257 resultados para Cylindrical shapes


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An effective technique to improve the precision and throughput of energetic ion condensation through dielectric nanoporous templates and reduce nanopore clogging by using finely tuned pulsed bias is proposed. Multiscale numerical simulations of ion deposition show the possibility of controlling the dynamic charge balance on the upper template's surface to minimize ion deposition on nanopore sidewalls and to deposit ions selectively on the substrate surface in contact with the pore opening. In this way, the shapes of nanodots in template-assisted nanoarray fabrication can be effectively controlled. The results are applicable to various processes involving porous dielectric nanomaterials and dense nanoarrays.


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The formation of arrays of vertically aligned nanotips on a moderately heated (up to 500 degrees C) Si surface exposed to reactive low-temperature radio frequency (RF) Ar+H(2) plasmas is studied. It is demonstrated that the nanotip surface density, aspect ratio and height dispersion strongly depend on the substrate temperature, discharge power, and gas composition. It is shown that nanotips with aspect ratios from 2.0 to 4.0 can only be produced at a higher RF power density (41.7 mW cm(-3)) and a hydrogen content of about 60%, and that larger aspect ratios can be achieved at substrate temperatures of about 300 degrees C. The use of higher (up to 500 degrees C) temperatures leads to a decrease of the aspect ratio but promotes the formation of more uniform arrays with the height dispersion decreasing to 1.5. At lower (approximately 20 mW cm(-3)) RF power density, only semispherical nanodots can be produced. Based on these experimental results, a nanotip formation scenario is proposed suggesting that sputtering, etching, hydrogen termination, and atom/radical re-deposition are the main concurrent mechanisms for the nanostructure formation. Numerical calculations of the ion flux distribution and hydrogen termination profiles can be used to predict the nanotip shapes and are in a good agreement with the experimental results. This approach can be applied to describe the kinetics of low-temperature formation of other nanoscale materials by plasma treatment.


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The results of multi-scale numerical simulations of pulsed i-PVD template-assisted nanofabrication of ZnO nanodot arrays on a silicon substrate are presented. The ratios and spatial distributions of the ion fluxes deposited on the lateral and bottom surfaces of the nanopores are computed as a function of the external bias and plasma parameters. The results show that the pulsed bias plays a significant role in the ion current distribution inside the nanopores. The results of numerical experiments of this work suggest that by finely adjusting the pulse voltage, the pulse duration and the duty cycle of the external pulsed bias, the nanopore clogging can be successfully avoided during the deposition and the shapes of the deposited ZnO nanodots can be effectively controlled. A figure is presented.


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This article presents the results on the diagnostics and numerical modeling of low-frequency (∼460 KHz) inductively coupled plasmas generated in a cylindrical metal chamber by an external flat spiral coil. Experimental data on the electron number densities and temperatures, electron energy distribution functions, and optical emission intensities of the abundant plasma species in low/intermediate pressure argon discharges are included. The spatial profiles of the plasma density, electron temperature, and excited argon species are computed, for different rf powers and working gas pressures, using the two-dimensional fluid approach. The model allows one to achieve a reasonable agreement between the computed and experimental data. The effect of the neutral gas temperature on the plasma parameters is also investigated. It is shown that neutral gas heating (at rf powers≥0.55kW) is one of the key factors that control the electron number density and temperature. The dependence of the average rf power loss, per electron-ion pair created, on the working gas pressure shows that the electron heat flux to the walls appears to be a critical factor in the total power loss in the discharge.


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The possibility of deterministic plasma-assisted reshaping of capped cylindrical seed nanotips by manipulating the plasma parameter-dependent sheath width is shown. Multiscale hybrid gas phase/solid surface numerical experiments reveal that under the wide-sheath conditions the nanotips widen at the base and when the sheath is narrow, they sharpen up. By combining the wide- and narrow-sheath stages in a single process, it turns out possible to synthesize wide-base nanotips with long- and narrow-apex spikes, ideal for electron microemitter applications. This plasma-based approach is generic and can be applied to a larger number of multipurpose nanoassemblies. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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A global electromagnetic model of an inductively coupled plasma sustained by an internal oscillating current sheet in a cylindrical metal vessel is developed. The electromagnetic field structure, profiles of the rf power transferred to the plasma electrons, electron/ion number density, and working points of the discharge are studied, by invoking particle and power balance. It is revealed that the internal rf current with spatially invariable phase significantly improves the radial uniformity of the electromagnetic fields and the power density in the chamber as compared with conventional plasma sources with external flat spiral inductive coils. This configuration offers the possibility of controlling the rf power deposition in the azimuthal direction.


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A complex multi-scale model and numerical simulations are used to demonstrate, by simulating the development of patterns of nanotips, nanowalls, nanoislands and nanovoids of a characteristic size of 5-100 nm, a greater degree of determinism in the formation of various nanostructures by using the low-density, low-temperature plasma-based processes. It is shown that in the plasma, in contrast to the neutral gas-based processes, one can synthesize nanostructures of various dimensionalities and shapes with a larger surface density, desired geometrical parameters and narrower size distribution functions. This effect is mainly attributed to strong ion focusing by irregular electric fields in the nanopatterns, which effectively redistributes the influxes of plasma-generated building units and thus provides a selective control of their delivery to the growing nanostructures.


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An innovative approach to precise tailoring of surface density, shapes, and sizes of single-crystalline α-Fe 2O 3 nanowires and nanobelts by controlling interactions of reactive oxygen plasma-generated species with the Fe surface is proposed. This strongly nonequilibrium, rapid, almost incubation-free, high-rate growth directly from the solid-solid interface can also be applied to other oxide materials and is based on deterministic control of the density of oxygen species and the surface conditions, which determine the nanostructure nucleation and growth.


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The effects of an inductively rotating current were observed on low-frequency inductively coupled plasmas. The spatial distribution of electromagnetic fields was investigated in a cylindrical metallic chamber filled with dense plasma. The distribution of the magnetic field in plasma chamber was observed for rarefied and dense plasmas. The plasma was assumed as uniform in the electromagnetic fields. The results showed the plasma density increased with power and the electron density increased with pressure.


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The results of a hybrid numerical simulation of the growth kinetics of carbon nanowall-like nanostructures in the plasma and neutral gas synthesis processes are presented. The low-temperature plasma-based process was found to have a significant advantage over the purely neutral flux deposition in providing the uniform size distribution of the nanostructures. It is shown that the nanowall width uniformity is the best (square deviations not exceeding 1.05) in high-density plasmas of 3.0× 1018 m-3, worsens in lower-density plasmas (up to 1.5 in 1.0× 1017 m-3 plasmas), and is the worst (up to 1.9) in the neutral gas-based process. This effect has been attributed to the focusing of ion fluxes by irregular electric field in the vicinity of plasma-grown nanostructures on substrate biased with -20 V potential, and differences in the two-dimensional adatom diffusion fluxes in the plasma and neutral gas-based processes. The results of our numerical simulations are consistent with the available experimental reports on the effect of the plasma process parameters on the sizes and shapes of relevant nanostructures.


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By virtue of its widespread afferent projections, perirhinal cortex is thought to bind polymodal information into abstract object-level representations. Consistent with this proposal, deficits in cross-modal integration have been reported after perirhinal lesions in nonhuman primates. It is therefore surprising that imaging studies of humans have not observed perirhinal activation during visual-tactile object matching. Critically, however, these studies did not differentiate between congruent and incongruent trials. This is important because successful integration can only occur when polymodal information indicates a single object (congruent) rather than different objects (incongruent). We scanned neurologically intact individuals using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while they matched shapes. We found higher perirhinal activation bilaterally for cross-modal (visual-tactile) than unimodal (visual-visual or tactile-tactile) matching, but only when visual and tactile attributes were congruent. Our results demonstrate that the human perirhinal cortex is involved in cross-modal, visual-tactile, integration and, thus, indicate a functional homology between human and monkey perirhinal cortices.


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This paper deals with the theoretical studies of nonlinear interactions of azimuthal surface waves (ASW) in cylindrical metal waveguides fully filled by a uniform magnetoactive plasma. These surface-type wave perturbations propagate in azimuthal direction across an external magnetic field, which is directed along the waveguide axis. The ASW is a relatively new kind of surface waves and so far the nonlinear effects associated with their propagation are outside the scope of scientific issues. They are characterized by a discrete set of mode numbers values which define the ASW eigenfrequencies. This fact leads to several peculiarities of ASW compared with ordinary surface-type waves.


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Taking into consideration of growing energy needs and concern for environmental degradation, clean and inexhaustible energy source, such as solar energy, is receiving greater attention for various applications. The use of solar energy system reduces pollution, waste and has little or no harmful effects on the environment. It is appreciated that this source of energy can be complementary rather than being competitive to conventional energy sources. In order to collect and harness energy from the sun, a solar collector is essential. A solar collector is basically a heat exchanger that transforms solar radiant energy into heat or thermal energy. Improvement of performance is essential for commercial acceptance of their use in such applications. Many studies have been undertaken on the enhancement of thermal performance of solar collectors, using diverse materials of various shapes, dimensions and layouts. In the literature, various collector designs have been proposed and tested with the objective of meeting these requirements [1-8]. Omer et al. [1] found the efficiency of a solar collector of about 70% in a solar assisted heat pump system. Traditional solar collectors are single phase collectors, in which the working fluid is either air or water. Different modifications are suggested and applied to improve the heat transfer between the absorber and working fluid in a collector. These modifications include the use of absorber with fins attached [2,3], corrugated absorber [4,5], matrix type absorber [6], V-groove solar air collector [7]. Karim et al. [8] approached a review of design and construction of three types (flat, vee-grooved, and finned) of air collectors. Two-phase collectors, on the other hand, have significant potential for continuous operation round the clock, when used in conjunction with a compressor, as found in a solar assisted heat-pump cycle.


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In recent times, blended polymers have shown a lot of promise in terms of easy processability in different shapes and forms. In the present work, polyaniline emeraldine base (PANi-EB) was doped with camphor sulfonic acid (CSA) and combined with the conducting polymer polyfluorene (PF) as well as the insulating polymer polyvinyl chloride (PVC) to synthesize CSA doped PANi-PF and PANi-PVC blended polymers. It is well known that PANi when doped with CSA becomes highly conducting. However, its poor mechanical properties, such as low tensile, compressive, and flexural strength render PANi a non-ideal material to be processed for its various practical applications, such as electromagnetic shielding, anti-corrosion shielding, photolithography and microelectronic devices etc. Thus the search for polymers which are easily processable and are capable of showing high conductivity still continues. PANi-PVC blend was prepared, which showed low conductivity which is limiting factor for certain applications. Therefore, another processable polymer PF was chosen as conducting matrix. Conducting PF can be easily processed into various shapes and forms. Therefore, a blend mixture was prepared by using PANi and PF through the use of CSA as a counter ion which forms a "bridge" between the two polymeric components of the inter-polymer complex. Two blended polymers have been synthesized and investigated for their conductivity behaviour. It was observed that the blended film of CSA doped PANi-PVC showed a room temperature electrical conductivity of 2.8 × 10-7 S/cm where as the blended film made by CSA doped PANi with conducting polymer PF showed a room temperature conductivity of 1.3 × 10-5 S/cm. Blended films were irradiated with 100 MeV silicon ions with a view to increase their conductivity with a fluence ranging from 1011 ions to 1013 per cm2 from 15 UD Pelletron accelerator at NSC, New Delhi.


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We consider a discrete agent-based model on a one-dimensional lattice, where each agent occupies L sites and attempts movements over a distance of d lattice sites. Agents obey a strict simple exclusion rule. A discrete-time master equation is derived using a mean-field approximation and careful probability arguments. In the continuum limit, nonlinear diffusion equations that describe the average agent occupancy are obtained. Averaged discrete simulation data are generated and shown to compare very well with the solution to the derived nonlinear diffusion equations. This framework allows us to approach a lattice-free result using all the advantages of lattice methods. Since different cell types have different shapes and speeds of movement, this work offers insight into population-level behavior of collective cellular motion.