Algebraic analysis of Trivium-like ciphers

Autoria(s): Teo, Sui-Guan; Wong, Kenneth Koon-Ho; Bartlett, Harry; Simpson, Leonie; Dawson, Ed

Parampali, Udaya

Welch, Ian




Trivium is a bit-based stream cipher in the final portfolio of the eSTREAM project. In this paper, we apply the algebraic attack approach of Berbain et al. to Trivium-like ciphers and perform new analyses on them. We demonstrate a new algebraic attack on Bivium-A. This attack requires less time and memory than previous techniques to recover Bivium-A's initial state. Though our attacks on Bivium-B, Trivium and Trivium-N are worse than exhaustive keysearch, the systems of equations which are constructed are smaller and less complex compared to previous algebraic analyses. We also answer an open question posed by Berbain et al. on the feasibility of applying their technique on Trivium-like ciphers. Factors which can affect the complexity of our attack on Trivium-like ciphers are discussed in detail. Analysis of Bivium-B and Trivium-N are omitted from this manuscript. The full paper is available on the IACR ePrint Archive.





Australian Computer Society


Teo, Sui-Guan, Wong, Kenneth Koon-Ho, Bartlett, Harry, Simpson, Leonie, & Dawson, Ed (2014) Algebraic analysis of Trivium-like ciphers. In Parampali, Udaya & Welch, Ian (Eds.) Proceedings of the Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014) [Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, Volume 149], Australian Computer Society, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 77-81.


Copyright 2014 Australian Computer Society, Inc.

This paper appeared at the Australasian Information Security Conference(ACSW-AISC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand, January 2014. Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology (CRPIT), Vol. 149, Udaya Parampalli and Ian Welch, Ed. Reproduction for academic, not-for-profit purposes permitted provided this text is included.


School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Institute for Future Environments; School of Mathematical Sciences; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #080400 DATA FORMAT #080402 Data Encryption #stream ciphers #Trivium #Trivium- N #Bivium-A #Bivium-B #algebraic attacks

Conference Paper