239 resultados para metastasis


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We have previously reported that human breast carcinoma (HBC) cell lines expressing the mesenchymal intermediate filament protein vimentin (VIM+) are highly invasive in vitro, and highly metastatic in nude mice when compared to their VIM- counterparts. Since only VIM+ cell lines can be induced to activate matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) upon stimulation with Concanavalin A (Con A), we have examined here membrane type 1 MMP (MT1-MMP), a cell surface activator of MMP-2. Northern analysis reveals baseline expression of MT1-MMP in five of the six VIM+ cell lines studied (MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-435, BT-549, Hs578T, MCF-7(ADR)), each of which showed variable activation of exogenous MMP-2 after treatment with Con A. In contrast, the four VIM-, poorly invasive HBC cell lines studied (MCF-7, T47D, MDA-MB 468, ZR-75-1) lacked baseline MT1-MMP mRNA expression, and showed no induction of either MT1-MMP expression or MMP-2-activation with Con A. Such differential MT1-MMP expression was confirmed in vivo using in situ hybridization analysis of nude mouse tumor xenografts of representative cell lines. Western analysis of the MDA-MB-231 cells revealed baseline membrane expression of a 60 kDa species, which was strongly induced by Con A treatment along with a weaker band co-migrating with that from MT1-MMP-transfected COS-1 cells (63 kDa), presumably representing latent MT1-MMP. MT1-MMP immunofluorescence strongly decorated Con A-stimulated MDA-MB-231 cells in a manner consistent with membranous staining, but did not decorate the unstimulated MDA-MB-231 cells or MCF-7 cells under either condition. Collectively, the results suggest the constitutive production of active MT1-MMP which is unavailable for either MMP-2 activation or immuno-decoration until Con A treatment. Since VIM expression arises by virtue of the so-called epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) in invasive embryonic epithelia, we propose that this represents a major metastasis mechanism in breast carcinomas. MT1-MMP on the surface of such 'fibroblastoid' carcinoma cells may mediate a paracrine loop for the utilization of stromally produced MMP-2, and contribute to the poorer survival associated with VIM+ breast carcinomas.


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Recently, the tissue origin of MDA-MB-435 cell line has been the subject of considerable debate. In this study, we set out to determine whether MDA-MB-435-DTP cells shown to express melanoma-specific genes were identical to various other MDA-MB-435 cell stocks worldwide. CGH-microarray, genetic polymorphism genotyping, microsatellite fingerprint analysis and/or chromosomal number confirmed that the MDA-MB-435 cells maintained at the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center (MDA-MB-435-LCC) are almost identical to the MDA-MB-435-DTP cells, and showed a very similar profile to those obtained from the same original source (MD Anderson Cancer Center) but maintained independently (MDA-MB-435-PMCC). Gene expression profile analy-sis confirmed common expression of genes among different MDA-MB-435-LCC cell stocks, and identified some unique gene products in MDA-MB-435-PMCC cells. RT-PCR analysis confirmed the expression of the melanoma marker tyrosinase across multiple MDA-MB-435 cell stocks. Collectively, our results show that the MDA-MB-435 cells used widely have identical origins to those that exhibit a melanoma-like gene expression signature, but exhibit a small degree of genotypic and phenotypic drift.


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Mortality in breast cancer is linked to metastasis and recurrence yet there is no acceptable biological model for cancer relapse. We hypothesise that there might exist primary tumour cells capable of escaping surgery by migration and resisting radiotherapy and chemotherapy to cause cancer recurrence. We investigated this possibility in invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) tissue and observed the presence of solitary primary tumour cells (SPCs) in the dense collagen stroma that encapsulates intratumoural cells (ICs). In IDC tissue sections, collagen was detected with either Masson's Trichrome or by second harmonics imaging. Cytokeratin-19 (CK-19) and vimentin (VIM) antibodies were, respectively, used to identify epithelial-derived tumour cells and to indicate epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). Confocal/multiphoton microscopy showed that ICs from acini were mainly CK-19 +ve and were encapsulated by dense stromal collagen. Within the stroma, SPCs were detected by their staining for both CK-19 and VIM (confirming EMT). ICs and SPCs were subsequently isolated by laser capture microdissection followed by multiplex tandem-PCR studies. SPCs were found to be enriched for pro-migratory and anti-proliferative genes relative to ICs. In vitro experiments using collagen matrices at 20 mg/cm 3, similar in density to tumour matrices, demonstrated that SPC-like cells were highly migratory but dormant, phenotypes that recapitulated the genotypes of SPCs in clinical tissue. These data suggest that SPCs located at the breast cancer perimeter are invasive and dormant such that they may exceed surgical margins and resist local and adjuvant therapies. This study has important connotations for a role of SPCs in local recurrence.


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We have investigated the role of bone sialoprotein (BSP), a secreted glycoprotein normally found in bone, in breast cancer progression. To explore functions for BSP in human breast cancer invasion and metastasis, the full-length BSP cDNA was transfected into the MDA-MB-231-BAG human breast cancer cell line under the control of the CMV promoter. Clones expressing BSP and vector control clones were isolated. BSP producing clones showed increased monolayer wound healing, a faster rate of stellate outgrowth in Matrigel and increased rate of invasion into a collagen matrix when compared to control clones. Clones were also examined in models of breast cancer growth and metastasis in vivo. BSP transfected clones showed an increased rate of primary tumor growth following mammary fat pad injection of nude mice. BSP transfected clones and vector control clones metastasized to soft organs and bone at a similar rate after intra-cardiac injection as determined by real-time PCR and X-ray analysis. Although these organs were targets for both BSP transfected and non-transfected cells, the size of the metastatic lesion was shown to be significantly larger for BSP expressing clones. This was determined by real-time PCR analysis for soft organs and by X-ray analysis of bone lesions. For bone this was confirmed by intra-tibial injections of cells in nude mice. We conclude that BSP acts to drive primary and secondary tumor growth of breast cancers in vivo.


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Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) is a protein growth factor whose pleiotropic effects on epithelial cells include the stimulation of motility, mitosis and tubulogenesis. These responses are mediated by the cell surface tyrosine kinase receptor c-met. Because both the cytokine and receptor are found in the gastrointestinal tract, we have studied the effects of HGF/SF on transformed gut epithelial cells which express c-met. Here we describe the response of a new transformed human jejunal epithelioid cell line (HIE-7) to HGF/SF. Morphologically HIE-7 cells are immature. Their epithelial lineage was confirmed by reactivity with the epithelial specific antibodies AE1/AE3, Cam 5.2, Ber-EP4 and anti-EMA and is consistent with their expression of c-met mRNA and protein. In addition, electron microscopic analysis revealed the presence of primitive junctions and rudimentary microvilli, but features of polarization were absent. When grown on reconstituted basement membranes, HIE-7 cells formed closely associated multicellular cord-like structures adjacent to acellular spaces. However, the cells did not mature structurally, form lumen-like structures or express disaccharidase mRNA, even in the presence of recombinant HGF (rHGF). On the other hand, rHGF induced HIE-7 cells to scatter and stimulated their rapid migration in a modified wound assay. To determine whether the motogenic effect caused by rHGF is associated with HIE-7 cell invasiveness across reconstituted basement membranes, a Boyden chamber chemoinvasion assay was performed. rHGF stimulated a 10-fold increase in the number of HIE-7 cells that crossed the basement membrane barrier, while only stimulating a small increase in chemotaxis across a collagen IV matrix, suggesting that the cytokine activates matrix penetration by these cells. rHGF also stimulated the invasion of basement membranes by an undifferentiated rat intestinal cell line (IEC-6) and by two human colon cancer cell lines which are poorly differentiated (DLD-1 and SW 948). In contrast, two moderately well differentiated colon cancer cell lines (Caco-2 and HT-29) did not manifest an invasive response when exposed to rHGF. These results suggest that HGF/SF may play a significant role in the invasive behavior of anaplastic and poorly differentiated gut epithelial tumors.


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We have investigated the gelatinase profiles and invasiveness of clonal tumour sublines derived from a spontaneously arising mammary tumour in a Balb/cfC3H mouse. The 67NR, 66c14 and 4T1.2 sublines have low, intermediate and high metastatic potential respectively. In Boyden chamber studies, Matrigel invasion was seen to be progressively higher in the more metastatic lines 4T1.2>66c14>67NR, consistent with MMP-2 activation potential, MMP-9 secretion, and migration over either type I or IV collagen, which were low in both 67NR and 66c14 cells compared to 4T1.2 cells. These attributes are consistent with those seen in human breast cancer cell lines which appear to have undergone an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) as indicated by vimentin expression. We were, however, surprised to find vimentin expression, MT1-MMP expression and stellate Matrigel outgrowth in the non-invasive, non-metastatic 67NR cells, indicating that they had undergone an EMT despite not being invasive. We conclude that the EMT is manifested to differing degrees in these three clonal cell lines, and that the 67NR cells have either undergone a partial EMT or have since lost certain important attributes of the EMT-derived phenotype. This model should prove useful in further characterizing the regulation of MT1-MMP mediated MMP-2 activation and delineating the EMT in breast cancer progression.


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Current stocks of the LCC15-MB cell line, which we originally isolated from a human breast-bone metastasis, were found to be genetically matched to the MDA-MB-435 cell line from the Lombardi Cancer Center (MDA-MB-435-LCC) using comparative genomic hybridisation, DNA microsatellite analysis and chromosomal number. LCC15-MB stocks used for our previously published studies as well as the earliest available LCC15-MB cells also showed identity to MDA-MB-435-LCC cells. The original karyotype reported for LCC15-MB cells was considerably different to that of MDA-MB-435 cells, indicating that the original LCC15-MB cells were lost to contamination by MDA-MB-435-LCC cells. Chromosome number is the simplest test to distinguish original LCC 15-MB cells (n ∼ 75) from MDA-MB-435 (n ∼ 52). Collectively, our results prove that LCC15-MB cells currently available are MDA-MB-435 cells and we suggest their re-designation as MDA-MB-435-LCC15 cells. We also review the known misclassification of breast and prostate cancer cell lines to date and have initiated a register maintained at http://www.svi.edu.au/cell_lines_registry.doc.


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The articles collected here in this special edition Epithelial-Mesenchymal (EMT) and Mesenchymal-Epithelial Transitions (MET) in Cancer provide a snapshot of the very rapidly progressing cinemascope of the involvement of these transitions in carcinoma progression. Pubmed analysis of EMT and cancer shows an exponential increase in the last few years in the number of papers and reviews published under these terms (Fig. 1). The last few years have seen these articles appearing in high calibre journals including Nature, Nature Cell Biology, Cancer Cell, PNAS, JNCI, JCI, and Cell, signaling the acceptance and quality of work in this field.


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We have previously reported that induction of MMP-2 activation by Concanavalin A (ConA) in MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells involves both transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms, and that the continuous presence of ConA is required for MMP-2 activation (Yu et al. Cancer Res, 55, 3272-7, 1995). In an effort to identify signal transduction pathways which may either contribute to or modulate this mechanism, we found that three different cAMP-inducing agents, cholera toxin (CT), forskolin (FSK), and 3- isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) partially inhibited ConA-induced MT1-MMP expression and MMP-2 activation in MDA-MB-231 cells. Combinations of CT or FSK with IBMX exhibited additive effects on reduction of MT1-MMP mRNA expression and MMP-2 activation. Agents which increase cAMP levels appeared to target transcriptional aspects of ConA induction, reducing MT1-MMP mRNA and protein in parallel with the reduced MMP-2 activation. In the absence of ConA, down-regulation of constitutive production of MT1-MMP mRNA and protein was observed, indicating that cAMP acts independently of ConA. These observations may help to elucidate factors regulating MT1-MMP expression, which may be pivotal to the elaboration of invasive machinery on the cell surface.


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Cellular plasticity is fundamental to embryonic development. The importance of cellular transitions in development is first apparent during gastrulation when the process of epithelial to mesenchymal transition transforms polarized epithelial cells into migratory mesenchymal cells that constitute the embryonic and extraembryonic mesoderm. It is now widely accepted that this developmental pathway is exploited in various disease states, including cancer progression. The loss of epithelial characteristics and the acquisition of a mesenchymal-like migratory phenotype are crucial to the development of invasive carcinoma and metastasis. However, given the morphological similarities between primary tumour and metastatic lesions, it is likely that tumour cells re-activate certain epithelial properties through a mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET) at the secondary site, although this is yet to be proven. MET is also an essential developmental process and has been extensively studied in kidney organogenesis and somitogenesis. In this review we describe the process of MET, highlight important mediators, and discuss their implication in the context of cancer progression.


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Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a feature of migratory cellular processes in all stages of life, including embryonic development and wound healing. Importantly, EMT features cluster with disease states such as chronic fibrosis and cancer. The dissolution of the E-cadherin-mediated adherens junction (AJ) is a key preliminary step in EMT and may occur early or late in the growing epithelial tumour. This is a first step for tumour cells towards stromal invasion, intravasation, extravasation and distant metastasis. The AJ may be inactivated in EMT by directed E-cadherin cleavage; however, it is increasingly evident that the majority of AJ changes are transcriptional and mediated by an expanding group of transcription factors acting directly or indirectly to repress E-cadherin expression. A review of the current literature has revealed that these factors may regulate each other in a hierarchical pattern where Snail1 (formerly Snail) and Snail2 (formerly Slug) are initially induced, leading to the activation of Zeb family members, TCF3, TCF4, Twist, Goosecoid and FOXC2. Within this general pathway, many inter-regulatory relationships have been defined which may be important in maintaining the EMT phenotype. This may be important given the short half-life of Snail1 protein. We have investigated these inter-regulatory relationships in the mesenchymal breast carcinoma cell line PMC42 (also known as PMC42ET) and its epithelial derivative, PMC42LA. This review also discusses several newly described regulators of E-cadherin repressors including oestrogen receptor-α and new discoveries in hypoxia- and growth factor-induced EMT. Finally, we evaluated how these findings may influence approaches to current cancer treatment.


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Background The microenvironment plays a pivotal role in tumor cell proliferation, survival and migration. Invasive cancer cells face a new set of environmental challenges as they breach the basement membrane and colonize distant organs during the process of metastasis. Phenotypic switching, such as that which occurs during epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), may be associated with a remodeling of cell surface receptors and thus altered responses to signals from the tumor microenvironment. Methodology/Principal Findings We assessed changes in intracellular Ca 2+ in cells loaded with Fluo-4 AM using a fluorometric imaging plate reader (FLIPR TETRA) and observed significant changes in the potency of ATP (EC 50 0.175 μM (-EGF) versus 1.731 μM (+EGF), P<0.05), and the nature of the ATP-induced Ca 2+ transient, corresponding with a 10-fold increase in the mesenchymal marker vimentin (P<0.05). We observed no change in the sensitivity to PAR2-mediated Ca 2+ signaling, indicating that these alterations are not simply a consequence of changes in global Ca 2+ homeostasis. To determine whether changes in ATP-mediated Ca 2+ signaling are preceded by alterations in the transcriptional profile of purinergic receptors, we analyzed the expression of a panel of P2X ionotropic and P2Y metabotropic purinergic receptors using real-time RT-PCR and found significant and specific alterations in the suite of ATP-activated purinergic receptors during EGF-induced EMT in breast cancer cells. Our studies are the first to show that P2X 5 ionotropic receptors are enriched in the mesenchymal phenotype and that silencing of P2X 5 leads to a significant reduction (25%, P<0.05) in EGF-induced vimentin protein expression. Conclusions The acquisition of a new suite of cell surface purinergic receptors is a feature of EGF-mediated EMT in MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cells. Such changes may impart advantageous phenotypic traits and represent a novel mechanism for the targeting of cancer metastasis.


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We have characterized the LCC15-MB cell line which was recently derived from a breast carcinoma metastasis resected from the femur of a 29-year-old woman. LCC15-MB cells are vimentin (VIM) positive, exhibit a stellate morphology in routine cell culture, and form penetrating colonies when embedded in three-dimensional gels of Matrigel or fibrillar collagen. They show high levels of activity in the Boyden chamber chemomigration and chemoinvasion assays, and like other invasive human breast cancer (HBC) cell lines, LCC15-MB cells activate matrix-metalloproteinase-2 in response to treatment with concanavalin A. In addition, these cells are tumorigenic when implanted subcutaneously in nude mice and recolonize bone after arterial injection. Interestingly, both the primary lesion and the bone metastasis from which LCC15-MB were derived, as well as the resultant cell line, abundantly express the bone matrix protein osteopontin (OPN). OPN is also expressed by the highly metastatic MDA-MB-435 cells, but not other invasive or noninvasive HBC cell lines. Expression of OPN is retained in the subcutaneous xenograft and intraosseous metastases of LCC15-MB as detected by immunohistochemistry. Both VIM and OPN expression have been associated with breast cancer invasion and metastasis, and their expression by the LCC15-MB cell line is consistent with its derivation from a highly aggressive breast cancer. These cells provide a useful model for studying molecular mechanisms important for breast cancer metastasis to bone and, in particular, the implication(s) of OPN and VIM expression in this process.


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As yet, there is no cure for metastatic breast cancer. Historically, considerable research effort has been concentrated on understanding the processes of metastasis, how a primary tumour locally invades and systemically disseminates using the phenotypic switching mechanism of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT); however, much less is understood about how metastases are then formed. Breast cancer metastases often look (and may even function) as 'normal' breast tissue, a bizarre observation against the backdrop of the organ structure of the lung, liver, bone or brain. Mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET), the opposite of EMT, has been proposed as a mechanism for establishment of the metastatic neoplasm, leading to questions such as: Can MET be clearly demonstrated in vivo? What factors cause this phenotypic switch within the cancer cell? Are these signals/factors derived from the metastatic site (soil) or expressed by the cancer cells themselves (seed)? How do the cancer cells then grow into a detectable secondary tumour and further disseminate? And finallyCan we design and develop therapies that may combat this dissemination switch? This review aims to address these important questions by evaluating long-standing paradigms and novel emerging concepts in the field of epithelial mesencyhmal plasticity.


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In the past decade we have come to appreciate that the microenvironment has the potential for major influence on the cancer cell. An extreme case for this occurs when the cancer cell changes its environment in the context of metastasis, where this may in part underpin the altered biology of cells in metasases. Increasing evidence suggests that changes in the cellular microenvironment contribute to tumourigenesis and metastasis, but the molecular basis of these alterations is not well understood. Reactive stroma provides oncogenic signals to facilitate tumourigenesis and metastasis—co-implantation of normal human epithelial cells in vivo with irradiated, carcinogen treated, or cancer derived fibroblasts leads to the enhancement or formation of malignant tumours.