252 resultados para Signal Sequence Trap


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This review will focus on the role of sphingosine and its phosphorylated derivative sphingosine-1-phosphate (SPP) in cell growth regulation and signal transduction. We will show that many of the effects attributed to sphingosine in quiescent Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts are mediated via its conversion to SPP. We propose that SPP has appropriate properties to function as an intracellular second messenger based on the following: it elicits diverse cellular responses; it is rapidly produced from sphingosine by a specific kinase and rapidly degraded by a specific lyase; its concentration is low in quiescent cells but increases rapidly and transiently in response to the growth factors, fetal calf serum (FCS) and platelet derived growth factor (PDGF); it releases Ca2+ from internal sources in an InsP3-independent manner; and finally, it may link sphingolipid signaling pathways to cellular ras-mediated signaling pathways by elevating phosphatidic acid levels. The effects of this novel second messenger on growth, differentiation and invasion of human breast cancer cells will be discussed. © 1994 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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In the last decade we have come to understand that the growth of cancer cells in general and of breast cancer in particular depends, in many cases, upon growth factors that will bind to and activate their receptors. One of these growth factor receptors is the erbB-2 protein which plays an important role in the prognosis of breast cancer and is overexpressed in nearly 30% of human breast cancer patients. While evidence accumulates to support the relationship between erbB-2 overexpression and poor overall survival in breast cancer, understanding of the biological consequence(s) of erbB-2 overexpression remains elusive. Our recent discovery of the gp30 has allowed us to identify a number of related but distinct biological endpoints which appear responsive to signal transduction through the erbB-2 receptor. These endpoints of growth, invasiveness, and differentiation have clear implications for the emergence, maintenance and/or control of malignancy, and represent established endpoints in the assessment of malignant progression in breast cancer. We have shown that gp30 induces a biphasic growth effect on cells with erbB-2 over-expression. We have recently determined the protein sequence of gp30 and cloned its full length cDNA sequence. We have also cloned two additional forms to the ligand, that are believed to be different isoforms. We are currently expressing the different forms in order to determine their biological effects. To elucidate the cellular mechanisms underlying cell growth inhibition by gp30, we tested the effect of this ligand on cell growth and differentiation of the human breast cancer cells which overexpress erbB-2 and cells which express low levels of this protooncogene. High concentrations of ligand induced differentiation of cells overexpressing erbB-2, as measured by inhibition of cell growth, and increased synthesis of milk components, and modulation of E-cadherin and up- regulation of c-jun and c-fos. These findings indicate that ligand-induced growth inhibition in cells overexpressing erbB-2 is associated with an apparent induction of differentiation. The availability of gp30 derived synthetic peptides and its full cDNAs provides tools necessary to acquire a better understanding of the mechanism of action of the this ligands and the erbB-2 receptor in breast cancer.


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Computational optimisation of clinically important electrocardiogram signal features, within a single heart beat, using a Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is undertaken. A detailed, efficient data-driven software implementation of an MCMC algorithm has been shown. Initially software parallelisation is explored and has been shown that despite the large amount of model parameter inter-dependency that parallelisation is possible. Also, an initial reconfigurable hardware approach is explored for future applicability to real-time computation on a portable ECG device, under continuous extended use.


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Over the past decade the mitochondrial (mt) genome has become the most widely used genomic resource available for systematic entomology. While the availability of other types of ‘–omics’ data – in particular transcriptomes – is increasing rapidly, mt genomes are still vastly cheaper to sequence and are far less demanding of high quality templates. Furthermore, almost all other ‘–omics’ approaches also sequence the mt genome, and so it can form a bridge between legacy and contemporary datasets. Mitochondrial genomes have now been sequenced for all insect orders, and in many instances representatives of each major lineage within orders (suborders, series or superfamilies depending on the group). They have also been applied to systematic questions at all taxonomic scales from resolving interordinal relationships (e.g. Cameron et al., 2009; Wan et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2012), through many intraordinal (e.g. Dowton et al., 2009; Timmermans et al., 2010; Zhao et al. 2013a) and family-level studies (e.g. Nelson et al., 2012; Zhao et al., 2013b) to population/biogeographic studies (e.g. Ma et al., 2012). Methodological issues around the use of mt genomes in insect phylogenetic analyses and the empirical results found to date have recently been reviewed by Cameron (2014), yet the technical aspects of sequencing and annotating mt genomes were not covered. Most papers which generate new mt genome report their methods in a simplified form which can be difficult to replicate without specific knowledge of the field. Published studies utilize a sufficiently wide range of approaches, usually without justification for the one chosen, that confusion about commonly used jargon such as ‘long PCR’ and ‘primer walking’ could be a serious barrier to entry. Furthermore, sequenced mt genomes have been annotated (gene locations defined) to wildly varying standards and improving data quality through consistent annotation procedures will benefit all downstream users of these datasets. The aims of this review are therefore to: 1. Describe in detail the various sequencing methods used on insect mt genomes; 2. Explore the strengths/weakness of different approaches; 3. Outline the procedures and software used for insect mt genome annotation, and; 4. Highlight quality control steps used for new annotations, and to improve the re-annotation of previously sequenced mt genomes used in systematic or comparative research.


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Catalytic probes are used for plasma diagnostics in order to quantify the density of neutral atoms. The probe response primarily depends on the probe material and its surface morphology. Here we report on the design, operation and modelling of the response of niobium pentoxide sensors with a flat and nanowire (NW) surfaces. These sensors were used to detect neutral oxygen atoms in the afterglow region of an inductively coupled rf discharge in oxygen. A very different response of the flat-surface and NW probes to the varying densities of oxygen atoms was explained by modelling heat conduction and taking into account the associated temperature gradients. It was found that the nanostructure probe can measure in a broader range than the flat oxide probe due to an increase in the surface to volume ratio, and the presence of nanostructures which act as a thermal barrier against sensor overheating. These results can be used for the development of the new generation of catalytic probes for gas/discharge diagnostics in a range of industrial and environmental applications.


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In this paper, the complete mitochondrial genome of Acraea issoria (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae: Acraeini) is reported; a circular molecule of 15,245 bp in size. For A. issoria, genes are arranged in the same order and orientation as the complete sequenced mitochondrial genomes of the other lepidopteran species, except for the presence of an extra copy of tRNAIle(AUR)b in the control region. All protein-coding genes of A. issoria mitogenome start with a typical ATN codon and terminate in the common stop codon TAA, except that COI gene uses TTG as its initial codon and terminates in a single T residue. All tRNA genes possess the typical clover leaf secondary structure except for tRNASer(AGN), which has a simple loop with the absence of the DHU stem. The sequence, organization and other features including nucleotide composition and codon usage of this mitochondrial genome were also reported and compared with those of other sequenced lepidopterans mitochondrial genomes. There are some short microsatellite-like repeat regions (e.g., (TA)9, polyA and polyT) scattered in the control region, however, the conspicuous macro-repeats units commonly found in other insect species are absent.


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The phylogenetic relationships of the beetle superfamily Tenebrionoidea are investigated using the most comprehensive genetic data set compiled to date. With ∼34,000 described species in approximately 1250 genera and 28 families, Tenebrionoidea represent one of the most diverse and species-rich superfamilies of beetles. The interfamilial relationships of the Tenebrionoidea are poorly known; previous morphological and molecular phylogenies recovered few well-supported and often conflicting relationships between families. Here we present a molecular phylogeny of Tenebrionoidea based on genes commonly used to resolve family and superfamily-level phylogenies of beetles (18S, 28S, 16S, 12S, tRNA Val and COI). The alignment spanned over 6.5 KB of DNA sequence and over 300 tenebrionoid genera from 24 of the 28 families were sampled. Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian analysis could not resolve deeper level divergences within the superfamily and very few relationships between families were supported. Increasing gene coverage in the alignment by removing taxa with missing data did not improve clade support but when rogue taxa were removed increased resolution was recovered. Investigation of signal strength suggested conflicting phylogenetic signal was present in the standard genes used for beetle phylogenetics, even when rogue taxa were removed. Our study of Tenebrionoidea highlights that even with relatively comprehensive taxon sampling within a lineage, this standard set of genes is unable to resolve relationships within this superfamily.


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Background Accurate diagnosis is essential for prompt and appropriate treatment of malaria. While rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) offer great potential to improve malaria diagnosis, the sensitivity of RDTs has been reported to be highly variable. One possible factor contributing to variable test performance is the diversity of parasite antigens. This is of particular concern for Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein 2 (PfHRP2)-detecting RDTs since PfHRP2 has been reported to be highly variable in isolates of the Asia-Pacific region. Methods The pfhrp2 exon 2 fragment from 458 isolates of P. falciparum collected from 38 countries was amplified and sequenced. For a subset of 80 isolates, the exon 2 fragment of histidine-rich protein 3 (pfhrp3) was also amplified and sequenced. DNA sequence and statistical analysis of the variation observed in these genes was conducted. The potential impact of the pfhrp2 variation on RDT detection rates was examined by analysing the relationship between sequence characteristics of this gene and the results of the WHO product testing of malaria RDTs: Round 1 (2008), for 34 PfHRP2-detecting RDTs. Results Sequence analysis revealed extensive variations in the number and arrangement of various repeats encoded by the genes in parasite populations world-wide. However, no statistically robust correlation between gene structure and RDT detection rate for P. falciparum parasites at 200 parasites per microlitre was identified. Conclusions The results suggest that despite extreme sequence variation, diversity of PfHRP2 does not appear to be a major cause of RDT sensitivity variation.


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We report on charge transport and density of trap states (trap DOS) in ambipolar diketopyrrolopyrrole-benzothiadiazole copolymer thin-film transistors. This semiconductor possesses high electron and hole field-effect mobilities of up to 0.6 cm 2/V-s. Temperature and gate-bias dependent field-effect mobility measurements are employed to extract the activation energies and trap DOS to understand its unique high mobility balanced ambipolar charge transport properties. The symmetry between the electron and hole transport characteristics, parameters and activation energies is remarkable. We believe that our work is the first charge transport study of an ambipolar organic/polymer based field-effect transistor with room temperature mobility higher than 0.1 cm 2/V-s in both electrons and holes.


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Use of the hand is vital in working life due to the grabbing and pinching it performs. Spherical grip is the most commonly used, due to similarity to the gripping of a computer mouse. Knowledge of its execution and the involved elements is essential. Analysis of this exertion with surface electromyography devices (to register muscular activity) and accelerometer devices (to register movement values ) can provide multiple variables. Six subjects performed ball gripping and registered real-time electromyography (thenar region, hypothenar region, first dorsal interosseous, flexors of the wrist, flexor carpi ulnaris and extensors of the wrist muscles) and accelerometer (thumb, index, middle, ring, pinky and palm) values. The obtained data was resampled “R software” and processed “Matlab Script” based on an automatic numerical sequence recognition program. Electromyography values were normalized on the basis of maximum voluntary contraction, whilst modular values were calculated for the acceleration vector. After processing and analysing the obtained data and signal, it was possible to identify five stages of movement in accordance with the module vector from the palm. The statistical analysis of the variables was descriptive: average and standard deviations. The outcome variables focus on the variations of the modules of the vector (between the maximum and minimum values of each module and phase) and the maximum values of the standardized electromyography of each muscle. Analysis of movement through accelerometer and electromyography variables can give us an insight into the operation of spherical grip. The protocol and treatment data can be used as a system to complement existing assessments in the hand.


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The stop-signal paradigm is increasingly being used as a probe of response inhibition in basic and clinical neuroimaging research. The critical feature of this task is that a cued response is countermanded by a secondary ‘stop-signal’ stimulus offset from the first by a ‘stop-signal delay’. Here we explored the role of task difficulty in the stop-signal task with the hypothesis that what is critical for successful inhibition is the time available for stopping, that we define as the difference between stop-signal onset and the expected response time (approximated by reaction time from previous trial). We also used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine how the time available for stopping affects activity in the putative right inferior frontal gyrus and presupplementary motor area (right IFG-preSMA) network that is known to support stopping. While undergoing fMRI scanning, participants performed a stop-signal variant where the time available for stopping was kept approximately constant across participants, which enabled us to compare how the time available for stopping affected stop-signal task difficulty both within and between subjects. Importantly, all behavioural and neuroimaging data were consistent with previous findings. We found that the time available for stopping distinguished successful from unsuccessful inhibition trials, was independent of stop-signal delay, and affected successful inhibition depending upon individual SSRT. We also found that right IFG and adjacent anterior insula were more strongly activated during more difficult stopping. These findings may have critical implications for stop-signal studies that compare different patient or other groups using fixed stop-signal delays.


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Escherichia coli ST131 is now recognised as a leading contributor to urinary tract and bloodstream infections in both community and clinical settings. Here we present the complete, annotated genome of E. coli EC958, which was isolated from the urine of a patient presenting with a urinary tract infection in the Northwest region of England and represents the most well characterised ST131 strain. Sequencing was carried out using the Pacific Biosciences platform, which provided sufficient depth and read-length to produce a complete genome without the need for other technologies. The discovery of spurious contigs within the assembly that correspond to site-specific inversions in the tail fibre regions of prophages demonstrates the potential for this technology to reveal dynamic evolutionary mechanisms. E. coli EC958 belongs to the major subgroup of ST131 strains that produce the CTX-M-15 extended spectrum β-lactamase, are fluoroquinolone resistant and encode the fimH30 type 1 fimbrial adhesin. This subgroup includes the Indian strain NA114 and the North American strain JJ1886. A comparison of the genomes of EC958, JJ1886 and NA114 revealed that differences in the arrangement of genomic islands, prophages and other repetitive elements in the NA114 genome are not biologically relevant and are due to misassembly. The availability of a high quality uropathogenic E. coli ST131 genome provides a reference for understanding this multidrug resistant pathogen and will facilitate novel functional, comparative and clinical studies of the E. coli ST131 clonal lineage.