415 resultados para Single unit


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The availability of synthetic peptides has paved the way for their use in tailor-made interactions with biomolecules. In this study, a 16mer LacI-based peptide was used as an affinity ligand to examine the scale up feasibility for plasmid DNA purification. First, the peptide was designed and characterized for the affinity purification of lacO containing plasmid DNA, to be employed as a high affinity ligand for the potential capturing of plasmid DNA in a single unit operation. It was found there were no discernible interactions with a control plasmid that did not encode the lacO nucleotide sequence. The dissociation equilibrium constant of the binding between the 16mer peptide and target pUC19 was 5.0 ± 0.5 × 10-8 M as assessed by surface plasmon resonance. This selectivity and moderated affinity indicate that the 16mer is suitable for the adsorption and chromatographic purification of plasmid DNA. The suitability of this peptide was then evaluated using a chromatography system with the 16mer peptide immobilized to a customized monolith to purify plasmid DNA, obtaining preferential purification of supercoiled pUC19. The results demonstrate the applicability of peptide-monolith supports to scale up the purification process for plasmid DNA using designed ligands via a biomimetic approach.


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This paper focuses on the development and delivery of a core construction management (CM) unit, which forms the capstone of a four-unit CM stream in an undergraduate programme in the Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering at the Queensland University of Technology. UDB410 (Construction Management) is a final year unit that consolidates skills students have learned throughout their degree, hopefully graduating them as work-ready construction managers. It was developed in consultation with the Queensland Chapter of the Australian Institute of Building (AIB) and is a final year unit in the undergraduate Bachelor of Urban Development (CM) course. The unit uses various tools such as the OSIRIS business database (Bureau van Dijk Electronic Publishing, 2009), the AROUSAL (UK Version) construction business simulation (Lansley, 2009) and the Denison Organisational Culture Survey (Denison, 2000) to facilitate the development of skills in managing a construction company. The objectives of the paper are: • To track the rationale and development of the UDB410 unit sand describe the way in which this final year unit integrates learning from other parts of the course within which it is located as well as capping-off the CM stream of core units; • To highlight the difficulties of blending a balance of technology and management in a single unit; and • To explain how partnering with the construction industry benefited the learning quality of the unit.


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This paper sets out to examine from published literature and crash data analyses whether alcohol in bicycle crashes is an issue about which we should be concerned. It discusses factors that have the potential to increase the number of bicycle crashes in which alcohol is involved (such growth in the size and diversity of the cyclist population, and balance and coordination demands) and factors which may reduce the importance of alcohol in bicycle crashes (such as time of data factors and child riders). It also examines data availability issues that contribute to difficulties in determining the true magnitude of the issue. Methods: This paper reviews previous research and reports analyses of data from Queensland, Australia, that examine the role of alcohol in Police-reported road crashes. In Queensland it is an offence to ride a bicycle or drive a motor vehicle with a BAC exceeding 0.05% (or lower for novice and professional drivers). Results: In the five years 2003-2007, alcohol was reported as involved in 165 bicycle crashes (4%). The bicycle rider was coded as “under the influence” or “over the prescribed BAC limit” in 15 were single unit crashes (12%). In multi-vehicle bicycle crashes, alcohol involvement was reported for 16 cyclists (0.4%) and 110 operators of other vehicles (3%). Additional analyses including characteristics of the cyclist crashes involving alcohol and the importance of missing data will be discussed in the paper. Conclusion: The increase in participation in cycling and the vulnerability of cyclists to injuries support the need to examine the role of alcohol in bicycle crashes. Current data suggest that alcohol on the part of the vehicle driver is a larger concern than alcohol on the part of the cyclist, but improvements in data collection are needed before more precise conclusions can be drawn.


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The strain-induced self-assembly of suitable semiconductor pairs is an attractive natural route to nanofabrication. To bring to fruition their full potential for actual applications, individual nanostructures need to be combined into ordered patterns in which the location of each single unit is coupled with others and the surrounding environment. Within the Ge/Si model system, we analyze a number of examples of bottom-up strategies in which the shape, positioning, and actual growth mode of epitaxial nanostructures are tailored by manipulating the intrinsic physical processes of heteroepitaxy. The possibility of controlling elastic interactions and, hence, the configuration of self-assembled quantum dots by modulating surface orientation with the miscut angle is discussed. We focus on the use of atomic steps and step bunching as natural templates for nanodot clustering. Then, we consider several different patterning techniques which allow one to harness the natural self-organization dynamics of the system, such as: scanning tunneling nanolithography, focused ion beam and nanoindentation patterning. By analyzing the evolution of the dot assembly by scanning probe microscopy, we follow the pathway which leads to lateral ordering, discussing the thermodynamic and kinetic effects involved in selective nucleation on patterned substrates.


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Many of the teaching elements in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Spatial Science/Surveying are strongly related to multidisciplinary real-world situations. Professionals in each discipline commonly work collaboratively, knowing each other’s professional and technical limitations and requirements. Replication of such real-world situations allows students to gain an insight and acquire knowledge of professional practice for both civil engineering and spatial science disciplines. However, replication of an authentic design project is not always possible in a single unit basis where empirical project situations are often created with controlled sets of constraints, inputs and outputs. A cross-disciplinary design-based project that is designed to promote active student learning, engagement and professional integration would be the preferred option. The central aim of this collaborative project was to create positive and inclusive environments to promote engaging learning opportunities that cater for a range of learning styles with a two-way linkage involving third-year civil engineering and spatial science (surveying) students. This paper describes the cross-disciplinary project developed and delivered in 2010 and 2011. A survey was conducted at completion of the project to assess the degree of improvement in student engagement and their learning experiences. Improvements were assessed in a range of dimensions including student motivation, learning by cross-disciplinary collaboration and learning by authentic design project experiences. In this specific cross-disciplinary linkage project, the study findings showed that teaching approaches utilised have been effective in promoting active student learning and increasing engagement.


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Enterprise Systems (ES) have emerged as possibly the most important and challenging development in the corporate use of information technology in the last decade. Organizations have invested heavily in these large, integrated application software suites expecting improvments in; business processes, management of expenditure, customer service, and more generally, competitiveness, improved access to better information/knowledge (i.e., business intelligence and analytics). Forrester survey data consistently shows that investment in ES and enterprise applications in general remains the top IT spending priority, with the ES market estimated at $38 billion and predicted to grow at a steady rate of 6.9%, reaching $50 billion by 2012 (Wang & Hamerman, 2008). Yet, organizations have failed to realize all the anticipated benefits. One of the key reasons is the inability of employees to properly utilize the capabilities of the enterprise systems to complete the work and extract information critical to decision making. In response, universities (tertiary institutes) have developed academic programs aimed at addressing the skill gaps. In parallel with the proliferation of ES, there has been growing recognition of the importance of Teaching Enterprise Systems at tertiary education institutes. Many academic papers have discused the important role of Enterprise System curricula at tertiary education institutes (Ask, 2008; Hawking, 2004; Stewart, 2001), where the teaching philosophises, teaching approaches and challenges in Enterprise Systems education were discussed. Following the global trends, tertiary institutes in the Pacific-Asian region commenced introducing Enterprise System curricula in late 1990s with a range of subjects (a subject represents a single unit, rather than a collection of units; which we refer to as a course) in faculties / schools / departments of Information Technology, Business and in some cases in Engineering. Many tertiary educations commenced their initial subject offers around four salient concepts of Enterprise Systems: (1) Enterprise Systems implementations, (2) Introductions to core modules of Enterprise Systems, (3) Application customization using a programming language (e.g. ABAP) and (4) Systems Administration. While universities have come a long way in developing curricula in the enterprise system area, many obstacles remain: high cost of technology, qualified faculty to teach, lack of teaching materials, etc.


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The feasibility of ex vivo blood production is limited by both biological and engineering challenges. From an engineering perspective, these challenges include the significant volumes required to generate even a single unit of a blood product, as well as the correspondingly high protein consumption required for such large volume cultures. Membrane bioreactors, such as hollow fiber bioreactors (HFBRs), enable cell densities approximately 100-fold greater than traditional culture systems and therefore may enable a significant reduction in culture working volumes. As cultured cells, and larger molecules, are retained within a fraction of the system volume, via a semipermeable membrane it may be possible to reduce protein consumption by limiting supplementation to only this fraction. Typically, HFBRs are complex perfusion systems having total volumes incompatible with bench scale screening and optimization of stem cell-based cultures. In this article we describe the use of a simplified HFBR system to assess the feasibility of this technology to produce blood products from umbilical cord blood-derived CD34+ hematopoietic stem progenitor cells (HSPCs). Unlike conventional HFBR systems used for protein manufacture, where cells are cultured in the extracapillary space, we have cultured cells in the intracapillary space, which is likely more compatible with the large-scale production of blood cell suspension cultures. Using this platform we direct HSPCs down the myeloid lineage, while targeting a 100-fold increase in cell density and the use of protein-free bulk medium. Our results demonstrate the potential of this system to deliver high cell densities, even in the absence of protein supplementation of the bulk medium.


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The ability of adult cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), to distinguish and respond to enantiomers of α-pinene was investigated with electrophysiological and behavioral methods. Electroantennogram recordings using mixtures of the enantiomers at saturating dose levels, and single unit electrophysiology, indicated that the two forms were detected by the same receptor neurons. The relative size of the electroantennogram response was higher for the (−) compared to the (+) form, indicating greater affinity for the (−) form at the level of the dendrites. Behavioral assays investigated the ability of moths to discriminate between, and respond to the (+) and (−) forms of α-pinene. Moths with no odor conditioning showed an innate preference for (+)-α-pinene. This preference displayed by naïve moths was not significantly different from the preferences of moths conditioned on (+)-α-pinene. However, we found a significant difference in preference between moths conditioned on the (−) enantiomer compared to naïve moths and moths conditioned on (+)-α-pinene, showing that learning plays an important role in the behavioral response. Moths are less able to distinguish between enantiomers of α-pinene than different odors (e.g., phenylacetaldehyde versus (−)-α-pinene) in learning experiments. The relevance of receptor discrimination of enantiomers and learning ability of the moths in host plant choice is discussed.


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In some parts of Australia, people wanting to learn to ride a motorcycle are required to complete an off-road training course before they are allowed to practice on the road. In the state of Queensland, they are only required to pass a short multiple-choice road rules knowledge test. This paper describes an analysis of police-reported crashes involving learner riders in Queensland that was undertaken as part of research investigating whether pre-learner training is needed and, if so, the issues that should be addressed in training.. The crashes of learner riders and other riders were compared to identify whether there are particular situations or locations in which learner motorcyclists are over-involved in crashes, which could then be targeted in the pre-learner package. The analyses were undertaken separately for riders aged under 25 (330 crashes) versus those aged 25 and over (237 crashes) to provide some insight into whether age or riding inexperience are the more important factors, and thus to indicate whether there are merits in having different licensing or training approaches for younger and older learner riders. Given that the average age of learner riders was 33 years, under 25 was chosen to provide a sufficiently large sample of younger riders. Learner riders appeared to be involved in more severe crashes and to be more often at fault than fully-licensed riders but this may reflect problems in reporting, rather than real differences. Compared to open licence holders, both younger and older learner riders had relatively more crashes in low speed zones and relatively fewer in high speed zones. Riders aged under 25 had elevated percentages of night-time crashes and fewer single unit (potentially involving rider error only) crashes regardless of the type of licence held. The contributing factors that were more prevalent in crashes of learner riders than holders of open licences were: inexperience (37.2% versus 0.5%), inattention (21.5% versus 15.6%), alcohol or drugs (12.0% versus 5.1%) and drink riding (9.9% versus 3.1%). The pattern of contributing factors was generally similar for younger and older learner riders, although younger learners were (not surprisingly) more likely to have inexperience coded as a contributing factor (49.7% versus 19.8%). Some of the differences in crashes between learner riders and fully-licensed riders appear to reflect relatively more riding in urban areas by learners, rather than increased risks relating to inexperience. The analysis of contributing factors in learner rider crashes suggests that hazard perception and risk management (in terms of speed and alcohol and drugs) should be included in a pre-learner program. Currently, most learner riders in Queensland complete pre-licence training and become licensed within one month of obtaining their learner permit. If the introduction of pre-learner training required that the learner permit was held for a minimum duration, then the immediate effect might be more learners riding (and crashing). Thus, it is important to consider how training and licensing initiatives work together in order to improve the safety of new riders (and how this can be evaluated).


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This paper presents the results of a qualitative action-research inquiry into how a highly diverse cohort of post-graduate students could develop significant capacity in sustainable development within a single unit (course), in this case a compulsory component of four built environment masters programs. The method comprised applying threshold learning theory within the technical discipline of sustainable development, to transform student understanding of sustainable business practice in the built environment. This involved identifying a number of key threshold concepts, which once learned would provide a pathway to having a transformational learning experience. Curriculum was then revised, to focus on stepping through these targeted concepts using a scaffolded, problem-based-learning approach. Challenges included a large class size of 120 students, a majority of international students, and a wide span of disciplinary backgrounds across the spectrum of built environment professionals. Five ‘key’ threshold learning concepts were identified and the renewed curriculum was piloted in Semester 2 of 2011. The paper presents details of the study and findings from a mixed-method evaluation approach through the semester. The outcomes of this study will be used to inform further review of the course in 2012, including further consideration of the threshold concepts. In future, it is anticipated that this case study will inform a framework for rapidly embedding sustainability within curriculum.


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Magnetic resonance is a well-established tool for structural characterisation of porous media. Features of pore-space morphology can be inferred from NMR diffusion-diffraction plots or the time-dependence of the apparent diffusion coefficient. Diffusion NMR signal attenuation can be computed from the restricted diffusion propagator, which describes the distribution of diffusing particles for a given starting position and diffusion time. We present two techniques for efficient evaluation of restricted diffusion propagators for use in NMR porous-media characterisation. The first is the Lattice Path Count (LPC). Its physical essence is that the restricted diffusion propagator connecting points A and B in time t is proportional to the number of distinct length-t paths from A to B. By using a discrete lattice, the number of such paths can be counted exactly. The second technique is the Markov transition matrix (MTM). The matrix represents the probabilities of jumps between every pair of lattice nodes within a single timestep. The propagator for an arbitrary diffusion time can be calculated as the appropriate matrix power. For periodic geometries, the transition matrix needs to be defined only for a single unit cell. This makes MTM ideally suited for periodic systems. Both LPC and MTM are closely related to existing computational techniques: LPC, to combinatorial techniques; and MTM, to the Fokker-Planck master equation. The relationship between LPC, MTM and other computational techniques is briefly discussed in the paper. Both LPC and MTM perform favourably compared to Monte Carlo sampling, yielding highly accurate and almost noiseless restricted diffusion propagators. Initial tests indicate that their computational performance is comparable to that of finite element methods. Both LPC and MTM can be applied to complicated pore-space geometries with no analytic solution. We discuss the new methods in the context of diffusion propagator calculation in porous materials and model biological tissues.


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Estimating the economic burden of injuries is important for setting priorities, allocating scarce health resources and planning cost-effective prevention activities. As a metric of burden, costs account for multiple injury consequences—death, severity, disability, body region, nature of injury—in a single unit of measurement. In a 1989 landmark report to the US Congress, Rice et al1 estimated the lifetime costs of injuries in the USA in 1985. By 2000, the epidemiology and burden of injuries had changed enough that the US Congress mandated an update, resulting in a book on the incidence and economic burden of injury in the USA.2 To make these findings more accessible to the larger realm of scientists and practitioners and to provide a template for conducting the same economic burden analyses in other countries and settings, a summary3 was published in Injury Prevention. Corso et al reported that, between 1985 and 2000, injury rates declined roughly 15%. The estimated lifetime cost of these injuries declined 20%, totalling US$406 billion, including US$80 billion in medical costs and US$326 billion in lost productivity. While incidence reflects problem size, the relative burden of injury is better expressed using costs.


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This contribution is focused on plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition systems and their unique features that make them particularly attractive for nanofabrication of flat panel display microemitter arrays based on ordered patterns of single-crystalline carbon nanotip structures. The fundamentals of the plasma-based nanofabrication of carbon nanotips and some other important nanofilms and nanostructures are examined. Specific features, challenges, and potential benefits of using the plasma-based systems for relevant nanofabrication processes are analyzed within the framework of the "plasma-building unit" approach that builds up on extensive experimental data on plasma diagnostics and nanofilm/nanostructure characterization, and numerical simulation of the species composition in the ionized gas phase (multicomponent fluid models), ion dynamics and interaction with ordered carbon nanotip patterns, and ab initio computations of chemical structure of single crystalline carbon nanotips. This generic approach is also applicable for nanoscale assembly of various carbon nanostructures, semiconductor quantum dot structures, and nano-crystalline bioceramics. Special attention is paid to most efficient control strategies of the main plasma-generated building units both in the ionized gas phase and on nanostructured deposition surfaces. The issues of tailoring the reactive plasma environments and development of versatile plasma nanofabrication facilities are also discussed.


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Principal Topic: There is increasing recognition that the organizational configurations of corporate venture units should depend on the types of ventures the unit seeks to develop (Burgelman, 1984; Hill and Birkinshaw, 2008). Distinction have been made between internal and external as well as exploitative versus explorative ventures (Hill and Birkinshaw, 2008; Narayan et al., 2009; Schildt et al., 2005). Assuming that firms do not want to limit themselves to a single type of venture, but rather employ a portfolio of ventures, the logical consequence is that firms should employ multiple corporate venture units. Each venture unit tailor-made for the type of venture it seeks to develop. Surprisingly, there is limited attention in the literature for the challenges of managing multiple corporate venture units in a single firm. Maintaining multiple venture units within one firm provides easier access to funding for new ideas (Hamel, 1999). It allows for freedom and flexibility to tie the organizational systems (Rice et al., 2000), autonomy (Hill and Rothaermel, 2003), and involvement of management (Day, 1994; Wadwha and Kotha, 2006) to the requirements of the individual ventures. Yet, the strategic objectives of a venture may change when uncertainty around the venture is resolved (Burgelman, 1984). For example, firms may decide to spin-in external ventures (Chesbrough, 2002) or spun-out ventures that prove strategically unimportant (Burgelman, 1984). This suggests that ventures might need to be transferred between venture units, e.g. from a more internally-driven corporate venture division to a corporate venture capital unit. Several studies suggested that ventures require different managerial skills across their phase of development (Desouza et al., 2007; O'Connor and Ayers, 2005; Kazanjian and Drazin, 1990; Westerman et al., 2006). To facilitate effective transfer between venture units and manage the overall venturing process, it is important that firms set up and manage integrative linkages. Integrative linkages provide synergies and coordination between differentiated units (Lawrence and Lorsch, 1967). Prior findings pointed to the important role of senior management (Westerman et al., 2006; Gilbert, 2006) and a shared organizational vision (Burgers et al., 2009) to coordinate venture units with mainstream businesses. We will draw on these literatures to investigate the key question of how to integratively manage multiple venture units. ---------- Methodology/Key Propositions: In order to seek an answer to the research question, we employ a case study approach that provides unique insights into how firms can break up their venturing process. We selected three Fortune 500 companies that employ multiple venturing units, IBM, Royal Dutch/ Shell and Nokia, and investigated and compared their approaches. It was important that the case companies somewhat differed in the type of venture units they employed as well as the way they integrate and coordinate their venture units. The data are based on extensive interviews and a variety of internal and external company documents to triangulate our findings (Eisenhardt, 1989). The key proposition of the article is that firms can best manage their multiple venture units through an ambidextrous design of loosely coupled units. This provides venture units with sufficient flexibility to employ organizational configurations that best support the type of venture they seek to develop, as well as provides sufficient integration to facilitate smooth transfer of ventures between venture units. Based on the case findings, we develop a generic framework for a new way of managing the venturing process through multiple corporate venture units. ---------- Results and Implications: One of our main findings is that these firms tend to organize their venture units according to phases in the venture development process. That is, they tend to have venture units aimed at incubation of venture ideas as well as units aimed more at the commercialization of ventures into a new business unit for the firm or a start-up. The companies in our case studies tended to coordinate venture units through integrative management skills or a coordinative venture unit that spanned multiple phases. We believe this paper makes two significant contributions. First, we extend prior venturing literature by addressing how firms manage a portfolio of venture units, each achieving different strategic objectives. Second, our framework provides recommendations on how firms should manage such an approach towards venturing. This helps to increase the likelihood of success of their venturing programs.


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A significant issue encountered when fusing data received from multiple sensors is the accuracy of the timestamp associated with each piece of data. This is particularly important in applications such as Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) where vehicle velocity forms an important part of the mapping algorithms; on fastmoving vehicles, even millisecond inconsistencies in data timestamping can produce errors which need to be compensated for. The timestamping problem is compounded in a robot swarm environment due to the use of non-deterministic readily-available hardware (such as 802.11-based wireless) and inaccurate clock synchronisation protocols (such as Network Time Protocol (NTP)). As a result, the synchronisation of the clocks between robots can be out by tens-to-hundreds of milliseconds making correlation of data difficult and preventing the possibility of the units performing synchronised actions such as triggering cameras or intricate swarm manoeuvres. In this thesis, a complete data fusion unit is designed, implemented and tested. The unit, named BabelFuse, is able to accept sensor data from a number of low-speed communication buses (such as RS232, RS485 and CAN Bus) and also timestamp events that occur on General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins referencing a submillisecondaccurate wirelessly-distributed "global" clock signal. In addition to its timestamping capabilities, it can also be used to trigger an attached camera at a predefined start time and frame rate. This functionality enables the creation of a wirelessly-synchronised distributed image acquisition system over a large geographic area; a real world application for this functionality is the creation of a platform to facilitate wirelessly-distributed 3D stereoscopic vision. A ‘best-practice’ design methodology is adopted within the project to ensure the final system operates according to its requirements. Initially, requirements are generated from which a high-level architecture is distilled. This architecture is then converted into a hardware specification and low-level design, which is then manufactured. The manufactured hardware is then verified to ensure it operates as designed and firmware and Linux Operating System (OS) drivers are written to provide the features and connectivity required of the system. Finally, integration testing is performed to ensure the unit functions as per its requirements. The BabelFuse System comprises of a single Grand Master unit which is responsible for maintaining the absolute value of the "global" clock. Slave nodes then determine their local clock o.set from that of the Grand Master via synchronisation events which occur multiple times per-second. The mechanism used for synchronising the clocks between the boards wirelessly makes use of specific hardware and a firmware protocol based on elements of the IEEE-1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP). With the key requirement of the system being submillisecond-accurate clock synchronisation (as a basis for timestamping and camera triggering), automated testing is carried out to monitor the o.sets between each Slave and the Grand Master over time. A common strobe pulse is also sent to each unit for timestamping; the correlation between the timestamps of the di.erent units is used to validate the clock o.set results. Analysis of the automated test results show that the BabelFuse units are almost threemagnitudes more accurate than their requirement; clocks of the Slave and Grand Master units do not di.er by more than three microseconds over a running time of six hours and the mean clock o.set of Slaves to the Grand Master is less-than one microsecond. The common strobe pulse used to verify the clock o.set data yields a positive result with a maximum variation between units of less-than two microseconds and a mean value of less-than one microsecond. The camera triggering functionality is verified by connecting the trigger pulse output of each board to a four-channel digital oscilloscope and setting each unit to output a 100Hz periodic pulse with a common start time. The resulting waveform shows a maximum variation between the rising-edges of the pulses of approximately 39¥ìs, well below its target of 1ms.