onto the diamond surface by randomly selecting their orientation as well as the impact position relative to the surface. The growth of films was found to be in three-dimensional island mode, where the deposited C36 acted as building blocks. The study of film morphology shows that it retains the structure of a free C36 cage, which is consistent with Low Energy Cluster Beam Deposition (LECBD) experiments. The adlayer is composed of many C36-monomers as well as the covalently bonded C36 dimers and trimers which is quite different from that of C20 fullerene-assembled film, where a big polymerlike chain was observed due to the stronger interaction between C20 cages. In addition, the chemisorption probability of C36 fullerenes is decreased with increasing coverage because the interaction between these clusters is weaker than that between the cluster and the surface. When the incident energy is increased to 40–65 eV, the chemisorption probability is found to increased and more dimers and trimers as well as polymerlike-C36 were observed on the deposited films. Furthermore, C36 film also showed high thermal stability even when the temperature was raised to 1500 K.


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The adsorption of low-energy C20 isomers on diamond (0 0 1)–(2×1) surface was investigated by molecular dynamics simulation using the Brenner potential. The energy dependence of chemisorption characteristic was studied. We found that there existed an energy threshold for chemisorption of C20 to occur. Between 10 and 20 eV, the C20 fullerene has high probability of chemisorption and the adsorbed cage retains its original structure, which supports the experimental observations of memory effects. However, the structures of the adsorbed bowl and ring C20 were different from their original ones. In this case, the local order in cluster-assembled films would be different from the free clusters.


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The deposition of hyperthermal CH3 on diamond (001)-(2×1) surface at room temperature has been studied by means of molecular dynamics simulation using the many-body hydrocarbon potential. The energy threshold effect has been observed. That is, with fixed collision geometry, chemisorption can occur only when the incident energy of CH3 is above a critical value (Eth). Increasing the incident energy, dissociation of hydrogen atoms from the incident molecule was observed. The chemisorption probability of CH3 as a function of its incident energy was calculated and compared with that of C2H2. We found that below 10 eV, the chemisorption probability of C2H2 is much lower than that of CH3 on the same surface. The interesting thing is that it is even lower than that of CH3 on a hydrogen covered surface at the same impact energy. It indicates that the reactive CH3 molecule is the more important species than C2H2 in diamond synthesis at low energy, which is in good agreement with the experimental observation.


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In this paper, the collision of a C36, with D6h symmetry, on diamond (001)-(/2×1) surface was investigated using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation based on the semi-empirical Brenner potential. The incident kinetic energy of the C36 ranges from 20 to 150 eV per cluster. The collision dynamics was investigated as a function of impact energy Ein. The C36 cluster was first impacted towards the center of two dimers with a fixed orientation. It was found that when Ein was lower than 30 eV, C36 bounces off the surface without breaking up. Increasing Ein to 30-45 eV, bonds were formed between C36 and surface dimer atoms, and the adsorbed C36 retained its original free-cluster structure. Around 50-60 eV, the C36 rebounded from the surface with cage defects. Above 70 eV, fragmentation both in the cluster and on the surface was observed. Our simulation supported the experimental findings that during low-energy cluster beam deposition small fullerenes could keep their original structure after adsorption (i.e. the memory effect), if Ein is within a certain range. Furthermore, we found that the energy threshold for chemisorption is sensitive to the orientation of the incident C36 and its impact position on the asymmetric surface.


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An accurate evaluation of the airborne particle dose-response relationship requires detailed measurements of the actual particle concentration levels that people are exposed to, in every microenvironment in which they reside. The aim of this work was to perform an exposure assessment of children in relation to two different aerosol species: ultrafine particles (UFPs) and black carbon (BC). To this purpose, personal exposure measurements, in terms of UFP and BC concentrations, were performed on 103 children aged 8-11 years (10.1 ± 1.1 years) using hand-held particle counters and aethalometers. Simultaneously, a time-activity diary and a portable GPS were used to determine the children’s daily time-activity pattern and estimate their inhaled dose of UFPs and BC. The median concentration to which the study population was exposed was found to be comparable to the high levels typically detected in urban traffic microenvironments, in terms of both particle number (2.2×104 part. cm-3) and BC (3.8 μg m-3) concentrations. Daily inhaled doses were also found to be relatively high and were equal to 3.35×1011 part. day-1 and 3.92×101 μg day-1 for UFPs and BC, respectively. Cooking and using transportation were recognized as the main activities contributing to overall daily exposure, when normalized according to their corresponding time contribution for UFPs and BC, respectively. Therefore, UFPs and BC could represent tracers of children exposure to particulate pollution from indoor cooking activities and transportation microenvironments, respectively.


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Physical activity has been identified as a key behaviour in determining an individual’s health and functioning. Adolescent physical inactivity has been shown to track strongly through to adulthood. Interventions in youth to promote and increase physical activity have had mixed results. The significant rise over the past decade in time spent by adolescents performing social networking may provide a unique opportunity for health promoters to interact with adolescents through a familiar medium. The purpose of was study is to investigate the potential utility of social networking and associated technologies for the promotion of physical activity amongst adolescents. Participants were recruited from two nondenominational same-sex private schools, from high socioeconomic backgrounds in Brisbane, Australia. A total of 112 (90.3%) participants had complete data sets and were included in the analysis. Account ownership and rates of access to some social networking sites were high. However, a combination of a lack of interest and additional risks associated with social networking utilities, means that caution should be undertaken prior to the commencement of any intervention seeking to increase engagement in physical activities through these mediums. Student smart phone access and interest in smart phone applications for physical activity promotion purposes were moderate, and may provide opportunities for samples of adolescents from high socioeconomic backgrounds who are more likely to have access to appropriate technologies. As technology advances, the rate of smart phone ownership as opposed to overall phone ownership is likely to steadily increase over time. Access and use of information technology by children likely to continue to become more convenient. This makes smart phone applications as a means for physical activity promotion progressively more practical, and a promising future option.


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A synthetic reevesite-like material has been shown to decolorize selected dyes and degrade phenolic contaminants photocatalytically in water when irradiated with visible light. This material can photoactively decolorize dyes such as bromophenol blue, bromocresol green, bromothymol blue, thymol blue and methyl orange in less than 15 min under visible light radiation in the absence of additional oxidizing agents. Conversely, phenolic compounds suc has phenol, p-chlorophenol and p-nitrophenol are photocat- alytically degraded in approximately 3hwith additional H2O2 when irradiated with visible light. These reactions offer potentially energy effective pathways for the removal of recalcitrant organic waste contaminants.


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Biosequestration of carbon in trees, forests and vegetation is a key method for mitigating climate change in Australia. To facilitate this, all States have enacted legislation for carbon sequestration rights, separating commercial rights in carbon from ownership of the land, trees and vegetation in which the carbon is sequestered. Ownership of carbon sequestration rights under state law is a prerequisite for the issue of carbon credits to proponents of ‘eligible sequestration offsets projects’ under the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 (Cth) (‘Carbon Farming Act’). This article examines the extent to which current State carbon sequestration rights support the offsets regime established by the Carbon Farming Act. The Commonwealth Act is concerned with allocating responsibilities to ensure the maintenance of the carbon sequestration, while the State Acts confer commercial rights in the carbon and leave the responsibilities to be allocated by private agreements. The carbon sequestration rights as defined by state laws do not confer the rights of access and management over land that a project proponent needs in order to discharge its responsibilities to maintain the carbon sequestration.


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Carbon will be the world's biggest market. Barclays was the first UK bank to set up a dedicated carbon trading desk to help clients, and Barclays Capital is the most active player in the emissions trading market having traded 300 million tonnes as at February 2007. (Barclays, 2007: 1)