363 resultados para Bias


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Using a sample of companies from the top 500 listed firms in Australia, we investigate whether the presence of a designated nomination committee and female representation on the nomination committee affect board gender diversity. We also examine whether gender diversity on the board affects firm risk and financial performance. We find that board gender diversity is significantly and positively associated with the presence of a designated nomination committee and that female representation on the nomination committee is a significant explanatory factor of increasing board gender diversity following the release of the 2010 Australian Securities Exchange Corporate Governance Council (ASXCGC) recommendations. Further, our results support the business case for board gender diversity as we find greater gender diversity moderates excessive firm risk which in turn improves firms’ financial performance. Our results are robust after correcting for selection bias and controlling for other board, firm and industry characteristics.


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A cylindrical magnetron system and a hybrid inductively coupled plasma-assisted magnetron deposition system were examined experimentally in light of their discharge characteristics with a view to stress the enhanced controllability of the hybrid system. The comparative study has shown that the hybrid magnetron + the inductively coupled plasma system is a flexible, powerful, and convenient tool that has certain advantages as compared with the cylindrical dc magnetrons. In particular, the hybrid system features more linear current-voltage characteristics and the possibility of a bias-independent control of the discharge current.


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The effect of plasmonoscillations, induced by pulsed laserirradiation, on the DC tunnel current between islands in a discontinuous thin goldfilm is studied. The tunnel current is found to be strongly enhanced by partial rectification of the plasmon-induced AC tunnel currents flowing between adjacent gold islands. The DC tunnel current enhancement is found to increase approximately linearly with the laser intensity and the applied DC bias voltage. The experimental data can be well described by an electron tunnelling model which takes the plasmon-induced AC voltage into account. Thermal heating seems not to contribute to the tunnel current enhancement.


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Controlled self-organized growth of vertically aligned carbon nanocone arrays in a radio frequency inductively coupled plasma-based process is studied. The experiments have demonstrated that the gaps between the nanocones, density of the nanocone array, and the shape of the nanocones can be effectively controlled by the process parameters such as gas composition (hydrogen content) and electrical bias applied to the substrate. Optical measurements have demonstrated lower reflectance of the nanocone array as compared with a bare Si wafer, thus evidencing their potential for the use in optical devices. The nanocone formation mechanism is explained in terms of redistribution of surface and volumetric fluxes of plasma-generated species in a developing nanocone array and passivation of carbon in narrow gaps where the access of plasma ions is hindered. Extensive numerical simulations were used to support the proposed growth mechanism.


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The possibility for the switch-over of the growth mode from a continuous network to unidirectional arrays of well-separated, self-organized, vertically oriented graphene nanosheets has been demonstrated using a unique, yet simple plasma-based approach. The process enables highly reproducible, catalyst-free synthesis of arrays of graphene nanosheets with reactive open graphitic edges facing upwards. Effective control over the nanosheet length, number density, and the degree of alignment along the electric field direction is achieved by a simple variation of the substrate bias. These results are of interest for environment-friendly fabrication of next-generation nanodevices based on three-dimensional, ordered self-organized nanoarrays of active nanostructures with very large surface areas and aspect ratios, highly reactive edges, and controlled density on the substrate. Our simple and versatile plasma-based approach paves the way for direct integration of such nanoarrays directly into the Si-based nanodevice platform.


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A simple, effective, and innovative approach based on ion-assisted self-organization is proposed to synthesize size-selected Si quantum dots (QDs) on SiC substrates at low substrate temperatures. Using hybrid numerical simulations, the formation of Si QDs through a self-organization approach is investigated by taking into account two distinct cases of Si QD formation using the ionization energy approximation theory, which considers ionized in-fluxes containing Si3+ and Si1+ ions in the presence of a microscopic nonuniform electric field induced by a variable surface bias. The results show that the highest percentage of the surface coverage by 1 and 2 nm size-selected QDs was achieved using a bias of -20 V and ions in the lowest charge state, namely, Si1+ ions in a low substrate temperature range (227-327 °C). As low substrate temperatures (≤500 °C) are desirable from a technological point of view, because (i) low-temperature deposition techniques are compatible with current thin-film Si-based solar cell fabrication and (ii) high processing temperatures can frequently cause damage to other components in electronic devices and destroy the tandem structure of Si QD-based third-generation solar cells, our results are highly relevant to the development of the third-generation all-Si tandem photovoltaic solar cells.


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The possibility to discriminate between the relative importance of the fluxes of energy and matter in plasma-surface interaction is demonstrated by the energy flux measurements in low-temperature plasmas ignited by the radio frequency discharge (power and pressure ranges 50-250 W and 8-11.5 Pa) in Ar, Ar+ H2, and Ar+ H2 + CH4 gas mixtures typically used in nanoscale synthesis and processing of silicon- and carbon-based nanostructures. It is shown that by varying the gas composition and pressure, the discharge power, and the surface bias one can effectively control the surface temperature and the matter supply rates. The experimental findings are explained in terms of the plasma-specific reactions in the plasma bulk and on the surface.


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Carbon nanotips have been synthesized from a thin carbon film deposited on silicon by bias-enhanced hot filament chemical vapor deposition under different process parameters. The results of scanning electron microscopy indicate that high-quality carbon nanotips can only be obtained under conditions when the ion flux is effectively drawn from the plasma sustained in a CH4 + NH3 + H2 gas mixture. It is shown that the morphology of the carbon nanotips can be controlled by varying the process parameters such as the applied bias, gas pressure, and the NH3 / H2 mass flow ratios. The nanotip formation process is examined through a model that accounts for surface diffusion, in addition to sputtering and deposition processes included in the existing models. This model makes it possible to explain the major difference in the morphologies of the carbon nanotips formed without and with the aid of the plasma as well as to interpret the changes of their aspect ratio caused by the variation in the ion/gas fluxes. Viable ways to optimize the plasma-based process parameters to synthesize high-quality carbon nanotips are suggested. The results are relevant to the development of advanced plasma-/ion-assisted methods of nanoscale synthesis and processing.


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The results of multi-scale numerical simulations of pulsed i-PVD template-assisted nanofabrication of ZnO nanodot arrays on a silicon substrate are presented. The ratios and spatial distributions of the ion fluxes deposited on the lateral and bottom surfaces of the nanopores are computed as a function of the external bias and plasma parameters. The results show that the pulsed bias plays a significant role in the ion current distribution inside the nanopores. The results of numerical experiments of this work suggest that by finely adjusting the pulse voltage, the pulse duration and the duty cycle of the external pulsed bias, the nanopore clogging can be successfully avoided during the deposition and the shapes of the deposited ZnO nanodots can be effectively controlled. A figure is presented.


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Plasma transport in a hybrid dc vacuum arc plasma source for ion deposition and plasma immersion treatment is considered. It is found that external crossed electric and magnetic fields near the substrate can significantly reduce the relative amplitude of ion current fluctuations I-f at the substrate surface. In particular, I-f decreases with the applied magnetic field when the bias voltage exceeds 300 V, thus allowing one to reduce the deviations from the rated process parameters. This phenomenon can be attributed to an interaction between the metal-plasma jet from the arc source and the discharge plasma in the crossed fields. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Three-dimensional topography of microscopic ion fluxes in the reactive hydrocarbon-based plasma-aided nanofabrication of ordered arrays of vertically aligned single-crystalline carbon nanotip microemitter structures is simulated by using a Monte Carlo technique. The individual ion trajectories are computed by integrating the ion equations of motion in the electrostatic field created by a biased nanostructured substrate. It is shown that the ion flux focusing onto carbon nanotips is more efficient under the conditions of low potential drop Us across the near-substrate plasma sheath. Under low- Us conditions, the ion current density onto the surface of individual nanotips is higher for higher-aspect-ratio nanotips and can exceed the mean ion current density onto the entire nanopattern in up to approximately five times. This effect becomes less pronounced with increasing the substrate bias, with the mean relative enhancement of the ion current density ξi not exceeding ∼1.7. The value of ξi is higher in denser plasmas and behaves differently with the electron temperature Te depending on the substrate bias. When the substrate bias is low, ξi decreases with Te, with the opposite tendency under higher- Us conditions. The results are relevant to the plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition of ordered large-area nanopatterns of vertically aligned carbon nanotips, nanofibers, and nanopyramidal microemitter structures for flat-panel display applications. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The results of numerical simulations of nanometer precision distributions of microscopic ion fluxes in ion-assisted etching of nanoscale features on the surfaces of dielectric materials using a self-assembled monolayer of spherical nanoparticles as a mask are presented. It is shown that the ion fluxes to the substrate and nanosphere surfaces can be effectively controlled by the plasma parameters and the external bias applied to the substrate. By proper adjustment of these parameters, the ion flux can be focused onto the areas uncovered by the nanospheres. Under certain conditions, the ion flux distributions feature sophisticated hexagonal patterns, which may lead to very different nanofeature etching profiles. The results presented are generic and suggest viable ways to overcome some of the limitations of the existing plasma-assisted nanolithography.


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The plasma-assisted RF sputtering deposition of a biocompatible, functionally graded calcium phosphate bioceramic on a Ti6A14 V orthopedic alloy is reported. The chemical composition and presence of hydroxyapatite (HA), CaTiO3, and CaO mineral phases can be effectively controlled by the process parameters. At higher DC biases, the ratio [Ca]/[P] and the amount of CaO increase, whereas the HA content decreases. Optical emission spectroscopy suggests that CaO+ is the dominant species that responds to negative DC bias and controls calcium content. Biocompatibility tests in simulated body fluid confirm a positive biomimetic response evidenced by in-growth of an apatite layer after 24 h of immersion.


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The distribution of flux of carbon-bearing cations over nanopatterned surfaces with conductive nanotips and nonconductive nanoislands is simulated using the Monte-Carlo technique. It is shown that the ion current is focused to nanotip surfaces when the negative substrate bias is low and only slightly perturbed at higher substrate biases. In the low-bias case, the mean horizontal ion displacement caused by the nanotip electric field exceeds 10 nm. However, at higher substrate biases, this value reduces down to 2 nm. In the nonconductive nanopattern case, the ion current distribution is highly nonuniform, with distinctive zones of depleted current density around the nanoislands. The simulation results suggest the efficient means to control ion fluxes in plasma-aided nanofabrication of ordered nanopatterns, such as nanotip microemitter structures and quantum dot or nanoparticle arrays. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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High-density inductively coupled plasma (ICP)-assisted self-assembly of the ordered arrays of various carbon nanostructures (NS) for the electron field emission applications is reported. Carbon-based nano-particles, nanotips, and pyramid-like structures, with the controllable shape, ordering, and areal density are grown under remarkably low process temperatures (260-350 °C) and pressures (below 0.1 Torr), on the same Ni-based catalyst layers, in a DC bias-controlled floating temperature regime. A high degree of positional and directional ordering, elevated sp2 content, and a well-structured graphitic morphology are achieved without the use of pre-patterned or externally heated substrates.