262 resultados para Plant developmental stages


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Microscopic changes occur in plant food materials during drying significantly influence the macroscopic properties and quality factors of the dried food materials. It is very critical to study microstructure to understand the underlying cellular mechanisms to improve performance of the food drying techniques. However, there is very limited research conducted on such microstructural changes of plant food material during drying. In this work, Gala apple parenchyma tissue samples were studied using a scanning electron microscope for gradual microstructural changes as affected by temperature, time and moisture content during hot air drying at two drying temperatures: 57 ℃ and 70 ℃. For fresh samples, the average cellular parameter values were; cell area: 20000 μm2, ferret diameter: 160 μm, perimeter: 600 μm, roundness: 0.76, elongation: 1.45 and compactness: 0.84. During drying, a higher degree of cell shrinkage was observed with cell wall warping and increase in intercellular space. However, no significant cell wall breakage was observed. The overall reduction of cell area, ferret diameter and perimeter were about 60%, 40% and 30%. The cell roundness and elongation showed overall increments of about 5% and the compactness remained unchanged. Throughout the drying cycle, cellular deformations were mainly influenced by the moisture content. During the initial and intermediate stages of drying, cellular deformations were also positively influenced by the drying temperature and the effect was reversed at the final stages of drying which provides clues for case hardening of the material.


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Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed malignancy and the second leading cause of cancer related deaths in Australian men. Treatment in the early stages of the disease involves surgery, radiation and/or hormone therapy. However, in late stages of the disease these treatments are no longer effective and only palliative care is available. Therefore, there is a focus on exploration of novel therapies to increase survival and treatment efficacy. Advanced prostate cancer is characterised by bone or other distant metastasis. Spreading of the primary tumour to a secondary location is a complex process requiring an initial loss in cell-cell adhesion followed by increased cell migration and invasion. One gene family that has been known to affect cell-to-cell contact in other model systems are the Eph receptor tyrosine kinases. They are the largest family of receptor tyrosine kinases made up of 14 vertebrate Eph receptors that bind to nine cell membrane bound ephrin ligands. Eph-ephrin interaction is crucial in regulating cell behaviour in developmental processes and it is now thought that the underlying mechanisms involved in development may also be involved in cancer. Aberrant expression has been reported in many human malignancies including prostate cancer. Furthermore, expression has been linked with metastasis and poor prognosis in other tumour models. This study explores the potential role of the Eph receptor family in prostate cancer, in particular the roles of EphA2, EphA3 and ephrin-A5. Gene expression profiles were established for the Eph family in a series of prostate cancer cell lines using quantitative real time RT-PCR. A smaller subset of the most prominently expressed genes was chosen to screen a cohort of clinical samples. Elevated levels of EphA2, EphA3 and their ligands, ephrin-A1 and ephrin-A5 were observed in individual cell lines. Interestingly high EphA3 expression was observed in the androgen responsive cell lines while EphA2 was more prominent in the androgen independent cell lines. However, studies using 5-dihydrotestosterone suggest that EphA3 expression in not regulated by androgen. Cells expressing EphA2 showed a greater ability for migration and invasion while cells expressing EphA3 showed poor migration and invasion. Forced expression of EphA2 in the LNCaP cell line resulted in a more invasive phenotype while forced expression of EphA3 in the PC-3 cell line suggests a possible negative effect for EphA3 on cell migration and invasion. Cell signalling studies show activation of EphA2 decreases activity of proteins thought to be involved in pathways regulating cell movement including Akt, Src and FAK. Changes to the activation status of Rho family members, including RhoA and Rac1, associated with reorganisation of the actin cytoskeleton, an important part of cell migration was also observed. As a result, activation of EphA2 in PC-3 cells resulted in a less invasive phenotype. A novel finding in this study was the discovery of a combination of two EphA2 Mabs able to activate EphA2. Preliminary results show a potential for this antibody combination to reduce prostate cancer invasion in vitro. A unique aspect of Eph-ephrin interaction is the resulting bi-directional signalling that occurs through both the receptor and ligand. In this study a potential role for ephrin-A5 mediated signalling in prostate cancer was observed. LNCaP cells express high levels of EphA3 and its high affinity ligand ephrin-A5. In stripe assays, used to study guidance cues, LNCaP cells show strong attraction/migration to EphA3-Fc stripes but not ephrin-A5-Fc stripes suggesting ephrin-A5 mediated reverse cell signalling is involved. Knockdown of ephrin-A5 using shRNA resulted in a decrease in attraction/migration to EphA3-Fc stripes. Furthermore a reduction in proliferation was also observed in vitro. A subcutaneous xenograft model using ephrin-A5 shRNA cells versus controls showed a decrease in tumour formation. This study demonstrates a difference in EphA2 and EphA3 function in prostate cancer migration/invasion and a potential role for ephrin-A5 in prostate cancer cell adhesion and growth.


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Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) are specialized glial cells in the mammalian olfactory system supporting growth of axons from the olfactory epithelium into the olfactory bulb. OECs in the olfactory bulb can be subdivided into OECs of the outer nerve layer and the inner nerve layer according to the expression of marker proteins and their location in the nerve layer. In the present study, we have used confocal calcium imaging of OECs in acute mouse brain slices and olfactory bulbs in toto to investigate physiological differences between OEC subpopulations. OECs in the outer nerve layer, but not the inner nerve layer, responded to glutamate, ATP, serotonin, dopamine, carbachol, and phenylephrine with increases in the cytosolic calcium concentration. The calcium responses consisted of a transient and a tonic component, the latter being mediated by store-operated calcium entry. Calcium measurements in OECs during the first three postnatal weeks revealed a downregulation of mGluR(1) and P2Y(1) receptor-mediated calcium signaling within the first 2 weeks, suggesting that the expression of these receptors is developmentally controlled. In addition, electrical stimulation of sensory axons evoked calcium signaling via mGluR(1) and P2Y(1) only in outer nerve layer OECs. Downregulation of the receptor-mediated calcium responses in postnatal animals is reflected by a decrease in amplitude of stimulation-evoked calcium transients in OECs from postnatal days 3 to 21. In summary, the results presented reveal striking differences in receptor responses during development and in axon-OEC communication between the two subpopulations of OECs in the olfactory bulb.


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Chemically inducible gene switches can provide precise control over gene expression, enabling more specific analyses of gene function and expanding the plant biotechnology toolkit beyond traditional constitutive expression systems. The alc gene expression system is one of the most promising chemically inducible gene switches in plants because of its potential in both fundamental research and commercial biotechnology applications. However, there are no published reports demonstrating that this versatile gene switch is functional in transgenic monocotyledonous plants, which include some of the most important agricultural crops. We found that the original alc gene switch was ineffective in the monocotyledonous plant sugar cane, and describe a modified alc system that is functional in this globally significant crop. A promoter consisting of tandem copies of the ethanol receptor inverted repeat binding site, in combination with a minimal promoter sequence, was sufficient to give enhanced sensitivity and significantly higher levels of ethanol inducible gene expression. A longer CaMV 35S minimal promoter than was used in the original alc gene switch also substantially improved ethanol inducibility. Treating the roots with ethanol effectively induced the modified alc system in sugar cane leaves and stem, while an aerial spray was relatively ineffective. The extension of this chemically inducible gene expression system to sugar cane opens the door to new opportunities for basic research and crop biotechnology.


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Equine laminitis, a disease of the lamellar structure of the horse’s hoof, can be incited by numerous factors that include inflammatory and metabolic aetiologies. However, the role of inflammation in hyperinsulinaemic laminitis has not been adequately defined. Tolllike receptor (TLR) activation results in up-regulation of inflammatory pathways and the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-�), and may be a pathogenic factor in laminitis. The aim of this study was to determine whether TLR4 expression and subsequent pro-inflammatory cytokine production is increased in lamellae and skeletal muscle during equine hyperinsulinaemia. Standardbred horses were treated with either a prolonged, euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic clamp (p-EHC) or a prolonged, glucose infusion (p-GI), which induced marked and moderate hyperinsulinaemia, respectively. Age-matched control horses were treated simultaneously with a balanced electrolyte solution. Treated horses developed clinical (p-EHC) or subclinical (p-GI) laminitis, whereas controls did not. Skeletal muscle and lamellar protein extracts were analysed by Western blotting for TLR4, IL-6, TNF-� and suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3) expression. Lamellar protein expression of TLR4 and TNF-�, but not IL-6, was increased by the p-EHC, compared to control horses. A significant positive correlation was found between lamellar TLR4 and SOCS3. Skeletal muscle protein expression of TLR4 signalling parameters did not differ between control and p-EHC-treated horses. Similarly, the p-GI did not result in up-regulation of lamellar protein expression of any parameter. The results suggest that insulin-sensitive tissues may not accurately reflect lamellar pathology during hyperinsulinaemia. While TLR4 is present in the lamellae, its activation appears unlikely to contribute significantly to the developmental pathogenesis of hyperinsulinaemic laminitis. However, inflammation may have a role to play in the later stages (e.g., repair or remodelling) of the disease.


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This case study was conducted to explore the perceptions of health risk messages sent by the Japanese Government following the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster. The content of health risk messages from the Japanese Government and the Japanese national broadcaster (NHK) were analysed and semi-structured interviews were conducted with a sample of Tokyo residents. Initially, participants trusted these messages but as the crisis unfolded they became sceptical about the messages. Participants felt the messages did not communicate health risk information effectively because the messages were; not supported by evidence, inconsistent, delayed and changed over time. Despite widespread access to the internet, social media and mobile telephones, most participants relied on television news for information about the health risks. The Japanese Government urgently needs to re-build trust by engaging the community in the planning and development phases of health risk communication strategies.


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This paper reports a study of ion exchange (IX) as an alternative CSG water treatment to the widely used reverse osmosis (RO) desalination process. An IX pilot plant facility has been constructed and operated using both synthetic and real CSG water samples. Application of appropriate synthetic resin technology has proved the effectiveness of IX processes.


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Virus-based transgene expression systems have become particularly valuable for recombinant protein production in plants. The dual-module in-plant activation (INPACT) expression platform consists of a uniquely designed split-gene cassette incorporating the cis replication elements of Tobacco yellow dwarf geminivirus (TYDV) and an ethanol-inducible activation cassette encoding the TYDV Rep and RepA replication-associated proteins. The INPACT system is essentially tailored for recombinant protein production in stably transformed plants and provides both inducible and high-level transient transgene expression with the potential to be adapted to diverse crop species. The construction of a novel split-gene cassette, the inducible nature of the system and the ability to amplify transgene expression via rolling-circle replication differentiates this system from other DNA- and RNA-based virus vector systems used for stable or transient recombinant protein production in plants. Here we provide a detailed protocol describing the design and construction of a split-gene INPACT cassette, and we highlight factors that may influence optimal activation and amplification of gene expression in transgenic plants. By using Nicotiana tabacum, the protocol takes 6-9 months to complete, and recombinant proteins expressed using INPACT can accumulate to up to 10% of the leaf total soluble protein.


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Plant based dried food products are popular commodities in global market where much research is focused to improve the products and processing techniques. In this regard, numerical modelling is highly applicable and in this work, a coupled meshfree particle-based two-dimensional (2-D) model was developed to simulate micro-scale deformations of plant cells during drying. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) was used to model the viscous cell protoplasm (cell fluid) by approximating it to an incompressible Newtonian fluid. The visco-elastic characteristic of the cell wall was approximated to a Neo-Hookean solid material augmented with a viscous term and modelled with a Discrete Element Method (DEM). Compared to a previous work [H. C. P. Karunasena, W. Senadeera, Y. T. Gu and R. J. Brown, Appl. Math. Model., 2014], this study proposes three model improvements: linearly decreasing positive cell turgor pressure during drying, cell wall contraction forces and cell wall drying. The improvements made the model more comparable with experimental findings on dried cell morphology and geometric properties such as cell area, diameter, perimeter, roundness, elongation and compactness. This single cell model could be used as a building block for advanced tissue models which are highly applicable for product and process optimizations in Food Engineering.


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Programmed cell death-associated genes, especially antiapoptosis-related genes have been reported to confer tolerance to a wide range of biotic and abiotic stresses in dicotyledonous plants such as tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). This is the first time the antiapoptotic gene SfIAP was transformed into a monocotyledonous representative: rice (Oryza sativa L.). Transgenic rice strains expressing SfIAP were generated by the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method and rice embryogenic calli, and assessed for their ability to confer tolerance to salt stress at both the seedling and reproductive stages using a combination of molecular, agronomical, physiological and biochemical techniques. The results show that plants expressing SfIAP have higher salt tolerance levels in comparison to the wild-type and vector controls. By preventing cell death at the onset of salt stress and maintaining the cell membrane’s integrity, SfIAP transgenic rice plants can retain plant water status, ion homeostasis, photosynthetic efficiency and growth to combat salinity successfully.


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Binary Ti vectors are the plasmid vectors of choice in Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation protocols. The pGreen series of binary Ti vectors are configured for ease-of-use and to meet the demands of a wide range of transformation procedures for many plant species. This plasmid system allows any arrangement of selectable marker and reporter gene at the right and left T-DNA borders without compromising the choice of restriction sites for cloning, since the pGreen cloning sites are based on the well-known pBluescript general vector plasmids. Its size and copy number in Escherichia coli offers increased efficiencies in routine in vitro recombination procedures. pGreen can replicate in Agrobacterium only if another plasmid, pSoup, is co-resident in the same strain. pSoup provides replication functions in trans for pGreen. The removal of RepA and Mob functions has enabled the size of pGreen to be kept to a minimum. Versions of pGreen have been used to transform several plant species with the same efficiencies as other binary Ti vectors. Information on the pGreen plasmid system is supplemented by an Internet site (http://www.pgreen.ac.uk) through which comprehensive information, protocols, order forms and lists of different pGreen marker gene permutations can be found.


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The expression of transgenes in plant genomes can be inhibited by either transcriptional gene silencing or posttranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS). Overexpression of the chalcone synthase-A (CHS-A) transgene triggers PTGS of CHS-A and thus results in loss of flower pigmentation in petunia. We previously demonstrated that epigenetic inactivation of CHS-A transgene transcription leads to a reversion of the PTGS phenotype. Although neomycin phosphotransferase II (nptII), a marker gene co-introduced into the genome with the CHS-A transgene, is not normally silenced in petunia, even when CHS-A is silenced, here we found that nptII was silenced in a petunia line in which CHS-A PTGS was induced, but not in the revertant plants that had no PTGS of CHS-A. Transcriptional activity, accumulation of short interfering RNAs, and restoration of mRNA level after infection with viruses that had suppressor proteins of gene silencing indicated that the mechanism for nptII silencing was posttranscriptional. Read-through transcripts of the CHS-A gene toward the nptII gene were detected. Deep-sequencing analysis revealed a striking difference between the predominant size class of small RNAs produced from the read-through transcripts (22 nt) and that from the CHS-A RNAs (21 nt). These results implicate the involvement of read-through transcription and distinct phases of RNA degradation in the coincident PTGS of linked transgenes and provide new insights into the destabilization of transgene expression.


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We present a mini-scale method for nuclear run-on transcription assay. In our method, all the centrifuge steps can be carried out by using micro-tubes for short time (5 min each) throughout the process, including isolation of transcriptionally active nuclei and purification of labeled RNA after synthesis of RNA in isolated nuclei. The assay can be performed using a small amount of plant tissue, which enables analysis of developmental changes in transcriptional status of given genes in a single individual plant. Successful results were obtained using the tissues of flower and leaf of petunia and embryo of pea, suggesting that the method is potentially applicable to a variety of plant tissues.


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This study explored early career academics' experiences in using information to learn while building their networks for professional development. A 'knowledge ecosystem' model was developed consisting of informal learning interactions such as relating to information to create knowledge and engaging in mutually supportive relationships. Findings from this study present an alternative interpretation of information use for learning that is focused on processes manifesting as human interactions with informing entities revolving around the contexts of reciprocal human relationships.