222 resultados para Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Indirect


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Deficiencies in iodine levels have been shown to seriously affect a child’s intellectual development and learning capacity.1 In South-East Asia, iodine deficiency remains a major public health concern. Approximately 30% of the region’s population of 503.6 million have insufficient iodine intake, and only 61% of households have access to iodized salt.1 For this reason, it is necessary to initiate effective, community-based health promotion activities that are targeted toward populations of various ages. A puppet show is one imaginative and entertaining method of health education that has been advocated for use in communicating positive health behaviours to children.2e5 The authors undertook a literature review and found no studies assessing the effectiveness of a puppet show to teach an iodine education programme...


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The palette of fluorescent proteins (FPs) has grown exponentially over the past decade, and as a result, live imaging of cells expressing fluorescently tagged proteins is becoming more and more mainstream. Spinning disk confocal (SDC) microscopy is a high-speed optical sectioning technique and a method of choice to observe and analyze intracellular FP dynamics at high spatial and temporal resolution. In an SDC system, a rapidly rotating pinhole disk generates thousands of points of light that scan the specimen simultaneously, which allows direct capture of the confocal image with low-noise scientific grade-cooled charge-coupled device cameras, and can achieve frame rates of up to 1000 frames per second. In this chapter, we describe important components of a state-of-the-art spinning disk system optimized for live cell microscopy and provide a rationale for specific design choices. We also give guidelines of how other imaging techniques such as total internal reflection microscopy or spatially controlled photoactivation can be coupled with SDC imaging and provide a short protocol on how to generate cell lines stably expressing fluorescently tagged proteins by lentivirus-mediated transduction.


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Phytochemical lures such as methyl eugenol (ME) and cue-lure are used in the management of Bactrocera fruit flies for monitoring and control. These lures are not just attractants, but also trigger physiological changes in males that lead to enhanced mating success. Additionally, in the cue-lure-responsive Bactrocera tryoni, females mated with lure-fed males exhibit changes in fecundity, remating receptivity and longevity. While the lures show current generation effects, no research has been carried out on possible multigenerational effects, although such effects have been hypothesized within a ‘sexy-son’ sexual selection model. In this study, we test for indirect, cross-generational effects of lure exposure in F1offspring of B. tryoni females mated with cue-lure-fed, zingerone-fed and lure-unfed (=control) males. The F1 attributes we recorded were immature development time, immature survival, adult survival and adult male lure foraging. No significant differences were found between treatments for any of the three life-history measurements, except that the offspring sired by zingerone-fed males had a longer egg development time than cue-lure and control offspring. However, indirect exposure to lures significantly enhanced the lure-foraging ability of F1 adult males. More offspring of cue-lure-fed males arrived at a lure source in both large flight cages and small laboratory cages over a 2-h period than did control males. The offspring of zingerone-fed males were generally intermediate between cue-lure and control offspring. This study provides the first evidence of a next generation effect of fruit fly male lures. While the results of this study support a ‘sexy-son’ sexual selection mechanism for the evolution of lure response in Bactrocera fruit flies, our discussion urges caution in interpreting our results in this way.


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With a focus to optimising the life cycle performance of Australian Railway bridges, new bridge classification and environmental classification systems are proposed. The new bridge classification system is mainly to facilitate the implementation of novel Bridge Management System (BMS) which optimise the life cycle cost both at project level and network level while environment classification is mainly to improve accuracy of Remaining Service Potential (RSP) module of the proposed BMS. In fact, limited capacity of the existing BMS to trigger the maintenance intervention point is an indirect result of inadequacies of the existing bridge and environmental classification systems. The proposed bridge classification system permits to identify the intervention points based on percentage deterioration of individual elements and maintenance cost, while allowing performance based rating technique to implement for maintenance optimisation and prioritisation. Simultaneously, the proposed environment classification system will enhance the accuracy of prediction of deterioration of steel components.


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Background Infection with human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) has been consistently linked to Kaposi's sarcoma, but its mode of transmission, association with other cancers, and interaction with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are largely unknown. Methods Between January 1992 and December 1997, we interviewed 3591 black patients with cancer in Johannesburg and Soweto, South Africa. Blood was tested for antibodies against HIV-1 and HHV-8 in 3344 of the patients. Antibodies against HHV-8 were detected with an indirect immunofluorescence assay. The intensity of the fluorescent signal correlated well with the titers of antibodies (P<0.001). The relations among the presence of anti–HHV-8 antibodies, sociodemographic and behavioral factors, type of cancer, and the presence or absence of coexistent HIV-1 infection were examined with the use of unconditional logistic-regression models. Results Among the 3293 subjects with cancers other than Kaposi's sarcoma, the standardized seroprevalence of antibodies against HHV-8 was 32 percent, which did not differ significantly from the standardized seroprevalence among black blood donors. Among these 3293 patients, the prevalence of antibodies against HHV-8 increased with increasing age (P<0.001) and an increasing number of sexual partners (P=0.05) and decreased with increasing years of education (P=0.007); it was not strongly associated with HIV-1 infection. Anti–HHV-8 antibodies were more frequent among black than white blood donors (P<0.001). Among the 51 patients with Kaposi's sarcoma, the standardized seroprevalence of antibodies against HHV-8 was 83 percent, significantly higher than the prevalence among those without Kaposi's sarcoma (P<0.001). For 16 other specific types of cancer, including multiple myeloma (108 cases) and prostate cancer (202 cases), the variation in the standardized seroprevalence of antibodies against HHV-8 was not remarkable. At a given intensity of fluorescence of anti–HHV-8 antibodies, Kaposi's sarcoma was more frequent among HIV-1–positive patients than among those who were HIV-1–negative (P<0.001). Conclusions Among black patients with cancer in South Africa, the seroprevalence of anti–HHV-8 antibodies is high and is specifically associated with Kaposi's sarcoma, particularly at high titers.


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DNA vaccines or proteins are capable of inducing specific immunity; however, the translation to the clinic has generally been problematic, primarily due to the reduced magnitude of immune response and poor pharmacokinetics. Herein we demonstrate a composite microsphere formulation, composed of mesoporous silica spheres (MPS) and poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), enables the controlled delivery of a prime-boost vaccine via the encapsulation of plasmid DNA (pDNA) and protein in different compartments. Method with modified dual-concentric-feeding needles attached to a 40 kHz ultrasonic atomizer was studied. These needles focus the flow of two different solutions, which passed through the ultrasonic atomizer. The process synthesis parameters, which are important to the scale-up of composite microspheres, were also studied. These parameters include polymer concentration, feed flowrate, and volumetric ratio of polymer and pDNA-PEI/MPS-BSA. This fabrication technique produced composite microspheres with mean D[4,3] ranging from 6 to 34 μm, depending upon the microsphere preparation. The resultant physical morphology of composite microspheres was largely influenced by the volumetric ratio of pDNA-PEI/MPS-BSA to polymer, and this was due to the precipitation of MPS at the surface of the microspheres. The encapsulation efficiencies were predominantly in the range of 93-98% for pDNA and 46-68% for MPS. In the in vitro studies, the pDNA and protein showed different release kinetics in a 40 day time frame. The dual-concentric-feeding in ultrasonic atomization was shown to have excellent reproducibility. It was concluded that this fabrication technique is an effective method to prepare formulations containing a heterologous prime-boost vaccine in a single delivery system.


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A monolithic stationary phase was prepared via free radical co-polymerization of ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EDMA) and glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) with pore diameter tailored specifically for plasmid binding, retention and elution. The polymer was functionalized. with 2-chloro-N,N-diethylethylamine hydrochloride (DEAE-Cl) for anion-exchange purification of plasmid DNA (pDNA) from clarified lysate obtained from E. coli DH5α-pUC19 culture in a ribonuclease/ protease-free environment. Characterization of the monolithic resin showed a porous material, with 68% of the pores existing in the matrix having diameters above 300 nm. The final product isolated from a single-stage 5 min anion-exchange purification was a pure and homogeneous supercoiled (SC) pDNA with no gDNA, RNA and protein contamination as confirmed by ethidium bromide agarose gel electrophoresis (EtBr-AGE), enzyme restriction analysis and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This non-toxic technique is cGMP compatible and highly scalable for production of pDNA on a commercial level.


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Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) has been the leading cause of transfusion-related morbidity and mortality in the UK and the USA in recent years. A threshold mechanism of TRALI has been proposed in which both patient factors (type and/or severity of clinical insult) and blood product factors (strength and/or concentration of antibodies or biological response modifiers) interact to surpass a threshold for TRALI development (Bux et al. Br J Haematol; 2007; 136: 788-99). The risk of developing antibody-mediated TRALI has been minimised by the introduction of risk-reduction strategies such as limiting the use of plasma from female donors. In contrast, there are no strategies currently in place to mitigate the development of non-antibody mediated TRALI as the mechanisms remain largely undefined. Previous studies have implicated non-polar lipids such as arachidonic acid and various species of hydroxyeicosatetranoic acid (HETE) in the development of non-antibody mediated TRALI (Silliman et al. Transfusion; 2011; 51: 2549-54), however the contribution of these lipids to the development of an inflammatory response in TRALI is poorly understood.


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The use of compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) in domestic residences has increased rapidly due to their higher energy efficiency and longer life expectancy when compared with traditional incandescent light bulbs. Through measurement of illuminance, actual power and apparent power, the actual efficacy and associated power factor of CFLs are studied in this paper. It is found that for an individual CFL, although its power consumption and lighting output (i.e. luminous flux) may be higher or lower than the stated values provided by the lighting manufacturers, the actual efficacy would most likely be equal to or better than the efficacy calculated from the given rated power and lumen from the manufacturers. The typical power factor for CFLs was 0.63.


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Early detection of plant transformation events is necessary for the rapid establishment and optimization of plant transformation protocols. We have assessed modified versions of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from Aequorea victoria as early reporters of plant transformation using a dissecting fluorescence microscope with appropriate filters. Gfp-expressing cells from four different plant species (sugarcane, maize, lettuce, and tobacco) were readily distinguished, following either Agrobacterium-mediated or particle bombardment-mediated transformation. The identification of gfp-expressing sugarcane cells allowed for the elimination of a high proportion of non-expressing explants and also enabled visual selection of dividing transgenic cells, an early step in the generation of transgenic organisms. The recovery of transgenic cell clusters was streamlined by the ability to visualize gfp-expressing tissues in vitro.


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Bearing faults are the most common cause of wind turbine failures. Unavailability and maintenance cost of wind turbines are becoming critically important, with their fast growing in electric networks. Early fault detection can reduce outage time and costs. This paper proposes Anomaly Detection (AD) machine learning algorithms for fault diagnosis of wind turbine bearings. The application of this method on a real data set was conducted and is presented in this paper. For validation and comparison purposes, a set of baseline results are produced using the popular one-class SVM methods to examine the ability of the proposed technique in detecting incipient faults.


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This paper explores a gap within the serious game design research. That gap is the ambiguity surrounding the process of aligning the instructional objectives of serious games with their core-gameplay i.e. the moment-to-moment activity that is the core of player interaction. A core-gameplay focused design framework is proposed that can work alongside existing, more broadly focused serious games design frameworks. The framework utilises an inquiry-based approach that allows the serious game designer to use key questions as a means to clearly outline instructional objectives with the core-gameplay. The use of this design framework is considered in the context of a small section of gameplay from an educational game currently in development. This demonstration of the framework brings shows how instructional objectives can be embedded into a serious games core-gameplay.


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Host and donor dendritic cells (DC) stimulate alloreactive donor T lymphocytes, and initiate GVHD. We have shown that polyclonal antibody to the DC surface activation marker human CD83 (anti hCD83), which depletes activated DC, can prevent human DC and T cell induced lethal xenogeneic GVHD in SCID mice without impairing T cell mediated anti-leukaemic and anti-viral (CMV and influenza) immunity (J Exp Med 2009; 206: 387). Therefore, we made and tested a polyclonal anti mouse CD83 (RAM83) antibody in murine HSCT models and developed a human mAb against hCD83 as a potential new therapeutic immunosuppressive agent.


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Non-thermal plasma (NTP) has been introduced over the past several years as a promising method for nitrogen oxide (NOx) removal. The intent, when using NTP, is to selectively transfer input electrical energy to the electrons, and to not expend this in heating the entire gas stream, which generates free radicals through collisions, and promotes the desired chemical changes in the exhaust gases. The generated active species react with the pollutant molecules and decompose them. This paper reviews and summarizes relevant literature regarding various aspects of the application of {NTP} technology on {NOx} removal from exhaust gases. A comprehensive description of available scientific literature on {NOx} removal using {NTP} technology is presented, including various types of NTP, e.g. dielectric barrier discharge, corona discharge and electron beam. Furthermore, the combination of {NTP} with catalyst and adsorbent for better {NOx} removal efficiency is presented in detail. The removal of {NOx} from both simulated gases and real diesel engines is also considered in this review paper. As {NTP} is a new technique and is not yet commercialized, there is a need for more studies to be performed in this field.