305 resultados para 1599 Other Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services


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The objective of this study was to identify key factors differentiating between exporters and non-exporters in the Chilean wine industry. Based on survey data collected from 61 wineries, the findings show that the main barriers for non-exporters are the lack of financial resources, limited quantities of stock for market expansion, management’s lack of knowledge and experience, and the high cost of travelling and participating in trade shows. The results also show that managers have educational levels and international experience exceeding those of other comparable New World wineries. Finally, in developing their main international markets, Chilean wineries did not target psychically close markets as identified in previous wine industry studies


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Humans have altered environments and enhanced their well being unlike any other creature on the planet (Heilman & Donna, 2007); this is no different whether the environment is ecological, social or organisational. In recent times business modelling techniques have become intricately detailed in the pre-designing and evaluating of business flow before the final implementation (Ou-Yang & Lin, 2008). The importance of the organisation change and business process model is undeniable. The feedback received from real business process users is that the notation is easy to learn; the models do help people to understand the process better; the models can be used to improve the (business) process; and the notation is expressive enough to capture the essential information (Bennett, Doshi, Do Vale Junior, Kumar, Manikam, & Madavan, 2009).


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide of a review of the theory and models underlying project management (PM) research degrees that encourage reflective learning. Design/methodology/approach – Review of the literature and reflection on the practice of being actively involved in conducting and supervising academic research and disseminating academic output. The paper argues the case for the potential usefulness of reflective academic research to PM practitioners. It also highlights theoretical drivers of and barriers to reflective academic research by PM practitioners. Findings – A reflective learning approach to research can drive practical results though it requires a great deal of commitment and support by both academic and industry partners. Practical implications – This paper suggests how PM practitioners can engage in academic research that has practical outcomes and how to be more effective at disseminating these research outcomes. Originality/value – Advanced academic degrees, in particular those completed by PM practitioners, can validate a valuable source of innovative ideas and approaches that should be more quickly absorbed into the PM profession’s sources of knowledge. The value of this paper is to critically review and facilitate a reduced adaptation time for implementation of useful reflective academic research to industry.


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In redefining our understanding of women’s roles in contemporary Australian philanthropy, the impact of major contextual and demographic changes, as well as changes in women’s roles, responsibilities and opportunities need to be considered. Although academic study of philanthropy and the wider third sector is increasing in Australia, literature searches have revealed little current data on the giving patterns and philanthropic drivers for contemporary Australian women, particularly emerging cohorts (one ABS survey looks at giving patterns – ABS, 2000b: 32). In contrast, there is increasing interest in the US, where it is acknowledged that more women are becoming independent holders of wealth; and that interested donors have specific needs, desires and motivations in terms of knowledge, power, marketing and response to their philanthropy (see for example, Grace 2000; McCarthy 2001; Women’s Philanthropy Institute 2002). These varied demographic, social and economic drivers, which could also be expected to encourage new cohorts of Australian women to give, will be examined within our definition of women in philanthropy, and a brief history of women’s philanthropy in Australia, in order to inform future in-depth analyses of Australian women donors.


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Public interest in volunteering in Australia has markedly escalated over the past five years, reflected in a number of publications in the popular, professional and academic press. This interest is welcome, and in many ways, is long overdue. Volunteers, or employing a term we find more useful, voluntarism is important for a number of reasons, not least of which is its structural role in the social institutions we have developed to support people, manage dependencies and facilitate a range of developmental activities across the life span. Voluntarism is an extremely complex social phenomenon. Conceptually, it transcends the sum of its parts, in that it is more than a simple aggregation of instances of individual behaviours. Our core argument here is that this complexity is such that equally intricate and multi-faceted perspectives and models need to be employed to further our understanding. In academic speak, this means that we need to develop analytical frameworks that draw on the breadth and depth of the social sciences...


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The social and corporate trends over five years (1996 - 2000) in Australia clearly demonstrate the need for the nonprofit sector to engage in predictability forecasting to build viable philanthropic partnerships. As business and private enterprise practices have become more common in the management of fundraising effectiveness, nonprofits are in danger of reducing the value of their cause and likewise the cause or need of corporate and individual donors. Shortterm partnerships with short-term objectives do not achieve an outcome of sustainability. This paper analyses the theories of fundraising and philanthropy in the context of the changing Australian environment, and proposes a value measurement approach to the inputs and outputs of nonprofit organisations. By engaging in research, nonprofits are more likely to achieve productivity in fundraising and philanthropic practice.


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Intellectual Property - group of rights used to protect literary, artistic and industrial property. Generally separated into the categories of: • Copyright • Trade marks • Designs • Patents But also extends to specific subject matter of plant variety rights and circuit layouts and general information that is confidential such as trade secrets and protection of goodwill and reputation through the action of passing off. New information, be it a new computer program or novel device, developed by an organisation is valuable to it. So too is the organisation name and reputation. While some protection is automatic, like copyright, other protection and rights must be obtained under various legislation. When dealing with employees and third parties, ownership of existing and new rights needs to be clearly established so that rights are not lost. Obligations in relation to the use of certain property and any confidential information must also be clearly established...


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Before even thinking of approaching charitable trusts for funding, consideration needs to be given to a whole range of issues. As with many endeavours, preparation paves the way for success...


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This study investigates the relationship between per capita carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and per capita GDP in Australia, while controlling for technological state as measured by multifactor productivity and export of black coal. Although technological progress seems to play a critical role in achieving long term goals of CO2 reduction and economic growth, empirical studies have often considered time trend to proxy technological change. However, as discoveries and diffusion of new technologies may not progress smoothly with time, the assumption of a deterministic technological progress may be incorrect in the long run. The use of multifactor productivity as a measure of technological state, therefore, overcomes the limitations and provides practical policy directions. This study uses recently developed bound-testing approach, which is complemented by Johansen- Juselius maximum likelihood approach and a reasonably large sample size to investigate the cointegration relationship. Both of the techniques suggest that cointegration relationship exists among the variables. The long-run and short-run coefficients of CO2 emissions function is estimated using ARDL approach. The empirical findings in the study show evidence of the existence of Environmental Kuznets Curve type relationship for per capita CO2 emissions in the Australian context. The technology as measured by the multifactor productivity, however, is not found as an influencing variable in emissionsincome trajectory.


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Nonprofit organizations present the analyst with a slew of puzzles. To an economist conditioned to think in terms of objectives and constraints, even the mathematical definition of the beast is a problem. What is a nonprofit organization? How does this definition shape the elaboration of objectives and constraints?


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This paper provides a summary of what is known from social science research about the effects parents have on the donations of their children. It then goes on to summarize two on-going research projects. The first project provides estimates of the strength of the relationship between the charitable giving of parents and that of their adult children. The second provides estimates of the effect of inheritances on charitable donations. Both projects use data from the Center on Philanthropy Panel Study (COPPS); accordingly, the paper provides an introduction to these data. Finally, the paper draws implications for fundraisers from the two on-going projects, and suggests several other areas in which COPPS can generate knowledge to improve the practice of fundraising.


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This research explores the function of entrepreneurship in nonprofit art museums. Traditionally, entrepreneurship literature features debates on customer orientation and innovation. This paper reviews a tension in entrepreneurship: the relationship between limited funding and the need to innovate in nonprofit art museums. The paper develops a construct by which to explain the structure of entrepreneurship in nonprofit art museums in Australia and New Zealand since 1975. From this discussion, different strategies and tensions are highlighted that nonprofit art museum directors have used. The dynamics are explored in ten large art museums and the managerial implications are developed.


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In Queensland, the legislation governing the conduct of art unions such as bingo, raffles and lucky envelopes is the Art Unions Act 1992 (ΑAct≅). The Act is administered by the Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation (ΑQOGR≅) which is part of the Queensland Treasury portfolio. The Act and other legislation such as the Criminal Code, Vagrants Gaming and Other Offences Act, generally makes it unlawful for a person to conduct art unions unless they are authorised to do so. The Art Unions Act allows Αeligible≅ nonprofit associations such as charities, schools, sporting and community groups to raise funds for their stated objects. Art unions were legalised in the early part of this century primarily to assist charities and other approved associations to raise funds for worthwhile causes. This principle is continued in the 1992 Act. The Queensland art union industry had a turnover of over$190M in 1996/97 and our Queensland art unions continue to attract not just sales from Queensland residents but also interstate and overseas buyers. Art unions continue to be an attractive form of fundraising for many nonprofit associations.


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In Queensland, at least 93 bodies exist to represent the interests of, and provide other services for, their farmer members, and their industries. The bodies vary greatly in focus, roles and activities, priorities, resources, size, and affiliations with other bodies. Results from a survey of 68 producer representative bodies (PRBs), and other data and information are used to examine the demand for, and supply of, farmer representational and other services in Queensland. The main results were: 1. member demand for services varies considerably between PRBs and is influenced by numerous factors; 2. members and non-members of one PRB vary significantly in the importance attached to some services; 3. the types of activities undertaken by PRBs varies between those for emerging and established industries; and 4. PRBs with paid staff/officers undertake more activities than others. The paper concludes that PRBs must continue to evolve and adapt their operations and structures to take account of changes in member and industry needs, external environments, cost pressures, resource availability, and sources of funding/assistance.