251 resultados para pair


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Multi-party key agreement protocols indirectly assume that each principal equally contributes to the final form of the key. In this paper we consider three malleability attacks on multi-party key agreement protocols. The first attack, called strong key control allows a dishonest principal (or a group of principals) to fix the key to a pre-set value. The second attack is weak key control in which the key is still random, but the set from which the key is drawn is much smaller than expected. The third attack is named selective key control in which a dishonest principal (or a group of dishonest principals) is able to remove a contribution of honest principals to the group key. The paper discusses the above three attacks on several key agreement protocols, including DH (Diffie-Hellman), BD (Burmester-Desmedt) and JV (Just-Vaudenay). We show that dishonest principals in all three protocols can weakly control the key, and the only protocol which does not allow for strong key control is the DH protocol. The BD and JV protocols permit to modify the group key by any pair of neighboring principals. This modification remains undetected by honest principals.


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Motivated by privacy issues associated with dissemination of signed digital certificates, we define a new type of signature scheme called a ‘Universal Designated-Verifier Signature’ (UDVS). A UDVS scheme can function as a standard publicly-verifiable digital signature but has additional functionality which allows any holder of a signature (not necessarily the signer) to designate the signature to any desired designated-verifier (using the verifier’s public key). Given the designated-signature, the designated-verifier can verify that the message was signed by the signer, but is unable to convince anyone else of this fact. We propose an efficient deterministic UDVS scheme constructed using any bilinear group-pair. Our UDVS scheme functions as a standard Boneh-Lynn-Shacham (BLS) signature when no verifier-designation is performed, and is therefore compatible with the key-generation, signing and verifying algorithms of the BLS scheme. We prove that our UDVS scheme is secure in the sense of our unforgeability and privacy notions for UDVS schemes, under the Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (BDH) assumption for the underlying group-pair, in the random-oracle model. We also demonstrate a general constructive equivalence between a class of unforgeable and unconditionally-private UDVS schemes having unique signatures (which includes the deterministic UDVS schemes) and a class of ID-Based Encryption (IBE) schemes which contains the Boneh-Franklin IBE scheme but not the Cocks IBE scheme.


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We propose a method of representing audience behavior through facial and body motions from a single video stream, and use these features to predict the rating for feature-length movies. This is a very challenging problem as: i) the movie viewing environment is dark and contains views of people at different scales and viewpoints; ii) the duration of feature-length movies is long (80-120 mins) so tracking people uninterrupted for this length of time is still an unsolved problem, and; iii) expressions and motions of audience members are subtle, short and sparse making labeling of activities unreliable. To circumvent these issues, we use an infrared illuminated test-bed to obtain a visually uniform input. We then utilize motion-history features which capture the subtle movements of a person within a pre-defined volume, and then form a group representation of the audience by a histogram of pair-wise correlations over a small-window of time. Using this group representation, we learn our movie rating classifier from crowd-sourced ratings collected by rottentomatoes.com and show our prediction capability on audiences from 30 movies across 250 subjects (> 50 hrs).


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Micrometre-sized MgB2 crystals of varying quality, synthesized at low temperature and autogeneous pressure, are compared using a combination of Raman and Infra-Red (IR) spectroscopy. These data, which include new peak positions in both spectroscopies for high quality MgB2, are interpreted using DFT calculations on phonon behaviour for symmetry-related structures. Raman and IR activity additional to that predicted by point group analyses of the P6/mmm symmetry are detected. These additional peaks, as well as the overall shapes of calculated phonon dispersion (PD) models are explained by assuming a double super-lattice, consistent with a lower symmetry structure for MgB2. A 2x super-lattice in the c-direction allows a simple correlation of the pair breaking energy and the superconducting gap by activation of corresponding acoustic frequencies. A consistent physical interpretation of these spectra is obtained when the position of a phonon anomaly defines a super-lattice modulation in the a-b plane.


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Disulfide bond (DSB) formation is catalyzed by disulfide bond proteins and is critical for the proper folding and functioning of secreted and membrane-associated bacterial proteins. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) strains possess two paralogous disulfide bond systems: the well-characterized DsbAB system and the recently described DsbLI system. In the DsbAB system, the highly oxidizing DsbA protein introduces disulfide bonds into unfolded polypeptides by donating its redox-active disulfide and is in turn reoxidized by DsbB. DsbA has broad substrate specificity and reacts readily with reduced unfolded proteins entering the periplasm. The DsbLI system also comprises a functional redox pair; however, DsbL catalyzes the specific oxidative folding of the large periplasmic enzyme arylsulfate sulfotransferase (ASST). In this study, we characterized the DsbLI system of the prototypic UPEC strain CFT073 and examined the contributions of the DsbAB and DsbLI systems to the production of functional flagella as well as type 1 and P fimbriae. The DsbLI system was able to catalyze disulfide bond formation in several well-defined DsbA targets when provided in trans on a multicopy plasmid. In a mouse urinary tract infection model, the isogenic dsbAB deletion mutant of CFT073 was severely attenuated, while deletion of dsbLI or assT did not affect colonization.


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Aflatoxin B1, a potently carcinogenic fungal metabolite, is converted to the biologically active form by chemical oxidation using dimethyldioxirane and enzymatically by cytochrome P450 mixed-function oxidases. Both processes give rise to mixtures of the exo- and endo-8,9-epoxides. Methanolysis studies reveal exclusive trans opening of both epoxides under neutral conditions in CH3OH and CH3OH/H2O mixtures; an SN2 mechanism is postulated. Under acidic conditions, the exo isomer gives mixtures of trans and cis solvolysis products, suggesting that the reaction is, at least in part, SN1; the endo isomer gives only the trans product. The exo isomer reacts with DNA by attack of the nitrogen atom at the 7 position of guanine on C8 of the epoxide to give the trans adduct; the endo epoxide fails to form an adduct at this or any other site in DNA. The exo isomer is strongly mutagenic in a base-pair reversion assay employing Salmonella typhimurium; the endo isomer is essentially nonmutagenic. Aflatoxin B1 and its derivatives intercalate in DNA. These results are consistent with a mechanism in which intercalation of the exo epoxide optimally orients the epoxide for an SN2 reaction with guanine but intercalation of the endo isomer places the epoxide in an orientation which precludes reaction. Thus, while the exo epoxide is a potent mutagen, the endo epoxide fails to react with DNA.


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Epidemiological data link adolescent cannabis use to psychosis and schizophrenia, but its contribution to schizophrenia neuropathology remains controversial. First-episode schizophrenia (FES) patients show regional cerebral grey- and white-matter changes as well as a distinct pattern of regional grey-matter loss in the vermis of the cerebellum. The cerebellum possesses a high density of cannabinoid type 1 receptors involved in the neuronal diversification of the developing brain. Cannabis abuse may interfere with this process during adolescent brain maturation leading to ‘schizophrenia-like’ cerebellar pathology. Magnetic resonance imaging and cortical pattern matching techniques were used to investigate cerebellar grey and white matter in FES patients with and without a history of cannabis use and non-psychiatric cannabis users. In the latter group we found lifetime dose-dependent regional reduction of grey matter in the right cerebellar lobules and a tendency for more profound grey-matter reduction in lobule III with younger age at onset of cannabis use. The overall regional grey-matter differences in cannabis users were within the normal variability of grey-matter distribution. By contrast, FES subjects had lower total cerebellar grey-matter : total cerebellar volume ratio and marked grey-matter loss in the vermis, pedunculi, flocculi and lobules compared to pair-wise matched healthy control subjects. This pattern and degree of grey-matter loss did not differ from age-matched FES subjects with comorbid cannabis use. Our findings indicate small dose-dependent effects of juvenile cannabis use on cerebellar neuropathology but no evidence of an additional effect of cannabis use on FES cerebellar grey-matter pathology.


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Determination of sequence similarity is a central issue in computational biology, a problem addressed primarily through BLAST, an alignment based heuristic which has underpinned much of the analysis and annotation of the genomic era. Despite their success, alignment-based approaches scale poorly with increasing data set size, and are not robust under structural sequence rearrangements. Successive waves of innovation in sequencing technologies – so-called Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) approaches – have led to an explosion in data availability, challenging existing methods and motivating novel approaches to sequence representation and similarity scoring, including adaptation of existing methods from other domains such as information retrieval. In this work, we investigate locality-sensitive hashing of sequences through binary document signatures, applying the method to a bacterial protein classification task. Here, the goal is to predict the gene family to which a given query protein belongs. Experiments carried out on a pair of small but biologically realistic datasets (the full protein repertoires of families of Chlamydia and Staphylococcus aureus genomes respectively) show that a measure of similarity obtained by locality sensitive hashing gives highly accurate results while offering a number of avenues which will lead to substantial performance improvements over BLAST..


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This paper presents a low-bandwidth multi-robot communication system designed to serve as a backup communication channel in the event a robot suffers a network device fault. While much research has been performed in the area of distributing network communication across multiple robots within a system, individual robots are still susceptible to hardware failure. In the past, such robots would simply be removed from service, and their tasks re-allocated to other members. However, there are times when a faulty robot might be crucial to a mission, or be able to contribute in a less communication intensive area. By allowing robots to encode and decode messages into unique sequences of DTMF symbols, called words, our system is able to facilitate continued low-bandwidth communication between robots without access to network communication. Our results have shown that the system is capable of permitting robots to negotiate task initiation and termination, and is flexible enough to permit a pair of robots to perform a simple turn taking task.


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Cerebellar dysfunction has been proposed to lead to “cognitive dysmetria” in schizophrenia via the cortico-cerebellar-thalamic-cortical circuit, contributing to a range of cognitive and clinical symptoms of the disorder. Here we investigated total cerebellar grey and white matter volumes and cerebellar regional grey matter abnormalities in 13 remitted first-episode schizophrenia patients with less than 2 years’ duration of illness. Patient data were compared to 13 pair-wise age, gender, and handedness-matched healthy volunteers using cortical pattern averaging on high-resolution magnetic resonance images. Total cerebellar volume and total grey matter volumes in first-episode schizophrenia patients did not differ from healthy control subjects, but total cerebellar white matter was increased and total grey to white matter ratios were reduced in patients. Four clusters of cerebellar grey matter reduction were identified: (i) in superior vermis; (ii) in the left lobuli VI; (iii) in right-inferior lobule IX, extending into left lobule IX; and (iv) bilaterally in the areas of lobuli III, peduncle and left flocculus. Grey matter deficits were particularly prominent in right lobuli III and IX, left flocculus and bilateral pedunculi. These cerebellar areas have been implicated in attention control, emotional regulation, social functioning, initiation of smooth pursuit eye movements, eye-blink conditioning, language processing, verbal memory, executive function and the processing of spatial and emotional information. Consistent with common clinical, cognitive, and pathophysiological signs of established illness, our findings demonstrate cerebellar pathology as early as in first-episode schizophrenia.


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Purpose The previous literature on Bland-Altman analysis only describes approximate methods for calculating confidence intervals for 95% Limits of Agreement (LoAs). This paper describes exact methods for calculating such confidence intervals, based on the assumption that differences in measurement pairs are normally distributed. Methods Two basic situations are considered for calculating LoA confidence intervals: the first where LoAs are considered individually (i.e. using one-sided tolerance factors for a normal distribution); and the second, where LoAs are considered as a pair (i.e. using two-sided tolerance factors for a normal distribution). Equations underlying the calculation of exact confidence limits are briefly outlined. Results To assist in determining confidence intervals for LoAs (considered individually and as a pair) tables of coefficients have been included for degrees of freedom between 1 and 1000. Numerical examples, showing the use of the tables for calculating confidence limits for Bland-Altman LoAs, have been provided. Conclusions Exact confidence intervals for LoAs can differ considerably from Bland and Altman’s approximate method, especially for sample sizes that are not large. There are better, more precise methods for calculating confidence intervals for LoAs than Bland and Altman’s approximate method, although even an approximate calculation of confidence intervals for LoAs is likely to be better than none at all. Reporting confidence limits for LoAs considered as a pair is appropriate for most situations, however there may be circumstances where it is appropriate to report confidence limits for LoAs considered individually.


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Population genetic studies of freshwater invertebrate taxa in New Zealand and South America are currently few despite the geologically and climatically dynamic histories of these regions. The focus of our study was a comparison of the influence on realized dispersal of 2 closely related nonbiting midges (Chironomidae) of population fragmentation on these separated austral land masses. We used a 734-base pair (bp) fragment of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) to investigate intraspecific genetic structure in Naonella forsythi Boothroyd in New Zealand and Ferringtonia patagonica Edwards in Patagonia. We proposed hypotheses about their potential dispersal and, hence, expected patterns of genetic structure in these 2 species based on published patterns for the closely related Australian taxon Echinocladius martini Cranston. Genetic structure revealed for both N. forsythi and F. patagonica was characterized by several highly divergent (2.0–10.5%) lineages of late Miocene–Pliocene age within each taxon that were not geographically localized. Many were distributed widely. This pattern differed greatly from population structure in E. martini, which was typified by much greater endemicity of divergent genetic lineages. Nevertheless, diversification of lineages in all 3 taxa appeared to be temporally congruent with the onset of late Miocene glaciations in the southern hemisphere that may have driven fragmentation of suitable habitat, promoting isolation of populations and divergence in allopatry. We argue that differences in realized dispersal post-isolation may be the result of differing availability of suitable habitat in interglacial periods.


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This paper proposes a new multi-resource multi-stage scheduling problem for optimising the open-pit drilling, blasting and excavating operations under equipment capacity constraints. The flow process is analysed based on the real-life data from an Australian iron ore mine site. The objective of the model is to maximise the throughput and minimise the total idle times of equipment at each stage. The following comprehensive mining attributes and constraints have been considered: types of equipment; operating capacities of equipment; ready times of equipment; speeds of equipment; block-sequence-dependent movement times of equipment; equipment-assignment-dependent operation times of blocks; distances between each pair of blocks; due windows of blocks; material properties of blocks; swell factors of blocks; and slope requirements of blocks. It is formulated by mixed integer programming and solved by ILOG-CPLEX optimiser. The proposed model is validated with extensive computational experiments to improve mine production efficiency at the operational level. The model also provides an intelligent decision support tool to account for the availability and usage of equipment units for drilling, blasting and excavating stages.


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High-Order Co-Clustering (HOCC) methods have attracted high attention in recent years because of their ability to cluster multiple types of objects simultaneously using all available information. During the clustering process, HOCC methods exploit object co-occurrence information, i.e., inter-type relationships amongst different types of objects as well as object affinity information, i.e., intra-type relationships amongst the same types of objects. However, it is difficult to learn accurate intra-type relationships in the presence of noise and outliers. Existing HOCC methods consider the p nearest neighbours based on Euclidean distance for the intra-type relationships, which leads to incomplete and inaccurate intra-type relationships. In this paper, we propose a novel HOCC method that incorporates multiple subspace learning with a heterogeneous manifold ensemble to learn complete and accurate intra-type relationships. Multiple subspace learning reconstructs the similarity between any pair of objects that belong to the same subspace. The heterogeneous manifold ensemble is created based on two-types of intra-type relationships learnt using p-nearest-neighbour graph and multiple subspaces learning. Moreover, in order to make sure the robustness of clustering process, we introduce a sparse error matrix into matrix decomposition and develop a novel iterative algorithm. Empirical experiments show that the proposed method achieves improved results over the state-of-art HOCC methods for FScore and NMI.


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Due to the availability of huge number of web services, finding an appropriate Web service according to the requirements of a service consumer is still a challenge. Moreover, sometimes a single web service is unable to fully satisfy the requirements of the service consumer. In such cases, combinations of multiple inter-related web services can be utilised. This paper proposes a method that first utilises a semantic kernel model to find related services and then models these related Web services as nodes of a graph. An all-pair shortest-path algorithm is applied to find the best compositions of Web services that are semantically related to the service consumer requirement. The recommendation of individual and composite Web services composition for a service request is finally made. Empirical evaluation confirms that the proposed method significantly improves the accuracy of service discovery in comparison to traditional keyword-based discovery methods.