425 resultados para Reference book
Olivier Corten’s The Law Against War is a comprehensive, meticulously-researched study of contemporary international law governing the use of armed force in international relations. As a translated and updated version of a 2008 book published in French, it offers valuable insights into the positivist methodology that underpins much of the European scholarship of international law. Corten undertakes a rigorous analysis of state practice from 1945 onwards, with a view to clarifying the current meaning and scope of international law’s prohibition on the use of force. His central argument is that the majority of states remain attached to a strict interpretation of this rule. For Corten, state practice indicates that the doctrines of anticipatory self-defence, pre-emptive force and humanitarian intervention have no basis in contemporary international law. His overall position accords with a traditional, restrictive view of the circumstances in which states are permitted to use force...
excerpt: from soil and stone is a work consisting of fifty drawings on paper organised in a grid. Each drawing is small, only 19 by 14 centimetres, and set out in portrait format. They each reference, either explicitly or abstractly, natural phenomena. These include plant forms, pollens, seeds, pods, and leaf shapes and each is painted with a dizzying and liquid array of techniques and technical finesse. Colour is used sparingly but tellingly, and all are generously and wetly composed, with each seeming to flow into the necessary rightness of composition. Within the overall work the feel is sometimes of the archive, a personal kind where pressed flowers are stumbled upon within a book. At other times they seem to image the stellar as one confronts the immensity of some planet suspended in the void. Again, as a recurring theme in Reynolds’ oeuvre, the notion of the taxonomy is sounded. The drawings are laid out to display difference and reveal through contrast essence. It is a mapping that illuminates a generous plentitude.
Population-representative data for dioxin and PCB congener concentrations are available for the Australian population based on measurements in age- and gender-specific serum pools.1 Such data provide a basis for characterizing the mean concentrations of these compounds in the population, but do not provide information on the inter-individual variation in serum concentrations that may exist in the population within an age- and gender-specific group. Such variation may occur due to inter-individual differences in long-term exposure levels or elimination rates. Reference values are estimates of upper percentiles (often the 95th percentile) of measured values in a defined population that can be used to evaluate data from individuals in the population in order to identify concentrations that are elevated, for example, from occupational exposures.2 The objective of this analysis is to estimate reference values corresponding to the 95th percentile (RV95s) for Australia on an age-specific basis for individual dioxin-like congeners based on measurements in serum pools from Toms and Mueller (2010).
Since 1959, international cooperation has been a key feature of Cuba’s commitment to egalitarian social well-being. Aspects of this experience have been well documented , in general and with reference to specific initiatives across human development and occupational sectors. Others have been little examined, of which education is one. This book describes the internationalism of Cuban education policy as practised in Cuba and in other parts of the Global “South.”
This paper provides a commentary on the contribution by Dr Chow who questioned whether the functions of learning are general across all categories of tasks or whether there are some task-particular aspects to the functions of learning in relation to task type. Specifically, they queried whether principles and practice for the acquisition of sport skills are different than what they are for musical, industrial, military and human factors skills. In this commentary we argue that ecological dynamics contains general principles of motor learning that can be instantiated in specific performance contexts to underpin learning design. In this proposal, we highlight the importance of conducting skill acquisition research in sport, rather than relying on empirical outcomes of research from a variety of different performance contexts. Here we discuss how task constraints of different performance contexts (sport, industry, military, music) provide different specific information sources that individuals use to couple their actions when performing and acquiring skills. We conclude by suggesting that his relationship between performance task constraints and learning processes might help explain the traditional emphasis on performance curves and performance outcomes to infer motor learning.
This extensive reference provides authoritative information about the history of over 400 words from Aboriginal languages, offering the fullest available information about their Aboriginal background and Australian English history. The book begins with a general history of the 250 Australian aboriginal languages, including profiles of the languages that have been most significant as sources for borrowing. The words are then grouped according to subject: birds, fish, edible flora, dwellings, etc., with each work listed in a dictionary-style entry. The book concludes by addressing how words changed in English, and discusses English words that have since been adopted into Aboriginal languages.
To execute good design one not only needs to know what to do and how to do it, but also why it should be done. For a standardization expert the rationale of a standardization project may be found in the proposal for a new work item or terms of reference, but rarely in the scope statement. However, it is also commonplace that the rationale of the project is not clearly stated in any of these parts. If the rationale is not surfaced in the early phases of a project, it is left to the design, sense-making and negotiation cycles of the design process to orient the project towards a goal. This paper explores how scope statements are used to position standardization projects in the IT for Learning, Education and Training (ITLET) domain, and how scope and rationale are understood in recent projects in European and international standardization. Based on two case-studies the paper suggests some actions for further research and improvement of the process.
The second volume of the Handbook on the Knowledge Economy is a worthy companion to the highly successful original volume published in 2005, extending its theoretical depth and developing its coverage. Together the two volumes provide the single best work and reference point for knowledge economy studies. The second volume with fifteen original essays by renowned scholars in the field, provides insightful and robust analyses of the development potential of the knowledge economy in all its aspects, forms and manifestations.
The term Design Led Innovation is emerging as a fundamental business process, which is rapidly being adopted by large as well as small to medium sized firms. The value that design brings to an organisation is a different way of thinking, of framing situations and possibilities, doing things and tackling problems: essentially a cultural transformation of the way the firm undertakes its business. Being Design Led is increasingly being seen by business as a driver of company growth, allowing firms to provide a strong point of difference to its stakeholders. Achieving this Design Led process, requires strong leadership to enable the organisation to develop a clear vision for top line growth. Specifically, based on deep customer insights and expanded through customer and stakeholder engagements, the outcomes of which are then adopted by all aspects of the business. To achieve this goal, several tools and processes are available, which need to be linked to new organisational capabilities within a business transformation context. The Design Led Innovation Team focuses on embedding tools and processes within an organisation and matching this with design leadership qualities to enable companies to create breakthrough innovation and achieve sustained growth, through ultimately transforming their business model. As all information for these case studies was derived from publicly accessed data, this resource is not intended to be used as reference material, but rather is a learning tool for designers to begin to consider and explore businesses at a strategic level. It is not the results that are key, but rather the process and philosophies that were used to create these case studies and disseminate this way of thinking amongst the design community. It is this process of unpacking a business guided by the framework of Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas* which provides an important tool for designers to gain a greater perspective of a company’s true innovation potential.
WHEN JANE Ogden embarked on writing a book about the psychology of eating I wonder whether she realized the enormity of the task given the breadth of research literature in this field. Through a series of 12 closely related chapters on eating, health, food choice, dieting, obesity, body image, eating disorders and others, an extensive range of areas of the psychology of eating is covered. As well as these areas, included within each chapter is a discussion of the significance of historical, cultural, social and familial factors, theoretical approaches and empirical data in the understanding of the multifaceted problems related to eating. At the end of each chapter there is a box entitled ‘Towards an integrated model of diet’ that links the content with that of the following chapters...
It is always difficult to know what reviewers such as Colin Holmes (2001) want from a book. While he knows something of the claims that Gull was thought by some to be Jack the Ripper – an historical digression deliberately omitted from the book – Holmes has, it would seem, little understanding of the practice implications of Foucauldian analysis...
Laura K. Potts’s edited collection of research on the meanings of breast cancer includes authors from the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada whose perspectives draw on literary criticism, sociology, psychology, and cultural studies among others. The research employs various methodological approaches—for example, media analysis (Saywell et al.), autobiographical narratives (Potts), and analysis of social activism (Fishman)—to elucidate the multiple dimensions and diversity of breast cancer experiences. The first of two parts, “Meanings of Breast Cancer,” presents the problematical relationship between biomedicine and women’s constructions of breast cancer knowledge, the sexualized and maternalized breast in the print media about breast cancer, environmental risks to women’s health in the Bay Area of San Francisco, and women’s narratives of breast cancer and situating the self. In part 2, “Discourses of Risk and Breast Cancer,” examination of the discourses of prevention and risks to health are taken up in relation to breast cancer screening, the problem of prophylactic mastectomy for hereditary breast cancer, and environmental activism...
Qualitative Health Psychology aims to contribute to the debate about the nature of psychology and of science through ‘an examination of the role of qualitative research within health psychology’ (p. 3). The editors, in bringing together contributors from the UK, Ireland, Canada, Brazil, New Zealand and Australia, have compiled a text that reflects different uses of qualitative health research in diverse social and cultural contexts. Structured into three parts, the book encompasses key theoretical and methodological issues in qualitative research in its attempt to encourage broad epistemological debate within health psychology.
This thoughtful book is a much needed contribution to feminist ethics that is brimming with detailed and insightful analyses of the positioning of women in contemporary health care and particularly in relation to new reproductive technologies (NRTs). The clearly written and structured chapters provide accessible points to modern ethics, post-modernism, and feminist ethics. Margrit Shildrick takes on these areas with authority and vigour, building an argument for women to enter the relations of reproduction on terms more expressive of feminine desire...