364 resultados para play as a tool


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Objective This investigation utilised the expertise of allied members of multidisciplinary teams working in emergency care settings to develop and validate a Rapid Assessment Prioritisation and Referral Tool (RAPaRT). This instrument is intended for use among patients (with non-life threatening acuity) presenting to emergency care settings to indicate when referral to an allied member of the multidisciplinary team is warranted. Method This three stage instrument development and validation study included: a Delphi panel process to determine key criteria to guide instrument development and identify potential items to be carried forward for testing (stage 1); a prospective cohort of consecutive admissions (n=153) to investigate item sensitivity and specificity and retain only the most suitable items (stage 2); then final consultation with the Delphi panel to ensure the final instrument was clinically amenable (stage 3). Results 23 potential items were identified following stage 1. At the completion of item sensitivity and specificity analysis and in consultation with the Delphi panel, seven items were retained in the instrument. Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.803 for these seven items in predicting when a referral was warranted. Final consultation with the Delphi panel members also resulted in the addition of an open ended (eighth) item to allow description of any infrequent, but important, reason for referral. Conclusions The RAPaRT has demonstrated substantial promise as an efficient clinically amenable instrument to assist multidisciplinary teams in emergency care settings. Further research to investigate the wider implementation of the RAPaRT is warranted.


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The diagnostics of mechanical components operating in transient conditions is still an open issue, in both research and industrial field. Indeed, the signal processing techniques developed to analyse stationary data are not applicable or are affected by a loss of effectiveness when applied to signal acquired in transient conditions. In this paper, a suitable and original signal processing tool (named EEMED), which can be used for mechanical component diagnostics in whatever operating condition and noise level, is developed exploiting some data-adaptive techniques such as Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), Minimum Entropy Deconvolution (MED) and the analytical approach of the Hilbert transform. The proposed tool is able to supply diagnostic information on the basis of experimental vibrations measured in transient conditions. The tool has been originally developed in order to detect localized faults on bearings installed in high speed train traction equipments and it is more effective to detect a fault in non-stationary conditions than signal processing tools based on spectral kurtosis or envelope analysis, which represent until now the landmark for bearings diagnostics.


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The signal processing techniques developed for the diagnostics of mechanical components operating in stationary conditions are often not applicable or are affected by a loss of effectiveness when applied to signals measured in transient conditions. In this chapter, an original signal processing tool is developed exploiting some data-adaptive techniques such as Empirical Mode Decomposition, Minimum Entropy Deconvolution and the analytical approach of the Hilbert transform. The tool has been developed to detect localized faults on bearings of traction systems of high speed trains and it is more effective to detect a fault in non-stationary conditions than signal processing tools based on envelope analysis or spectral kurtosis, which represent until now the landmark for bearings diagnostics.


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In this article I outline an Australian Indigenous women's standpoint theory. I argue that an Indigenous women's standpoint generates problematics informed by our knowledges and experiences. Acknowledging that Indigenous women's individual experiences will differ due to intersecting oppressions produced under social, political, historical and material conditions that we share consciously or unconsciously. These conditions and the sets of complex relations that discursively constitute us in the everyday are also complicated by our respective cultural differences and the simultaneity of our compliance and resistance as Indigenous sovereign female subjects.


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This paper presents an illustrative demonstration of the qualitative data analysis tool NVivo (version 2.0), as employed across a multi-method research design as a comprehensive tool in support of overall research management. The paper will be of interest to (a) novice researchers, as a reference in their research design efforts; (b) academics, involved in research training, where this narrative can be used as a rich teaching case and; potentially to (c) vendors, of similar software tools, who may identify potential new tool applications and valuable tool enhancements.


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Aims The Medical Imaging Training Immersive Environment (MITIE) system is a recently developed virtual reality (VR) platform that allows students to practice a range of medical imaging techniques. The aim of this pilot study was to harvest user feedback about the educational value of the application and inform future pedagogical development. This presentation explores the use of this technology for skills training and blurring the boundaries between academic learning and clinical skills training. Background MITIE is a 3D VR environment that allows students to manipulate a patient and radiographic equipment in order to produce a VR-generated image for comparison with a gold standard. As with VR initiatives in other health disciplines (1-6) the software mimics clinical practice as much as possible and uses 3D technology to enhance immersion and realism. The software was developed by the Medical Imaging Course Team at a provider University with funding from a Health Workforce Australia “Simulated Learning Environments” grant. Methods Over 80 students undertaking the Bachelor of Medical Imaging Course were randomised to receive practical experience with either MITIE or radiographic equipment in the medical radiation laboratory. Student feedback about the educational value of the software was collected and performance with an assessed setup was measured for both groups for comparison. Ethical approval for the project was provided by the university ethics panel. Results This presentation provides qualitative analysis of student perceptions relating to satisfaction, usability and educational value as well as comparative quantitative performance data. Students reported high levels of satisfaction and both feedback and assessment results confirmed the application’s significance as a pre-clinical training tool. There was a clear emerging theme that MITIE could be a useful learning tool that students could access to consolidate their clinical learning, either during their academic timetables or their clinical placement. Conclusion Student feedback and performance data indicate that MITIE has a valuable role to play in the clinical skills training for medical imaging students both in the academic and the clinical environment. Future work will establish a framework for an appropriate supporting pedagogy that can cross the boundary between the two environments. This project was possible due to funding made available by Health Workforce Australia.


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In recent years a number of urban sustainability assessment frameworks are developed to better inform policy formulation and decision-making processes. This paper introduces one of these attempts in developing a comprehensive assessment tool—i.e., Micro-level Urban-ecosystem Sustainability IndeX (MUSIX). Being an indicator-based indexing model, MUSIX investigates the environmental impacts of land-uses on urban sustainability by measuring urban ecosystem components in local scale. The paper presents the methodology of MUSIX and demonstrates the performance of the model in a pilot test-bed—i.e., in Gold Coast, Australia. The model provides useful insights on the sustainability performance of the test-bed area. The parcel-scale findings of the indicators are used to identify local problems considering six main issues of urban development—i.e., hydrology; ecology; pollution; location; design, and; efficiency. The composite index score is used to propose betterment strategies to guide the development of local area plans in conjunction with the City's Planning Scheme. In overall, this study has shown that parcel-scale environmental data provides an overview of the local sustainability in urban areas as in the example of Gold Coast, which can also be used for setting environmental policy, objectives and targets.


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Biodiesel, produced from renewable feedstock represents a more sustainable source of energy and will therefore play a significant role in providing the energy requirements for transportation in the near future. Chemically, all biodiesels are fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), produced from raw vegetable oil and animal fat. However, clear differences in chemical structure are apparent from one feedstock to the next in terms of chain length, degree of unsaturation, number of double bonds and double bond configuration-which all determine the fuel properties of biodiesel. In this study, prediction models were developed to estimate kinematic viscosity of biodiesel using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) modelling technique. While developing the model, 27 parameters based on chemical composition commonly found in biodiesel were used as the input variables and kinematic viscosity of biodiesel was used as output variable. Necessary data to develop and simulate the network were collected from more than 120 published peer reviewed papers. The Neural Networks Toolbox of MatLab R2012a software was used to train, validate and simulate the ANN model on a personal computer. The network architecture and learning algorithm were optimised following a trial and error method to obtain the best prediction of the kinematic viscosity. The predictive performance of the model was determined by calculating the coefficient of determination (R2), root mean squared (RMS) and maximum average error percentage (MAEP) between predicted and experimental results. This study found high predictive accuracy of the ANN in predicting fuel properties of biodiesel and has demonstrated the ability of the ANN model to find a meaningful relationship between biodiesel chemical composition and fuel properties. Therefore the model developed in this study can be a useful tool to accurately predict biodiesel fuel properties instead of undertaking costly and time consuming experimental tests.


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Digital tablets have been identified as a tool for enabling blended learning and supporting online teaching and learning. A small scale trial was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of this technology when applied to power engineering education. Critical findings and experiences gained from this trial, including potential benefits, presentation techniques and the resulting student feedback are presented in this paper.


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An international early years project led by QUT and University of Iceland researchers has investigated children’s accounts of play and the teacher’s role in play in kindergarten settings. While most commonly associated with young children’s activities and the work of childhood, play is recognised also as an activity that extends over the life span, from early childhood to adulthood, and across cultures, worldwide. As shown in national and state policy and curriculum documents, play is being subjected increasingly to specific guidelines that address the physical environment and educator involvement in early years settings. Parents and educators have strong opinions regarding the value and place of play. Children also have strong views about play, although little is known about their views and what they think play encompasses, and the value of play in their everyday lives.


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In the context of modern western psychologised, techno-social hybrid realities, where individuals are incited constantly to work on themselves and perform their self-development in public, the use of online social networking sites (SNSs) can be conceptualised as what Foucault has described as a ‘technique of self’. This article explores examples of status updates on Facebook to reveal that writing on Facebook is a tool for self-formation with historical roots. Exploring examples of self-writing from the past, and considering some of the continuities and discontinuities between these age-old practices and their modern translations, provides a non-technologically deterministic and historically aware way of thinking about the use of new media technologies in modern societies that understands them to be more than mere tools for communication.


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In this paper we introduce and discuss the nature of free-play in the context of three open-ended interactive art installation works. We observe the interaction work of situated free-play of the participants in these environments and, building on precedent work, devise a set of sensitising terms derived both from the literature and from what we observe from participants interacting there. These sensitising terms act as guides and are designed to be used by those who experience, evaluate or report on open-ended interactive art. That is, we propose these terms as a common-ground language to be used by participants communicating while in the art work to describe their experience, by researchers in the various stages of research process (observation, coding activity, analysis, reporting, and publication), and by inter-disciplinary researchers working across the fields of HCI and art. This work builds a foundation for understanding the relationship between free-play, open-ended environments, and interactive installations and contributes sensitising terms useful for the HCI community for discussion and analysis of open-ended interactive art works.