578 resultados para Jonathan Livernois
This paper describes the Smart Skies project, an ambitious and world-leading research endeavor exploring the development of key enabling technologies, which support the efficient utilization of airspace by manned and unmanned airspace users. This paper provides a programmatic description of the research and development of: an automated separation management system, a mobile aircraft tracking system, and aircraft-based sense-and-act technologies. A summary of the results from a series of real-world flight testing campaigns is also presented.
In December 2006, the Engineering and Technology Group of Queensland’s Department of Main Roads entered into a three-year skid resistance management research project with QUT Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering researchers and the QUT-based CRC for Integrated Engineering Asset Management (CIEAM). CIEAM undertakes a broad range of asset management research in the areas of defence, utilities, transportation and industrial processes. “The research project is an important activity of Main Roads’ Skid Resistance Management Plan published in June 2006.” said Main Roads project leader Mr Justin Weligamage. “The intended project output is a decision-support model for use by Road Asset Managers throughout a road network. The research objective is to enable road asset managers to better manage the surfacing condition of the road asset with specific focus on skid resistance,” said QUT project leader Professor Arun Kumar. The research project will review existing skid resistance investigatory levels, develop a risk-based method to establish skid resistance investigatory levels and improve the decision support methodology in order to minimise crashes. The new risk-based approach will be used to identify locations on the Queensland state-controlled road network that may have inadequate skid resistance. Once a high risk site is identified, the appropriate remedial action will be decided on. This approach will allow road asset managers to target optimal remedial actions, reducing the incidence and severity of crashes where inadequate skid resistance is a contributing cause.
Flood-besieged Brisbane residents were forced to watch the monster river consume their homes and livelihoods then see the receding water leave behind a putrid, tar-like sludge. The rains formed by multiple low pressure systems over Central Queensland caused chaos over the Christmas and New Year break for many parts of Queensland.
The heavy rain falls that we have been experiencing have had their impact on the public transport system, especially the ferries. September 2010 was the Brisbane area’s wettest on record, and early to mid October has shaped up much the same. So much so that the South East Queensland’s main water storages, the Wivenhoe and Somerset Dams, which are fed by the Stanley and Brisbane Rivers’ upper catchments, have filled to capacity. SEQ Water consequently released the floodgates on the Wivenhoe Dam for the first time in almost a decade, with bipartisan support of State and Local Governments.
As AITPM National President, I was invited by Queensland’s Premier, Hon. Anna Bligh MP, as an audience guest to People’s Question Time on Wednesday 24 March 2010, which focused on ‘The Challenges and Opportunities of Population Growth in Queensland’. On the panel were: Premier and Minister for the Arts, Anna Bligh; Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability, Kate Jones; Minister for Infrastructure and Planning, Stirling Hinchliffe; Michael Rayner – Growth Management Summit Advisory Panel, Principal Director, Cox Rayner Architects; and Greg Hallam – Executive Director, Local Government Association of Queensland. The moderator for this session was Law Academic Erin O’Brien, of Queensland University of Technology.
Comparison are required to understand transport benefits of Transit Oriented Developments (TODs). Mode shares of TOD users need to be understood. Accurate travel demand models for TODs are needed.
The common approach to estimate bus dwell time at a BRT station is to apply the traditional dwell time methodology derived for suburban bus stops. In spite of being sensitive to boarding and alighting passenger numbers and to some extent towards fare collection media, these traditional dwell time models do not account for the platform crowding. Moreover, they fall short in accounting for the effects of passenger/s walking along a relatively longer BRT platform. Using the experience from Brisbane busway (BRT) stations, a new variable, Bus Lost Time (LT), is introduced in traditional dwell time model. The bus lost time variable captures the impact of passenger walking and platform crowding on bus dwell time. These are two characteristics which differentiate a BRT station from a bus stop. This paper reports the development of a methodology to estimate bus lost time experienced by buses at a BRT platform. Results were compared with the Transit Capacity and Quality of Servce Manual (TCQSM) approach of dwell time and station capacity estimation. When the bus lost time was used in dwell time calculations it was found that the BRT station platform capacity reduced by 10.1%.
This paper presents the results of testing to determine pavement forces from three heavy vehicles (HVs). The HVs were instrumented to measure their wheel forces. A “novel roughness” value of the roads during testing is also derived. The various dynamic pavement forces are presented according to the range of novel roughness of pavement surfacings encountered during testing. The paper then examines the relationship between the two derived wavelengths predominant within the HV suspensions; those of axle hop and body-bounce. How these may be considered as contributing to spatial repetition of pavement forces from HVs is discussed. The paper concludes that pavement models need to be revised since dynamic forces from HVs in particular are not generally considered in current pavement design.
Skid resistance is a condition parameter characterising the contribution that a road makes to the friction between a road surface and a vehicle tyre. Studies of traffic crash histories around the world have consistently found that a disproportionate number of crashes occur where the road surface has a low level of surface friction and/or surface texture, particularly when the road surface is wet. Various research results have been published over many years and have tried to quantify the influence of skid resistance on accident occurrence and to characterise a correlation between skid resistance and accident frequency. Most of the research studies used simple statistical correlation methods in analysing skid resistance and crash data.----- ------ Preliminary findings of a systematic and extensive literature search conclude that there is rarely a single causation factor in a crash. Findings from research projects do affirm various levels of correlation between skid resistance and accident occurrence. Studies indicate that the level of skid resistance at critical places such as intersections, curves, roundabouts, ramps and approaches to pedestrian crossings needs to be well maintained.----- ----- Management of risk is an integral aspect of the Queensland Department of Main Roads (QDMR) strategy for managing its infrastructure assets. The risk-based approach has been used in many areas of infrastructure engineering. However, very limited information is reported on using risk-based approach to mitigate crash rates related to road surface. Low skid resistance and surface texture may increase the risk of traffic crashes.----- ----- The objectives of this paper are to explore current issues of skid resistance in relation to crashes, to provide a framework of probability-based approach to be adopted by QDMR in assessing the relationship between crash accidents and pavement properties, and to explain why the probability-based approach is a suitable tool for QDMR in order to reduce accident rates due to skid resistance.
The common approach to estimate bus dwell time at a BRT station platform is to apply the traditional dwell time methodology derived for suburban bus stops. Current dwell time models are sensitive towards bus type, fare collection policy along with the number of boarding and alighting passengers. However, they fall short in accounting for the effects of passenger/s walking on a relatively longer BRT station platform. Analysis presented in this paper shows that the average walking time of a passenger at BRT platform is 10 times more than that of bus stop. The requirement of walking to the bus entry door at the BRT station platform may lead to the bus experiencing a higher dwell time. This paper presents a theory for a BRT network which explains the loss of station capacity during peak period operation. It also highlights shortcomings of present available bus dwell time models suggested for the analysis of BRT operation.
The Queensland Department of Main Roads uses Weigh-in-Motion (WiM) devices to covertly monitor (at highway speed) axle mass, axle configurations and speed of heavy vehicles on the road network. Such data is critical for the planning and design of the road network. Some of the data appears excessively variable. The current work considers the nature, magnitude and possible causes of WiM data variability. Over fifty possible causes of variation in WiM data have been identified in the literature. Data exploration has highlighted five basic types of variability specifically: ----- • cycling, both diurnal and annual;----- • consistent but unreasonable data;----- • data jumps;----- • variations between data from opposite sides of the one road; and ----- • non-systematic variations.----- This work is part of wider research into procedures to eliminate or mitigate the influence of WiM data variability.
It’s a pleasure for me to be penning my first President’s Message for the AITPM Newsletter. I am eagerly looking forward to serving the Institute and members over the coming couple of years. First though, I’d like to congratulate Andrew Hulse for steering the good ship AITPM over the past two years, bringing so many initiatives to the fore, including the Certified Transport Planner (CTP), stronger ties with other organisations and agencies such as IPENZ and Austroads, mutually beneficial sponsorship arrangements, and sharing his enthusiasm towards the Thunderbirds. Personally and largely thanks to my kids’ domination of the TV I’m a bit keener on the other great British sixties sci-fi classic, Doctor Who. Maybe we can generate a “favourite Doctor” dialogue in the Newsletter.
As we’re moving toward the end of the year, it’s not hard to notice everyone starting to rush a bit more. So much so, that in some cases people can lose their cool when they’re out and about. Recently I viewed an episode of Jenny Brockie’s Insight program on SBS on the topic of “rage”. The program covered many areas of life, but it highlighted the issue of rage against taxi drivers in Melbourne and showed some archival footage of the recent taxi drivers’ protest on the issue, next to Flinders Street Station. Serendipitously, perhaps, I picked up Brisbane’s City News as I was eating lunch in town a few days later, and there was an article on Brisbane taxi stand supervisors, citing that some feared to go to work on Friday and Saturday nights as they were not infrequently assaulted by drunken revellers waiting in the long queues for their taxi ride home.
It’s fast approaching the end of the year and the festive season, and I have a few things on my mind. First, how I’ll fit in all of my holiday plans and projects within my period of leave, which always seems to pass oh so quickly! But more important are the two issues of global financial uncertainty and safe travel. Judging by what is in the media, it appears to be proving difficult for any self respecting financial industry specialist to define and grapple with the so-called current economic crisis, let alone those of us who have not been formally and extensively schooled in the sciences of finance and economics. Perhaps the latter is even more of a “black art” than the discipline of transport planning. The situation has affected all of us with our superannuation and/or share portfolios; however, judging by the still-crowded shopping centres in many areas, the downstream general economic impacts appear to be less serious in Australia than in other developed countries, even with the significant market fluctuations taking place. There are many important decisions facing Australian governments, from the top down, on how they manage their budgets and spending. Infrastructure spending is in competition with other necessities such as the public health system and education. But it appears that infrastructure is an avenue of public spending that, over all time windows, may be able to significantly bolster local economies and that of the nation as a whole. This, however, is against the spectre of deficits. I would suggest that now, more than ever, we as transport and other professionals within the system, should use our knowledge and experience to take a key role in helping government and the private sector make sound decisions on infrastructure planning, delivery and management.
A belated Happy New Year fellow AITPM members! I trust that you have had a chance to take a break from your routine, and take time out to enjoy company with family and friends, as well as our wonderful surrounds.