213 resultados para cyber security, securitization, information technology, U.S CYBERCOM


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Intellectual property is crucial to the promotion of innovation. It provides an incentive to innovate as well as security for investment in innovation. The industries of the 21st century-information technology, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, communications, education and entertainment – are all knowledge-based. The WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (the TRIPS Agreement), adopted in 1994 at the conclusion of the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations, requires all WTO member countries to provide for the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. Having forged a link for the first time between intellectual property rights and the international trading system, the adoption of TRIPS means that any country that aims to participate fully in the global economy needs to understand the role of intellectual property and align its intellectual property laws and practices with the international minimum standards prescribed by TRIPS. However, for developing and least-developed countries, the implementation of intellectual property systems and enforcement mechanisms raises questions and challenges. Does recognition and enforcement of intellectual property serve their development needs and objectives? Does TRIPS encourage or hinder the transfer of technologies to developing and least-developed countries, particularly those that meet urgent needs in areas such as public health, food security, water and energy? What is the effect of TRIPS on developing countries’ access to knowledge and information? Is there scope for flexibility in implementation of TRIPS in pursuit of development strategies?


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This paper describes the content and delivery of a software internationalisation subject (ITN677) that was developed for Master of Information Technology (MIT) students in the Faculty of Information Technology at Queensland University of Technology. This elective subject introduces students to the strategies, technologies, techniques and current development associated with this growing 'software development for the world' specialty area. Students learn what is involved in planning and managing a software internationalisation project as well as designing, building and using a software internationalisation application. Students also learn about how a software internationalisation project must fit into an over-all product localisation and globalisation that may include culturalisation, tailored system architectures, and reliance upon industry standards. In addition, students are exposed to the different software development techniques used by organizations in this arena and the perils and pitfalls of managing software internationalisation projects.


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In this paper, we present three counterfeiting attacks on the block-wise dependent fragile watermarking schemes. We consider vulnerabilities such as the exploitation of a weak correlation among block-wise dependent watermarks to modify valid watermarked %(medical or other digital) images, where they could still be verified as authentic, though they are actually not. Experimental results successfully demonstrate the practicability and consequences of the proposed attacks for some relevant schemes. The development of the proposed attack models can be used as a means to systematically examine the security levels of similar watermarking schemes.


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The idea of information literacy, broadly deÞned as the ability to recognise information needs and identify, evaluate and use information e¤ectively, has been of growing concern in the education sectors for a number of years; whilst in the workplace, employers and managers have perhaps attended more to the need for computer and information technology skill. New descriptions of information literacy, that may be of value to the business sector, are now beginning to appear as a result of qualitative research into how professional employees experience the e¤ective use of information. This paper summarises the outcomes of an investigation into the experience of information literacy amongst various types of professionals; and explores the possible di¤erences and interrelations between individual and organisational information literacy suggested by these outcomes. Seven di¤erent ways of experiencing information literacy were identiÞed. These experiences are closely related to important workplace processes such as environmental scanning, information management, corporate memory, and research and development; conÞrming that information literacy should be considered a signiÞcant part of the character of learning organisations as well as being a key characteristic of the organisationÕs employees. Implications of individual and organisational information literacy for beginning and continuing professional education are explored.


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There is an increasing interest in the use of information technology as a participatory planning tool, particularly the use of geographical information technologies to support collaborative activities such as community mapping. However, despite their promise, the introduction of such technologies does not necessarily promote better participation nor improve collaboration. In part this can be attributed to a tendency for planners to focus on the technical considerations associated with these technologies at the expense of broader participation considerations. In this paper we draw on the experiences of a community mapping project with disadvantaged communities in suburban Australia to highlight the importance of selecting tools and techniques which support and enhance participatory planning. This community mapping project, designed to identify and document community-generated transport issues and solutions, had originally intended to use cadastral maps extracted from the government’s digital cadastral database as the foundation for its community mapping approach. It was quickly discovered that the local residents found the cadastral maps confusing as the maps lacked sufficient detail to orient them to their suburb (the study area). In response to these concerns and consistent with the project’s participatory framework, a conceptual base map based on resident’s views of landmarks of local importance was developed to support the community mapping process. Based on this community mapping experience we outline four key lessons learned regarding the process of community mapping and the place of geographical information technologies within this process.


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Information privacy is a critical success/failure factor in information technology supported healthcare (eHealth). eHealth systems utilise electronic health records (EHR) as the main source of information, thus, implementing appropriate privacy preserving methods for EHRs is vital for the proliferation of eHealth. Whilst information privacy may be a fundamental requirement for eHealth consumers, healthcare professionals demand non-restricted access to patient information for improved healthcare delivery, thus, creating an environment where stakeholder requirements are contradictory. Therefore, there is a need to achieve an appropriate balance of requirements in order to build successful eHealth systems. Towards achieving this balance, a new genre of eHealth systems called Accountable-eHealth (AeH) systems has been proposed. In this paper, an access control model for EHRs is presented that can be utilised by AeH systems to create information usage policies that fulfil both stakeholders’ requirements. These policies are used to accomplish the aforementioned balance of requirements creating a satisfactory eHealth environment for all stakeholders. The access control model is validated using a Web based prototype as a proof of concept.


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A5/1 is a shift register based stream cipher which provides privacy for the GSM system. In this paper, we analyse the loading of the secret key and IV during the initialisation process of A5/1. We demonstrate the existence of weak key-IV pairs in the A5/1 cipher due to this loading process; these weak key-IV pairs may generate one, two or three registers containing all-zero values, which may lead in turn to weak keystream sequences. In the case where two or three registers contain only zeros, we describe a distinguisher which leads to a complete decryption of the affected messages.


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Trivium is a bit-based stream cipher in the final portfolio of the eSTREAM project. In this paper, we apply the algebraic attack approach of Berbain et al. to Trivium-like ciphers and perform new analyses on them. We demonstrate a new algebraic attack on Bivium-A. This attack requires less time and memory than previous techniques to recover Bivium-A's initial state. Though our attacks on Bivium-B, Trivium and Trivium-N are worse than exhaustive keysearch, the systems of equations which are constructed are smaller and less complex compared to previous algebraic analyses. We also answer an open question posed by Berbain et al. on the feasibility of applying their technique on Trivium-like ciphers. Factors which can affect the complexity of our attack on Trivium-like ciphers are discussed in detail. Analysis of Bivium-B and Trivium-N are omitted from this manuscript. The full paper is available on the IACR ePrint Archive.


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This paper presents a vulnerability within the generic object oriented substation event (GOOSE) communication protocol. It describes an exploit of the vulnerability and proposes a number of attack variants. The attacks sends GOOSE frames containing higher status numbers to the receiving intelligent electronic device (IED). This prevents legitimate GOOSE frames from being processed and effectively causes a hijacking of the communication channel, which can be used to implement a denial–of–service (DoS) or manipulate the subscriber (unless a status number roll-over occurs). The authors refer to this attack as a poisoning of the subscriber. A number of GOOSE poisoning attacks are evaluated experimentally on a test bed and demonstrated to be successful.


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The Modicon Communication Bus (Modbus) protocol is one of the most commonly used protocols in industrial control systems. Modbus was not designed to provide security. This paper confirms that the Modbus protocol is vulnerable to flooding attacks. These attacks involve injection of commands that result in disrupting the normal operation of the control system. This paper describes a set of experiments that shows that an anomaly-based change detection algorithm and signature-based Snort threshold module are capable of detecting Modbus flooding attacks. In comparing these intrusion detection techniques, we find that the signature-based detection requires a carefully selected threshold value, and that the anomaly-based change detection algorithm may have a short delay before detecting the attacks depending on the parameters used. In addition, we also generate a network traffic dataset of flooding attacks on the Modbus control system protocol.


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Social networking sites (SNSs), with their large numbers of users and large information base, seem to be perfect breeding grounds for exploiting the vulnerabilities of people, the weakest link in security. Deceiving, persuading, or influencing people to provide information or to perform an action that will benefit the attacker is known as “social engineering.” While technology-based security has been addressed by research and may be well understood, social engineering is more challenging to understand and manage, especially in new environments such as SNSs, owing to some factors of SNSs that reduce the ability of users to detect the attack and increase the ability of attackers to launch it. This work will contribute to the knowledge of social engineering by presenting the first two conceptual models of social engineering attacks in SNSs. Phase-based and source-based models are presented, along with an intensive and comprehensive overview of different aspects of social engineering threats in SNSs.


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While social engineering represents a real and ominous threat to many organizations, companies, governments, and individuals, social networking sites (SNSs), have been identified as among the most common means of social engineering attacks. Owing to factors that reduce the ability of users to detect social engineering tricks and increase the ability of attackers to launch them, SNSs seem to be perfect breeding ground for exploiting the vulnerabilities of people, and the weakest link in security. This work will contribute to the knowledge of social engineering by identifying different entities and subentities that affect social engineering based attacks in SNSs. Moreover, this paper includes an intensive and comprehensive overview of different aspects of social engineering threats in SNSs.


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There is no doubt that social engineering plays a vital role in compromising most security defenses, and in attacks on people, organizations, companies, or even governments. It is the art of deceiving and tricking people to reveal critical information or to perform an action that benefits the attacker in some way. Fraudulent and deceptive people have been using social engineering traps and tactics using information technology such as e-mails, social networks, web sites, and applications to trick victims into obeying them, accepting threats, and falling victim to various crimes and attacks such as phishing, sexual abuse, financial abuse, identity theft, impersonation, physical crime, and many other forms of attack. Although organizations, researchers, practitioners, and lawyers recognize the severe risk of social engineering-based threats, there is a severe lack of understanding and controlling of such threats. One side of the problem is perhaps the unclear concept of social engineering as well as the complexity of understand human behaviors in behaving toward, approaching, accepting, and failing to recognize threats or the deception behind them. The aim of this paper is to explain the definition of social engineering based on the related theories of the many related disciplines such as psychology, sociology, information technology, marketing, and behaviourism. We hope, by this work, to help researchers, practitioners, lawyers, and other decision makers to get a fuller picture of social engineering and, therefore, to open new directions of collaboration toward detecting and controlling it.


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The purpose of this paper is to empirically examine the state of cloud computing adoption in Australia. I specifically focus on the drivers, risks, and benefits of cloud computing from the perspective of IT experts and forensic accountants. I use thematic analysis of interview data to answer the research questions of the study. The findings suggest that cloud computing is increasingly gaining foothold in many sectors due to its advantages such as flexibility and the speed of deployment. However, security remains an issue and therefore its adoption is likely to be selective and phased. Of particular concern are the involvement of third parties and foreign jurisdictions, which in the event of damage may complicate litigation and forensic investigations. This is one of the first empirical studies that reports on cloud computing adoption and experiences in Australia.


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Cloud computing is a currently developing revolution in information technology that is disturbing the way that individuals and corporate entities operate while enabling new distributed services that have not existed before. At the foundation of cloud computing is the broader concept of converged infrastructure and shared services. Security is often said to be a major concern of users considering migration to cloud computing. This article examines some of these security concerns and surveys recent research efforts in cryptography to provide new technical mechanisms suitable for the new scenarios of cloud computing. We consider techniques such as homomorphic encryption, searchable encryption, proofs of storage, and proofs of location. These techniques allow cloud computing users to benefit from cloud server processing capabilities while keeping their data encrypted; and to check independently the integrity and location of their data. Overall we are interested in how users may be able to maintain and verify their own security without having to rely on the trust of the cloud provider.