200 resultados para G MESSENGER-RNA


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Significance Reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and peroxynitrite are generated ubiquitously by all mammalian cells and have been understood for many decades as inflicting cell damage and as causing cancer by oxidation and nitration of macromolecules, including DNA, RNA, proteins, and lipids. Recent Advances A current concept suggests that ROS can also promote cell signaling pathways triggered by growth factors and transcription factors that ultimately regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis, all of which are important hallmarks of tumor cell proliferation and angiogenesis. Moreover, an emerging concept indicates that ROS regulate the functions of immune cells that infiltrate the tumor environment and stimulate angiogenesis, such as macrophages and specific regulatory T cells. Critical Issues In this article, we highlight that the NADPH oxidase family of ROS-generating enzymes are the key sources of ROS and, thus, play an important role in redox signaling within tumor, endothelial, and immune cells thereby promoting tumor angiogenesis. Future Directions Knowledge of these intricate ROS signaling pathways and identification of the culprit NADPH oxidases is likely to reveal novel therapeutic opportunities to prevent angiogenesis that occurs during cancer and which is responsible for the revascularization after current antiangiogenic treatment.


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BACKGROUND Estradiol (E-2) is an important promoter of the growth of both eutopic and ectopic endometrium. The findings with regard to the expression and activity of steroidogenic enzymes in endometrium of controls, in endometrium of endometriosis patients and in endometriotic lesions are not consistent. METHODS In this study, we have looked at the mRNA expression and protein levels of a range of steroidogenic enzymes [aromatase, 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (17 beta-HSD) type 1, 2 and 4, estrogen sulfotransferase (EST) and steroid sulfatase (STS)l in eutopic and ectopic endometrium of patients (n = 14) with deep-infiltrative endometriosis as well as in disease-free endometrium (n = 48) using real-time PCR and immunocytochemistry. In addition, we evaluated their menstrual cycle-related expression patterns, and investigated their steroid responsiveness in explant cultures. RESULTS Aromatase and 17 beta-HSD type 1 mRNA levels were extremely low in normal human endometrium, while mRNAs for types 2 and 4 17 beta-HSD, EST and STS were readily detectable. Only 17 beta-HSD type 2 and EST genes showed sensitivity to progesterone in normal endometrium. Types 1 and 2 17 beta-HSD and STS protein was detected in normal endometrium using new polyclonal antibodies. CONCLUSIONS In endometriosis lesions, the balance is tilted in favor of enzymes producing E2. This is due to a suppression of types 2 and 4 17 beta-HSD, and an increased expression of aromatase and type 1 17 beta-HSD in ectopic endometrium.


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Background The koala, Phascolarctos cinereus, is a biologically unique and evolutionarily distinct Australian arboreal marsupial. The goal of this study was to sequence the transcriptome from several tissues of two geographically separate koalas, and to create the first comprehensive catalog of annotated transcripts for this species, enabling detailed analysis of the unique attributes of this threatened native marsupial, including infection by the koala retrovirus. Results RNA-Seq data was generated from a range of tissues from one male and one female koala and assembled de novo into transcripts using Velvet-Oases. Transcript abundance in each tissue was estimated. Transcripts were searched for likely protein-coding regions and a non-redundant set of 117,563 putative protein sequences was produced. In similarity searches there were 84,907 (72%) sequences that aligned to at least one sequence in the NCBI nr protein database. The best alignments were to sequences from other marsupials. After applying a reciprocal best hit requirement of koala sequences to those from tammar wallaby, Tasmanian devil and the gray short-tailed opossum, we estimate that our transcriptome dataset represents approximately 15,000 koala genes. The marsupial alignment information was used to look for potential gene duplications and we report evidence for copy number expansion of the alpha amylase gene, and of an aldehyde reductase gene. Koala retrovirus (KoRV) transcripts were detected in the transcriptomes. These were analysed in detail and the structure of the spliced envelope gene transcript was determined. There was appreciable sequence diversity within KoRV, with 233 sites in the KoRV genome showing small insertions/deletions or single nucleotide polymorphisms. Both koalas had sequences from the KoRV-A subtype, but the male koala transcriptome has, in addition, sequences more closely related to the KoRV-B subtype. This is the first report of a KoRV-B-like sequence in a wild population. Conclusions This transcriptomic dataset is a useful resource for molecular genetic studies of the koala, for evolutionary genetic studies of marsupials, for validation and annotation of the koala genome sequence, and for investigation of koala retrovirus. Annotated transcripts can be browsed and queried at http://koalagenome.org


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Malaria is a global health problem; an effective vaccine is urgently needed. Due to the relative poverty and lack of infrastructure in malaria endemic areas, DNA-based vaccines that are stable at ambient temperatures and easy to formulate have great potential. While attention has been focused mainly on antigen selection, vector design and efficacy assessment, the development of a rapid and commercially viable process to manufacture DNA is generally overlooked. We report here a continuous purification technique employing an optimized stationary adsorbent to allow high-vaccine recovery, low-processing time, and, hence, high-productivity. A 40.0 mL monolithic stationary phase was synthesized and functionalized with amino groups from 2-Chloro-N,N- diethylethylamine hydrochloride for anion-exchange isolation of a plasmid DNA (pDNA) that encodes a malaria vaccine candidate, VR1020-PyMSP4/5. Physical characterization of the monolithic polymer showed a macroporous material with a modal pore diameter of 750 nm. The final vaccine product isolated after 3 min elution was homogeneous supercoiled plasmid with gDNA, RNA and protein levels in keeping with clinical regulatory standards. Toxicological studies of the pVR1020-PyMSP4/5 showed a minimum endotoxin level of 0.28 EU/m.g pDNA. This cost-effective technique is cGMP compatible and highly scalable for the production of DNA-based vaccines in commercial quantities, when such vaccines prove to be effective against malaria. © 2008 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.


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We have shown previously that a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein based on the Lac repressor protein can isolate pre-purified DNA efficiently from simple buffer solution but our attempts to purify plasmids directly from crude starting materials were disappointing with unpractically low DNA yields. We have optimized tbe procedure and present a simple affinity methodology whereby plasmid DNA is purified directly by mixing two crude cell lysates, one cell lysate containing the plasmid and the other the protein affinity ligand, without the need for treatment by RNaseA. After IMAC chromatography, high purity supercoiled DNA is recovered in good yields of 100-150 μg plasmid per 200 mL shake flask culture. Moreover, the resulting DNA is free from linear or open-circular plasmid DNA, genomic DNA, RNA, and protein, to the limits of our detection. Furthermore, we show that lyophilized affinity ligand can be stored at room temperature and re-hydrated for use when required.


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The construction of large?volume methacrylate monolithic columns for preparative-scale plasmid purification is obstructed by the enormous release of exotherms, thus introducing structural heterogeneity in the monolith pore system. A remarkable radial temperature gradient develops along the monolith thickness, reaching a terminal temperature that supersedes the maximum temperature required for the preparation of a structurally homogeneous monolith. A novel heat expulsion technique is employed to overcome the heat build-up during the synthesis process. The enormous heat build-up is perceived to encompass the heat associated with initiator decomposition and the heat released from free radical-monomer and monomer-monomer interactions. The heat resulting from the initiator decomposition was expelled along with some gaseous fumes before commencing polymerisation in a gradual addition fashion. Characteristics of a 50 mL monolith synthesized using this technique showed an improved uniformity in the pore structure radially along the length on the monolith. Chromatographic characterization of this adsorbent displayed a persistent binding capacity of 14.5 mg pDNA/mL of the adsorbent. The adsorbent was able to fractionate a clarified bacteria lysate in only 3 min (after loading) into RNA, protein and pDNA respectively. The pDNA fraction obtained was analyzed to be a homogeneous supercoiled pDNA.


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Cytokines are important mediators of various aspects of health and disease, including appetite, glucose and lipid metabolism, insulin sensitivity, skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy. Over the past decade or so, considerable attention has focused on the potential for regular exercise to counteract a range of disease states by modulating cytokine production. Exercise stimulates moderate to large increases in the circulating concentrations of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-1 receptor antagonist, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, and smaller increases in tumor necrosis factor-α, monocyte chemotactic protein-1, IL-1β, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, IL-12p35/p40 and IL-15. Although many of these cytokines are also expressed in skeletal muscle, not all are released from skeletal muscle into the circulation during exercise. Conversely, some cytokines that are present in the circulation are not expressed in skeletal muscle after exercise. The reasons for these discrepant cytokine responses to exercise are unclear. In this review, we address these uncertainties by summarizing the capacity of skeletal muscle cells to produce cytokines, analyzing other potential cellular sources of circulating cytokines during exercise, and discussing the soluble factors and intracellular signaling pathways that regulate cytokine synthesis (e.g., RNA-binding proteins, microRNAs, suppressor of cytokine signaling proteins, soluble receptors).


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The predicted secondary structure of sub-genomic RNA in dengue virus defective interfering (D.I.) particles from patients, or generated in vitro, resembled that of the 3′ and 5′ regions of wild type dengue virus (DENV) genomes. While these structures in the sub-genomic RNA were found to be essential for its replication, their nucleotide sequences were not, so long as any new sequences maintained wild type RNA secondary structure. These observations suggested that these sub-genomic fragments of RNA from dengue viruses were replicated in the same manner as the full length genomes of their wild type, “helper”, viruses and that they probably represent the smallest fragments of DENV RNA that can be replicated during a natural infection. While D.I. particles containing sub-genomic RNA are completely parasitic, the relationship between wild type and D.I. DENV may be symbiotic, with the D.I. particles enhancing the transmission of infectious DENV.


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Objective: To follow-up previous studies highlighting a possible role for cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, 19 (CYP2C19) in susceptibility to endometriosis by searching for additional variants in the CYP2C19 gene that may be associated with the disease. Design Case-control study. Setting Academic research. Subject(s) The cases comprised 2,271 women with surgically confirmed endometriosis; the controls comprised 939 women with self-report of no endometriosis and 1,770 unscreened population samples. Intervention(s) Sequencing of the CYP2C19 region and follow-up of 80 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in two case-control samples. Main Outcome Measure(s) Allele frequency differences between cases and controls. Result(s) Sequencing of the CYP2C19 gene region resulted in the detection of a large number of known and novel SNPs. Genotyping of 80 polymorphic SNPs in 901 endometriosis cases and 939 controls resulted in study-wide significant association signals for SNPs in moderate or complete linkage disequilibrium with rs4244285, a functional SNP in exon 5 that abrogates CYP2C19 function through the creation of an alternative splice site. Evidence of association was also detected for another functional SNP in the CYP2C19 promoter, rs12248560, which was highlighted in our previous study. Conclusion(s) Functional variants in CYP2C19 may contribute to endometriosis susceptibility in both familial and sporadic cases. © 2014 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.


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Genetic factors contribute to risk of many common diseases affecting reproduction and fertility. In recent years, methods for genome-wide association studies(GWAS) have revolutionized gene discovery forcommontraits and diseases. Results of GWAS are documented in the Catalog of Published Genome-Wide Association Studies at the National Human Genome Research Institute and report over 70 publications for 32 traits and diseases associated with reproduction. These include endometriosis, uterine fibroids, age at menarche and age at menopause. Results that pass appropriate stringent levels of significance are generally well replicated in independent studies. Examples of genetic variation affecting twinning rate, infertility, endometriosis and age at menarche demonstrate that the spectrum of disease-related variants for reproductive traits is similar to most other common diseases.GWAS 'hits' provide novel insights into biological pathways and the translational value of these studies lies in discovery of novel gene targets for biomarkers, drug development and greater understanding of environmental factors contributing to disease risk. Results also show that genetic data can help define sub-types of disease and co-morbidity with other traits and diseases. To date, many studies on reproductive traits have used relatively small samples. Future genetic marker studies in large samples with detailed phenotypic and clinical information will yield new insights into disease risk, disease classification and co-morbidity for many diseases associated with reproduction and infertility.


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The project investigated the molecular response of Tra catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) to elevated salinity conditions. We employed Next generation sequencing platform to evaluate differential gene expression profiles of key genes under two salinity conditions. Results of the current project can form the basis for further studies to confirm the functional roles of specific genes that influence salinity tolerance in the target species and more broadly in other freshwater teleost fishes. Ultimately, the approach can contribute to developing superior culture stocks of the target species.


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We commend Swanenburg et al. (2013) on translation, development, and clinimetric analysis of the NDI-G. However, the dual-factor structure with factor analysis and the high level of internal consistency (IC) highlighted in their discussion were not emphasized in the abstract or conclusion. These points may imply some inconsistencies with the final conclusions since determination of stable point estimates with the study's small sample are exceedingly difficult.


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Background: Migraine causes crippling attacks of severe head pain along with associated nausea, vomiting, photophobia and/or phonophobia. The aim of this study was to investigate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the adenosine deaminase, RNA-specific, B1 (ADARB1)and adenosine deaminase, RNA specific, B2 (ADARB2) genes in an Australian case-control Caucasian population for association with migraine. Both candidate genes are highly expressed in the central nervous system (CNS) and fit criteria for migraine neuropathology. SNPs in the ADARB2 gene were previously found to be positively associated with migraine in a pedigree-based GWAS using the genetic isolate of Norfolk Island, Australia. The ADARB1 gene was also chosen for investigation due to its important function in editing neurotransmitter receptor transcripts. Methods: Four SNPs in ADARB1 and nine in ADARB2 were selected by inspecting blocks of LD in Haploview for genotyping using either TaqMan or Sequenom assays. These SNPs were genotyped in two-hundred and ninety one patients who satisfied the International Classification of Headache Disorders, ICHD-II 2004 diagnostic criteria for migraine and three-hundred and fourteen controls and PLINK was used for association testing. Results: Chi-square (χ2) analysis found no significant association between any of the SNPs tested in the ADARB1 and ADARB2 genes in this study and the occurrence of migraine. Conclusions: In contrast to findings that SNPs in the ADARB2 gene were positively associated with migraine in the Norfolk Island population, we find no evidence to support the involvement of RNA editing genes in migraine susceptibility in an Australian Caucasian population.


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Background The genetic mutation resulting in osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) type V was recently characterised as a single point mutation (c.-14C > T) in the 5' untranslated region (UTR) of IFITM5, a gene encoding a transmembrane protein with expression restricted to skeletal tissue. This mutation creates an alternative start codon and has been shown in a eukaryotic cell line to result in a longer variant of IFITM5, but its expression has not previously been demonstrated in bone from a patient with OI type V. Methods Sanger sequencing of the IFITM5 5' UTR was performed in our cohort of subjects with a clinical diagnosis of OI type V. Clinical data was collated from referring clinicians. RNA was extracted from a bone sample from one patient and Sanger sequenced to determine expression of wild-type and mutant IFITM5. Results: All nine subjects with OI type V were heterozygous for the c.-14C > T IFITM5 mutation. Clinically, there was heterogeneity in phenotype, particularly in the manifestation of bone fragility amongst subjects. Both wild-type and mutant IFITM5 mRNA transcripts were present in bone. Conclusions The c.-14C > T IFITM5 mutation does not result in an RNA-null allele but is expressed in bone. Individuals with identical mutations in IFITM5 have highly variable phenotypic expression, even within the same family.


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Objective: To identify differentially expressed genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) compared with healthy individuals. Methods: RNA was extracted from PBMCs collected from 18 patients with active disease and 18 gender-matched and age-matched controls. Expression profiles of these cells were determined using microarray. Candidate genes with differential expressions were confirmed in the same samples using quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (qRT-PCR). These genes were then validated in a different sample cohort of 35 patients with AS and 18 controls by qRT-PCR. Results: Microarray analysis identified 452 genes detected with 485 probes which were differentially expressed between patients with AS and controls. Underexpression of NR4A2, tumour necrosis factor AIP3 (TNFAIP3) and CD69 was confirmed. These genes were further validated in a different sample group in which the patients with AS had a wider range of disease activity. Predictive algorithms were also developed from the expression data using receiver-operating characteristic curves, which demonstrated that the three candidate genes have ∼80% power to predict AS according to their expression levels. Conclusions: The findings show differences in global gene expression patterns between patients with AS and controls, suggesting an immunosuppressive phenotype in the patients. Furthermore, downregulated expression of three immune-related genes was confirmed. These candidate genes were also shown to be strong predictive markers for AS.