327 resultados para Applicazioni Mobile, Platform-independent, Mobl, Mobile Computing


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This is the final report of research project 2002-057-C: Enabling Team Collaboration with Pervasive and Mobile Computing. The research project was carried out by the Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation and has two streams that consider the use of pervasive computing technologies in two different contexts. The first context was the on-site deployment of mobile computing devices, where as the second context was the use and development of intelligent rooms based on sensed environments and new human-computer interfaces (HCI) for collaboration in the design office. The two streams present a model of team collaboration that relies on continues communication to people and information to reduce information leakage. This report consists of five sections: (1) Introduction; (2) Research Project Background; (3) Project Implementation; (4) Case Studies and Outcomes; and (5) Conclusion and Recommendation. Introduction in Section 1 presents a brief description of the research project including general research objectives and structure. Section 2 introduces the background of the research and detailed information regarding project participants, objectives and significance, and also research methodology. Review of all research activities such as literature review and case studies are summarised in Project Implementation in Section 3. Following this, in Section 4 the report then focuses on analysing the case studies and presents their outcomes. Conclusion and recommendation of the research project are summarised in Section 5. Other information to support the content of the report such as research project schedule is provided in Appendices. The purpose of the final project report is to provide industry partners with detailed information on the project activities and methodology such as the implementation of pervasive computing technologies in the real contexts. The report summarises the outcomes of the case studies and provides necessary recommendation to industry partners of using new technologies to support better project collaboration.


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Construction is an information intensive industry in which the accuracy and timeliness of information is paramount. It observed that the main communication issue in construction is to provide a method to exchange data between the site operation, the site office and the head office. The information needs under consideration are time critical to assist in maintaining or improving the efficiency at the jobsite. Without appropriate computing support this may increase the difficulty of problem solving. Many researchers focus their research on the usage of mobile computing devices in the construction industry and they believe that mobile computers have the potential to solve some construction problems that leads to reduce overall productivity. However, to date very limited observation has been conducted in terms of the deployment of mobile computers for construction workers on-site. By providing field workers with accurate, reliable and timely information at the location where it is needed, it will support the effectiveness and efficiency at the job site. Bringing a new technology into construction industry is not only need a better understanding of the application, but also need a proper preparation of the allocation of the resources such as people, and investment. With this in mind, an accurate analysis is needed to provide clearly idea of the overall costs and benefits of the new technology. A cost benefit analysis is a method of evaluating the relative merits of a proposed investment project in order to achieve efficient allocation of resources. It is a way of identifying, portraying and assessing the factors which need to be considered in making rational economic choices. In principle, a cost benefit analysis is a rigorous, quantitative and data-intensive procedure, which requires identification all potential effects, categorisation of these effects as costs and benefits, quantitative estimation of the extent of each cost and benefit associated with an action, translation of these into a common metric such as dollars, discounting of future costs and benefits into the terms of a given year, and summary of all cost and benefit to see which is greater. Even though many cost benefit analysis methodologies are available for a general assessment, there is no specific methodology can be applied for analysing the cost and benefit of the application of mobile computing devices in the construction site. Hence, the proposed methodology in this document is predominantly adapted from Baker et al. (2000), Department of Finance (1995), and Office of Investment Management (2005). The methodology is divided into four main stages and then detailed into ten steps. The methodology is provided for the CRC CI 2002-057-C Project: Enabling Team Collaboration with Pervasive and Mobile Computing and can be seen in detail in Section 3.


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The application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in construction industry has been recognised widely by some practitioners and researchers for the last several years. During the 1990s the international construction industry started using with the increasing confidence information and communication technology. The use of e-mail became usual and web-sites were established for marketing purposes. Intranets and extranets were also established to facilitate communication within companies and throughout their branches. One of the important applications of the ICT in construction industry was the use of mobile computing devices to achieve better communication and data transmission between construction sites and offices.


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Video games have shown great potential as tools that both engage and motivate players to achieve tasks and build communities in fantasy worlds. We propose that the application of game elements to real world activities can aid in delivering contextual information in interesting ways and help young people to engage in everyday events. Our research will explore how we can unite utility and fun to enhance information delivery, encourage participation, build communities and engage users with utilitarian events situated in the real world. This research aims to identify key game elements that work effectively to engage young digital natives, and provide guidelines to influence the design of interactions and interfaces for event applications in the future. This research will primarily contribute to areas of user experience and pervasive gaming.


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Mobile technologies are enabling access to information in diverse environ.ments, and are exposing a wider group of individuals to said technology. Therefore, this paper proposes that a wider view of user relations than is usually considered in information systems research is required. Specifically, we examine the potential effects of emerging mobile technologies on end-­‐user relations with a focus on the ‘secondary user’, those who are not intended to interact directly with the technology but are intended consumers of the technology’s output. For illustration, we draw on a study of a U.K. regional Fire and Rescue Service and deconstruct mobile technology use at Fire Service incidents. Our findings provide insights, which suggest that, because of the nature of mobile technologies and their context of use, secondary user relations in such emerging mobile environments are important and need further exploration.


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There is considerable interest internationally in developing product libraries to support the use of BIM. Product library initiatives are driven by national bodies, manufacturers and private companies who see their potential. A major issue with the production and distribution of product information for BIM is that separate library objects need to be produced for all of the different software systems that are going to use the library. This increases the cost of populating product libraries and also increases the difficulty in maintaining consistency between the representations for the different software over time. This paper describes a project which uses “software transformation” technology from the field of software engineering to support the definition of a single generic representation of a product which can then be automatically converted to the format required by receiving software. The paper covers the current state of implementation of the product library, the technology underlying the transformations for the currently supported software and the business model for creating a national library in Australia. This is placed within the context of other current product library systems to highlight the differences. The responsibilities of the various actors involved in supporting the product library are also discussed.


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Public transportation is an environment with great potential for applying location-based services through mobile devices. This paper provides the underpinning rationale for research that will be looking at how the real-time passenger information system deployed by the Translink Transit Authority across all of South East Queensland in Australia can provide a core platform to improve commuters’ user experiences. This system relies on mobile computing and GPS technology to provide accurate information on transport vehicle locations. The proposal builds on this platform to inform the design and development of innovative social media, mobile computing and geospatial information applications. The core aim is to digitally augment the public transport environment to enhance the user experience of commuters for a more enjoyable journey.


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Public transportation is an environment with great potential for applying innovative ubiquitous computing services to enhance user experiences. This paper provides the underpinning rationale for research that will be looking at how real-time passenger information system deployed by transit authorities can provide a core platform to improve commuters’ user experiences during all stages of their journey. The proposal builds on this platform to inform the design and development of innovative social media, mobile computing and geospatial information applications, with the hope to create fun and meaningful experiences for passengers during their everyday travel. Furthermore, we present the findings of our pilot study that aims to offer a better understanding of passengers’ activities and social interactions during their daily commute.


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The ability of cloud computing to provide almost unlimited storage, backup and recovery, and quick deployment contributes to its widespread attention and implementation. Cloud computing has also become an attractive choice for mobile users as well. Due to limited features of mobile devices such as power scarcity and inability to cater computationintensive tasks, selected computation needs to be outsourced to the resourceful cloud servers. However, there are many challenges which need to be addressed in computation offloading for mobile cloud computing such as communication cost, connectivity maintenance and incurred latency. This paper presents taxonomy of the computation offloading approaches which aim to address the challenges. The taxonomy provides guidelines to identify research scopes in computation offloading for mobile cloud computing. We also outline directions and anticipated trends for future research.


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Corporate executives require relevant and intelligent business information in real-time to take strategic decisions. They require the freedom to access this information anywhere and anytime. There is a need to extend this functionality beyond the office and on the fingertips of the decision makers. Mobile Business Intelligence Tool (MBIT) aims to provide these features in a flexible and cost-efficient manner. This paper describes the detailed architecture of MBIT to overcome the limitations of existing mobile business intelligence tools. Further, a detailed implementation framework is presented to realize the design. This research highlights the benefits of using service oriented architecture to design flexible and platform independent mobile business applications. © 2009 IEEE.


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Sending data between the construction site and an off-site design office is one of the more problematic areas in information technology for construction automation, particularly for construction defect management. The aim of this research is to investigate how mobile computing and new forms of human-computer interaction can be brought to bear on specific problems in construction management. The construction defect reporting system is one such application. Combining mobile and wireless computing technologies with a digital workbench, we have developed a system to facilitate remote telecollaboration between a construction site and an off-site engineering office. The application reported in this paper demonstrates how construction defect reporting can be streamlined by field collection of construction defect information using a mobile device and visualising the defect in a CAD model on a digital workbench in an engineering office. This paper reports on the design of the system and our tests of sending images from the construction site to the engineer’s office and positional accuracy of GPS for localization of the defect.


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Geographic information is increasingly being touted for use in research and industrial projects. While the technology is now available and affordable, there is a lack of easy to use software that takes advantage of geographic information. This is an important problem because users are often researchers or scientists who have insufficient software skills, and by providing applications that are easier to use, time and financial resources can be taken from training and be better applied to the actual research and development work. A solution for this problem must cater for the user and research needs. In particular it must allow for mobile operation for fieldwork, flexibility or customisability of data input, sharing of data with other tools and collaborative capabilities for the usual teamwork environment. This thesis has developed a new architecture and data model to achieve the solution. The result is the Mobile Collaborative Annotation framework providing an implementation of the new architecture and data model. Mobile Collaborative Mapping implements the framework as a Web 2.0 mashup rich internet application and has proven to be an effective solution through its positive application to a case study with fieldwork scientists. This thesis has contributed to research into mobile computing, collaborative computing and geospatial systems by creating a simpler entry point to mobile geospatial applications, enabling simplified collaboration and providing tangible time savings.


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Mobile phones are now powerful and pervasive making them ideal information browsers. The Internet has revolutionized our lives and is a major knowledge sharing media. However, many mobile phone users cannot access the Internet (for financial or technical reasons) and so the mobile Internet has not been fully realized. We propose a novel content delivery network based on both a factual and speculative analysis of today’s technology and analyze its feasibility. If adopted people living in remote regions without Internet will be able to access essential (static) information with periodic updates.


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Mobile devices are becoming indispensable personal assistants in people's daily life as these devices support work, study, play and socializing activities. The multi-modal sensors and rich features of smartphones can capture abundant information about users' life experience, such as taking photos or videos on what they see and hear, and organizing their tasks and activities using calendar, to-do lists, and notes. Such vast information can become useful to help users recalling episodic memories and reminisce about meaningful experiences. In this paper, we propose to apply autobiographical memory framework to provide an effective mechanism to structure mobile life-log data. The proposed model is an attempt towards a more complete personal life-log indexing model, which will support long term capture, organization, and retrieval. To demonstrate the benefits of the proposed model, we propose some design solutions for enabling users-driven capture, annotation, and retrieval of autobiographical multimedia chronicles tools.