303 resultados para Protein display


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Biomimetic systems employed for biotechnological applications i.e. as biosensors or bio fuel cells, require initial formation of conducting support/protein complexes with controlled properties. The specific interaction of the protein with the support determines important qualities of the device such as electrical communication, long-term stability and catalytic efficiency. In this respect the system parameters have to be chosen in a way that high protein loading on the support is achieved while protein denaturation upon adsorption is prevented. The conditions on the surface have to be adjusted in such a way that the desired surface reaction of the protein i.e. electron transfer to either the electrode or a second redox partner, is still guaranteed. Hence the choice of support, its functionlisation as well as the right adjustment of solution parameters play a crucial role in the rational design of these support/protein constructs.


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Fear-related illnesses such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) impose a tremendous burden on individual quality of life, families, and the national economy. In the military population, 17-20% of services members returning from deployment are diagnosed with PTSD. While treatments have improved for PTSD and are helpful for some, many people continue to suffer despite therapy. The aim of this research is to examine fear memory behaviourally and at the cellular level in the amygdala by using a unique inter-cross strain of high and low fear phenotype mice. An extended outcross C57BL/6J x DBA/2J (F8) are selected for high or low Pavlovian fear memory to context and cue. On presentation of either the original learning context or the cue (tone) mice display high or low levels of freezing as a behavioural measure of fear. In order to identify key aspects of the cellular basis of this difference in fear memory behaviour we are making measurements of protein levels and neuron numbers of a known pathway involved in the consolidation of a long term fear memory (pMAPK). Ongoing studies aim to determine if high fear behaviour is associated with differential signalling in the lateral amygdala compared to low fear behaviour. Additionally, by blocking this pathway in the lateral amygdala (LA), we aim to reduce fear behaviour following Pavlovian fear conditioning. This research will help to unravel the cellular mechanisms underlying high fear behaviour and advance the field toward targeted treatment and improved outcomes, ultimately improving human quality of life.


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GABAB receptors associate with Gi/o-proteins that regulate voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels and thus the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)]i), there is also reported cross-regulation of phospholipase C. These associations have been studied extensively in the brain and also shown to occur in non-neural cells (e.g. human airway smooth muscle). More recently GABAB receptors have been observed in chick retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). The aims were to investigate whether the GABAB receptor subunits, GABAB1 and GABAB2, are co-expressed in cultured human RPE cells, and then determine if the GABAB receptor similarly regulates the [Ca(2+)]i of RPE cells and if phospholipase C is involved. Human RPE cells were cultured from 5 donor eye cups. Evidence for GABAB1 and GABAB2 mRNAs and proteins in the RPE cell cultures were investigated using real time PCR, western blots and immunofluorescence. The effects of the GABAB receptor agonist baclofen, antagonist CGP46381, a Gi/o-protein inhibitor pertussis toxin, and the phospholipase C inhibitor U73122 on [Ca(2+)]i in cultured human RPE were demonstrated using Fluo-3. Both GABAB1 and GABAB2 mRNA and protein were identified in cell cultures of human RPE; antibody staining was co-localized to the cell membrane and cytoplasm. One-hundred μM baclofen caused a transient increase in the [Ca(2+)]i of RPE cells regardless of whether Ca(2+) was added to the buffer. Baclofen induced increases in the [Ca(2+)]i were attenuated by pre-treatment with CGP46381, pertussis toxin, and U73122. GABAB1 and GABAB2 are co-expressed in cell cultures of human RPE. GABAB receptors in RPE regulate the [Ca(2+)]i via a Gi/o-protein and phospholipase C pathway.


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Plants are an attractive alternative to conventional expression systems for the production of recombinant proteins and useful biologics, however, the economic viability of plant made proteins is strongly yield dependent. This study aimed to improve transgene expression levels in the plant host Nicotiana benthamiana using the Agroinfiltration transient expression platform. Independent investigation of the physical, chemical and genetic features associated with Agroinfiltration identified factors that improved transformation frequencies, elevated transgene expression levels and ultimately improved protein yield. The major outcome of this research was a novel hyper-expression system for biofarming recombinant proteins in plants.


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The palette of fluorescent proteins (FPs) has grown exponentially over the past decade, and as a result, live imaging of cells expressing fluorescently tagged proteins is becoming more and more mainstream. Spinning disk confocal (SDC) microscopy is a high-speed optical sectioning technique and a method of choice to observe and analyze intracellular FP dynamics at high spatial and temporal resolution. In an SDC system, a rapidly rotating pinhole disk generates thousands of points of light that scan the specimen simultaneously, which allows direct capture of the confocal image with low-noise scientific grade-cooled charge-coupled device cameras, and can achieve frame rates of up to 1000 frames per second. In this chapter, we describe important components of a state-of-the-art spinning disk system optimized for live cell microscopy and provide a rationale for specific design choices. We also give guidelines of how other imaging techniques such as total internal reflection microscopy or spatially controlled photoactivation can be coupled with SDC imaging and provide a short protocol on how to generate cell lines stably expressing fluorescently tagged proteins by lentivirus-mediated transduction.


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There is strong current interest in the use of biodegradable scaffolds in combination with bone growth factors as a valuable alternative to the current gold standard autograft in spinal fusion surgery Yong et al. (2013). Here we report on 6- vs 12- month data set evaluating the longitudinal performance of a CaP coated polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffold loaded with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) as a bone graft substitute within a preclinical ovine thoracic spine. The results of this study demonstrate the efficacy of scaffold-based delivery of rhBMP-2 in promoting higher fusion grades at 6- and 12- months in comparison to the scaffold alone or autograft group within the same time frame. Fusion grades achieved at six months using PCL+rhBMP-2 are not significantly increased at twelve months post surgery.


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Female greater wax moths Galleria mellonella display by wing fanning in response to bursts of ultrasonic calls produced by males. The temporal and spectral characteristics of these calls show some similarities with the echolocation calls of bats that emit frequency-modulated (FM) signals. Female G. mellonella therefore need to distinguish between the attractive signals of male conspecifics, which may lead to mating opportunities, and similar sounds made by predatory bats. We therefore predicted that (1) females would display in response to playbacks of male calls; (2) females would not display in response to playbacks of the calls of echolocating bats (we used the calls of Daubenton's bat Myotis daubentonii as representative of a typical FM echolocating bat); and (3) when presented with male calls and bat calls during the same time block, females would display more when perceived predation risk was lower. We manipulated predation risk in two ways. First, we varied the intensity of bat calls to represent a nearby (high risk) or distant (low risk) bat. Second, we played back calls of bats searching for prey (low risk) and attacking prey (high risk). All predictions were supported, suggesting that female G. mellonella are able to distinguish conspecific male mating calls from bat calls, and that they modify display rate in relation to predation risk. The mechanism (s) by which the moths separate the calls of bat and moth must involve temporal cues. Bat and moth signals differ considerably in duration, and differences in duration could be encoded by the moth's nervous system and used in discrimination.


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A precise representation of the spatial distribution of hydrophobicity, hydrophilicity and charges on the molecular surface of proteins is critical for the understanding of the interaction with small molecules and larger systems. The representation of hydrophobicity is rarely done at atom-level, as this property is generally assigned to residues. A new methodology for the derivation of atomic hydrophobicity from any amino acid-based hydrophobicity scale was used to derive 8 sets of atomic hydrophobicities, one of which was used to generate the molecular surfaces for 35 proteins with convex structures, 5 of which, i.e., lysozyme, ribonuclease, hemoglobin, albumin and IgG, have been analyzed in more detail. Sets of the molecular surfaces of the model proteins have been constructed using spherical probes with increasingly large radii, from 1.4 to 20 A˚, followed by the quantification of (i) the surface hydrophobicity; (ii) their respective molecular surface areas, i.e., total, hydrophilic and hydrophobic area; and (iii) their relative densities, i.e., divided by the total molecular area; or specific densities, i.e., divided by property-specific area. Compared with the amino acid-based formalism, the atom-level description reveals molecular surfaces which (i) present an approximately two times more hydrophilic areas; with (ii) less extended, but between 2 to 5 times more intense hydrophilic patches; and (iii) 3 to 20 times more extended hydrophobic areas. The hydrophobic areas are also approximately 2 times more hydrophobicity-intense. This, more pronounced "leopard skin"-like, design of the protein molecular surface has been confirmed by comparing the results for a restricted set of homologous proteins, i.e., hemoglobins diverging by only one residue (Trp37). These results suggest that the representation of hydrophobicity on the protein molecular surfaces at atom-level resolution, coupled with the probing of the molecular surface at different geometric resolutions, can capture processes that are otherwise obscured to the amino acid-based formalism.


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Protein molecular motors are natural nano-machines that convert the chemical energy from the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate into mechanical work. These efficient machines are central to many biological processes, including cellular motion, muscle contraction and cell division. The remarkable energetic efficiency of the protein molecular motors coupled with their nano-scale has prompted an increasing number of studies focusing on their integration in hybrid micro- and nanodevices, in particular using linear molecular motors. The translation of these tentative devices into technologically and economically feasible ones requires an engineering, design-orientated approach based on a structured formalism, preferably mathematical. This contribution reviews the present state of the art in the modelling of protein linear molecular motors, as relevant to the future design-orientated development of hybrid dynamic nanodevices. © 2009 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Many areas of biochemistry and molecular biology, both fundamental and applications-orientated, require an accurate construction, representation and understanding of the protein molecular surface and its interaction with other, usually small, molecules. There are however many situations when the protein molecular surface gets in physical contact with larger objects, either biological, such as membranes, or artificial, such as nanoparticles. The contribution presents a methodology for describing and quantifying the molecular properties of proteins, by geometrical and physico-chemical mapping of the molecular surfaces, with several analytical relationships being proposed for molecular surface properties. The relevance of the molecular surface-derived properties has been demonstrated through the calculation of the statistical strength of the prediction of protein adsorption. It is expected that the extension of this methodology to other phenomena involving proteins near solid surfaces, in particular the protein interaction with nanoparticles, will result in important benefits in the understanding and design of protein-specific solid surfaces. © 2013 Nicolau et al.


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Protein adsorption at solid-liquid interfaces is critical to many applications, including biomaterials, protein microarrays and lab-on-a-chip devices. Despite this general interest, and a large amount of research in the last half a century, protein adsorption cannot be predicted with an engineering level, design-orientated accuracy. Here we describe a Biomolecular Adsorption Database (BAD), freely available online, which archives the published protein adsorption data. Piecewise linear regression with breakpoint applied to the data in the BAD suggests that the input variables to protein adsorption, i.e., protein concentration in solution; protein descriptors derived from primary structure (number of residues, global protein hydrophobicity and range of amino acid hydrophobicity, isoelectric point); surface descriptors (contact angle); and fluid environment descriptors (pH, ionic strength), correlate well with the output variable-the protein concentration on the surface. Furthermore, neural network analysis revealed that the size of the BAD makes it sufficiently representative, with a neural network-based predictive error of 5% or less. Interestingly, a consistently better fit is obtained if the BAD is divided in two separate sub-sets representing protein adsorption on hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces, respectively. Based on these findings, selected entries from the BAD have been used to construct neural network-based estimation routines, which predict the amount of adsorbed protein, the thickness of the adsorbed layer and the surface tension of the protein-covered surface. While the BAD is of general interest, the prediction of the thickness and the surface tension of the protein-covered layers are of particular relevance to the design of microfluidics devices.


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The 19 kDa carboxyl-terminal fragment of merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP119) is a major component of the invasion-inhibitory response in individual immunity to malaria. A novel ultrasonic atomization approach for the formulation of biodegradable poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles of malaria DNA vaccines encoding MSP119 is presented here. After condensing the plasmid DNA (pDNA) molecules with a cationic polymer polyethylenimine (PEI), a 40 kHz ultrasonic atomization frequency was used to formulate PLGA microparticles at a flow rate of 18 mL h1. High levels of gene expression and moderate cytotoxicity in COS-7 cells were achieved with the condensed pDNA at a nitrogen to phosphate (N/P) ratio of 20, thus demonstrating enhanced cellular uptake and expression of the transgene. The ability of the microparticles to convey pDNA was examined by characterizing the formulated microparticles. The microparticles displayed Z-average hydrodynamic diameters of 1.50-2.10 lm and zeta potentials of 17.8-23.2 mV. The encapsulation efficiencies were between 78 and 83%, and 76 and 85% of the embedded malaria pDNA molecules were released under physiological conditions in vitro. These results indicate that PLGA-mediated microparticles can be employed as potential gene delivery systems to antigen-presenting cells in the prevention of malaria.