373 resultados para DNA content


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The family Geminiviridae comprises a group of plant-infecting circular ssDNA viruses that severely constrain agricultural production throughout the temperate regions of the world, and are a particularly serious threat to food security in sub-Saharan Africa. While geminiviruses exhibit considerable diversity in terms of their nucleotide sequences, genome structures, host ranges and insect vectors, the best characterised and economically most important of these viruses are those in the genus Begomovirus. Whereas begomoviruses are generally considered to be either monopartite (one ssDNA component) or bipartite (two circular ssDNA components called DNA-A and DNA-B), many apparently monopartite begomoviruses are associated with additional subviral ssDNA satellite components, called alpha- (DNA-αs) or betasatellites (DNA-βs). Additionally, subgenomic molecules, also known as defective interfering (DIs) DNAs that are usually derived from the parent helper virus through deletions of parts of its genome, are also associated with bipartite and monopartite begomoviruses. The past three decades have witnessed the emergence and diversification of various new begomoviral species and associated DI DNAs, in southern Africa, East Africa, and proximal Indian Ocean islands, which today threaten important vegetable and commercial crops such as, tobacco, cassava, tomato, sweet potato, and beans. This review aims to describe what is known about these viruses and their impacts on sustainable production in this sensitive region of the world. © 2012 by the authors licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subtype C is the predominant HIV in southern Africa, and is the target of a number of recent vaccine candidates. It has been proposed that a heterologous prime/boost vaccination strategy may result in stronger, broader and more prolonged immune responses. Since HIV-1 Gag Pr55 polyprotein can assemble into virus-like particles (VLPs) which have been shown to induce a strong cellular immune response in animals, we showed that a typical southern African subtype C Pr55 protein expressed in insect cells via recombinant baculovirus could form VLPs. We then used the baculovirus-produced VLPs as a boost to a subtype C HIV-1 gag DNA prime vaccination in mice. This study shows that a low dose of HIV-1 subtype C Gag VLPs can significantly boost the immune response to a single subtype C gag DNA inoculation in mice. These results suggest a possible vaccination regimen for humans. © 2004 SGM.


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Circoviruses lack an autonomous DNA polymerase and are dependent on the replication machinery of the host cell for de novo DNA synthesis. Accordingly, the viral DNA needs to cross both the plasma membrane and the nuclear envelope before replication can occur. Here we report on the subcellular distribution of the beak and feather disease virus (BFDV) capsid protein (CP) and replication-associated protein (Rep) expressed via recombinant baculoviruses in an insect cell system and test the hypothesis that the CP is responsible for transporting the viral genome, as well as Rep, across the nuclear envelope. The intracellular localization of the BFDV CP was found to be directed by three partially overlapping bipartite nuclear localization signals (NLSs) situated between residues 16 and 56 at the N terminus of the protein. Moreover, a DNA binding region was also mapped to the N terminus of the protein and falls within the region containing the three putative NLSs. The ability of CP to bind DNA, coupled with the karyophilic nature of this protein, strongly suggests that it may be responsible for nuclear targeting of the viral genome. Interestingly, whereas Rep expressed on its own in insect cells is restricted to the cytoplasm, coexpression with CP alters the subcellular localization of Rep to the nucleus, strongly suggesting that an interaction with CP facilitates movement of Rep into the nucleus. Copyright © 2006, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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A DNA vaccine expressing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) southern African subtype C Gag (pTHGag) and a recombinant baculovirus Pr55gag virus-like particle prepared using a subtype C Pr55gag protein (Gag VLP) was tested in a prime-boost inoculation regimen in Chacma baboons. The response of five baboons to Gag peptides in a gamma interferon (IFN-γ) enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay after three pTHGag immunizations ranged from 100 to 515 spot-forming units (s.f.u.) per 106 peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), whilst the response of two baboons to the Gag VLP vaccine ranged from 415 to 465 s.f.u. per 106 PBMCs. An increase in the Gag-specific response to a range of 775-3583 s.f.u. per 106 PBMCs was achieved by boosting with Gag VLPs the five baboons that were primed with pTHGag. No improvement in Gag responses was achieved in this prime-boost inoculation regimen by increasing the number of pTHGag inoculations to six. IFN-γ responses were mapped to several peptides, some of which have been reported to be targeted by PBMCs from HIV-1 subtype C-infected individuals. Gag VLPs, given as a single-modality regimen, induced a predominantly CD8+ T-cell IFN-γ response and interleukin-2 was a major cytokine within a mix of predominantly Th1 cytokines produced by a DNA-VLP prime-boost modality. The prime-boost inoculation regimen induced high serum p24 antibody titres in all baboons, which were several fold above that induced by the individual vaccines. Overall, this study demonstrated that these DNA prime/VLP boost vaccine regimens are highly immunogenic in baboons, inducing high-magnitude and broad multifunctional responses, providing support for the development of these products for clinical trials. © 2008 SGM.


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We used in vivo (biological), in silico (computational structure prediction), and in vitro (model sequence folding) analyses of single-stranded DNA sequences to show that nucleic acid folding conservation is the selective principle behind a high-frequency single-nucleotide reversion observed in a three-nucleotide mutated motif of the Maize streak virus replication associated protein (Rep) gene. In silico and in vitro studies showed that the three-nucleotide mutation adversely affected Rep nucleic acid folding, and that the single-nucleotide reversion [C(601)A] restored wild-type-like folding. In vivo support came from infecting maize with mutant viruses: those with Rep genes containing nucleotide changes predicted to restore a wild-type-like fold [A(601)/G(601)] preferentially accumulated over those predicted to fold differently [C(601)/T(601)], which frequently reverted to A(601) and displaced the original population. We propose that the selection of native nucleic acid folding is an epigenetic effect, which might have broad implications in the evolution of plants and their viruses.


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The ability to elicit cross-neutralizing antibodies makes human papillomavirus (HPV) L2 capsid protein a possible HPV vaccine. We examined and compared the humoral response of mice immunized with a HPV-16 L2 DNA vaccine or with HPV-16 L2 protein. The L2 DNA vaccine elicited a non-neutralizing antibody response unlike the L2 protein. L2 DNA vaccination suppressed the growth of L2-expressing C3 tumor cells, which is a T cell mediated effect, demonstrating that the lack of non-neutralizing antibody induction by L2 DNA was not caused by lack of T cell immunogenicity of the construct. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Articular cartilage defects are common after joint injuries. When left untreated, the biomechanical protective function of cartilage is gradually lost, making the joint more susceptible to further damage, causing progressive loss of joint function and eventually osteoarthritis (OA). In the process of translating promising tissue-engineering cartilage repair approaches from bench to bedside, pre-clinical animal models including mice, rabbits, goats, and horses, are widely used. The equine species is becoming an increasingly popular model for the in vivo evaluation of regenerative orthopaedic approaches. As there is also an increasing body of evidence suggesting that successful lasting tissue reconstruction requires an implant that mimics natural tissue organization, it is imperative that depth-dependent characteristics of equine osteochondral tissue are known, to assess to what extent they resemble those in humans. Therefore, osteochondral cores (4-8 mm) were obtained from the medial and lateral femoral condyles of equine and human donors. Cores were processed for histology and for biochemical quantification of DNA, glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and collagen content. Equine and human osteochondral tissues possess similar geometrical (thickness) and organizational (GAG, collagen and DNA distribution with depth) features. These comparable trends further underscore the validity of the equine model for the evaluation of regenerative approaches for articular cartilage.


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Regenerative medicine-based approaches for the repair of damaged cartilage rely on the ability to propagate cells while promoting their chondrogenic potential. Thus, conditions for cell expansion should be optimized through careful environmental control. Appropriate oxygen tension and cell expansion substrates and controllable bioreactor systems are probably critical for expansion and subsequent tissue formation during chondrogenic differentiation. We therefore evaluated the effects of oxygen and microcarrier culture on the expansion and subsequent differentiation of human osteoarthritic chondrocytes. Freshly isolated chondrocytes were expanded on tissue culture plastic or CultiSpher-G microcarriers under hypoxic or normoxic conditions (5% or 20% oxygen partial pressure, respectively) followed by cell phenotype analysis with flow cytometry. Cells were redifferentiated in micromass pellet cultures over 4 weeks, under either hypoxia or normoxia. Chondrocytes cultured on tissue culture plastic proliferated faster, expressed higher levels of cell surface markers CD44 and CD105 and demonstrated stronger staining for proteoglycans and collagen type II in pellet cultures compared with microcarrier-cultivated cells. Pellet wet weight, glycosaminoglycan content and expression of chondrogenic genes were significantly increased in cells differentiated under hypoxia. Hypoxia-inducible factor-3alpha mRNA was up-regulated in these cultures in response to low oxygen tension. These data confirm the beneficial influence of reduced oxygen on ex vivo chondrogenesis. However, hypoxia during cell expansion and microcarrier bioreactor culture does not enhance intrinsic chondrogenic potential. Further improvements in cell culture conditions are therefore required before chondrocytes from osteoarthritic and aged patients can become a useful cell source for cartilage regeneration.


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The DNA damage response encompasses a complex series of signaling pathways that function to regulate and facilitate the repair of damaged DNA. Recent studies have shown that the repair of transcriptionally inactive chromatin, named heterochromatin, is dependent upon the phosphorylation of the co-repressor, Krüppel-associated box (KRAB) domain-associated protein (KAP-1), by the ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) kinase. Co-repressors, such as KAP-1, function to regulate the rigid structure of heterochromatin by recruiting histone-modifying enzymes, such HDAC1/2, SETDB1, and nucleosome-remodeling complexes such as CHD3. Here, we have characterized a phosphorylation site in the HP1-binding domain of KAP-1, Ser-473, which is phosphorylated by the cell cycle checkpoint kinase Chk2. Expression of a nonphosphorylatable S473A mutant conferred cellular sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents and led to defective repair of DNA double-strand breaks in heterochromatin. In addition, cells expressing S473A also displayed defective mobilization of the HP1-β chromodomain protein. The DNA repair defect observed in cells expressing S473A was alleviated by depletion of HP1-β, suggesting that phosphorylation of KAP-1 on Ser-473 promotes the mobilization of HP1-β from heterochromatin and subsequent DNA repair. These results suggest a novel mechanism of KAP-1-mediated chromatin restructuring via Chk2-regulated HP1-β exchange from heterochromatin, promoting DNA repair.


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Altered expression of the INT6 gene, encoding the e subunit of the translational initiation factor eIF3, occurs in human breast cancers, but how INT6 relates to carcinogenesis remains unestablished. Here, we show that INT6 is involved in the DNA damage response. INT6 was required for cell survival following γ-irradiation and G(2)-M checkpoint control. RNA interference-mediated silencing of INT6 reduced phosphorylation of the checkpoint kinases CHK1 and CHK2 after DNA damage. In addition, INT6 silencing prevented sustained accumulation of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) at DNA damage sites in cells treated with γ-radiation or the radiomimetic drug neocarzinostatin. Mechanistically, this result could be explained by interaction of INT6 with ATM, which together with INT6 was recruited to the sites of DNA damage. Finally, INT6 silencing also reduced ubiquitylation events that promote retention of repair proteins at DNA lesions. Accordingly, accumulation of the repair factor BRCA1 was defective in the absence of INT6. Our findings reveal unexpected and striking connections of INT6 with ATM and BRCA1 and suggest that the protective action of INT6 in the onset of breast cancers relies on its involvement in the DNA damage response.


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The aim of the Hearts and Minds Project: A curriculum intervention (2005-2010) was to determine the effectiveness of curriculum interventions relating to breastfeeding introduced into a four year dietetic course based at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Queensland, Australia. This five year project included interventions based on a needs assessment in 2005 that identified deficits in breastfeeding knowledge of students, concerns regarding their attitudes and beliefs, and little interest in working in an area that involves breastfeeding in the future. The interventions sought to address these issues and to equip students to support and promote breastfeeding in their role as health professionals in the future. The project was developed in partnership between QUT and the Nutrition Promotion Unit, Metro South Health Service District (Queensland Health) with support from the South East Queensland Breastfeeding Coalition.


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This paper examines the history of the IRGEE Journal in terms of its sustainable future. The development of geographical and environmental education is evaluated, as reflected from the articles published in the Journal “International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education” (IRGEE). A content analysis of all papers and forum sections which have appeared in the journal since Volume 1 Number 1 was published in 1992 has been conducted, examining the content of as many as 526 articles. The method was a content analysis, and revealed themes which have experienced an increasing or declining interest over the 18 years of publication of IRGEE (1992-2009), while other themes have remained current during this period. The main findings of this analysis are: a) the total number of articles has increased more than threefold, b) articles related to geographical education (sensu stricto) outweighed those related to environmental education, c) the themes “syllabi, textbooks, curricula” and “values, attitudes” attract the attention of researchers with increasing strength and d) emerging subjects, such as GIS and sustainability have appeared dynamically in the last years.


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This proposal combines ethnographic techniques and discourse studies to investigating a collective of people engaged with audiovisual productions who collaborate in Curta Favela’s workshops in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas. ‘Favela’ is often translated simply as ‘slum’ or ‘shantytown’, but these terms connote negative characteristics such as shortage, poverty, and deprivation referring to favelas which end up stigmatizing these low income suburbs. Curta Favela (Favela Shorts) is an independent project which all participants join to use photography and participatory audiovisual production as a tool for social change and raising consciousness. As cameras are not affordable for favelas dwellers, Curta Favela’s volunteers teach favela residents how they can use their mobile phones and compact cameras to take pictures and make movies, and afterwards, how they can edit the data using free editing video software programs and publish it on the Internet. To record audio, they use their mp3 or mobile phones. The main aim of this study is to shed light not only on how this project operates, but also to highlight how collective intelligence can be used as a way of fighting against the lack of basic resources.


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This proposal combines ethnographic techniques and discourse studies to investigate a collective of people engaged with audiovisual productions who collaborate in Curta Favela’s workshops in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas. ‘Favela’ is often translated simply as ‘slum’ or ‘shantytown’, but these terms connote negative characteristics such as shortage, poverty, and deprivation which end up stigmatizing these low income suburbs. Curta Favela (Favela Shorts) is an independent project in which all participants join to use photography and participatory audiovisual production as tools for social change and to raise consciousness. As cameras are not affordable for favela dwellers, Curta Favela’s volunteers teach favela residents how they can use their mobile phones and compact cameras to take pictures and make movies, and afterwards, how they can edit the data using free editing video software programs and publish it on the Internet. To record audio, they use their mp3 or mobile phones. The main aim of this study is to shed light not only on how this project operates, but also to highlight how collective intelligence can be used as a way of fighting against a lack of basic resources.