240 resultados para Voltage noise


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A novel intelligent online demand side management system is proposed for peak load management. The method also regulates the network voltage, balances the power in three phases and coordinates the battery storage discharge within the network. This method uses low cost controllers with low bandwidth two-way communication installed in costumers' premises and at distribution transformers to manage the peak load while maximizing customer satisfaction. A multi-objective decision making process is proposed to select the load(s) to be delayed or controlled. The efficacy of the proposed control system is verified through an event-based developed simulation in Matlab.


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In order to dynamically reduce voltage unbalance along a low voltage distribution feeder, a smart residential load transfer system is discussed. In this scheme, residential loads can be transferred from one phase to another to minimize the voltage unbalance along the feeder. Each house is supplied through a static transfer switch and a controller. The master controller, installed at the transformer, observes the power consumption in each house and will determine which house(s) should be transferred from an initially connected phase to another in order to keep the voltage unbalance minimum. The performance of the smart load transfer scheme is demonstrated by simulations.


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A novel intelligent online demand management system is discussed in this chapter for peak load management in low voltage residential distribution networks based on the smart grid concept. The discussed system also regulates the network voltage, balances the power in three phases and coordinates the energy storage within the network. This method uses low cost controllers, with two-way communication interfaces, installed in costumers’ premises and at distribution transformers to manage the peak load while maximizing customer satisfaction. A multi-objective decision making process is proposed to select the load(s) to be delayed or controlled. The efficacy of the proposed control system is verified by a MATLAB-based simulation which includes detailed modeling of residential loads and the network.


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The aim of this small-scale study was to measure, analyse and compare levels of acoustic noise, in a nine-bedded general intensive care unit (ICU). Measurements were undertaken using the Norsonic 116 sound level meter recording noise levels in the internationally agreed ‘A’ weighted scale. Noise level data were obtained and recorded at 5 min over 3 consecutive days. Results of noise level analysis indicated that mean noise levels within this clinical area was 56·42 dB(A), with acute spikes reaching 80 dB(A). The quietest noise level attained was that of 50 dB(A) during sporadic intervals throughout the 24-h period. Parametric testing using analysis of variance found a positive relationship (p ≤ 0·001) between the nursing shifts and the day of the week. However, Scheffe multiple range testing showed significant differences between the morning shift, and the afternoon and night shifts combined (p ≤ 0·05). There was no statistical difference between the afternoon and night shifts (p ≥ 0·05). While the results of this study may seem self-evident in many respects, what it has highlighted is that the problem of excessive noise exposure within the ICU continues to go unabated. More concerning is that the prolonged effects of excessive noise exposure on patients and staff alike can have deleterious effect on the health and well-being of these individuals.


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Aims and objectives.  This study was undertaken to measure and analyse levels of acoustic noise in a General Surgical Ward. Method.  Measurements were undertaken using the Norsonic 116 sound level meter (SLM) recording noise levels in the internationally agreed ‘A’ weighted scale. Noise level data and observational data as to the number of staff present were obtained and recorded at 5-min intervals over three consecutive days. Results.  Results of noise level analysis indicated that mean noise level within this clinical area was 42.28 dB with acute spikes reaching 70 dB(A). The lowest noise level attained was that of 36 dB(A) during the period midnight to 7 a.m. Non-parametric testing, using Spearman's Rho (two-tailed), found a positive relationship between the number of staff present and the level of noise recorded, indicating that the presence of hospital personnel strongly influences the level of noise within this area. Relevance to clinical practice.  Whilst the results of this may seem self-evident in many respects the problems of excessive noise production and the exposure to it for patients, hospital personnel and relatives alike continues unabated. What must be of concern is the psychophysiological effects excessive noise exposure has on individuals, for example, decreased wound healing, sleep deprivation and cardiovascular stimulation.


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This small-scale study was undertaken to assess what knowledge nursing staff from a General Intensive Care Unit held with regard to noise exposure. To assess knowledge a self-administered multiple-choice questionnaire was used. Rigorous peer-review insured content validity. This study produced poor results in terms of the knowledge nurses held with regard to noise related issues in particular the psychophysiological effects and current legislation concerning its safe exposure. Non-parametric testing, using Kruskal–Wallis found no significant difference between nursing grades, however, descriptive analysis demonstrated that the staff nurse grade (D and E) performed better overall. Whilst the results of this study may seem self-evident in some respects, it is the problems of exposure to excessive noise levels for both patients and hospital personnel, which are clearly not understood. The effects noise exposure has on individuals for example decreased wound healing; sleep deprivation and cardiovascular stimulation must be of concern especially in terms of patient care but more so for nursing staff especially the effects noise levels can have on cognitive task performance.


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Large penetration of rooftop PVs has resulted in unacceptable voltage profile in many residential distribution feeders. Limiting real power injection from PVs to alleviate over voltage problem is not feasible due to loss of green power and hence corresponding revenue loss. Reactive capability of the PV inverter can be a solution to address over voltage and voltage dip problems to some extent. This paper proposes an algorithm to utilize reactive capability of PV inverters and investigate their effectiveness for voltage improvement based on R/X ratio of the feeder. The length and loading level of the feeder for a particular R/X ratio to have acceptable voltage profile is also investigated. This can be useful for suburban design and residential distribution planning. Furthermore, coordination among different PVs using residential smart meters via a substation based controller is also proposed.


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Integration of rooftop PVs and increasing peak demand in the residential distribution networks has resulted in unacceptable voltage profile. Curtailing PV generation to alleviate overvoltage problem and making regular network investment to cater peak demand is not always feasible. Reactive capability of the PV inverter can be a solution to address voltage dip and over voltage problems to some extent. This paper proposes an algorithm to utilize reactive capability of PV inverters and investigate their effectiveness on feeder length and R/X ratio of the line. Feeder loading level for a particular R/X ratio to have acceptable voltage profile is also investigated. Furthermore, the need of appropriate feeder distances and R/X ratio for acceptable voltage profile, which can be useful for suburban design and distribution planning, is explored.


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Guitar technology underwent significant changes in the 20th century in the move from acoustic to electric instruments. In the first part of the 21st century, the guitar continues to develop through its interaction with digital technologies. Such changes in guitar technology are usually grounded in what we might call the "cultural identity" of the instrument: that is, the various ways that the guitar is used to enact, influence and challenge sociocultural and musical discourses. Often, these different uses of the guitar can be seen to reflect a conflict between the changing concepts of "noise" and "musical sound."


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Installation of domestic rooftop photovoltaic cells (PVs) is increasing due to feed–in tariff and motivation driven by environmental concerns. Even though the increase in the PV installation is gradual, their locations and ratings are often random. Therefore, such single–phase bi–directional power flow caused by the residential customers can have adverse effect on the voltage imbalance of a three–phase distribution network. In this chapter, a voltage imbalance sensitivity analysis and stochastic evaluation are carried out based on the ratings and locations of single–phase grid–connected rooftop PVs in a residential low voltage distribution network. The stochastic evaluation, based on Monte Carlo method, predicts a failure index of non–standard voltage imbalance in the network in presence of PVs. Later, the application of series and parallel custom power devices are investigated to improve voltage imbalance problem in these feeders. In this regard, first, the effectiveness of these two custom power devices is demonstrated vis–à–vis the voltage imbalance reduction in feeders containing rooftop PVs. Their effectiveness is investigated from the installation location and rating points of view. Later, a Monte Carlo based stochastic analysis is utilized to investigate their efficacy for different uncertainties of load and PV rating and location in the network. This is followed by demonstrating the dynamic feasibility and stability issues of applying these devices in the network.


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Rapidly increasing electricity demands and capacity shortage of transmission and distribution facilities are the main driving forces for the growth of Distributed Generation (DG) integration in power grids. One of the reasons for choosing a DG is its ability to support voltage in a distribution system. Selection of effective DG characteristics and DG parameters is a significant concern of distribution system planners to obtain maximum potential benefits from the DG unit. This paper addresses the issue of improving the network voltage profile in distribution systems by installing a DG of the most suitable size, at a suitable location. An analytical approach is developed based on algebraic equations for uniformly distributed loads to determine the optimal operation, size and location of the DG in order to achieve required levels of network voltage. The developed method is simple to use for conceptual design and analysis of distribution system expansion with a DG and suitable for a quick estimation of DG parameters (such as optimal operating angle, size and location of a DG system) in a radial network. A practical network is used to verify the proposed technique and test results are presented.


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Several significant studies have been made in recent decades toward understanding road traffic noise and its effects on residential balconies. These previous studies have used a variety of techniques such as theoretical models, scale models and measurements on real balconies. The studies have considered either road traffic noise levels within the balcony space or inside an adjacent habitable room or both. Previous theoretical models have used, for example, simplified specular reflection calculations, boundary element methods (BEM), adaptations of CoRTN or the use of Sabine Theory. This paper presents an alternative theoretical model to predict the effects of road traffic noise spatially within the balcony space. The model includes a specular reflection component by calculating up to 10 orders of source images. To account for diffusion effects, a two compartment radiosity component is utilised. The first radiosity compartment is the urban street, represented as a street with building facades on either side. The second radiosity compartment is the balcony space. The model is designed to calculate the predicted road traffic noise levels within the balcony space and is capable of establishing the effect of changing street and balcony geometries. Screening attenuation algorithms are included to determine the effects of solid balcony parapets and balcony ceiling shields.


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Rolling Element Bearings (REBs) are vital components in rotating machineries for providing rotating motion. In slow speed rotating machines, bearings are normally subjected to heavy static loads and a catastrophic failure can cause enormous disruption to production and human safety. Due to its low operating speed the impact energy generated by the rotating elements on the defective components is not sufficient to produce a detectable vibration response. This is further aggravated by the inability of general measuring instruments to detect and process the weak signals at the initiation of the defect accurately. Furthermore, the weak signals are often corrupted by background noise. This is a serious problem faced by maintenance engineers today and the inability to detect an incipient failure of the machine can significantly increases the risk of functional failure and costly downtime. This paper presents the application of noise removal techniques for enhancing the detection capability for slow speed REB condition monitoring. Blind deconvolution (BD) and adaptive line enhancer (ALE) are compared to evaluate their performance in enhancing the source signal with consequential removal of background noise. In the experimental study, incipient defects were seeded on a number of roller bearings and the signals were acquired using acoustic emission (AE) sensor. Kurtosis and modified peak ratio (mPR) were used to determine the detectability of signal corrupted by noise.